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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #200 on: 2020-04-19 12:01:09 »
I hardly think making it an active rpg is base on market research.... As the majority of action RPGs are fairly niche groups that enjoy them, as are tactical action games so why would they put the effort into creating a new subgenre

Welp all I can say, do some research.

Now, not all of these are exact ARPGs like FF7 pr se, but still not that far off either.

The Elder Scrolls
Red Dead Redemption
The Witcher
Dragon Age
The Last of Us
Mass Effect

To mention some. They have all outsold FFs, or was/is at the very least close contenders.
What turn based games outsold these, and/or is in direct contest? Not many. Pokemon perhaps.

And you have action games like Call of Duty, PUGB, GTA, Fortnite, etc, all outselling FFs and other popular traditional turn-based RPGs too by a rather huge margin.
FF as a franchise is almost caught up by Assassin's Creed as a franchise when it comes to sales (counting all games including re-releases and spin-offs). Considering FF has been around 20 years more than Assassin's Creed, that's telling SE's market team something.

SE has since the PS2 days pushed FF in the action direction to be appealing to more people.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #201 on: 2020-04-19 14:18:26 »
RPGs as a whole aren't real popular they are a very niche when you bring in sub genres, puritans hate action RPGs and argue over whether ATB or tactical consider RPGs then you have the rps-rpg fanboys or the pokenubs who can't play anything with more then  type advantages who rage when type advantages have to be figured out, then you have the mmorpgers who's life is consumed with there particular addiction and the fpsrpgs which aren't really RPGs cause hand eye coordination actually matters and lootathons... So yeah creating a new sub-genre is goes against common sense or market research.

Basically the typical rpg fanboy picks a subgenre to obsess over, and whinge when there is any divination from there ideal


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #202 on: 2020-04-19 15:35:30 »
I fail to see the logical connections here; have SE created a new sub-genre? Please explain.

FF7R IS made into an action game, because that's where the money is. Same thing with FF15. The trend in sales goes that way, or rather have never shifted. I'm not saying that the devs works against their wishes. I'm sure many of them, if not all of them are totally hyped about FF7R FF15 and so on. But that's besides the point.

The whole concept of RPG in gaming is rather vague anyway, but most of the games I listed are usually labeled as action-RPGs. FF7R is hardly a new genre.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #203 on: 2020-04-19 18:59:18 »
SE has since the PS2 days pushed FF in the action direction to be appealing to more people.

SE has pushed FF in the action direction ever since the S added the E

the problem is SE makes games for the japanese market, and if the rest of the world doesnt like it, thats fine (the porn-y action rpg)

squaresoft made playable (well-written) books, thats how i see it


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #204 on: 2020-04-20 01:48:25 »
Finally had time to finish the game.

Spoiler: show
The ending is... Different indeed. I personally don't hate it but I can't say that I love it either. It's safe to say part 2 will make or break the game.
Most of the story changes/additions before Shinra HQ were fine. Nothing that messed up the story. Infact, some parts were pretty well expanded on and felt better than the original. (Keep your pitchforks down folks!)
The final battles were pretty fun and exciting though. So were a lot of the expanded areas. Not all though, the sewers, train graveyard and the experiments section of Shinra HQ were all pretty aggravating.
The music is a mixed bag for me... some tracks are really good while others are pretty crappy.
The battle system is a win for me. But the weapon customization is lacking.

Overall, had a good time. Some things could be better while others were pretty great. I'd give it a solid 8/10 and will definitely go for the Platinum trophy.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-20 01:51:22 by -Ric- »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #206 on: 2020-04-20 14:25:35 »
I pass judgement because I have eyes and ears and can see and hear crap voice acting and an insanely childish script - and very poor battle mechanics inflated by adding HP amounts - the most lazy way of programming battles ever.

If you like this game, it's fine - but I have higher standards. A lot higher.  And certainly, I find it more than foolish to shell out $180 for a full game and in no sane reality should that be considered acceptable.

I'm not trying to be argumentative or sway your opinion here - I am just legitimately curious.  What makes the FF7R script "childish" in your eyes?  It seems to me that the story itself (up until the ending) stays fairly true to the original, with some necessary expansions and additions that you have to have in order to make Midgar a 40 hour affair.  I didn't notice anything particular with the dialogue that bothered me outright.  There is definitely some JRPG/Anime sappy dialogue here and there, but that was true of the original FF7 as well. 

I already gave my thoughts about the voice acting earlier, but to reiterate in general I thought it was pretty good.  This is always going to be very personal, so I can definitely understand it not working for some people.  Thinking about it a little more, the only thing that bothers me with the voice acting (which seems to be a direction issue/design choice) is the constant "grunting" and "huh?" stuff that goes on.  It's very reminiscent of Metal Gear to me...  I feel like it may have made some sense in the past to give a little more insight into the characters with limited facial expressions, but small movements in the faces of the FFVIIR characters are really expressive and the extra noises are kind of distracting in my opinion.

Dark Phoenix

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #207 on: 2020-04-20 14:29:42 »
What's wrong with it is we don't get a complete game that makes sense.  We get a bloated, cat rat quest matrix stunt weird spin off -   We don't get a quality release.  We get a money making exercise - which then reinforces the next mediocre money spinner.  So it never ends.

I prefer a game that has quality - the original game is leaps and bounds ahead of this ... thing.  We shouldn't accept mediocrity at $60 a part.

As someone who thought the original game was somewhat mediocre... This is complete trash.  The parts that I actually LIKED about it, torn out to pander to the masses.  This thing no longer holds anything positive for me.

Welp all I can say, do some research.

Now, not all of these are exact ARPGs like FF7 pr se, but still not that far off either.

The Elder Scrolls
Red Dead Redemption
The Witcher
Dragon Age
The Last of Us
Mass Effect

To mention some. They have all outsold FFs, or was/is at the very least close contenders.
What turn based games outsold these, and/or is in direct contest? Not many. Pokemon perhaps.

And you have action games like Call of Duty, PUGB, GTA, Fortnite, etc, all outselling FFs and other popular traditional turn-based RPGs too by a rather huge margin.
FF as a franchise is almost caught up by Assassin's Creed as a franchise when it comes to sales (counting all games including re-releases and spin-offs). Considering FF has been around 20 years more than Assassin's Creed, that's telling SE's market team something.

SE has since the PS2 days pushed FF in the action direction to be appealing to more people.

SE has for at least a decade now gone from being one of the leaders on the RPG front, to being one of the biggest followers.  Other companies innovate, and SE simply borrows pieces from their games without understanding why people like them.  I posted this in response to how garbage FF15 is:

The problem is, when it comes to the Final Fantasy series, Square-Enix has changed the wrong things and held on to the wrong things.  FF15 LOOKS like someone wanted to create a modern-style RPG with a world somewhat like Earth, and then one of the higher-ups said "No, no, no!  This is FINAL FANTASY!  Where are the Behemoths?  The Malboros?  The Tonberries?"  They need to stop jumping on every fucking bandwagon other RPGs have done ("What's popular this year?  MMORPG's?  Let's make this game play like an MMORPG! (FF12)", "What's popular this year?  Final Fantasy 7?  Let's steal from it, but merge in terrible battle mechanics! (FF13)", "What's popular this year?  Open world games like The Elder Scrolls and the new Zelda?  Make this an open world game! (FF15)"), stop trying to turn Final Fantasy into Kingdom Hearts (seriously, was ANYONE asking for Final Fantasy to become action-oriented at any time?), and try to figure out why the original games in the series were successful.  Because they're killing this series, and have been pretty much since the end of the Playstation era.  FF10 sold well, but it wasn't a good game.  12 was better, but it was clearly changed at the last minute to appeal to... I don't fucking know who, 12 year old girls?  13 was a trainwreck.  And I'm ignoring the MMO entries, because I'm not an MMO player.
You don't need to keep the series the same and let it stagnate and die, but if you're going to change it, PLEASE put some thought into the changes you're making!  Changing it for the sake of changing it (or to add new bullets in the game description) is always fucking terrible.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #208 on: 2020-04-20 15:32:44 »
FF10 sold well, but it wasn't a good game.  12 was better

That's a terrible opinion.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #209 on: 2020-04-20 16:09:18 »
That's a terrible opinion.

agreed; in fact apart from story, ffx was actually fantastic imo. mechanics and endgame was top notch imo.

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #210 on: 2020-04-20 16:24:57 »
I wouldn't call it a "terrible" opinion but I also disagree. Since the debate between the combat systems would probably be endless as they are just entirely different I'll focus on the story alone. FFX had still a good main story and a really good twist in the end that made everything that happened have sense(smth that FF games after that never had). Yes Tidus is not a cool protagonist, he's often annoying and lost but I think that is also normal and believable for a 17 year old whose entire world he knew was crushed and he was thrown into this "other" world...but the way he narrates the story while you play it was very good and really made you "feel" you're in this game, this universe now. FFXs characters had a good reason for what they were doing at all points in time as did their villains have(Seymour especially but also Sin, Jecht and Yevon in general).

That is the complete opposite in FFXII: The characters have little to no reason for being in this story at all(with the exception of Bash and maybe Ashe). But especially Vaan is so useless and plays absolutely no role for the story, it really dissappointed me hard the first time I played through. Same for Penelo, Balthier and Fran. They are just not relevant for the war, the Nethecites or have any real....reason to fight against Vayne other than "We don't like evil....we have to stop it". Hell even Gabranth has a deeper personality and story than all the previously mentioned ones.  Balthiers only story relevant sentence ever is "oh yeah Cids my father" not even when you kill Cid is there any deeper interaction, just...nothing.

Vayne on the other hand was what I would call a fantastic villain. Similar to Darth Sidious he plays political games to ascend to the top, manipulates and eventually gets rid of all obstacles while still keeping the public behind him. To me, he was who carried the story all by himself. But in the end, that is not enough for me to label the story of a game that involves all characters "good". Through Vayne it rose to mediocre though.

The protagonists(and really all of them) just lacked depth...background....childhood memories, what they did in their life before the game starts, etc. You could sum up each of their story arcs before and what they do during the game in 1-2 sentences. You cannot do that with FFVII-FFX characters, they always had complex and well thought through storylines and they often also "evolved" during the games.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #211 on: 2020-04-20 16:31:18 »
Vayne on the other hand was what I would call a fantastic villain. Similar to Darth Sidious he plays political games to ascend to the top, manipulates and eventually gets rid of all obstacles while still keeping the public behind him. To me, he was who carried the story all by himself. But in the end, that is not enough for me to label the story of a game that involves all characters "good". Through Vayne it rose to mediocre though.

I never understood the hate Vayne gets. Sure, he doesn't blow up the world or summon meteors, and he doesn't have a 5 meter long sword but the character is great. A strategic genius, ruthless, cold blooded, 100% focused on his task. Plus everytime he speaks, no one's skipping that.

10 is still a better game though.

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #212 on: 2020-04-20 18:29:17 »
Vayne gets hate?

Dark Phoenix

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #213 on: 2020-04-20 22:15:47 »
agreed; in fact apart from story, ffx was actually fantastic imo. mechanics and endgame was top notch imo.

Sorry, but FF10 was the game that ended my streak of buying the latest FF as soon as it came out, because I didn't find it engaging in the slightest.  It was also the first in the series I never bothered to finish.  I only played the first 15 or so minutes of FF12 and realized I wasn't going to like it, either, and since then I stopped playing the new games in the series entirely.


That is the complete opposite in FFXII: The characters have little to no reason for being in this story at all(with the exception of Bash and maybe Ashe). But especially Vaan is so useless and plays absolutely no role for the story, it really dissappointed me hard the first time I played through.

Yeah, that's what the line "but it was clearly changed at the last minute to appeal to... I don't ferning know who, 12 year old girls?" was getting at.  It's pretty clear that someone over at SE ordered them to add Vaan because "The game needs a whiny emo 16 year old as the main character!"...  Really, if they didn't want to make Basch the main character for whatever reason, they really should have made Balthier the main character...
« Last Edit: 2020-04-20 22:19:54 by Dark Phoenix »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #214 on: 2020-04-20 22:50:49 »
Vayne gets hate?


Really, if they didn't want to make Basch the main character for whatever reason, they really should have made Balthier the main character...

Ashe should've been the main character, not Basch or Balthier. Basch is a glorified bodyguard, filled with regret for having failed both his homeland as well as Dalmasca. Balthier tags around out of sheer curiosity up to the point where he realizes he's on a collision course with his father as well as the empire, then he's all in. As for Vaan and Penelo... Honestly, who the fuck knows lol.

It's Ashe's story. They should have made her the main character instead of designing her with a hooker's outfit and going with useless characters instead.

I have to say I found FF10 to be an amazing game.

Well, there's one thing we agree on after all. Haha.

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #215 on: 2020-04-20 23:14:53 »
Ashe should've been the main character, not Basch or Balthier. Basch is a glorified bodyguard, filled with regret for having failed both his homeland as well as Dalmasca. Balthier tags around out of sheer curiosity up to the point where he realizes he's on a collision course with his father as well as the empire, then he's all in. As for Vaan and Penelo... Honestly, who the fern knows lol.

It's Ashe's story. They should have made her the main character instead of designing her with a hooker's outfit and going with useless characters instead.

Well, I agree, but my understanding is that the writers wanted Basch to be the main character, and they were overridden by the higher-ups, who felt that Basch was too old to be a protagonist, and they pretty much had to come up with Vaan as the main character at the last minute.  I think they wanted to do something LIKE FF10, where the main character of the game wasn't the main character of the story, and that Basch was meant to be the player avatar... And then they pretty much had Vaan pushed on them at some point.  Which is why his connection to the story is pretty much nonexistent, unlike any of the other characters (well, except Penelo, but she's there because otherwise Vaan has NO connection to anybody in the party whatsoever).

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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #216 on: 2020-04-21 04:59:39 »
FFXII is a perfect example of death by committee. Kinda mystifying how they took all the talent from Final Fantasy Tactics and produced that mess.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #217 on: 2020-04-23 21:42:31 »
FFXII is a perfect example of death by committee. Kinda mystifying how they took all the talent from Final Fantasy Tactics and produced that mess.
They fired the guy from FFT/VS because he had a nervous breakdown and let the Sa-Ga goofball finish it.

IMO Vayne is the hero.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-23 21:47:34 by MysticLord »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #218 on: 2020-04-24 05:40:05 »
Something interesting happened to me. I cant seem to finish the game X_X.

Ive breezed through the game until chapter 16 with long gamplay sessions of up to 3 hours but since ive started climbing (and now entered) shinra building my drive has significantly died down and im unsure why. Since ive reached ch16 the longest ive played in 1 go was about 30 minutes and ive been sitting in this chapted for almost a week until i reached chapter 17 and since then i havent touched the game and a this point im not even sure im going to pick up the game again and I cant really rationally explain why, it just happened fluidly.

Kind of a shame as I started off really enjoying it but the gameplay outstayed its welcome it seems for me, combat gets boring very fast once you have everything and cant look forward to new stuff adding to it like materia which happens too early in the game imo. The ultimate stuff was always only possible to unlock at the very end in previous titles which was a highly motivating factor as in stuff to look forward to, here im peaked midway chapter 14; Not kotr, no ultimate materias, no ultimate weapons to grind for so you can beat the ultimate bosses you can then grind for so all it has to keep you motivated really is only seeing the story unfold now and thats not motivating at all...

Not sure mayb killing bahamuth which was a joke, didnt even equip any materia i was wearing random ass apleveling weapons and materia purely based on materia slots and what needed ap like atb stagger etcetc, in chapter 14 was the secret killing blow as postgame/superbosses were always a big drive for me in FF for the more recent games; I Know there is hardmode but still, a boss being harder in an extra mode (especially if the difficulty comes from mainly restrictions) doesnt feel the same as a boss just being hard in the first place)

Kinda sad but Ive had enough hours I kinda enjoyed so Im overall fine with the investment but my rating definitely changed to about 6,5/10 from mayb 7,5-8/10 i was at initially =/
« Last Edit: 2020-04-24 06:00:38 by Manakaiser »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #219 on: 2020-04-24 23:00:00 »
that really is a shame because the shinra building (1st time) is literally my favorite part from the original

everytime i get there i take my sweet ass time, even walk on the treadmill a little bit, so i dont get through it too fast

but part of that fun was knowing you have a long way to go


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #220 on: 2020-04-25 07:08:41 »
Well the building itself is not at fault though, its actually incredibly well done visually. But in the original , once you get there you feel "now the game really starts" in the remake that part is kinda missing for obvious reasons.


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #221 on: 2020-04-25 19:22:51 »
Sooo, since i have no ps4 on my own (i would only play a really small amount of games on it anyways) i had to get my friends one for 4 days to finish the remake. I finished yesterday and gotta say... The disappointment is real.

First of all, i'm not a huge fan of linear gameplay. That's the reason that to this day i didn't manage to finish 13 just once. But since i knew it'll be linear i thought i can deal with it, especially since it's regards characters i loved for god knows how many years. Well, turns out i could infact deal with it, but i would lie if i say anything even remotely to "i like it". It's like they removed the "Final" from "Final Fantasy" and replaced it with "Fantasy, to a specific degree"

Then comes the voice acting. May god have mercy on me, but i started with the german dub and held out for like 25 seconds before felt a level of cringe i can hardly describe. Changed it to jap dubs with english subs and it became less cringeworthy, but still felt very childish (Especially Barett, a grown ass man trying his utter best to act like Tidus). I've come to realize how fun it was to actually just read and make up what that character must sound like instead of having voice acting telling you how reality looks. That one did sting alot, not gonna lie. Encountered numerous situations where i was sitting in my chair talking to myself "Man, please don't talk this way, just talk like an actual human pleaseeeee".

The combat. Well... lackluster. I realized pretty early that there really is no point to use "magic" materia whatsoever. The only reason to do so is simply because i felt like looking at some fancy animations, but apart from that, why would i use them? I can just beat the ever living crap out of mostly everything just by smashing my button without having to waste my time with "charging" animations for a spell that does nothing but look decent. On some rare occasion (flying stuff and so on) it did make sense, but in the grand scheme of things those situations didn't appear to often. I expected a tad more than mindlessly smashing that one button for pretty much 90% of the game.

I could still live with that stuff above, because it still was FF7 (to some degree) and i played with the characters i've known and loved for so long. Nostalgia played a big role as to why i even managed to finish it. I'm not even sure right now whether "big role" is an understatement.

But there's one thing that was the biggest no-go whatsoever. The story itself. Help me understand because i apprently can't. You want to "remake" a game that has been loved for decades, sold a fantastic amount of copies and left it's fans with nothing but admiration. And then you... make changes to what makes it so amazing? WHY? Help me out here for real, because once again, i don't get it. There's a reason as to why the "Mona Lisa" is jailed inside a high security museum 24/7. Because it's art that at one point in time was deemed as "almost perfect". And even if you are the DaVinci of our age, if you ever dared to say the words "Let me work on it, i'll make it better" you'd be red flagged right away and people would question your sanity. You know why? Because it's good. Yes, it probably can be even better, but it also can turn into a hot mess of garbage instead and taking the risk is quite franky stupid. So why did SE do that with the "almost perfect" art they provided the world with? Especially implement some - time travel paradox tricky treat whatever you wanna call it shenanigans - garbage that already failed before? Is it to make things "new"? Also makes no sense whatsoever because the people that buy the game because of nostalgia only do so because the liked the original, they would have enjoyed the story once again. To attract new customers? What does it matter, they don't know the original story anyways and most of them look at the remake just as "yet another ARPG". I'm apparently missing something here, so enlighten me.

I'd be highly surprised if this isn't just another game that'll be forgotten after a month, except for the die hard fans of course. Overall a major disappointment FOR ME PERSONALLY. If you managed to like it, good for you i guess. I wish i could like it aswell tbh.

« Last Edit: 2020-04-25 19:27:02 by Loozka »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #222 on: 2020-04-26 00:30:20 »
The combat. Well... lackluster. I realized pretty early that there really is no point to use "magic" materia whatsoever. The only reason to do so is simply because i felt like looking at some fancy animations,

Magic in this game is insanely powerful. Not to mention it's the key to stagger a LOT of enemies. It's probably the most useful implementation it's had since FFX. Calling it lackluster just because you chose to spam physical attacks the entire game is pretty weird.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-26 00:34:23 by -Ric- »


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #223 on: 2020-04-29 02:02:15 »
Isn't it fun to state opinions like they are facts, all while coming across as holier than thou and dismissive of other people's opinions? Yay, internet!


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Re: [SPOILERS] FF7 remake discussion time!
« Reply #224 on: 2020-04-29 02:30:07 »
Isn't it fun to state opinions like they are facts, all while coming across as holier than thou and dismissive of other people's opinions? Yay, internet!

actually the last few pages has been almost 100% on-topic and insightful discussion... until your post that is (and now this one responding to it)

and you gotta expect (but not tolerate) a little bit of flaming in this thread, remaking FF7 is a sensitive issue 'round these parts  :-D