Author Topic: FF VII crashes when I get to Nibleheim  (Read 4201 times)


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FF VII crashes when I get to Nibleheim
« on: 2020-04-20 22:53:52 »
Hi there. I'm having a problem when I get to Nibelheim, not in the flashback, but after passing through Cosmo Canyon. I saved the game right before entering Nibelheim, and at the moment I get inside, the game crashed, with no visual messages of any kind, it just said that the program encoutered an error and must close, and the Close Program button. I'm using The Reunion mod with Remako Textures.
First of all, I've been traying to fix the error for over two hours. I googled inside the Qhimm forums, I googled the internet itself, I red the FAQ at the The Reunion first page, I red the help files, I tried disabling The Reunion mod to see if the error was The Reunion mod, but the game doesn't recognize the savegames; I tried emptying the field textures folder, I tried saving the game on Cosmo Area and then going into Nibleheim, and a few other things I cannot remember right now, because I did such a lot of attempts to make the game work, but none of them worked. The only thing I found out was that getting to Nibelheim in the flashback is quite problematic and had quite a few crashes and different bugs, so I assume that Nibelheim itself is kind of a problematic place. The most I could achieve was to enter Nibelheim, and instead of crashing, it shows a black screen with the music of the place, but no image. I waited four about thirty seconds, but nothing happens, so I need to press Alt+F4 to close the game.
I'll post here the options.ini and the other files requested to post a bug:


Disable_The_Reunion = n

#When using Windowed mode, the recommended resolution is 1280 * 960.
#When using Full Screen mode, the resolution will be changed to your desktop resolution.
full_screen = y
window_x = 0
window_y = 0
window_width = 1920
window_height = 1080
preserve_aspect = y

vsync = y
texture_cache_size = 2048
compress_textures = n
save_textures = n
use_pbo = y
use_mipmaps = y
fancy_transparency = y
post_file =

#on-screen logging
show_reunion_popup = y
show_reunion_info = y
show_fps = n
show_stats = n
popup_error = n
popup_info = n
popup_ff7 = n
trace_personal = y
trace_open = y
trace_textures = n
trace_files = n
trace_other = n
opengl_debug = n

Mod_ID = remako

Mute = n
Music_Vol =75
SFX_Vol =100
Mono_Output = n
Centre_Battle_SFX = y
Field_SFX_In_Battle = n
Music_Balance_Functions = n
Load_SFX_To_Memory = y
Audio_Log_Level = 4

# Weapon mod: 0 = Off / 1 = Minigame updates / 2 = Further field updates / 3 = full mod [will do nothing at this time].
# 60fps Battles mod: 0 = Off / 1 = On (no interpolation) / 2 = On (interpolated model animations).
New_Translation = y
Model_Overhaul = y
Weapon = 0
_60fps_Battles = 2

Centred_Field = y
New_Gauge_Colours = y
Closed_Mouth_Models = y
QPC = y
Game_Time_Is_Realtime = n
Transparent_Dialogue = n

Battle_Arena_HPMP = n
Battle_Key_Press = n

#For the poor souls with epilepsy
Critical_Hit = n
Boss_Death = n
Summon = n
Transition_Effects = n
Disable_All = n

#For Windows Vista and Windows 7. Use this whenever possible to improve frame rate.
Disable_DWM_AERO = n

Hold on a moment and I'll attach the App.log, the The Reunion.log and the crash.dmp because they are too long for one post.


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Re: FF VII crashes when I get to Nibleheim
« Reply #1 on: 2020-04-20 23:01:09 »
I'm sorry for not seeing it, but this post didn't appear in my google seach of the forums. I'll google on how to post a file from google drive and post it here.


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Re: FF VII crashes when I get to Nibleheim
« Reply #3 on: 2020-04-20 23:42:59 »
download and install ro6e

when it is installed the bug will be fixed

when you are done playing the game, dont forget to throw a buck or two towards the creator(s) of the mod(s) you liked
« Last Edit: 2020-04-21 00:14:45 by Orichalcon »


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Re: FF VII crashes when I get to Nibleheim
« Reply #4 on: 2020-04-21 01:09:20 »
Thanks for all the help. I'll do my best, regarding the donations, because I don't have a credit card. I'll try my debit card and see if it works. Thanks again for all the replys, and the patience.