First of all, thanks for the impressive job you are doing.
I did install the last update and everything seems to be as georgeous as it was on a CRT or even better, but we Spainiards (or at least me), have some big issues with the original translation of this game in our language. The whole game translation's feels like if it was translated by a maschine and, in fact, the translation itself is known gobally for the spanish comunity as a big meme.
Here's an example:
''Savepoint'' which means ''Punto *DE* guardado'' (a place or ''punto'' where you save your progress) and it is translated as ''Guardar punto'' which means ''save a point'' (I don't know, maybe like a score one or something tangible, you know xD) It swaps completly the sense from genitive to infinitive and belive me, this is but the tip of an aberrant iceberg.
Well, jokes aside... I have 0 problem on playing this in english but it's more enjoyable doing it in my own native language so I decided to apply a translation patch before (and after as well) installing the mod itslef. It was okey until I saved my game and I tried to continue with my journey the next day to find that the savegame was corrupted and it isn't an exception, it happens to me all the time.
So now the question is: Is there any way to make this patch run along with this mod?
Thanks beforehand and don't be so rude with me if I'm ignoring anything related with the compatibility of this stuff.