Author Topic: Cosmos FMV: a character replacement mod for FFVII cutscene movies  (Read 46519 times)


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Cosmos FMV is a character replacement mod for FFVII cutscene movies.

With this mod you can choose between two style of characters from the IRO settings:
  • Original battle models for main characters + ChaOS models for secondary characters
  • NiNoStyle chibi models
There are two packs available, a 15 fps version and a 30 fps version.

This mod replaces all major FMVs where chibi models were originally used. All other remaining FMVs are also included in the IRO so no need to use other FMV packs such as SYW at the same time.



Cosmos FMV 1.02

- 15 fps version

- 30 fps version


- Fixed a problem with the Junon escape movie not playing.

- Added new movies for all major FMVs where chibi models were originally used.


Satsuki Yatoshi for providing the upscaled FMVs.
NiNoStyle for providing the chibi models.
Kaldarasha for providing the full-size secondary character models.
myst6re and TrueOdin for working on the audio/video separation functionality to allow compatibility with Cosmo Memory and in the future Echo-S.
Bonez for adapting Cosmo Memory to only replace the FMV audio.
« Last Edit: 2022-10-06 10:50:01 by Cosmos »


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awesome! finally :D


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Will this work with Cosmo Memory I heard that also includes the FMVS should I just load this mod above it? Great work Cosmos!
« Last Edit: 2022-01-31 16:05:55 by olearyf2525 »


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    • Behemoth Productions
You are legend. This was something never achieved and today for the FFVII 25th Anniversary you did provide the entire fandom an incredible treat, we don't deserve it.

Thank you for this monstrous masterpiece Cosmos which you meticulously worked out. Respect.

PS: Cosmos = Magic. I dunno what to expect next...


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this is amazing . happy 25th anniversary everyone  :)


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I wonder if there will be a Cetra Project version once the Cetra Project gets released....  :| :| :| :|


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Am I a bad person for wanting to mix and match for hilarious results?

But no for realz, I was JUST thinking about this yesterday, as I have Nino's chibis installed and was all "The FMVs look lacking now". What a time to be an FF7 fan! You rock!


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Will this work with Cosmo Memory I heard that also includes the FMVS should I just load this mod above it? Great work Cosmos!
Yes, it works with Cosmo Memory but make sure you have the latest version. The order can be either way because the latest version of CM only replaces the audio of the FMV, not the whole video.

Am I a bad person for wanting to mix and match for hilarious results?
It depends on how much you want to mix things. Choosing a different character set for each individual movie is doable.
But if you want chibis and full-size models mixed in the same video then you are a bad person.

That said, sometime in the future I will release the Blender files so that people can make any crazy ideas they may have.


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I added a new version (1.01) that fixes a problem with the Junon escape movie not playing.


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that 2nd comparison clips with barret an tifa looks a


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that 2nd comparison clips with barret an tifa looks a

Don't worry, it's just an Italian senate meeting  ;)


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Are the FMVs that have dialogue only in English or are there more languages? It would be nice if it could be downloaded from somewhere other than MEGA, since it has a download limit and you have to wait several hours to complete the download


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Thanks for this!!


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Marvellous work, Cosmos!

Thanks a lot!


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Are the FMVs that have dialogue only in English or are there more languages? It would be nice if it could be downloaded from somewhere other than MEGA, since it has a download limit and you have to wait several hours to complete the download

Sorry, the iro only contains the english versions. That said, those have the same old models so maybe you can make yourself an iro with those few FMVs and put it above Cosmos FMV in the mod loading order.

I also added it to nexusmods so you can download it from there too.

It will also be added to the 7H server soon so once that is done I will replace the mega links with those.
« Last Edit: 2022-02-06 06:23:36 by Cosmos »


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Thank you very much for the work! Sorry if this was answered before but is compatible with Satsuki pack?


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This is absolutely insane. It always kinda bothered me that some cutscenes used chibi models while others used the high poly stuff, such as in the motorcycle cutscene. Now you can actually make everything match up, or even just upgrade the chibi models to ninostyle's. AI can truly feel like black magic sometimes. I would have never thought something like this would be possible without completely remaking the cutscenes, but I should've known with all the other recent applications of AI, it makes sense that it would also be able to track the movements of character models in the scenes and then adapt a new model over it. Genius idea.


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Thank you very much for the work! Sorry if this was answered before but is compatible with Satsuki pack?
In case you use 7th Heaven then you only need to use CosmosFMV because it includes all the other Satsuki FMVs already.
In case you are using Satsuki's SYW all in one pack then I think he included the non-chibi ones as an option.

This is absolutely insane. It always kinda bothered me that some cutscenes used chibi models while others used the high poly stuff, such as in the motorcycle cutscene. Now you can actually make everything match up, or even just upgrade the chibi models to ninostyle's. AI can truly feel like black magic sometimes. I would have never thought something like this would be possible without completely remaking the cutscenes, but I should've known with all the other recent applications of AI, it makes sense that it would also be able to track the movements of character models in the scenes and then adapt a new model over it. Genius idea.

Actually the AI is only used to remove the characters from the video. The animation of the character models was redone from scratch.


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That's some ideas I really hope we could get, if there will be ever an update.

-Face texture animation
-DCIC chibi model in the platefall
-Cloud chibi model with black uniform & OG gloves option (Soldier 1st Ninostyle)
-Sephiroth' gloves missing (earithhdd) (following Cosmos' approach this might be automatically fixed)
-Cloud's pauldrons mirrored (ending2) (following Cosmos' approach this might be automatically fixed)
-Sound fix: Unfortunately, all SYW V5 FMVs had a serious crackling sound problem due to PC vanilla versions. The new SYWU 1.03+ fixes this.
-Cloud Ever Crisis chibi model option (wild dream)
-Optional Ending FMV with Vincent and Yuffie added (wild dream)

As always a special thanks for all your mods: Legendary work.
« Last Edit: 2024-10-27 15:16:07 by Kuraudo. »


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Amazing work.  Just to be clear, it doesn't replace Aerith from the opening movie?  I have it set to use the Ninostyle Chibi models.  I just want to make sure I didn't mess up the install.



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I second Kuraudo's wild wishes/desires, especially the non controversial requests.

I take this opportunity to wish Cosmos (and everyone else reading here) a belated merry Xmas!


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This is a teaser trailer for Cosmos FMV II, an upcoming update that will also replace models in non-chibi cutscenes. I will take me quite some time to finish everything but stay tuned for more updates.


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hey cosmo, such an amazing job u have done, thanks a lot ;)  can u add optional fmv for ninostyle chibi/non chibi zack and sephiroth mod by pierreJsn?