Author Topic: FF7pc music TO FF8pc.  (Read 2229 times)

Cid Highwind

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FF7pc music TO FF8pc.
« on: 2004-03-03 18:05:29 »
Hi there,
I got your site by a fellow member from an other forum ( and I just started some sort of FF7/8 PC game tweakings:

I want to import FF7 psx movies in the PC version, cause there's a movie ripper for psx @ ngemu which can create psx movies of 640x480, and I tried that with FF8 movies, and they looked rather nice. So I'm gonna try to do the same with FF7 movies, and even put them on the FF7 game discs, to try getting the movie quality at a higher level.

And my second thing is:

I want to get the FF7 Main battle theme, in FF8, instead of FF8's main battle theme, which was IMHO not even half as good as FF7's.

Has anyone ever tried one of these things?

And about the second 'tweak': Is that technically possible? Cause I know the games use different formats, but IIRC FF8 uses soundfont, and I've read your thread about FF7 music editing, and you are also using soundfont there.

I really hope you guys/girls(?) can enlighten stuff up a bit.

Cid H.


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FF7pc music TO FF8pc.
« Reply #1 on: 2004-03-03 18:08:05 »
I want to import FF7 psx movies in the PC version, cause there's a movie ripper for psx @ ngemu which can create psx movies of 640x480, and I tried that with FF8 movies, and they looked rather nice. So I'm gonna try to do the same with FF7 movies, and even put them on the FF7 game discs, to try getting the movie quality at a higher level.

See Qhimm's post over here:

I want to get the FF7 Main battle theme, in FF8, instead of FF8's main battle theme, which was IMHO not even half as good as FF7's.

If you were to take the MIDI file from FF7 PC, somehow convert it to an SGT file (I don't know exactly how this is done), and stick it in place of one of the files in FF8's music folder, I think that would work.


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FF7pc music TO FF8pc.
« Reply #2 on: 2004-03-07 01:50:17 »
Quote from: Aaron
If you were to take the MIDI file from FF7 PC, somehow convert it to an SGT file (I don't know exactly how this is done), and stick it in place of one of the files in FF8's music folder, I think that would work.

That's EXACTLY how it would work.  If it wasn't the case, the FF9 mod probably wouldn't exist, or if it did, be only in its infant stages*.

Anyway, DMP (DirectMusic Producer) can handle MID>SGT conversion natively.  All you'd need to do is rip the FF7pc mid's with LGP Tools (or whatever ripper that is successfully able to do it), and use DMP to convert, and then re-assign the Instrument patches so that they'd be compatible with whatever DLS or Soundfont you'd use.

You would also have to re-adjust the volume, panning, chorus, reverb, etc. to account for the samples in the DLS/SF2 file, as they most likely will not sound as balanced via the M$ DLS synth, because of its tendency to over-pan a sound in a stereo field to full-right or full-left, and because its default level of reverb is very high, regardless of what the reverb controller tells it to do....

*That's not to say that I stole other peoples work and claimed it is my own.  I have always stated that I can only take credit for the edits made to make them sound decent using the Original DLS/Rev.2 DLS/Samuel's DLS.....everything else is not my work.