Author Topic: DoS attack  (Read 40629 times)


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DoS attack
« on: 2004-06-13 14:57:45 »
As some of you may have noticed, was recently down due to depleted bandwidth. This was caused by a denial-of-service attack launched at the site between June 9 and June 12. The attack was a brute-force undistributed flooding attack launched from two computers, being the equivalent of some 400,000 visits to the main site.

The attack was launced from two locations, from a total of three IPs:, located near Ottawa, Illinois, US and, located near Anchorage, Alaska, US

Appropriate action is being taken.


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DoS attack
« Reply #1 on: 2004-06-13 15:23:47 »
Was it Rubi and Mofo?

Wouldn't suppise me after the last time >_>


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« Reply #2 on: 2004-06-13 15:26:29 »
Yeah... has anyone posted from them IP's before? I thought it was odd when the forums where down.

dd: I'd like to think that they have more sense than that... it's very pathetic of them if it is.


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« Reply #3 on: 2004-06-13 15:29:23 »
When Rubi posted as a guest he used a different PC but on the same campus he was on....Possibility he's done it again?


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DoS attack
« Reply #4 on: 2004-06-13 18:26:45 »
I thought it was the new forums.

For some reason, everytime I come to this site, Mozilla displays stuff like "117 images to be downloaded.. " or some really high number. Can't be good to be downloading that many images each time I visit this site. This makes my browsing experience slower since it has to download these images every single time.

I didn't see this problem with the old forum software.

I thought it might be a caching problem but Mozilla is configured fine and I'm using one of the later builds.. Mozilla 1.7 RC2


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DoS attack
« Reply #5 on: 2004-06-13 18:28:16 »
Quote from: DeadLajik
I thought it was the new forums.

For some reason, everytime I come to this site, Mozilla displays stuff like "117 images to be downloaded.. " or some really high number. Can't be good to be downloading that many images each time I visit this site. This makes my browsing experience slower since it has to download these images every single time.

I didn't see this problem with the old forum software.

I thought it might be a caching problem but Mozilla is configured fine and I'm using one of the later builds.. Mozilla 1.7 RC2

Strange...That doesnt happen to me...


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« Reply #6 on: 2004-06-13 18:33:46 »
You know, the forum software hasn't changed, only the theme :P
NP here.

I was out of town while the forums were down, so I didn't even know until I got back and someone mentioned it to me.


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Re: DoS attack
« Reply #7 on: 2004-06-13 21:01:33 »
Quote from: Qhimm
The attack was launced from two locations, from a total of three IPs:, located near Ottawa, Illinois, US and, located near Anchorage, Alaska, US

Appropriate action is being taken.
They never learn, do they? I'm not too surprised :roll:


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« Reply #8 on: 2004-06-13 21:28:30 »
Really, I'm pretty shocked..

Pretty shocked because it was a petty thing to do, and also shocked that it was such a weak attempt, and with little attempt to mask it..

I just .. Wow, i thought that they were different than this..


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« Reply #9 on: 2004-06-13 23:46:47 »
Just so you know Qhimm.  Your site would not have registered 400,000 hits if your counter wasnt set to add 5 every time it refreshed.  I guess you didnt realize that...  Now its fixed and only goes up 1.  Hmm... odd... Maybe it wasnt a DoS attack after all.. it was the coding job adding 5 visits for every 1... Hmmm...


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« Reply #10 on: 2004-06-14 00:01:39 »
Nice try.


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« Reply #11 on: 2004-06-14 00:04:50 »
Um... that makes almost no sense.
If it wasn't a DoS attack, why did the site go down?
Even if it was 5 "hits per hit," 80,000 hits to from three addresses is still rather unusual, yes?  No way that would happen unintentionally.  And the fact that it seems to be coming from Rubi/Mofo's general area doesn't help them at all. (I'm not going to say that they definately did it, but that is certainly what it looks like.)

Counter looks like it's working fine to me.  When was it broken / how do you know it was broken?

I'd imagine that since Qhimm knows the addresses that caused the downtime, he has access to information besides the front-page counter.  For example, my web site logs every single access request (for html files, images, everything), and I could easily write a program to crawl the logs and tell me how many times any given address has accessed the site or any given file.

[Edit] This post was started before I saw Qhimm's post :P


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« Reply #12 on: 2004-06-14 00:33:15 »
I'm not sure if it was broken.  I would count 1 hit as 5.  It looks fixed now..

What do you mean nice try Qhimm?  Are you denying it?  Are you saying it didn't go up 5?  Because if so, you are a liar.  I reloaded it some to make sure, and I'm not stupid.  I know you don't get 5 people to your site every time I happened to reload the page.  You fixing the code and then saying nice try to make me look bad... well um...

nice try.

you also can't post ips on the net like that qhimm, you should know better than that.  Just like when you guys decided to post all of Rubicant's info in the Completely Unrelated forum.  If you think refreshing a webpage is a DoS attack and a form of hacking or what not, then you are just as dumb and phony as people are figuring out.  

"Do not ask me about any parts of my code because I don't even understand it."  Probaby because you stole it.  Oh yah, your hit counter going up 5 at a time, but now only 1... hmm... also phony to make your site look sooo big and bad... It's not.

Quote from Mofokubik: DoS attack? I expected better from you Qhimm. As if blocking my ip range for no reason wasn't enough, now you're blaming some stupid bandwidth limit on me and posting my ip and location freely on the internet. Let's just take a look at what DoS even means shall we?
 Denial of Service attack occurs when a user tries to gain access to a resource normally is given to them, but is denied for various reasons such as an overload of users accessing a resource.
 I hardly consider refreshing the page for a day with images disabled a DoS attack. get your facts straight, stop lying to your users. While this did happen, it was quite unexpected. My main goal of refreshing was to get the viewer counter up to 666k views, and I disabled images so it would go up faster, but shortly before reaching my goal something happened with the bandwidth and the site was temporarily shut down.


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« Reply #13 on: 2004-06-14 01:35:00 »
I'm not sure if it was broken.
Are you denying it [was broken]? Are you saying it didn't go up 5? Because if so, you are a liar.

How about you don't contradict yourself?  Your arguments will be more convincing that way.

You also can't post ips on the net like that qhimm, you should know better than that.

Erm, why in the world can't he?  First of all, this is different than Rubicant's info -- Qhimm has not yet made any public accusations as to who did the DoS, he just said that it happened and provided the addresses responsible.  Also, about the Rubicant incident, IIRC you were one of the ones asking for information.

"Do not ask me about any parts of my code because I don't even understand it." Probaby because you stole it.

Erm, it's not uncommon at all for people to forget how their code works if it is not well documented.  My CS teachers stressed this and it has happened to me.  And anyway, where would Qhimm had stolen it from?  It sounds more like you are reaching to make accusations, in an attempt to make your position of defending Rubi/Mofo look better.

DoS attack? I expected better from you Qhimm. As if blocking my ip range for no reason wasn't enough, now you're blaming some stupid bandwidth limit on me and posting my ip and location freely on the internet.

Qhimm has yet to blame Mofo or attach Mofo to the address he posted.  Also, that many hits can not be a coincidence, it was done on purpose to bring with mal intent.  Anyway, since Mofo seems to have confessed to being responsible for the problem (by saying that he was refreshing the page with the images disabled to increase the count on the counter), then the bandwidth limit problem indeed his fault and if Qhimm was blaming him, why would it be a problem?

What is DoS?
Quote from: Webopedia
Short for denial-of-service attack, a type of attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic.

In other words, hitting a site many times repeatedly can definately be classified as a DoS attack, whether that was what Mofo was trying to do or not.  Even if he was only trying to "get the viewer counter up to 666k views," that is still a rediculous thing to do.


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« Reply #14 on: 2004-06-14 02:31:44 »
Right, I'll just address it in order, shall I?

Quote from: Golbez
I'm not sure if it was broken.  I would count 1 hit as 5.  It looks fixed now..

The script hasn't been modified in the last two years, however the counter was reset to undo the 400,000 hits from the attack.

Quote from: Golbez
What do you mean nice try Qhimm?  Are you denying it?  Are you saying it didn't go up 5?  Because if so, you are a liar.  I reloaded it some to make sure, and I'm not stupid.  I know you don't get 5 people to your site every time I happened to reload the page.

If you're going to call me liar, you'd better have proof. Please try, I would be quite amused to see what you could come up with. Oh, you wouldn't have happened to be empirically verifying this while the flooding was in progress, would you?

Quote from: Golbez
You fixing the code and then saying nice try to make me look bad... well um...

nice try.

Yes, I confess. I rigged the counter script in order to make you look bad.

Quote from: Golbez
you also can't post ips on the net like that qhimm, you should know better than that.

I can't? Why?

Quote from: Golbez
Just like when you guys decided to post all of Rubicant's info in the Completely Unrelated forum.

Not my doing, but as I understand it the info wasn't exactly hacked out of some confidential registry. I am also unaware of any harm done to Rubicant because of it.

Quote from: Golbez
If you think refreshing a webpage is a DoS attack and a form of hacking or what not, then you are just as dumb and phony as people are figuring out.

An attempt to disrupt a website's normal operation (the service) is, by definition, a denial-of-service attack, yes. And since I agree with this, it logically follows that I am dumb and phony. Point taken.

Quote from: Golbez
"Do not ask me about any parts of my code because I don't even understand it."  Probaby because you stole it.

Yes, of course I did. Too bad most of my programs were the first of their kind when I released them.

Quote from: Golbez
Oh yah, your hit counter going up 5 at a time, but now only 1... hmm... also phony to make your site look sooo big and bad... It's not.

So far, the only ones who have tried to fake my visitor count were the attackers. As mentioned earlier, the only modification I made to the visitor counter was bring it down.

I deliberately avoided giving names of the attackers, but since Mofokubik has now admitted that the first IP is his, I guess there's no point to continue keeping the lid on.

Since Mofokubik now apparently speaks through Golbez, then I guess this will reach him, too.

Quote from: Mofokubik
DoS attack? I expected better from you Qhimm. As if blocking my ip range for no reason wasn't enough, now you're blaming some stupid bandwidth limit on me and posting my ip and location freely on the internet.

You did single-handedly generate 1.7GB of traffic in a few days. Your IP is public knowledge when you're online as per internet design, and your location can easily be looked up through the IP. Still I never even mentioned your nick, you tied yourself to it just now when you felt compelled to refute the facts I stated about an anonymous attacker.

Quote from: Mofokubik
Let's just take a look at what DoS even means shall we?
 Denial of Service attack occurs when a user tries to gain access to a resource normally is given to them, but is denied for various reasons such as an overload of users accessing a resource.

Yes? Users of were unable to access the website because your little refresh game overloaded the site. I concede to your point, and humbly accept your proof that what you did was a denial-of-service attack.

Quote from: Mofokubik
I hardly consider refreshing the page for a day with images disabled a DoS attack. get your facts straight, stop lying to your users.

Yes, I do appreciate that you had images disabled, it meant the site took three days to go down instead of one. Then again, if you hadn't you would have drained your own bandwidth faster too, so one might say that this was more an act of self-preservation (if you thought that far ahead, that is... but you claim to have been unaware that this little refresh game would waste bandwidth, so I'm sure that wasn't the case).

Quote from: Mofokubik
While this did happen, it was quite unexpected. My main goal of refreshing was to get the viewer counter up to 666k views, and I disabled images so it would go up faster, but shortly before reaching my goal something happened with the bandwidth and the site was temporarily shut down.

I'm sure it was a surprise, yes. It was a surprise to the rest of the visitors as well. But let me get this straight: You and your friend spent several days refreshing your browser windows of, a total of 400,000+ refreshes? You yourself wasted over 1.7GB of your own bandwidth to bring up the visitor counter of

For the record, neither ignorance nor stupidity is a valid defense for breaking the law.


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DoS attack
« Reply #15 on: 2004-06-14 02:35:34 »
Quote from: I
I'm not sure if it was broken.
Quote from: Aaron
Are you denying it [was broken]? Are you saying it didn't go up 5? Because if so, you are a liar.

Since I didn't have that [was broken] part, dont quote me as saying that, because I didn't.  I was asking if he was denying it going up 5.  If it WASNT broken then guess what... Qhimm did it on purpose... So I wasn't contradicting myself.

Quote from: I
You also can't post ips on the net like that qhimm, you should know better than that.

Quote from: Aaron
Erm, why in the world can't he?  First of all, this is different than Rubicant's info -- Qhimm has not yet made any public accusations as to who did the DoS, he just said that it happened and provided the addresses responsible.  Also, about the Rubicant incident, IIRC you were one of the ones asking for information.

Actually I didn't ask for people to POST them.  I asked if people HAD any or knew anything.  Also it was NORI would posted it all, who, SURPRISE, has a grudge against Rubicant.  Also, if its not a big deal, why don't we post Qhimm's and your IP in full view to all the REAL hackers that PLAN attacks.

Quote from: I
Do not ask me about any parts of my code because I don't even understand it." Probaby because you stole it.

Quote from: Aaron
Erm, it's not uncommon at all for people to forget how their code works if it is not well documented.  My CS teachers stressed this and it has happened to me.  And anyway, where would Qhimm had stolen it from?  It sounds more like you are reaching to make accusations, in an attempt to make your position of defending Rubi/Mofo look better.

You are kidding right?  Well now... if Qhimm is such a computer genuis then I think he could figure it out...  And yes he said he wrote the Warning script code on here...  Hmmm I seem to remember finding that on a phpbb site.  And I'm not defending anybody.  I'm tired of Qhimm taking everything out on people HE has issues with and ONLY the people he doesn't like.  Oh no.. Rubicant's avatar is too big.. OMFG!  Jeri left?  Oh no.. its the end of the world....  ITS A FORUM FOR GOD SAKES!  Other people are rude on here what happens?  People laugh.  If Rubicant so much as says "Hi"  You IDIOTS start screaming bloody murder at how obnoxious and rude he is.  I guess you idiot sticks haven't heard of an OPINION.  Yes that's a big word for some of you.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE.  THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO RIDICULE AND THEN BAN SOMEONE FOR IT.  Doing that is pretty immature and pathetic.  I hate to post something like this but I am getting FED UP with all of the crap that goes on to a select view who just because 1 person hates them, everyone else thinks they have to also.

Quote from: I
DoS attack? I expected better from you Qhimm. As if blocking my ip range for no reason wasn't enough, now you're blaming some stupid bandwidth limit on me and posting my ip and location freely on the internet.

Quote from: Aaron
Qhimm has yet to blame Mofo or attach Mofo to the address he posted.  Also, that many hits can not be a coincidence, it was done on purpose to bring with mal intent.  Anyway, since Mofo seems to have confessed to being responsible for the problem (by saying that he was refreshing the page with the images disabled to increase the count on the counter), then the bandwidth limit problem indeed his fault and if Qhimm was blaming him, why would it be a problem?

Let's go over what Mofo said again... shall we?  He wanted to get the counter into the 666,000s.  Wow... that sure is pure evil.  OMG!  THAT IS HORRIBLE   :(   If that is considered mal intent, and is sooo bad that Qhimm has to cry about it on his site, then you people are sad.

What is DoS?
Quote from: Webopedia
Short for denial-of-service attack, a type of attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic.

Quote from: Aaron
In other words, hitting a site many times repeatedly can definately be classified as a DoS attack, whether that was what Mofo was trying to do or not.  Even if he was only trying to "get the viewer counter up to 666k views," that is still a rediculous thing to do.

Well let's clarfiy this.  It wasn't an attack because first off, he wasn't planning on crashing the site, and somebody that KNOWS about hacking would even realize that doing that would overload the bandwidth.  So sorry, but this was not a planned attack to bring Qhimm's site down.  If you remember a similar incident with 666, it was when Rubicant got his post count there...  If this was done for mal intent I think they would have disguised themselves a little better.

Qhimm, I can't believe you are denying it.  I tried the counter too.  It was going up by 5's.  Maybe you did not notice it, but it was.  I have no reason to accuse you doing it to make ME look bad.  If you DIDNT know it was being done, then good, its fixed.  If you did then it wasnt to make ME look bad, it was to make YOUR page look like it gets lots of hits.  Puhleeze.  I respect what you did, until all of this crap is coming out.  Now it makes me wonder espeically since you are denying the 5 hits.  How the hell can they genereate 400,000 hits in 1 day.  think about that.

Also lets do some math.  400,000 hits...  400,000 at 1 a second.  That would take 4.6 DAYS.  Now... if it was divided by 5 and started at 80000 TRUE hits, that would take .9 days...  Hmmm what makes more sense.  Oh wait maybe it loading 2 times a second...

Well 400000 hits would still be 2.31 days... at 2 a second...
But 80000 hits at 2 a second would be...whoa lookie here... 0.46 days... NOW THAT sounds about the correct time for the site to go down... now doesn't it MR NO EVIDENCE.

Also, it wasnt several days.  Nice try... It was half a day...

ONE MORE THING... If your site is up now.. why the hell are you crying about it.  I guess you and your superpowers got it fixed huh...


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DoS attack
« Reply #16 on: 2004-06-14 03:15:41 »
[Edit] I had a long-winded retaliatory post here, but I erased it after about 20 minutes because this argument is rediculous and I'm tired of participating.


[Edit Again]
After reading Qhimm's post below, I guess since you asked for it, I'll re-post my IP address.

Feel free to try hacking it if you want, just remember two things...
 - My router keeps logs of all incoming and outgoing traffic (along with source/destination IP address and port number).
 - If there is any activity that disrupts my internet service, it is a small matter to trace it to an IP address / ISP / physical location, and then a small matter to file an abuse complaint.

I also ask that you think about the facts for a minute or two before you go off ranting about Qhimm's post below.

That is all.


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« Reply #17 on: 2004-06-14 03:36:27 »
Quote from: Golbez
Since I didn't have that [was broken] part, dont quote me as saying that, because I didn't.  I was asking if he was denying it going up 5.  If it WASNT broken then guess what... Qhimm did it on purpose... So I wasn't contradicting myself.

Why is this even an issue? Even if I was sad enough to fake my own visitor counter, fake visits don't generate traffic.

Quote from: Golbez
Also, if its not a big deal, why don't we post Qhimm's and your IP in full view to all the REAL hackers that PLAN attacks.

Sure, my IP is I live in Linköping, Sweden, as you can also read on the left of all my posts. If you like, I can also provide my address and phone number, as it reads from the domain registry for

Quote from: Golbez
You are kidding right?  Well now... if Qhimm is such a computer genuis then I think he could figure it out...  And yes he said he wrote the Warning script code on here...  Hmmm I seem to remember finding that on a phpbb site.

Yes, there already exists a similar warning system for phpbb-based forums. I can provide the source code for my own script, if you would like to compare? Of course you won't, since you're not interested in facts -- your posts are merely trying to get away from the real issue, that was brought down by your friend Mofokubik (ignorant or not). Apparently attacking my character is the best strategy you have.

Quote from: Golbez
And I'm not defending anybody.  I'm tired of Qhimm taking everything out on people HE has issues with and ONLY the people he doesn't like.  Oh no.. Rubicant's avatar is too big.. OMFG!  Jeri left?  Oh no.. its the end of the world....  ITS A FORUM FOR GOD SAKES!  Other people are rude on here what happens?  People laugh.  If Rubicant so much as says "Hi"  You IDIOTS start screaming bloody murder at how obnoxious and rude he is.  I guess you idiot sticks haven't heard of an OPINION.  Yes that's a big word for some of you.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE.  THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO RIDICULE AND THEN BAN SOMEONE FOR IT.  Doing that is pretty immature and pathetic.  I hate to post something like this but I am getting FED UP with all of the crap that goes on to a select view who just because 1 person hates them, everyone else thinks they have to also.

Yes, this is a forum, a forum you're free to leave. I mean, I wouldn't want to force you to visit a place you obviously despise.

Quote from: Golbez
Let's go over what Mofo said again... shall we?  He wanted to get the counter into the 666,000s.  Wow... that sure is pure evil.  OMG!  THAT IS HORRIBLE   :(   If that is considered mal intent, and is sooo bad that Qhimm has to cry about it on his site, then you people are sad.

Yes, we are. *wipes tears*
If Mofo wants to see a visitor counter at 666,000, he can set up his own site with it, or ask me to temporarily change the counter so he can see what it looks like. Instead he chose to bring down the site in his quest, either by mal intent or by stupidity; you are free to believe in either.

Quote from: Golbez
What is DoS?

Well let's clarfiy this.  It wasn't an attack because first off, he wasn't planning on crashing the site, and somebody that KNOWS about hacking would even realize that doing that would overload the bandwidth.  So sorry, but this was not a planned attack to bring Qhimm's site down.  If you remember a similar incident with 666, it was when Rubicant got his post count there...  If this was done for mal intent I think they would have disguised themselves a little better.

Yes, and the man wasn't murdered since his ex-wife didn't realize that pulling the trigger would kill him. And yes, they didn't disguise themselves. And yes, this is a reasonably ineffective way to bring down a site if you wanted to. But the site was still down after being flooded, and Mofokubik is still responsible for it. The question is, what are YOU getting so cooked about?

Quote from: Golbez
Qhimm, I can't believe you are denying it.  I tried the counter too.  It was going up by 5's.  Maybe you did not notice it, but it was.  I have no reason to accuse you doing it to make ME look bad.  If you DIDNT know it was being done, then good, its fixed.  If you did then it wasnt to make ME look bad, it was to make YOUR page look like it gets lots of hits.  Puhleeze.  I respect what you did, until all of this crap is coming out.  Now it makes me wonder espeically since you are denying the 5 hits.  How the hell can they genereate 400,000 hits in 1 day.  think about that.

1. The counter doesn't go up by 5's now.
2. You haven't been able to verify this behavior since during the flooding.
3. If I'm trying to make my site look like it's getting a lot of hits, why did I remove the 400,000 hits from Mofo&friend, before anyone noticed them?
4. Do you honestly believe I'm basing my claims on a counter script? The access logs have recorded 263,749 hits on the main page from his IP, and that figure has nothing to do with my counter script.
5. I don't have to think nor speculate, I'm just reading what the server has recorded.
6. After attacking me personally, am I supposed to be touched by your loss of "respect" for me?

Quote from: Golbez
Also lets do some math.  400,000 hits...  400,000 at 1 a second.  That would take 4.6 DAYS.  Now... if it was divided by 5 and started at 80000 TRUE hits, that would take .9 days...  Hmmm what makes more sense.  Oh wait maybe it loading 2 times a second...

Quite a coincidence, since the logs show heavily increased traffic over a period of 3 days. Again, the number of hits are taken from the access logs, I couldn't fake those even if I wanted to.

Quote from: Golbez
Well 400000 hits would still be 2.31 days... at 2 a second... But 80000 hits at 2 a second would be...whoa lookie here... 0.46 days... NOW THAT sounds about the correct time for the site to go down... now doesn't it MR NO EVIDENCE.

This is ridiculous. Look for yourself, then. But I guess you'll claim I faked it.

Quote from: Golbez
ONE MORE THING... If your site is up now.. why the hell are you crying about it. I guess you and your superpowers got it fixed huh...

Yes, you see, since I'm a horrible person I'm not exactly the forgive-and-forget type. And did you stop to wonder to get extra bandwidth for a site? Let me relieve you of mental stress: you BUY it. But since Mofokubik (and you too, it seems) think it's no deal, I'm sure you won't mind if I send you the bill, then?


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DoS attack
« Reply #18 on: 2004-06-14 04:12:32 »
You are kidding right? Well now... if Qhimm is such a computer genuis then I think he could figure it out... And yes he said he wrote the Warning script code on here... Hmmm I seem to remember finding that on a phpbb site. And I'm not defending anybody. I'm tired of Qhimm taking everything out on people HE has issues with and ONLY the people he doesn't like. Oh no.. Rubicant's avatar is too big.. OMFG! Jeri left? Oh no.. its the end of the world.... ITS A FORUM FOR GOD SAKES! Other people are rude on here what happens? People laugh. If Rubicant so much as says "Hi" You IDIOTS start screaming bloody murder at how obnoxious and rude he is. I guess you idiot sticks haven't heard of an OPINION. Yes that's a big word for some of you. YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO RIDICULE AND THEN BAN SOMEONE FOR IT. Doing that is pretty immature and pathetic. I hate to post something like this but I am getting FED UP with all of the crap that goes on to a select view who just because 1 person hates them, everyone else thinks they have to also.

I took up for Rubicant.. Not EVERYONE hated him.. You are making a broad generalization here and quite frankly you are sounding like an ass.. I'm not going to tear apart your post and explain things because honestly, at this point, I dont care.. Bottom line.. If you are FED UP then go..

Let's go over what Mofo said again... shall we? He wanted to get the counter into the 666,000s. Wow... that sure is pure evil. OMG! THAT IS HORRIBLE  If that is considered mal intent, and is sooo bad that Qhimm has to cry about it on his site, then you people are sad.

Why the hell would he want to raise the counter? What is the point in that at all? Raising the counter isnt evil, but the side effects from this little attempt were.

Here's the deal..

This is Qhimm's site. This is not a democracy. It is run how he wants it to be. If you don't like how this site is operated you have an option, and actually it's a pretty easy option. Do you know what it is? It's called: DONT COME HERE ANYMORE!!!

This is how EVERY web page works out there.. Someone owns the site and takes care of it.. People visit and join and form a community.. The rules havent changed since the whole time I have been here, and Qhimm did what he had to do.. Rubicant was given several chances.. And on any forum if you choose not to follow the rules you dont even need to be warned it can be just snap BAN..

I don't like math much, but let me show you some math maybe it will help you understand.


This stunt was the LAMEST thing I have ever seen come through this site, and I was honestly taken aback at first. I really thought that Rubicant and Mofokubik were above something as childish as this.. Really, I chalk this right up there with Joey's escapades, but atleast Joey wasn't this stupid.


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« Reply #19 on: 2004-06-14 06:04:03 »
Actually I didn't ask for people to POST them. I asked if people HAD any or knew anything. Also it was NORI would posted it all, who, SURPRISE, has a grudge against Rubicant. Also, if its not a big deal, why don't we post Qhimm's and your IP in full view to all the REAL hackers that PLAN attacks.
A grudge against Rubicant?
If I had a grudge against Rubicant:  Wouldn't YOU know his secrets already? :roll:

Generously, Mofokubik asked where Rubicant was... (Since this February or March)
I even asked Aaron, Caddberry & members. . .
I even suggested Mofokubik to ask Qhimm (For magicsheep & Rubicant: Email addresses)
Also Mofokubik wrote about: Rubicant Where Are You? At Completely unrelated forum:
Rubicant's Zip Code:
Rubicant used to provide his Zip Code in ICQ profile (Before he removed it) :roll:


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« Reply #20 on: 2004-06-14 06:35:01 »

This is simple.

Mofokubik and his friend made a pre-meditated ATTACK, yes, attack on the site.  

No matter what you think it is, Its an attack.  You may not have intended to bring down the site.  But you did.

Its like if I decide to shoot at Qhimm and Im aiming to miss him...but I dont and kill him.  It's still murder.   Not only that, but that scenario, like this surrent event, Is completely  idiotic.  How about you two grow the hell up, and stop trying to destroy the community from the outside now that you can't do it from the inside.

Why do you do these types of things....hmm?
Does it get you a rush to know that you bought down A GAMES HACKING WEBSITE ?!?! OH MY GOD! what an acheivement. Seriously, you people must have nothing better to do with your live than sit infront of your computer,with your finger on the F5 button.

Sad, lifeless S of Bs.

(Ohhh so many post destroyers :D)


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DoS attack
« Reply #21 on: 2004-06-14 08:15:36 »
Even if Rubicant had his Zip code in his ICQ profile.. Only people that know him would see that.  Not any random person that happens to stumble on this board.  And go ahead and send me the bill qhimm... I don't care.  Since I did nothign that would be pointless.

OMFG.  an attack.. wow... a premeditated attack.  See you think I MAKE baseless accusations.  Wow.  A PREMEDITATED attack now... incredible.  So what happens if my bandwidth happens to be running low, and someone sees my counter is 1,000 hits off.  If he keeps hitting to do it, and my site goes down, then I get anal about it?  Hm... ok.. if thats how "normal" people work.  7k for the page at 400,000 hits also wont generate 1.7GB of traffic btw... just to point that out.


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DoS attack
« Reply #22 on: 2004-06-14 13:10:14 »
Quote from: Golbez
OMFG.  an attack.. wow... a premeditated attack.  See you think I MAKE baseless accusations.  Wow.  A PREMEDITATED attack now... incredible.  So what happens if my bandwidth happens to be running low, and someone sees my counter is 1,000 hits off.  If he keeps hitting to do it, and my site goes down, then I get anal about it?  Hm... ok.. if thats how "normal" people work.  7k for the page at 400,000 hits also wont generate 1.7GB of traffic btw... just to point that out.

Sure... well now it wasn't 1,000 hits, it was two-hundred times the normal traffic on the site. Likening the flooding to a less serious offense isn't much of a defense. Had it been a mere 1,000 hits I wouldn't even have posted about it, but it wasn't, and so I did.

Hehe, let me refresh your memory and math skills. Mofokubik generated 260,000 hits (the other attacker another 125,000). 260,000 divided by 1.7GB is equal to 7kB, which is also what you get if you gzip-compress index.shtml, style.css and script.js (the files that are sent when reloading the main page without images). Had gzip-compression not been enabled by my server, or had he used a browser that didn't support it, the same little "refreshing game" would have generated 9GB of traffic for Mofokubik alone; remind me to send him a "thank you" card. So... what was your point again?


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You Just Don't Get It!
« Reply #23 on: 2004-06-14 14:12:53 »
Quote from: Golbez
Even if Rubicant had his Zip code in his ICQ profile.. Only people that know him would see that.
And your point is?

NorikoForums: Fine I have a question for you, you really think I have a grudge against Rubicant?
Mofokubik: No

Quote from: Golbez
So?  This is the worst explanation of a grudge against Rubicant. . .


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DoS attack
« Reply #24 on: 2004-06-14 18:01:02 »

Ok, if thats is so, your stats page, curiosity question.. why does it say:

KBytes per Day:
avg: 246134
max: 1639716   (this would be about 1.6 GB would it not?  This does say KB per day?)

Then lower is June 11 Stats
707373 48.70%
241291 47.64%
230599 58.75%
140 7.03%
268 9.49%
1639716 51.25%   (The 1.6 GB again, only on June 11?)

Do these stats work differently? Or does June 11th count as 3 days?  Just a question.  After this I say forget this because, everything will just be denied over and over.