Author Topic: Who, WHO?! (qhimm, please read, too!)  (Read 2385 times)


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Who, WHO?! (qhimm, please read, too!)
« on: 2004-06-20 08:40:53 »

I need to know who did:

the 1.02 patch
the upside-down movies patch

I'm pretty sure it was "random tech guy at eidos" in both cases, but i just want to be certain.

And also, I need to know if it would be okay for me to distribute these, along with qhimm's chocobo patch, on my site, as well as in a patch pack (no alterations to the patches/zips would be made.  I'd just be stuffing a bunch of patches into a zip file for convenience)

I should prolly ask qhimm in private about distributing his patch, but mweh, i figure he'd run into this thread first anyway.


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Re: Who, WHO?! (qhimm, please read, too!)
« Reply #1 on: 2004-06-20 16:06:50 »
Quote from: EmperorSteele

I need to know who did:

the 1.02 patch
the upside-down movies patch

I'm pretty sure it was "random tech guy at eidos" in both cases, but i just want to be certain.

Indeed they were. Thats why those patches are supported by Eidos, because they were programmed by their own techs and tested thoroughly. Meanwhile the only difference between those guys and Qhimm, Qhimm hasnt drawn a paycheck from Square before, but works 3rd party free from payment.

So let me ask you this, wouldnt you think they'd do well to have a guy like Qhimm to work on things every now and again, just because he was not a party to the original production, so he can look at it with fresh eyes, rather than a programmer that knows how things should work and may overlook things? Next question, dont you think itd be nice if theyd toss a guy like Qhimm a bone every so often? I know, only in a perfect world, but still, if not for this guy, how many people would be unable to play FF7 due to running XP? Sorry for running off the topic there, but it came to mind from Steele's question, and I thought someone should say it...


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Who, WHO?! (qhimm, please read, too!)
« Reply #2 on: 2004-06-20 22:39:22 »
yeah.  As an artist, I can tell you that the only way my work ever improves is when other people take a look at it to point things out.  I'm sure programmers are mucht he same way.

I suppsoe the only difference is that companies wouldn't want "third party people" gaining access to thier source codes, just to make patches and whatnot.