Author Topic: BBL  (Read 2701 times)


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« on: 2004-10-31 15:23:55 »
Hi programmers ! ... I want to present you a Biturn Bitmap Lib (BBL), its a library that my proggy Biturn uses for loading / saving of bitmaps. It maybe could help you too, if you work with bitmaps ... it also supports FF7 textures (.TEX), FF8 textures (.TIM)

Here is something frrom readme file:
BBL is code library which can be used for loading, saving and managing of bitmap data.
Currently reading and writing is supported for general use bitmap file formats: BMP, CEL, RGB (SGI), TGA, JPG, PPM, PSD, DDS (Direct X) and for game formats, : MMP (Etherlords), BLP (Warcraft 3), TEX (FF7), TXMP, TXMB (Oni), TIM (FF8), TEX (Viper Racing), Z80 (Speccy pictures), TEX (Mafia), RAW (Dungeon Siege). (not all of these support saving, and some might not work for some picture formats)

Its in form of .lib with c++ headers, so currently it can be used only in c++ developing workspaces. But I want to write some wrappers so it can be used also in other programming languages. If you think that it is needed and can help me with it, contact me.

Download here: