Some stuff about FF7.exe that I found out.
Those who already know this can ignore this post.
Open up FF7.EXE with a hex editor
Changing Battle Characters
Search for CLOUD.DAT
Here you will find a few other .DAT files specified here.
Anyway, if you were to replace any of the text with another person's .DAT file, this person will appear in battle.
For example, if you were to replace CLOUD.DAT with EARITH.DAT, you will have Aeris appear in cloud's place during battles.
I haven't been able to find where the .DAT files are really located though.
Changing the Pics Displayed On-Screen
If you search for disk1_a.tim (Display screen for Insert Disc 1)
You will see a whole load of .tim files located here.
Replace them with whatever filename you want and you will have that .tim file in it's place.
No examples here, just test them out yourself.
Changing names of LGP's if you don't like the original names
Search for field/char.lgp
A whole load of LGP names are listed here.
Just change the links here and the name of your lgp files.
Changing names of AVI's if you don't like the original names
Search for fship2.avi
A whole load of AVI names are listed here.
Just change the links here and the name of your avi files.
Limit Break's
Search for:-
This is the specification for Vincent's Limit Break.
I haven't tried this yet but theoratically, you can change chaos.dat to sefiros.dat and when he's supposed to do his chaos limit break, he will turn into Sephiroth.
Search for this
Everything below it describes what the attack should do.
Not that it's in plain english though
Actually, there's a lot of this stuff in the exe, so my assumption is that all limit breaks, magic attacks and summons are defined in the .exe file itself.
In fact the definitions for the mini-games seem to be located in the exe as well.
The default names for char's are also in this file.
Even the world map definition is on the exe file
Changing MIDI's
Search for
Note : When changing the names of the midi files, only the filename is required, the extension is not nescessary
Hehe, there's a special message in the EXE file too
Search for
great special thanx to you, ARIKO.......from your husband, HIDEJI
To ficedula: Some of the text for the game resides in the EXE itself.
Messages that appear in shop's are also listed in the EXE itself.
For example : $O.YOU.WANT.TO.QUIT
So, far the program seems to replace the first character in a statement with the following
$ - D
& - F
7 - W
9 - Y
3 - S
" - B
# - C
- - M
0 - P
) - I
! - A
2 - R
, - L
6 - V
% - E
1 - Q
' - G
+ - K
4 - T
( - H
. - N
: - Z
/ - O
The rest can be deduced.
I would love to add more but my hand is already aching. I'll post later when I have the time. Does anyone else have anything to add?