Here's what I've found out so far about the FF7.exe
using IDA PRO. It's a disassembler.
It looks like Vincent.dat, Cloud.dat, Sefiros.dat are not internal files in the EXE. Looking at the asm view of FF7.exe, the information seems to be stored in camdat*.bin. In fact, the types of monster magic seems to be stored there too.
You know what's surprising? The name of every single country and language is listed in the EXE file.
All summons seem to be grouped as limits.
Special magic done by monsters seem to be grouped as Specials
Most of the specials are named in Japanese so I don't know what is what.
All Enemy Skills are grouped under blue
There is a several test runs when accessing Flevel.lgp files as stated in the EXE
Here's the list:-
sprites.tst - Testing of BG sprites
The following defines the sprites:-
# %d: x %d, y%d, u%d, v%d, clut%d Depth %d',0Ah,0
(If it means what I think it means, then the sprites are defined in x-coordinates(decimal), Y-coordinates(decimal),Depth /z-coordinate(decimal))
cover.tst - Testing of cover data
bk.tst - Testing of background data
The following defines the sprites:-
# %d: page %d ,u %5f, v%5f, pal%d, x%d, y%d Depth%d tex
(If it means what I think it means, then the sprites are defined in x-coordinates(decimal), Y-coordinates(decimal),Depth /z-coordinate(decimal), pallete(decimal) v??(float with up to 5 decimal places))
lower.tst - Lower Plain Data
upper.tst - Upper Plain Data
I believe all the algorithms for viewing the data here is defined in the EXE. I'm not too good at reading ASM so heck
One more thing, they also defined these file extentions(i think) for flevel.lgp
.map (map files??)
.ate (active time event??? - too much FF9 maybe)
.enc (encounter rate???)
The .P temp files, the ones that appear in the main directory although you delete them are defined in dx_sfx.cpp. and it has something to do with the graphics library.
I wonder why this line exists?
It must be for converting .PLY files into .PD files. But what are .PD files.
This is some stuff from the plytopd.cpp section
offset aScript ; ":SCRIPT"
offset aSkeleton ; ":SKELETON"
offset aFrames ; ":FRAMES"
offset aChannels ; ":CHANNELS"
offset aRotation_order ; ":ROTATION_ORDER"
offset aRotate_resolut ; ":ROTATE_RESOLUTION"
offset aBones ; ":BONES"
offset aRoot_coordinat ; "root_coordinate"
Skillster :This address seems to refer to supernova - WeaponS_nova
There's so much more to look at but i need sleep now. Just a side note: The EXE divides it's functions in a quite orderly manner with the names of the .cpp files.
Lastly, I haven't been posting much lately cause my coursework is piling up. Besides, I've gotta prepare for my exam 1 1/2 weeks from now.
[This message has been edited by The SaiNt (edited February 10, 2001).]