Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Dialog/Text Editor - Moomba (0.21)  (Read 12473 times)


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[PSX/PC] Dialog/Text Editor - Moomba (0.21)
« on: 2005-06-09 11:18:14 »

I just released first version of my editor for Final Fantasy VIII.
It can edit now all MSD files (dialogs), and wmsetus.obj (texts on World map). To work, program needs a folder [ff8] (you can decompile it by Qhimm's Garden), necessary files are all MSD and wmsetus.obj. This folder must be in the same folder, where you unpack Moomba.exe .

If you have another language version, in file arena.cpg you can edit file list :wink: .

Here it is:

Moomba Editor - ver. 0.21

EDIT: There is 1 warning - if you edit a wmsetus.obj file, you must be careful - program hasn't a secure for overwrite "things" after text section. I'll create it on next version.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-24 17:28:35 by Covarr »


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Moomba Editor for FF8 [UPDATE 11.09]
« Reply #1 on: 2005-09-11 09:08:29 »
Sorry for double post.

I released next version.
Now it has char table, some bug are fixed, program works little faster and it takes less PC's memory.

Here it is:

Moomba Editor - ver. 0.21 (this pack contains .msd files)


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Re: Moomba Editor for FF8 [UPDATE 11.09]
« Reply #2 on: 2006-07-14 11:27:24 »
Moomba link is broken, please fix it!


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Re: Moomba Editor for FF8 [UPDATE 11.09]
« Reply #3 on: 2006-07-14 11:56:06 »
Moomba is a program written for FF8PL team, and only by joining that team you'll get access to it (at least that's what Colly said on forums :P). And it's not like "You won't get it because you're not worth it". It's private because there are some nasty bugs in it, and he doesn't want people to lose data because of it.

Try PM-ing him.



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Re: Moomba Editor for FF8 [UPDATE 11.09]
« Reply #4 on: 2006-07-15 18:15:27 »
Moomba is a program written for FF8PL team, and only by joining that team you'll get access to it (at least that's what Colly said on forums :P). And it's not like "You won't get it because you're not worth it". It's private because there are some nasty bugs in it, and he doesn't want people to lose data because of it.
Try PM-ing him.
Thanks for the info. I'll try it later!