Author Topic: In other news... (serious)  (Read 69862 times)


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In other news... (serious)
« on: 2005-06-10 16:33:45 »
...I'm strongly considering adding a minimum IQ/common sense requirement to be able to post on the forums. Jesus.

You know, this place started small, and for a long time it consisted mostly of a group of sensible people I very much liked to call friends. What is it now? A goddamn daycare center for people who shouldn't be allowed to interact online, or even own a keyboard for that matter.
  • At least five members now are using the forums to talk to each other instead of calling or meeting outside (or in cases, the goddamn living room).
  • At least two permanently banned users are semi-secretly back posting as if nothing happened.
  • Most of the few people who were capable of having a decent intellectual conversation are gone or driven insane by the rest of the members.
  • Maybe one or two percent of the registered users are actually contributing towards the intended goal of these forums.
  • There exists maybe a handful of people who actually behave as regulars, the rest (including many long-time members) are still acting like dyslexic newbies who just post for the hell of it.
  • There are maybe five or ten different topics alive, which are endlessly repeated since people can apparently not read anything posted before they thought of the idea.[/list:u]
    I seriously don't care anymore.

    If anyone thinks they can make a difference, let me know and I'll make you a moderator. I'm tired of cleaning up this mess, if you people are interested in this place as anything else than a random crap dump then maybe you should start actually working for it.


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« Reply #1 on: 2005-06-13 12:39:35 »
why dont you just annihilate peoples accounts, i mean if someone annoys you (inc. me if desired) just go on a banning spree and get rid of them.

Or you could just scrap this forum then start anew. it may seem mean to go on a rage of banning but ... You may feel better after it.

Oh and people should accept your word as final and if they get erased or the site gets scrapped or you make changes, people should respect that and go back to their non forum life

Stay strong, stay sane

This is not an application (personaly im too much of a nice person / worry-wart to become a mod)


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« Reply #2 on: 2005-06-13 14:04:15 »
I would be interested in being moderated. I know I've posted very little. I've been here awhile, but I only tend to post If I think I can help or have anything of interest to say.


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« Reply #3 on: 2005-06-13 14:49:40 »
I think that the moderating system on this board has 3 major problems:

1. I think that one of the main moderating problems on this board is that only a few of your moderators are still around here (SaiNt, Aaron, You, and me).
Some of the moderators have not been posting here for a long while, as fice, halkun, dagsverre...
This worked fine some time ago, however, in the last few months we have more and more problems in here, so you have to update your mod crew.
But I see that you've already started taking care of this problem.
I think that making Nori a mod is a good decision.

2. Another problem was that moderators are only allowed to moderate a few forums, not all. If I see some heavy rule-breaking action in the unrelated forum (where most of the shit happens), for example, I cannot use my "mod powers" there, the only thing I can do is giving an advise or telling another mod/admin who has the power to edit or delete posts or topics in a specific forum about that...

You maybe should think about giving the mods access to more forums, especially the unreleated one to take care of that.

And as for that "If anyone thinks they can make a difference, let me know and I'll make you a moderator." is not a good Idea. I think you (and SaiNt) should be the only ones who decide who's going to be a moderator.
After all, this is not a guerilla war, where everyone fights for his own ideal, but the moderators are (or at least should be) a crew under your control, fighting for your ideals.

3. I think there is also another point:
Once you have finished the mod crew update, then you should maybe tell your moderators what you expect them to do in critical situations.
This would be a help for us moderators to enforce the rules, and if we know what you expect from us, then we can also handle a lot of problem for you without being afraid to be too rude.

Think about it.

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Had to correct my grammar and the structure of this post a few times...

 - edit -
corpse: If I was you, I'd scale down that avatar a bit before someone else does...


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« Reply #4 on: 2005-06-13 22:10:56 »
You'd have to admit, everything is segregated for the most part (with a few game tweaking/tech crossovers, and unrelated/general crossovers, just topics that should be in the other).


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« Reply #5 on: 2005-06-13 23:33:47 »
Hey guys, I think I would be an awesome moderator. First I would ban all of my relatives, then I would ban MOYB, then I would get rid of my own warning, and then I would be happy, and become a good mod, b/c at least Qhimm knows that I'm honest. I never lie. If anyone can trust me its everyone! Vote RPGillespie!

P.S. I'm one of the 2% that contribute, right..? HEy, you can't deny that if someone has a problem, I will do my best to help them b/c I like it when people help me, even though I haven't been getting much lately, but I'm not complaining...


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« Reply #6 on: 2005-06-13 23:38:11 »
I cant tell if that's sarcasm or serious  :isee:


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« Reply #7 on: 2005-06-13 23:41:08 »
Hey, I've mended my ways...

P.S. MOYB, stop doing quotings! they are boring to everybody but who you are insulting!


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« Reply #8 on: 2005-06-13 23:50:57 »
So, you ARE serious?  :o

Lets be a little realistic here, your intro here wasnt that spectacular ("Oil is gay"), created multiple accounts to impersonate the admin, in which that unintentionally added fire to an already high-tweaked group of people because of ongoing conflict.

Im sure Im not one to be judging people, as Im sure I've done a few things to irk a few people, but damn, lets be a little bit realistic here.

Still like ya as a person though  :D

I must say though, you suprised me. I (Im sure a few other people thought it too) thought you were going to be another Nando ("In no time you'll be rollin in a cadillac on twanky fours") that would be out of here within a week. Definetly turned around.

I propose a petition to get that guy back in here. Never laughed so hard. Ever.


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« Reply #9 on: 2005-06-14 00:06:01 »
I fink i shud be a mod cos i iz got nuffink betta to do. </idiot>

Seriously tho, I think that one global mod would do the trick... to take some work off Qhimm.  Someone who is around a lot so they can nip trash threads in the bud, other than that I have nothing to contribute here... in fact, I'm trying to figure out why I bothered to post.

FYI, I'm not applying... look at my join date and look at my post count, although I have read the forums a lot more than it seems I just rarely have anything to contribute.


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« Reply #10 on: 2005-06-14 00:33:00 »
Isn't the mindless bantering and arguing something Qhimm dislikes?

And anyway, maybe it's just my ego making me feel this way, but I'm afraid I may have something to do with the influx of dyslexic newbies.  I tend to pimp this site/forum as much as i can in other forums and on my site, which of course draws people here.

I'll cease and desist, though, if this is actually the case =(

Oh, and my 2 cents on the moderating situation: Don't mod anyone who asks for the job.  They usually end up being shit (as i've observed over the last eight years of watching various interwebs forums =P)


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« Reply #11 on: 2005-06-14 00:46:54 »
Hey, I think I'd be a pretty good moderator... Besides which, My oil is gay intro was just because I was young and naive back then and posted so I could raise my level from level 0 newbie to level 1 newbie, I don't do that anymore! The Qhimm admin thing was.. b/c I saw someone on another forum do it, and the result was pretty funny... I didn't think everyone would chop Jari's head off... Hey, I can't stand people who come to a site, post and when they get an answer, leave forever never to be heard of agian. If someone helps me, I feel obliged to help them. I don't think I've ever argued w/ anyone either except MOYB  b/c he isn't very nice and the very sight of his posts gets my adrenaline pumping... BTW, your post count doesn't matter whether you should be a mod or not. If you are a crrappy mod, you will be a crappy mod with 3 posts or 1699 posts.


P.S. Hey you got to admit, I add spice to the site... Haven't you ever looked at my witty and amusing topic replies and sayed "Oh hohoho man, thats a knee-slapper, that RPGillespie just cracks me up..." I know I have.


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« Reply #12 on: 2005-06-14 04:30:02 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
Ok, this was simply so funny that I had to answer. Sorry about that, feel free to ignore me.

I think I'll do just that, then.

Quote from: EmperorSteele
Oh, and my 2 cents on the moderating situation: Don't mod anyone who asks for the job. They usually end up being sh*t (as i've observed over the last eight years of watching various interwebs forums =P)

Quite perceptive of you.

Seriously, some of you people need a reality check before "applying" for the moderator job. There is a certain group of people I might consider as moderators. There is also a (larger) group of people that want to be moderators. Here's the mathematical kick for you: only the intersection of those two sets will ever become moderators. Just because the average IQ of this place is dropping by the minute (though I suspect it's a global trend) doesn't mean I'll let any idiot speak for me. Apply only if you know exactly the sort of thing I'd disagree with, but you've never done yourself. You're not going to wield any form of authority as a moderator if you're being moderated. Hey, why not let Rubicant be a moderator?

Quote from: RPGillespie
Besides which, My oil is gay intro was just because I was young and naive back then

You've been registered less than two months!! Speaking of which, I've now removed a total of twelve fake accounts registered by members of your family, last one a duplicate of "Killing Edge". You're looking at an IP range ban, not a moderator title. You're essentially insulting our intelligence by even hinting otherwise, sarcastic or not.

For the record, I'd never, ever entrust as much as a trashbin to someone who hasn't even seen what the forums used to be. How the hell do you expect to be able to uphold ideals if you think the last year is how the forums are supposed to be? Sure you could read a few old topics, but most of the signature topics are long sinced purged, and when you do find a good topic, most likely you're just sitting and thinking "gee, I wish I could talk like that". I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't have any purpose to post other than "it's fun", "it's a friend", "I've got nothing better to do", etc., then keep your fingers off your keyboard or I'll physically come over there and shove it up you.

Quote from: Bunnie-Maru
You'd have to admit, everything is segregated for the most part (with a few game tweaking/tech crossovers, and unrelated/general crossovers, just topics that should be in the other).

Segregated, except for the small fact that I was looking through the first page of the General forum yesterday, and had to move at least fifteen topics to Game tweaking. Thank god at least Tech-related is more closely controlled, or it would be completely worthless as any kind of repository of knowledge. I could never run a wiki-type thing here, because for some reason a majority of the members are unable to separate fact and opinion, and lack any form of judgment on what to post, where to post it, when to post it and why to post it. Put simply, the memberlist is becoming more and more representative of the entire internet population. People who want help from the know-hows here but don't even spend the few seconds it takes to read the words "tech support" under the Game tweaking forum link to get the damn request in the right forum shouldn't get help, or even be allowed on the internet. In fact, I could probably filter 90% of the new members out by making the registration page look like this:

Quote from: Registration page
Click here to register
Please be sure to read the rules before posting.

Click here to read the FAQ

Much easier than banning, and less sub-intelligent insults.

Sad Jari

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« Reply #13 on: 2005-06-14 04:32:47 »
The entertainment value of this thread is pretty immense.



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« Reply #14 on: 2005-06-14 04:49:47 »
Quote from: Qhimm
except for the small fact that I was looking through the first page of the General forum yesterday, and had to move at least fifteen topics to Game tweaking.

I was referring more so to just complete random topics tending to stay more-so in Unrelated. I myself have barely seen too many random topics in general, and practicly none in either game tweaking or tech related (though I usually dont tend to go in there, in all honesty).

I see your point though. There've been alot of "Help me" topics in general  -_-


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« Reply #15 on: 2005-06-14 04:52:10 »
2. Another problem was that moderators are only allowed to moderate a few forums, not all. If I see some heavy rule-breaking action in the unrelated forum (where most of the sh*t happens), for example, I cannot use my "mod powers" there, the only thing I can do is giving an advise or telling another mod/admin who has the power to edit or delete posts or topics in a specific forum about that...

I notice my name is written in orange now...

I hope I can help hold this place together, but I'm pretty busy as some of you know.  :-P


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« Reply #16 on: 2005-06-14 15:47:47 »
Just a suggestion, with forums that have a LOT of members, I've noticed they have kind of a level security system. For example, nintendo's official forum, when you first join, you are restricted strictly to one section that you can post in. Once your level grows, you can post in more and more areas.  If a member becomes inactive for 1 week in level 0, his account gets deleted. If a member becomes inactive for 1 month in level 1, his account gets deleted, etc, until the higher levels are pretty much immune. This seems to be effective in confining the idiots to the lower levels b/c they will post once, get bored and leave. Also, the lower ranks don't have avatars or signatures. They earn them depending on their rank. Another suggestion is that you have to be stricter on your rules. Qhimm and Aaron are really nice and sometimes don't enforce the rules. Check this out and ignore #12 This site is pretty much open to all of the general pubic, so alot of trash washes in from... somewhere.  Have I really only been active for 2 months? I swear i was here longer than that...


P.S. Qhimm, you stabbed me deep...

Sad Jari

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« Reply #17 on: 2005-06-14 15:58:36 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
This site is pretty much open to all of the general pubic, so alot of trash washes in from... somewhere.

Freudian slip?

Quote from: RPGillespie
 Have I really only been active for 2 months? I swear i was here longer than that...

Yeah, the "Joined: 28 Apr 2005" under your mug is there just for fun. It certainly could not be the date you joined.


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« Reply #18 on: 2005-06-14 15:59:51 »
Well lets see... the Remake is dead. No one is making any tools anymore. All that's really going on here is the rare activity in the tech forum, making some progress on the various formats. I don't think thats enough to keep a community alive without the filler of idiots.


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« Reply #19 on: 2005-06-14 23:16:37 »
Yeah, the "Joined: 28 Apr 2005" under your mug is there just for fun. It certainly could not be the date you joined.
Man, its hard to believe you are as old as you are Jari...

Quote from: Darkness
Well lets see... the Remake is dead. No one is making any tools anymore. All that's really going on here is the rare activity in the tech forum, making some progress on the various formats. I don't think thats enough to keep a community alive without the filler of idiots.
What about Reunion and Borde's work? That doesn't count? Who says no one is making tools anymore? I'm working on the best FF7 tool of all time: RPGillespiedit, its secret though, shhh, don't tell anyone.[/quote]


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« Reply #20 on: 2005-06-14 23:39:57 »
I think, with the right input, the community could crawl back to where it was.

With The SaiNt's work on higher res coming to a conclusion and Reunion's battle -> field model work there should be enough to keep it running.  Once Reunion finishes up we will have a nicely updated game to play with, and plenty of tweaking to be done (see Borde's work on mixed models to make all the NPC's).

At the end of the day there's still a fair bit going on.

Sad Jari

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« Reply #21 on: 2005-06-14 23:48:18 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Yeah, the "Joined: 28 Apr 2005" under your mug is there just for fun. It certainly could not be the date you joined.
Man, its hard to believe you are as old as you are Jari...

Don't hate me just because you are stupid.


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« Reply #22 on: 2005-06-15 01:04:21 »


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« Reply #23 on: 2005-06-15 01:13:23 »
As little as it may be worth I'd like to input my humble opinion that I would like L.Spiro to be made a mod. Beyond that one incident that Jari will likely revive again he seemed to be a good person for the job.

P.S.: I do belive the prase went something along the lines of anyone who can get themselves made president should be in no way allowed to do the job


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« Reply #24 on: 2005-06-15 03:56:22 »
I refuse to argue, but here's a good site for all you RPGillespie haters out there:

Site devoted to Meanies!

P.S. Make sure your speakers are on for full effect

P.P.S reunion, how'd you do that?