Author Topic: In other news... (serious)  (Read 71412 times)


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« Reply #25 on: 2005-06-15 04:18:44 »
*Sigh* Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless - M.T

Sad Jari

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« Reply #26 on: 2005-06-15 04:18:45 »

Revive? Oh, you couldn't be further from the truth! I think that your idea is easily the best one on this thread. :)

Ain't that right, mr Admin? 8)


Instead of arguing you'll just try insulting, right? Nice idea! :P

Too bad that this system does not have speakers at all, must listen it later. I'm sure that it's just as funny as rest of your stuff, though. :D


Nori: Not to worry, I don't need or wish kind words from here. :)


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« Reply #27 on: 2005-06-15 04:28:23 »
Hey, you can type any name for, I didn't make that site (They weren't my insults :wink:). I was going to butter up Qhimm by posting a link to but for some reason taht site was discontinued. Fine, Nori, I'll take your advice. Jari I'm sorry buddy, ol' pal. Can you find in your heart to forgive me? I won't insult you anymore if you don't insult me (and my intelligence) anymore. This is not sarcasm, I promise. I'll even change the above link b/c I'm that nice of a guy.


P.S. the music is just boring elevator music. (Its lame)[/i]


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« Reply #28 on: 2005-06-15 04:42:28 »
Quote from: Qhimm
...I'm strongly considering adding a minimum IQ/common sense requirement to be able to post on the forums. Jesus.
How about MIT Entrance Examination, 1876? With new questions? :wink:


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« Reply #29 on: 2005-06-15 04:49:31 »
Huh, I can do most all the math except Geometry b/c I forget how to do it. Do you want to go to MIT, Nori, since you live in MA?


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Re: 1876
« Reply #30 on: 2005-06-15 04:56:02 »
Quote from: Nori
How about MIT Entrance Examination, 1876? With new questions? :wink:

Would that be with or without calculators? :roll:  :P

Sad Jari

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« Reply #31 on: 2005-06-15 05:22:04 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Jari I'm sorry buddy, ol' pal. Can you find in your heart to forgive me?


Quote from: RPGillespie
I won't insult you anymore if you don't insult me (and my intelligence) anymore.

Few more days... you don't have to worry about me after that.


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« Reply #32 on: 2005-06-15 11:25:00 »
Few more days?
I still don't understand it.
I've been hearing that "I'll leave for good now" (this is not a quote) from you, you've disappeared for a few weeks, now you're posting again, still telling us that there are just a few more days left...
It seems like stop smoking to me... "One more cigarette, I'll stop after this one..."
You come here, post something, but you say that we can "feel free to ignore" you, and we can doubt that you will stay here etc...
Until now, you've been leaving (means stopped posting), and you've been coming back again.
You said this place is lost, so you why don't you finally jump off this train which goes to hell?

 - Alhexx

Sad Jari

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« Reply #33 on: 2005-06-15 11:39:30 »
Few more days... you'll see.

But hey, thanks for making it easier.


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« Reply #34 on: 2005-06-15 13:34:33 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Hey, you can type any name for, I didn't make that site (They weren't my insults :wink:). I was going to butter up Qhimm by posting a link to but for some reason taht site was discontinued.

Not that it would have made any difference, since I'm included in the target audience of your first link anyway.

Quote from: RPGillespie
Do you want to go to MIT, Nori, since you live in MA?

You're literally trying to dilute the topic, aren't you?

I'm quite close to banning everyone on the forums who annoy me. The only reason I haven't already is that I stick to some outdated principles of giving everybody at least one chance, but you'll be glad to know I'm being rapidly pushed towards the edge (also, quite a bunch of you have already demonstrated quite clearly what you're doing with your chance). Don't want to be banned? Then don't be an idiot, it's that simple.


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« Reply #35 on: 2005-06-15 16:52:26 »
I have just been browsing through the general forum, and I have found a topic from 24 July 2001, and let me quote the post of the message starter here:

Quote from: Edea
I hope this isn't a dumb question but can anyone tell me what spamming is?

I get the strange feeling that maybe I shouldn't be here if I know nothing about computers and such. None of my posts are ever technical. Is that okay or not? Not that I don't like it here I just don't wanna make anybody mad like Qhimm or anyone. Tell me what I should do!

I think that is a quote that REALLY fits into this topic after what has been posted here...

If you need any more info, click here.

 - Alhexx


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« Reply #36 on: 2005-06-15 19:21:01 »
I know Im not the model poster, but I do have an idea,

The rules need to be more accessible/open/obvious/displayed, however which way you want to slice it.

I mentioned in the rules thread about possibly adding the No Illegal links rule to the list, since it wasn't on there. The average joe isn't going to go through each forum, checking for rules (Hell, they dont even check the original rule thread most of the time).

The rules need to be put out there more, specificly: maybe right at the very top of the thread list, sort of like in Game Tweaking. But not the forum rules, the entire rules for EVERY forum.

That way, as soon as they go into the General and Unrelated Forums (That's where most of the new members go right away probally), they are FORCED to see the rule thread, there is no excuse.

I know the rules are posted. Hell, it shouldn't have to be done, people should go to the rules thread and what not and find out the rules before they post.

But they're not.

Im not expecting it to solve all the problems, but it's a step, and it wouldnt hurt. Just a sticky perhaps of the rules thread in General and Unrelated.

Worth a shot, right?  :-?


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« Reply #37 on: 2005-06-15 19:34:39 »
Quote from: Bunnie-Maru
That way, as soon as they go into the General and Unrelated Forums (That's where most of the new members go right away probally), they are FORCED to see the rule thread, there is no excuse.

Yes, they would be forced to see it, however we cannot force them to read it - that's the problem.
Do you think that if there was a topic called "Forum rules - read before posting", someone would read it?
Well, I would, you would, and many other people, too.
However, those members, who cause the trouble in here would not read it... the ones who are willing to read the rules, mostly wouldn't break them even if they hadn't read the rules (except too big avatars or things like that)

Well, we'll see what the future will bring to us - maybe there will even some "intelligent" members join us...

 - Alhexx


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« Reply #38 on: 2005-06-15 20:45:59 »
on fangames forum the rules appear after you login, you have select you agree before you're allowed to procede. I know this gets abit annoying every time. But perhaps it can be set up for first time users


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« Reply #39 on: 2005-06-16 00:15:13 »
Quote from: Qhimm
Not that it would have made any difference, since I'm included in the target audience of your first link anyway.

Oh it would've made a difference, that music and such friendly words... Ho man, it would've brought tears to your eyes. Are you really an RPGillespie hater? I mean I know the Admin imposter thing was really, really, bad, but other than that what did I do? I've tryed to be helpful on the forums, and if you've noticed, I usually double check my posts to make sure they are grammatically correct, etc.

Quote from: Qhimm

You're literally trying to dilute the topic, aren't you?

Quote from: Nori
*Sigh* Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless - M.T

Just following Nori's advice...

Quote from: MOYB
Few more days... you don't have to worry about me after that.

Worry about you after what? Few more days until what?  Qhimm, I'd start worrying If I were you, sounds like he is going to do 'something' before his big exit.



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« Reply #40 on: 2005-06-16 00:41:35 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Qhimm, I'd start worrying If I were you, sounds like he is going to do 'something' before his big exit.

Reminds me of the guy in the background during action movies. You know, the main villain's goon, boosting up his ego until finally the villain gets sick of his annoying banter and finally kills off the guy.

Ricochet's a good example  -_-


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« Reply #41 on: 2005-06-16 03:27:53 »
Hmm, whatever he does, it usually has some entertainment value that can be derived from it... Although if its destructuve, qhimm may not like it too much...


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« Reply #42 on: 2005-06-16 03:42:15 »
I was referring to you.

For some reason, you seem to be trying to impress people, trying to be funny, likeable. Really since the talk about new mods has been going on.

Maybe its me, but it seems like you're trying way too hard to put yourself out there as a likeable, fun guy, and it's almost irritating.  :-?

Not trying to flame or start a fight, but just take it easy there, be yourself.


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« Reply #43 on: 2005-06-16 04:10:29 »
Qhimm is a villian? Makes sense, jk, well, I'm going back to Game tweaking...


[Edit] Sigh, Its hard to get a good reputation back, once you've flushed it down the toilet... I was just... well, you know  :wink:


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« Reply #44 on: 2005-06-16 15:27:08 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Qhimm, I'd start worrying If I were you, sounds like he is going to do 'something' before his big exit.

No, he's not.

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
I'm not sure if you think so, too, Qhimm, but as I see it, this thread has gone off-topic from that "mod-casting" issue...


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« Reply #45 on: 2005-06-16 16:31:09 »

. . . I used to love this forum.  When every other web forum I was exposed to annoyed and disgusted me, there was always . . .

. . . Then again, that was back when we used to discuss things like our box's Specs in the age topic.  Everyone was sensible and interesting to listen to (read).

Now, I just see posts like this, that piss me off to the extreme:

Quote from: Markishness
I like DEATHBERRY! :wicked:

It's jet black and has little skull-shaped berries in it.

Yum, yum :wicked:

P.S. Dark Chocolate and Mint Chocolate chip come in 2nd because I usually get them; my local ice cream store doesn't serve deathberry.

See, I have no patience whatsoever for this kind of spam.  You're lucky I'm not the admin here, because you would've been banned for that.

. . . and RPG, honestly, I would've banned you for the whole "Admin imposter" thing . . . you have alot of nerve asking to be a moderator.

I'm going to stop now . . . no use complaining . . .

Anyway, Qhimm, good luck with the board.  I'm terribly sorry to see your once glorious site destroyed by newbish retards.

James Pond

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« Reply #46 on: 2005-06-16 21:07:04 »
Technically I shouldn't be posting here. I guess im one of those 2 people you named...


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« Reply #47 on: 2005-06-17 00:07:44 »
. . . and RPG, honestly, I would've banned you for the whole "Admin imposter" thing . . . you have alot of nerve asking to be a moderator.
well, it wasn't in the forum rules... Although I suspect it was a tacit agreement between qhimm and the members. Hey it was worth a shot, but Qhimm, just out of sheer curiousity, would you have made me a mod had I not done the Oil is gay intro or the Admin imposter?


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« Reply #48 on: 2005-06-17 00:17:34 »
Quote from: Qhimm
For the record, I'd never, ever entrust as much as a trashbin to someone who hasn't even seen what the forums used to be. How the hell do you expect to be able to uphold ideals if you think the last year is how the forums are supposed to be?

Somehow, I doubt it.


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« Reply #49 on: 2005-06-17 00:45:47 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
well, it wasn't in the forum rules...

Oh come on, does every little rule need to be explained? Come on now, thats just looking for loop holes. You go around in the real world, impersonating people you aren't (and poorly at that), its called fraud.

No, it wasnt in the forum rules, it's the law. And even at that, it's common sense. You don't run around impersonating people and trying to pass it off as the real thing.