Author Topic: 'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie  (Read 4689 times)


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For the monster elements, I was just curious on a couple things...

#1 - for the Punch/Pierce weakness --- [note: it should be pierce, but the translation sucked and the Pierce got changed to Punch...the element does apply to Cid's Lance] --  It is the only element that has an '01' for it's either Resist/Immune/etc....what is it doing with that element for the 3 monsters that have it --- Ceasar/Sahagin/Desert Sahagin

#2 - there are some actual 'elements' that I don't know what they are.

22  --- Palmer has this for a weakness
26  --- Sword Dance/Corvette/SOLDIER:3rd have these for weakness
20  --- Ghost Ship/Dragon Zombie/Zenene/Ghost all absorb this.

I didn't have the byte value, but Cactuer is immune to to some byte that in my notes I just wrote down as 'Special'

Thanks for any help.


L. Spiro

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'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie
« Reply #1 on: 2005-07-14 04:55:58 »
When an enemy element attribute is listed as 0x01, literally, it means nothing.
The enemy will report itself as being weak to that element, but in fact it is a bug.

NO enemy is actually weak to Hit, Cut, Shoot, Shout, or Punch, even though they, as elements work just as the other elements do (namely in the formula for dealing damage).

Note that there are actually 16 elements in the game, with the last one being “Hidden”.
This element is used to indicate “No Element”, but due to a missing check in the battle-damage formula (yes, another bug), this element is actually treated the same way as all other elements.

If you link an Elemental to another Materia (on your armor), which is listed as having NO element, in fact you will halve, nullify, or absorb attacks that are listed as having “no element”.

For a borrowed example, Ultima Beam is listed as having this “Hidden” element.
If you equip a max-level Elemental linked to ANY non-elemental Materia (Underwater, Chocobo Lure, MP Plus, whatever) on your armor, you WILL ABSORB Ultima Beam.

As for #2, to my knowledge, we don’t know FOR SURE what these are.
In the case of 0x20, it could indicate the following element causes instant death.
The others are probably similar.

L. Spiro


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'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie
« Reply #2 on: 2005-07-14 05:53:44 »
Those other bytes: 20, 22, 26 aren't telling the game what to do with the element, they are the actual element.

But looking at the enemies with 20 at seem to be undead...could that possibly mean that they absorb Life spells, etc so that they would take damage from them?


Terence Fergusson

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'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie
« Reply #3 on: 2005-07-14 06:17:09 »
Quote from: L. Spiro
When an enemy element attribute is listed as 0x01, literally, it means nothing.
The enemy will report itself as being weak to that element, but in fact it is a bug.

NO enemy is actually weak to Hit, Cut, Shoot, Shout, or Punch, even though they, as elements work just as the other elements do (namely in the formula for dealing damage).

Not actually a bug - you were right to be suspicious all that time ago.  It's just too bad we'd never have found it with just experimental testing, especially when so few enemies have it.

Just as 0x00 grants Deadly weakness and 0x02 grants Double Damage weakness, 0x01 gives the Unavoidable weakness.  Any attack that has this element and is used against an enemy which has 0x01 weakness to it, that attack will have a Hit% of 255.

(However, a Hit% of 255 can still be avoided if the attack is a physical hit - in particular, Luck-based evade can still work against it, if the target has higher Luck than you do)

Quote from: L. Spiro
As for #2, to my knowledge, we don’t know FOR SURE what these are.
In the case of 0x20, it could indicate the following element causes instant death.
The others are probably similar.

Found this a couple of months back at the same time I cracked 0x1 weakness.  These are *statuses* the target has 'elemental' weaknesses or immunities too.  They work differently from Status Immunities in that they don't affect the status itself (unless it's an elemental immunity) - instead, they affect the damage of the attack that is inflicting the status.

Ghost Ship, Dragon Zombie, Zenene and Ghost all absorb attacks that attempt to inflict the 'Death' status.  This means that they will, for example, absorb the damage from Hyper Jump, which is a non-elemental attack.  (Finishing Touch and Satam Slam are affected differently because they actually have their Death part seperate from the damage part).  On the other hand, Palmer, who is immune to the Sleep Status, is *WEAK* to attacks that inflict 'Sleep'.  Hades (if you could get it that early) or placing Seal/Hades+Added Effect on your weapon would both cause the respective attacks to deal double damage to him, even though he's immune to the status.  He won't *suffer* from Sleep status, but the extra damage will still hurt him.

Only the first 16 statuses in the code are able to be utilised in this manner.  Of course, as you'll note, only three statuses are actually *used* - and it's so rare, most people will never ever notice the difference.

Quote from: Lord_Skylark

But looking at the enemies with 20 at seem to be undead...could that possibly mean that they absorb Life spells, etc so that they would take damage from them?

Life spells are Restorative element, that all those *and* more already absorb.  Gi Nattak and Black Bats, for instance, absorb Restorative, so are affected by Life.  If you cast Death on them though, they won't absorb it.  It'll miss against Gi Nattak, and against Black Bats, it'll kill them outright.  Cast Death on the Ghost Ship though, and it'll get a Recovery.[/quote]


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'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie
« Reply #4 on: 2005-07-14 10:59:59 »
What 'element' is 0x26 ?


L. Spiro

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'elemental' bits for weakness/resist/immunity/etc for enemie
« Reply #5 on: 2005-07-14 12:42:51 »

L. Spiro