Author Topic: [FF7PC] Reasonable difficulty mod (1.1)  (Read 75705 times)


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[FF7PC] Reasonable difficulty mod (1.1)
« on: 2005-10-11 21:24:34 »
I've just spend several hours on editing scene bin and "pumping up" difficulty of our good old FF7 on level that it should be from the beginning ;]
I've made it for my own purpose cause original difficulty was damn boring however i've decided to share it with other fans ;]
Don't expect much cause and feel free to have fun with it. I dunno how it'll work in farther areas of game so if anybody will use it so I would be glad if this person/persons would say what they think of it :]

Reasonable Mod v1.0f to 1.1 fix
For people who installed v1.0f and want to fix it.

Reasonable Mod v1.1
For people who have original bin.

--Download and launch. Point patcher to your 'ff7\data\battle' directory and have fun--
Don't forget to backup your original scene.bin.

Fixed more bugs.

Fixed all discovered bugs.

Added 'little something' for thiefs, morphers and treasure hunters :]

Fully updated game with standard drops/steal chances and items.

Altered difficulty 99% of encounters.
Only Gil and Level of enemies wasn't change in this mod so L4/L3 spells will work in the same old way.
Difficulty increment isn't equivalent to Exp/AP increase so you will level little faster than on original difficulty but enemies will be much stronger than exp/ap increase.
Added new steal/morph/win values. Some unique enemies will have random chance to drop some items after defeating so if you're lucky enough you should get it.
Several new enemies are now morphable, and lots of them have some nice items to steal(or crappy ;]).
Be careful... You could actualy lose in final 1on1 battle with Sephiroth ;].

I've chcecked at all my save files and it worked fine so I think that mod is ok.

Feel free to try and comment your opinions, thanks in advance.

P.S.: I was kinda tired when writing this post so forgive me if you can't understand what I've written. ;)

And thanks goes to:
M4v3R - for his SceneEdit and Scene.binEsplorer.
Fremens - for his Scene Tools.
bulk_4me - I used his addon for testing and bug fixing purposes ;]
Elentor and smithie for inspiration.
And Mobius for his priceless help ;]
« Last Edit: 2014-07-17 20:58:11 by Covarr »


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #1 on: 2005-10-11 23:13:53 »
Just one question. Did you tinker with enemy steal/drop items? One thing I didn't like about the other edit was a lack of interesting droppable/stealable items.


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #2 on: 2005-10-12 03:17:48 »
No no no, dont put up the whole file for download, just make a patcher, it'll be smaller, and far less illegal!


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #3 on: 2005-10-12 09:08:21 »
Kiggles: No, I haven't change that values cause I never used them and had tons of it in inventory so drop/steal are original. But I'll add a little bonus to it ;]

EmperorSteele: It's not so smaller but sure far less illegal ;] thx for help.


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #4 on: 2005-10-16 13:14:24 »
Hi Hay! I thought I'd just pop into this topic to let you know that I've been trying out your difficulty mod for a while and I've really been enjoying it so far, the enhanced challenge is very nice, and boss battles actually feel a bit more... bossy?

Although I have some bugs to report for the late game. Once I had received the submarine, all the enemies all of a sudden seemed to appear in the wrong places. For example, everything in the Gelnika became something from the Ancient Forest, and every battle in the Ancient Forest was against the Carry Armor boss from the Junon Reactor! Although, it was quite funny against the Proud Clod boss in Midgar, it was the Turks all over again.. heh.

Have you been using Scenester to edit the .bin in recent updates? That's been known to cause this. I seem to remember trying the 0.9 mod and everything seemed fine back then.


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #5 on: 2005-10-16 14:32:15 »
Damn I thought that I fixed those problems...
Well to be honest... 0.9 was created with use of Scenester. 1.0 and 1.0f I've tried with SceneEdit also I've chcecked all my savegames and worked fine. Would you send me savefile somewhere near this unfortunate places? I would be glad and It would've speed up whole fixing process cause I don't have save's near there.
Mail is in my profile.

In addition in v0.9 there was problem with Ruby and Northern Creater.

I'm glad to see that you enjoy this little mod :D


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #6 on: 2005-10-16 16:08:55 »
Ok, I've PM'ed you a link to me savegame, because Outlook hates me today. These are all the errors I've encountered since getting the Sub, everything seemed OK beforehand.

Gelnika - Enemies replaced with those from Ancient Forest. (The battle with Reno and Rude was OK though)
Ancient Forest - Every battle in the 'forest' (not the cave at the end) is against the Carry Armor from Junon!
Return to Midgar - (Fly the Highwind above it, it's saved right before the event) certain enemies in the first section are those of Ancient Forest. In the Midgar tunnels part, it varies between the regular ones and more Ancient Forest things. The Turks battle is against a regular enemy from the tunnels. The battle with the Proud Clod is against the Turks, and the battle with Hojo is against a Gryphon thing you can fight on the Sister Ray stairs (it also often causes my ff7 to crash when I defeat it, but I think that's a problem on my end).

I haven't had a chance to try Ruby, Emerald, or the Crater yet (Ultimate Weapon was fine, however).


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #7 on: 2005-10-16 16:28:07 »
Great thanks you're helping me a lot :D


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #8 on: 2005-10-17 20:43:01 »
Been playing this since you last updated, it seems great! All the bugs appear fixed, I'll let you know if I encounter any more! Nice to see a difficulty mod that follows some kind of learning curve, as opposed to just an EnemyStatx2 thing.

Just a matter of time until you all start modifying formations, eh? :wink:


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #9 on: 2005-10-17 20:46:24 »
We'll see, we'll see ;]


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #10 on: 2005-10-17 22:08:02 »
Hay, I noticed you haven't changed levels, and therefor L4/L3 enemy spells remain as effective. You may think otherwise, but I found L4 Suicide esspecially overpowered. It was damned handy to get some extra morph items, or just take out a whole batch of the same critters quickly. All the same, there seemed to be too many enemies who have levels at a multiple of 4. Look into some of the critters you have changed. If their morph items are fairly mundain, or they don't apear to have any other type of exploitable weakness (low evade/element/magic in general, etc, etc) then go ahead and keep the level, but if you already have them setup to take double damage from Ice, or they don't have a whole lot of HPs, change the level up/down by 1 or 2.

Of course, if you go ahead with the suggestion, be careful about it. because those enemy skills to need a function, (and we need some chocobos to suicide :D) but L4 Suicide shaved way too much time off of my replays. I'm the kind of guy use scans (sense) everything to try and decide exactly how best to handle the critter. If I see it has a level multiple of 4, that's the end of the strategy.

Alternate, instead of changing the levels, you could tweak some of the enemy formations. For example, there are a BUNCH of enemy formations with lots of enemies suseptible to L4 Suicide. It's not uncommon to find everything can get hit by it. Now, leave a few formations that can all be hit by L4 suicide. Again, that is part of global strategy, and efficiency, but tweak a few formations here, tweak a few formations, there. This may prove more difficult than not, because it is important that creature levels remain the same from one formation to the next (IE: Kalm Wolf should be the same level when encountered by itself, or with Hell Bikers. Otherwise sensing everything repeatly becomes a huge chore. If that is adhereed to, then changing what critters are encountered in what formations may make for more balancing issues than are called for.

I could just be paranoid, and thought L4 suicide was too effective, when it may as well not be. So it's at your discretion. Just sharing my thoughts. :)


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #11 on: 2005-10-17 22:27:02 »
Not everyone uses this spells and I can't take some advantages from players :) That's the idea of the game. Use everything as possible at your advantage and wipe enemies out.
Everyone has some strategy that I wouldn't dare to interfere those people ;]
But thanks for sugestion I'll think about changing here and there :)

your evil twin

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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #12 on: 2005-10-17 23:56:07 »
I dont' even remember what L3/L4 suicide is... is it one of the Enemy Skills that you can gain using the Enemy Skills Materia?


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FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #13 on: 2005-10-18 07:12:47 »
That's the one ;]
Working only when level of enemies is multiplied by 3, 4 or 5 depends on which spell you use(L3 confu - used only by hippogriph, correct me if I'm wrong, L4 suicide which is enemy skill and L5 death).

If anybody finds that Safer Sephiroth or Ruby Weapon is to difficult to beat just tell me cause I could've overdo when I was editing them ;]


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my ff7 hard mod
« Reply #14 on: 2008-07-08 17:25:52 »
i'v almost finished my hard mod v 1.0 i'm just over 3/4 done but i'm asking people how hard they want it i've made it qiute hard and i'm also making an incredibly easy one where evrything has less power health and exp and ap are up.

it should be done in about 2 weeks


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ff7 hard mod
« Reply #15 on: 2008-07-08 17:41:26 »
here is it unfinished you will find that a lot haven't been edited yet it is un finished

heres the link


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #16 on: 2008-07-08 19:29:35 »
Don't resurrect old topics. I thought this was new. Seriously, make your own topic after 3 years.


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #17 on: 2008-07-27 21:54:59 »
can anyone whos played hays reasonable difficulty  mod tell me when it starts to get challenging? im not trying to be a jerk or anything but ive played up to junon and the difficulty seems to be almost the same as vanilla ff7.
« Last Edit: 2008-07-27 22:54:21 by Tyler_Wu »


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #18 on: 2008-07-28 00:41:29 »
It is harder, I can assure you.

But as the title says, this is a reasonable difficulty mod so likely won't notice much from a single battle.  It's the cumulative effect that's important here.


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #19 on: 2008-09-23 20:47:09 »
Hi, sorry for my bad english but i use a translator in order to speak with you.
I know that is a patch is old but I am using now it and up to now I have found a bug.
In The General Quartier Shinra when you fight against the boss HO512 i don't fight with it but with HUNDRED GUNNER and after to have defeated it appears the BOSS RUFUS and not only, successively with  aerith redxiii and barrett in the elevator would have to be fought with the bosses HUNDRED GUNNER and HELI GUNNER but instead it is fought with RUFUS, and Cloud fights with MOTOR BORE and not with Rufus. There are some bug.
I do not know if this patch comes update but however I communicate the bug.
Again sorry for the bad english.
« Last Edit: 2008-09-23 21:11:26 by Xedus »


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #20 on: 2008-09-23 21:37:44 »
I played the game with this patch without issue a few months ago so that's surprisimg.

Also, what's your language ?  Given some of the words I'd gamble you speak french ?

If you do, post your original text along with the transllated one because a few of us here speak french (myself included).


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #21 on: 2008-09-24 06:03:03 »
I'm sorry but I'm Italian! Thanks for reply!
I make a table to be more clear
Left original boss ---- Right Wrong boss in this mod
aerith red xiii and barrett fight against HUNDRED GUNNER and HELI GUNNER --->  BOSS RUFUS
Cloud vs Rufus ---> Cloud VS MOTOR BORE

Scrivo in Italiano in caso ci sia qualcuno che capisca,
Allora, ho trovato dei bug nei boss del General Quartier Shinra. Il primo boss che si dovrebbe incontrare quandi si salva red xiii dovrebbe essere HO512, ma invece il campo di battaglia è l'ascensore e si combatte contro HUNDRED GUNNER e successivamente una volta sconfitto lui appare RUFUS (invece che Heli Gunner, ma già questo sarebbe un errore in quanto questi boss si dovrebbero incontrare dopo). Successivamente col trio formato da aeris, tifa e barrett nell'ascensore ci si dovrebbe scontrare con HUNDRED GUNNER e HELI GUNNER ma invece ci si incontra RUFUS (che in 3 lo si batte anche in un turno XD) e quando dopo si controlla Cloud che dovrebbe combattere con RUFUS cambia del tutto scenario e ci si combatte con MOTOR BORE.
Grazie per l'aiuto!


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #22 on: 2008-09-24 07:33:46 »
that has to be a bad install or something because i played hays mod up until kalm and it was fine


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #23 on: 2008-09-24 11:44:05 »
Ok, thanks for reply! I try to reinstall!
EDIT: I have reinstalled ff7 and only this mod but I found the same bug and other.  However Thanks for the support. Bye bye!
« Last Edit: 2008-09-25 19:04:23 by Xedus »


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Re: FF7 - Reasonable difficulty mod[1.1]
« Reply #24 on: 2009-01-04 14:53:31 »
I like this difficulty better than the HARDCORE one.