Author Topic: Another FF7Music problem  (Read 1774 times)


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Another FF7Music problem
« on: 2006-02-19 19:57:27 »
Hello hello I know this may be a dumb question, so please hear me out, I tried browsing these forums for help on my subject but alas, I found nothing. I got to patch my ff7.exe after I have properly configured the ff7music executable and everything looks fine, I load into the game and am happy to hear the original music (Nostalgic moment) but as soon as my character moves bout three or four steps in any direction causing the screen to shift or move it freezes and crashes my whole compluter, restarting it. I know it's this patch because I can use the option ot unpatch and then it'll work fine... but without the old msuic playing... can anyone help?


I have tried the different output .dll's in hte program, I am running the platinum edition, all legit, and i've tried 1.00 and 1.02... any and all help would be appreciated.


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Another FF7Music problem
« Reply #1 on: 2006-02-20 04:22:29 »
uuuhhm, which version of ff7 music are you using?  Because you shouldn't have to pach anything.  The altest version: 1.5.1, is simply a background task that does not require you to touch ff7.  HOWEVER, keep your old "ff7musci.ini" file, becasue 1.5.1 doesn't have it's own, and you won't be able to reassign songs =P

Btw, you should be using in_mp3 and out_wave , unless you're using psfs =)


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Another FF7Music problem
« Reply #2 on: 2006-02-20 20:36:20 »
I am using the latest version of FF7Music, and I am using the PSF's.. I tried the ff7music.ini thigner that i've seen around and nothing seems to work.. =[

Poo, I hope I can get this working, the Safer Sephiroth battle is ruined without the lovely "SEPHIROTH" done by the choir. Harhar...