Author Topic: FF7 Music (outdated)  (Read 301733 times)


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #250 on: 2009-02-09 19:55:00 »
I actually got it working following another guide on this site, I guess I had the wrong dll versions or something. Now I'm just trying to decide whether I should keep the awesome Ashane version of the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Battle Music as the standard battle music or if I should try and find a FF7 Battle music remix or something. Are there any good versions aside from the OC Remix?

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #251 on: 2009-02-10 12:49:15 »
I use the FF7 battle version from Crisis Core.

On the soundtrack its called "On the Verge of The Assault". I like it because its extremely similar to the original, ,just sounds a lot better.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #252 on: 2009-02-19 18:44:44 »
I love the PSFs. The music works flawlessly for me on my Windows 7 beta x64.

Yeah...but then that happened.

As you can see, this glitch isn't just cosmetic; it can actually ruin an otherwise enjoyable playing experience. When I click on my backup file (that isn't patched with ff7music), the game works fine. My installed mods are:

-FF7 1.02 patch
-YAMP - Yet Another Multi-Patcher
-NPC Reconstruction 0.6
-ff7music 1.51a (duh)
-New Spell Patch

*Note that the color problem only affects the menus and not the 3D models

EDIT: FIXED. Mods please delete
« Last Edit: 2009-02-20 18:11:58 by biffyslags_358 »


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #253 on: 2009-02-24 21:04:56 »
UPDATE: I finally got it to work! Yay! Thanks to the poster below:

I've got the same Problem.
The easiest solution to mute the MIDI is:
Open midi.lgp with Highwind and click "Remove all". Then click "save" (enabling the backup function).
then you'll have a midi.lgp that wont play midis and a backup with all the music if you need it and the game wont play music and FF7Music will (set General MIDI in FF7Config).

Vista users, if you're having a problem with midis and your music files playing at the same time, try the above first!

Original Problem: Okay... I got everything working! But I have a small problem. I can't turn down the midi music in the game, and I'm hearing both the midi and the mp3 playing. It says the volume control is 'not supported'. I do have midi mute on in FF7Music. Any idea why that might be so?

I'm running Vista with X-fi.

EDIT: I tried what was recommended in this post below, but still no luck! Anyone with Vista that can help?

Tried this way, and all I got were sound effects to work.  If you're using FF7music, or anything else, there is a much easier way (finally!!!), guaranteed to work.

go to and download the free version for individual users.  Install it and then go to the final fantasy VII configuration settings.  Under the music tab (i think), instead of using the MS midi player, select the loopbe.  Then, click apply and all that.  Then, in the lower right hand corner, there is now an icon for the driver you just installed.  Right click on it and then click "mute".  If you're using FF7music, you have to adjust the settings so that the midi device used with that is the loopde.  Then, all you hear is the FF7music program's music and the sound effects!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!  Spread the word, I finally beat stupid MF'in Vista!!!

EDIT2: I also just tried this method, and it silenced both the midi and FF7Music so I only hear the sound effects... it seems like there's no in between here.

I figured out a fix for FF7's audio in Vista.  Unlike XP, you cannot change your default midi driver in Vista, nor can you simply mute midi since M$ decided to remove the mixer.  As a result if you play FF7 in vista, you get the aweful M$ midis playing over your own audio in ff7music.  These reasons are just several reasons to never use Vista, but if you have a Geforce 8800 and want to play FF7 in HD, you don't have much of a choice. 

A year ago or so, I discovered that in XP, the terrible midi sound bank that M$ provides is stored in c:\windows\system32\drivers\gm.dls .  By using Awave studio or other program, you could take soundfonts (including the ones from FF7 and FF8) and convert them to the dls format.  Then you could back up the old gm.dls and replace it and anything that plays midi would sound good.  More details here:

Like xp, there is a file at c:\windows\system32\drivers\gm.dls that presumably does the same thing.  There is also a copy of it in C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-audio-mmecore-other_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_8ac7060813a4d0d2 though I'm not sure why and I deleted that file by accident and it wouldn't let me put it back.  Unlike XP however, you can't just put a good sounding dls file there or it will sound even worse.  I don't know why, but I am continuing to research. 

So on to the fix for Vista.  You can't just remove the gm.dls file or the midi engine will fail and ff7music won't start.  You also can't just make a text file, call it gm.dls and replace.  But, you can replace it with a blank file you create with awave studio.  One such file I created is here:

So basically, backup your old gm.dls and replace with the downloaded file to mute (but not break) midi audio in vista.
« Last Edit: 2009-02-24 23:15:43 by Jamers »


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #254 on: 2009-02-24 21:21:05 »
Yeah i have the same "not supported" problem. although i havent installed FF7music.
Its kinda just annoying.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #255 on: 2009-03-14 09:51:36 »

I would suggest you to navigate about this one, on internet.  There is lots of information available on this.



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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #256 on: 2009-03-18 10:27:22 »
Thanks for sharing your ideas and views with us.  I would like to know more on this.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #257 on: 2009-03-19 17:13:42 »
Hello again ^^. Well i downloaded this patch and it work but the patch that i donwloaded has all mp3 changed, not original. Then i gone to my OST directory and started change all names using the list of the first post but i saw a problem: few songs are repeat and others arent anywhere. So i dunno what could i do. I was looking for a "pack" with all mp3 with their names changed. Can someone post a link for it please? Anyway i will continue trying "change" all names XD.


EDIT: Ok, i renamed all my ost and a song that I downloaded here (Thanks to the autor, but i cant remamber name ^^) for "Final Fantasy VII - Those Chosen By The planet short 2.mp3". Now i miss only these files:

comical - J-E-N-O-V-A
fanfare - Fanfare2 (this should be the second fanfare not the first as stated. This one is the shortened version only for the Parade in Junon.
ob - (JUST Bombing Mission)
riku - Shinra Explodes
si - Shinra Explodes 2
tb - Main FFVII Theme (Is it repeat?)

Could some say me what songs are ea and where could i downloaded them? Thanks ^^
« Last Edit: 2009-03-19 18:06:10 by vegetamaker »

Prof. Coldheart

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #258 on: 2009-03-20 08:47:09 »
Hello, I'm new with this program, and I haven't figured out yet how to customize the music.

1. First, do I need to have swapped the original (crap) PC midis with the PSX ones? Right now I only have the former.

2. Second, am I supposed to take an mp3 that I want to play, but rename it with the song I want it to replace (example, rename an mp3 "ob" so it plays during the bombing mission)?

3. Will I have to run this program every time I run the game, or do I only have to do it once?

Right now, I tinkered with it, but the music hasn't changed. Please help me out.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #259 on: 2009-03-20 11:03:28 »
Hello again ^^. Well i downloaded this patch and it work but the patch that i donwloaded has all mp3 changed, not original. Then i gone to my OST directory and started change all names using the list of the first post but i saw a problem: few songs are repeat and others arent anywhere. So i dunno what could i do. I was looking for a "pack" with all mp3 with their names changed. Can someone post a link for it please? Anyway i will continue trying "change" all names XD.


EDIT: Ok, i renamed all my ost and a song that I downloaded here (Thanks to the autor, but i cant remamber name ^^) for "Final Fantasy VII - Those Chosen By The planet short 2.mp3". Now i miss only these files:

comical - J-E-N-O-V-A
fanfare - Fanfare2 (this should be the second fanfare not the first as stated. This one is the shortened version only for the Parade in Junon.
ob - (JUST Bombing Mission)
riku - Shinra Explodes
si - Shinra Explodes 2
tb - Main FFVII Theme (Is it repeat?)

Could some say me what songs are ea and where could i downloaded them? Thanks ^^

'comical' is unused track.  So it doesn't matter whatever you assign.
'ob - Bombing Mission' I suggest you to use PSX sound, unless you want to cut 'Opening' part from the mp3.
'riku' and 'si' also I suggest you to use PSX sound..(need to compare midi file and psf file to find out)
For 'tb', too... actually, it's later part of main theme, but it seems the game repeats some part.(this is used at Cloud's subconscious scene)

Hello, I'm new with this program, and I haven't figured out yet how to customize the music.

1. First, do I need to have swapped the original (crap) PC midis with the PSX ones? Right now I only have the former.

2. Second, am I supposed to take an mp3 that I want to play, but rename it with the song I want it to replace (example, rename an mp3 "ob" so it plays during the bombing mission)?

3. Will I have to run this program every time I run the game, or do I only have to do it once?

Right now, I tinkered with it, but the music hasn't changed. Please help me out.
Did you read the first article of this thread?  And frankly speaking, midi sounds crap because the midi device is crap.  It can sound better just using softsynth like Yamaha S-YXG(70 doesn't work with Win2k/XP, and 50 may not work with Vista or higher) or TiMidity++ and good soundfont.

Prof. Coldheart

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #260 on: 2009-03-20 18:14:56 »
I did read the first article, and I followed all the steps too. It doesn't say if you need to have the original midis replaced with the psx music first, and I can't find out what I'm doing wrong or haven't done yet either. Please help.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #261 on: 2009-03-20 22:59:45 »
I did read the first article, and I followed all the steps too. It doesn't say if you need to have the original midis replaced with the psx music first, and I can't find out what I'm doing wrong or haven't done yet either. Please help.
First, download older version of FF7Music from Final Fantasy Sound Project, extract it somewhere else(other than the game directory).  Then, extract FF7Music 1.51 archive over.  You can configure the bgm file path and assign sound file, however, it seems setting BGM directory within FF7Music can mess up .ini file(I think you have to edit it manually).


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #262 on: 2009-03-21 14:56:16 »
'comical' is unused track.  So it doesn't matter whatever you assign.
'ob - Bombing Mission' I suggest you to use PSX sound, unless you want to cut 'Opening' part from the mp3.
'riku' and 'si' also I suggest you to use PSX sound..(need to compare midi file and psf file to find out)
For 'tb', too... actually, it's later part of main theme, but it seems the game repeats some part.(this is used at Cloud's subconscious scene)

Ey, Thanks. I found them in his .minipsf version ^^. But i have a prob now:

I changed the .ini for the programd search for "name.miniPSF". Well, they doesnt sound. After it i copied the in_psf.dll (form a old version of FF7music) in the directory but still doesnt work. So i finally decided download Winamp and set those .dll like plugins and, again, doesnt work. So i thought: "if the .mp3 work i just need find a program for convert .minipsf in .mp3". But no luck ^^.

Well, that is my question: How can i change my .minipsf in .mp3 OR What can i do for can hear the .minipsf music?


EDIT: I managed for can hear the normal .psf Files but the .minipsf Still doesnt work ^^

EDIT2: Nvm I fixed it. I was missing the .psflib file :P
« Last Edit: 2009-03-21 15:31:01 by vegetamaker »

Prof. Coldheart

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #263 on: 2009-04-03 19:25:43 »
I tried following the instructions given, but I haven't been able to get this working. So please allow me to post the steps I've done, so you can correct me on what I didn't do correctly or at all.

First, I downloaded the psf files, which were saved in the following directory.

I then loaded up the .dll files as shown here.

I also have a folder of the custom music that I WANT to use....

And then pointed to that path here.

So in this test, I'm trying to replace the opening Bombing Mission BGM with the song I want to use. I tried renaming it the same way as the psf file (as instructed), but it doesn't replace the midi music.

I'm certain I'm doing something wrong, but I would appreciate if you could tell me what that was.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #264 on: 2009-04-04 02:07:25 »
In your last screenshot, the list of songs in FF7music is blank.
Do you have a proper FF7music.ini?

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #265 on: 2009-04-05 03:56:56 »
I'm not sure. I googled FF7music.ini, and downloaded it into the same directory, as shown here.

I wish there was a youtube vid that showed the whole process.

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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #266 on: 2009-04-12 05:07:28 »
I still could use some help.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #267 on: 2009-04-17 03:59:47 »
A guide I wrote that might help (the steps worked for me):


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #268 on: 2009-04-24 11:21:15 »
Q> will the music patch work even if I don't patch the 1.02? because if I patch 1.02 I can't play the game  :-(


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #269 on: 2009-05-09 02:03:06 »
guys i got the game working on x64 windows 7 on a laptop.

to the other guy who got trouble with midi and this also applies to vista users and this will also fix the silent sound fmv problem, install the loopbe1 midi app free version.

Then mute it in the system tray.

Then run ff7config and select loopbe as the midi device.

when in the game midi volume will be unavailable this is fine.

this laptop has some crappy soundcard so midi sucked anyway I then installed ff7music app and using psx psf music files.

now I have the game running no crashes etc but the sound is a bit weird, eg. I loaded up a save so I can test safer sephiroth battle, I got the sweet choir one winged angel and sounds are very low in the battle, I can barely hear sound affects yet the music is very audible, in most battles the sound is quieter than when out of battle eg. the sound affects on menu outside of battle are louder than sound affects in battle so something is toggling the volume. with it going to almost mute on safer seph battle. is odd when you consider mp3 and game sounds should be on same volume control?


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #270 on: 2009-05-09 16:33:26 »
i ran this patch/mod and it ran perfectly with ffvii
but when i applied the item/gil mod - jenova and saved the edit file
the went back to midi files and the fx sounds were gone
the victory music is back to the horrible midi

is this ficedula patch compatible with jenova?


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #271 on: 2009-05-26 01:46:07 »

Older versions of in_mp3.dll don't work with x64 operating systems. Newer versions don't work with FF7Music. The answer? Use in_mad.dll instead. This isn't an issue with in_psf.dll, which works just fine in x64.

I looked all over the place, and couldn't find an answer to this, but I did see at least three people asking in various places across the web, so I just tried stuff until I found something that worked.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #272 on: 2009-05-27 14:59:57 »
ok guys I have been playing the game for some hours now using ff7music.

ff7music is more stable than using normal midi since last time I played the game it was crashing with midi errors.

However the game was getting slower and slower, it got to the point when I exited a battle on the worldmap the victory music played for nearly 30 seconds before I got back to the map screen.  Restarting ff7 didnt fix this but restarting ff7music did fix it.

If I load ff7 without ff7music its a lot faster, no delays moving in between areas and no delays end of battle so I am wondering if playing psf files is cpu stressing and I am better going to mp3?

Can I have a playlist that mixes psf files and mp3 together? as I have no idea how to get the original ff7 music in mp3 format I only have it in psf format.

Right now I am downloading some stuff of ocremix (a 2 gig torrent?) to see if any of the mp3's are good for the game.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #273 on: 2009-05-27 15:10:29 »
You do realize that the original midi has to play for FF7Music to work right? (You'll get just as many crashes because of "midi errors")

Playing psf's is rather CPU intensive, but it should not get slower over time. Make sure there's nothing wrong with your plugins.


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Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« Reply #274 on: 2009-05-27 15:20:20 »
aali the original midi isnt playing I have routed it to a null virtual device. (as is required on win7).

I guess if the game thinks they playing regardless of this the game is alot more stable using ff7music than when I use actual midi output.

listening to a track now from ocremix and its damn good.

I guess from what I read ff7music will utilise multiple formats as long as all input plugins in same directory and for my x64 win7 I should try that new plugin recently posted, so will let you guys know how I get on.

The slowdown now is bearable, its about 1-2s after a world map fight, that 30s delay came from a 4 hour session that slowly built up.
« Last Edit: 2009-05-27 15:26:55 by Chrysalis »