Author Topic: Cracks in Q-gears.  (Read 3947 times)


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Cracks in Q-gears.
« on: 2006-07-29 14:27:42 »
Hi there, it's you friendly leader again...
     I'm going to tell a story. It will make sense when I get to the end.
     I used to be in the U.S. Navy and I worked on an aircraft carrier fixing airplanes. When a Navy plane lans on the flightdeck, it's not so much a landing but a very controlled crash. This landing style stresses the airframe and after every so many landings the aircraft is brought into the landing bay. Here the support structures, such as the wing crossbeam and landing gear mounts were sprayed with a chemical and looked at with an ultraviolet light for tiny cracks. These tiny problems could turn into big ones in the next couple of landings it it was always a smart thing to do.
     I'm looking at what we have for q-gears so far and feel it's time to identify some of the cracks and fix them, or at least change maintanace procedures. Some of these are my fault, and some are not related to codeing and some are simply out of my control. (Others are nitpickings that should be reguarded as such)

     Here's the first.
     I need to bring online two computers. First is a real devbox for myself. I have a PC that runs Suse 10 at home, but the thing runs like a turd, however it has a real NVidia card in it so I can at least do OpenGL properly as opposed to the craptastic garbage that I'm getting for output on my laptop. (The laptop is suppsed to be for schoolwork anyway and should not be used be code deveopment in the first place.)
     The second computer is a free-for-all server that people can submit "junk" to. (patches, example code, webcode, and Ayumi Hamasaki pictures, just off the top of my head) This second bit is pretty easy, as I'm on that server as we speak with a T1 and everything, however the routing table's borked. I'll fix that after this post and we should have an FTP up and running.

     Here's the second.
     So far I've had requests for the codebase to be more friendly to the Visual C++ platfrom(s). This sort of breaks my concept of a true cross-platfrom development environment. However, it's slowly dawning on me that we dont' live in a computing monoculture. Sadly, I don't quite know how to manage this yet. Initial talks with my open-source manager peers are gving me hints that I need to be a little more active in codebase and people management. Most other project leaders only accept patches and keep the codebase closed for check-in, even to the "heavy lifters". This is another thing to mull over. I find playing "catch up" with Akari's DevC++ codebase is rather unacceptable for everyone. We need a cohabitation soultion. Autoconf? I suck at shell scripting and even worse at M4. This will have to be addressed. Right now autoconf development is stalled as we have a file named config.h in our codebase that's required by autoconf for platfrom #define directives. To be perfectly honest, I'm timid about "fixing" this, simply because I will break Akari's work. I need to talk more with my peers to find some kind of answer to this.

     Here's the 3rd.
     Webpage? Beauler? Beauler? I need a status. Should I include a webserver on the free-for-all server for the code to be worked on?

     If you have any hot pictures of Maki Goto, that would be cool too.

     Not really a fifth, just opening the floor to a discussion. Let's see what we can get done ^_^.


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Re: Cracks in Q-gears.
« Reply #1 on: 2006-07-30 16:17:55 »
Hi halkun,

the portability problem of q-gears lies on the (In my opinion always) wrong file structure. You have cpp files including the same system files everywhere, and there is no platform header. To be able to have support for many compilers and platforms, you need one, and you need to keep things organised. Q-gears is not organised at the moement. I'd really like to give it a shot, change the current code base, and send it back to you, to tell me what you think. That's a small contribution I can make for now.


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Re: Cracks in Q-gears.
« Reply #2 on: 2006-07-30 19:55:05 »
That sounds cool, I'll be waiting..


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Re: Cracks in Q-gears.
« Reply #3 on: 2006-08-01 10:39:51 »
Great. I'll do it right after my vacation, in 10 days from now.