Author Topic: Where has halkun been? (Good news/Bad news)  (Read 3761 times)


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Where has halkun been? (Good news/Bad news)
« on: 2006-09-30 18:46:52 »
I accidently posted this is a privite forum. I guess I should let everyone know what's up..

It's been an odd few days.

I got DSL, after three years of being internet-less at home. (Yay)

My ISP activly blocks all server ports. No home-based HTTP, FTP, or mail servers (boo)

I can VPN to a server at work and use the T1 there. (Yay)

I coudn't get Suse to auth on PPPoE because the instructions were in german (Boo)

Took laptop to computer store, where buddy said he would configure the laptop for me (Yay)

Hard drive crashed at the computer place, taking out all data on the drive. including...
Schoolwork, Gears(again), and devel stuff, and a novel I was writing.(BOO!)

Had a backup from one day previous(YAY!)

Installed Fedora, and now configing my laptop to make it cozy.(Ehh....)

Now, as soon as I'm done with the laptop, my server core server and then the T1 gateway are next. This is going to take a while. After that I'm installing eclipse, as I'll have a real OpenGL machine. It would seem all the segfaults were because my system was dying. Linux has gotten really good in the three years since I upgraded. (I don't do it very often. Once you have a stable system, linux can run for quite a while. Format/reloads are often done when the hardware fails, not when the software does)

Also, it seems I can't get a job. I might be moving to Seattle to see what's there.


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Re: Where has halkun been? (Good news/Bad news)
« Reply #1 on: 2006-09-30 19:07:41 »
Ehh I suppose I must get a new job myself.  People these days are scared and most companies are not hiring educated people for there abilities anymore.  Ehhh. Life goes on? :)

DSL is cool hope you survive that high speed connection :D

Seatle is nice, but I'm not sure I would want to live or work there.

As for all things Q-gears Akari seems to be busy.  Unfortunately this means I have to update Q-gears source I am using yet again! :/ :D

Akari is leaving us old folks in the dust ;)

Cyb - disorganization incarnate.