Author Topic: NEAT COMPILATION OF PATCHES AND MODS v1.3 for FF7PC..... + FF7 problems covered!  (Read 112068 times)


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good !! I've PM you to ask something. anyway... couldn't you also send the pack to me ?? I'd like to test that stuff  :-D


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SceneRedux is there in v1.3.
Aside from that I added some "possible problems" in previous patches and cut down the code format a bit to fit in 40,000 characters limit.


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And with ff7 music the resum option don't work corretcly cause the song doesn't resum at the good moment it resum a little far before the music change and sometime the song all restart.


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I was testing the scene Redux mod and i found some odd thing on the enemies. I found that 2 bosses (i used the modified scene.bin only for 2 bosses time) are non handled very well because they're exchanged with other enemy on casual encounters. I encountered the boss that attacks priscilla on the first come on low junon in the cave before junon and after the Chocobo factory (about 2 times as a normal encounter when it should be a boss from Junon). And when finally in Junon another monster type replaced the boss.... there were 4 enemies taken from another casual encounter in the high junon level. So i think that the patch messed up with the encounter-position of the monsters in the game in some way. I also played the part on the boat after Junon and i encountered JENOVA BIRTH (the boss monster on the boat) as a normal encounter (and that shit defeated me, so that's frustrating  :-D). Now i removed the modified "scene.bin" and replaced it with the normal-one. Please Salk do something to adjust that issue. Thanks and keep it up  :-)


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Please miracle.flame, pull my Mod from your compilation with my excuses because I realize that the editor I used or the packaging program (but I would think the first) have critical bugs so that the game's encounters become really badly messed up.

I will try and contact the authors and perhaps one day I will manage to make it work out but as it is now, it's unplayable.

Again, apologies to you all, guys!

I am really sorry...


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And I'd like to add for all who had patched their game with SceneRedux and did not make a backup to search in /data/battle/ on their installation CD to find the original scene.bin. That can replace the patched one thus "uninstalling" the patch.  :-)

Good luck on making the patch functional, Salk.  :wink:


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Teh admin person wants all topics that are basically lists of patches and/or programs moved to Wiki, and the threads then closed.

I suggest you talk to him (It was his idea, after all. :-D A good one, though) about how to achieve this, and I or someone else will later close this thread. I don't see particular rush - yet - so I'm going to leave this open now.


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I realize my opinion is worth little to nothing but I am very contrary to closing this thread.

miracle.flame's neat compilation of patches is first and foremost a great guide with precise and detailed instructions about how to apply patches.

It has solved many problems for a big number of users who felt disoriented by the somehow chaotic disposition of the informations needed to run the patches smoothly and without risks.

The customized patch page at the Wiki at the moment is not really giving any extra help about how to install and use the various patches.

This is just my 2 cents...


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I realize my opinion is worth little to nothing but I am very contrary to closing this thread.


The customized patch page at the Wiki at the moment is not really giving any extra help about how to install and use the various patches.

Well, yes, surprisingly enough it doesn't have what this thread has, unless this thread is migrated over there. Duh. That's almost like saying that you shouldn't put water in a glass, because the glass doesn't have any now.

My two cents are that I vastly prefer well made Wiki page over a forum thread.

But this is so totally not my fight, I'm just pointing out the obvious with this post.


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Well .. that for sure that the Wiki is good and well made... but my thread Projects links and status was very well made too... I don't think that it's good thing to close either this thread or mine (the one Jari liked to) but as you said Salk our opinion is worth little to nothing in this matter... it's admins matters... So all we can do is close our mouth because we won't be heard anyway... what I find the more funny is that my list of programs and patch was more completed that the wiki one and they did close my thread before it was even finished(well finished... I mean all the info I wanted to give... because as long as the forums lives there will always have something to add to this kind of thread).. so it would have been even more completed ... but well... now let's use the less completed list that the admins was soooo proud of that they decided the close all other listing thread.

However The SaiNt told me why it have been done.. it's because if the one that is doing the list leave the forums someday... no one will continue the list... I agree... but it's no reason to close the thread if we didn't leave yet..  I mean it's not because there is a WIKI thing now that you have to close every thread that list the programs and patch here... I mean if Coke and Pepsi can coexist... why wouldn't we be able to exist at the same time... that's my opinion.  But well.. it's too late now... I ddin't have the time to tell my point before they closed my thread because it has been done while I couldn't write anything...  And that's probably what's going to happen to this thread... but at least I've been able to tell what I think.

BTW miracle.flame while I still can do it that's good to have someone that makes detailed instructions for newbies... because we don'T have always time to make detailed read me or information for the patches or programs that is made here... so thank you for the time you pass to do so.

Well that's all I wanted to say...
« Last Edit: 2007-01-18 17:22:20 by stormmedia »


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I've done everything miracle said in his step-by-step instructions... but now ... at the beginnig when cloud jumps from the train, barret tells me to follow him. and as sonn as the first battle starts, it crashes... please help  :-(


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Well, the wiki should be fixed up to do its own work but I think that following the migration of all the discussions about patches on the wiki, a lot of USEFULL topics will become senseless. THIS topic should remain a support forum and the miracle's pack should be migrated to the wiki only for the links. The miracle's guide should remain here for my opinion. Now, it's up to you ....

anyway.. miracle, you'll remain my hero. Without you or this topic i'd never been able to fix the game and a lot of things on ff7. Thanks again.
« Last Edit: 2007-01-18 19:49:09 by lparcshinoda »


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Well, to begin...
I've done everything miracle said in his step-by-step instructions... but now ... at the beginnig when cloud jumps from the train, barret tells me to follow him. and as sonn as the first battle starts, it crashes... please help  :-(

This one was solved over ICQ. Here's the solution for others experiencing same issue..I'll add it to the rtf later or I don't know how it will be done with the new Wiki idea. Anyway:
The battle crash is caused by corrupted battle.lgp. Why? Because the installation program of 4. patch incorrectly asks you to point out DATA dir which is wrong. You have to choose DATA\BATTLE\ dir as I wrote in the doc. So replace battle.lgp with the original from CD and do the patching again, this time correctly.

About the migration... I am open to this as far as I am given instructions how to do that and how to manage it further. Or at least  some pointers will do. You see, this package contains material that was altered somehow and is not identical with the original sources of projects. It was in more cases tweaked so the patching process is more user friendly and more universal. It's all repacked and mirrored on my space. And now I presume the Wiki section would resemble Stormmedia's project design more than mine. That means - with recalls to sources in their original form from the original host. So how to compromise that? IMHO it's not wise to close the threads prior to finishing the whole section in Wiki. And to support the thing I must say that I too cannot see a reason why to close these threads at all. Wiki is Wiki but who said that all info that's there mustn't remain anywhere else.. even if sharded. And why not?
I smell another intentions and it's strange that remains veiled to us. But this is not my forum and I am no admin so I have technically no rights to whatever is posted here even if be myself, right?
I made this to help so I am willing to make this help even more helpful if that's what's intended by the migration.
« Last Edit: 2007-01-18 21:00:21 by miracle.flame »


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You really should contact SaiNt directly about the details. I suspect that he has some kind of vision about how he'd like to get it done.

There is a reason for closing threads before Wiki sections are complete, though; there's no better motivator to get the content to Wiki, than removing other options.


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[...]there's no better motivator to get the content to Wiki, than removing other options.

Ohhh.. so basicaly it means that if we don't like it we can go to hell right ??.. that's quite a display of dictatorship isn't it ??...  Well I hope the Wiki will be very good I realy hope because it looks like it's the only options that we'll ever have for now on...

Don't misunderstand me... I realy think that the Wiki is a good thing and that, eventualy it will become the best way to list the programs or anything... it's just that ... I realy don't think that they had to kill every other options right now... anyway.. I'm no admin here so ... I'll let them manage the forums as they like... I just wanted them to know that I disagree with the fact of removing any other options...

The SaiNt

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I'm very happy to hear the opinions that I'm getting in this thread and I will keep that in mind whilst porting stuff to the wiki.
I'm in the midst of discussing a solution with miracle.flame at the moment, and hopefully we can work something out soon.


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Ohhh.. so basicaly it means that if we don't like it we can go to hell right ??..

If you want to be all whinybitch about it, sure you could say it like that. Admins and owners rule supreme in forums, and it's exactly as you put it; their way or the highway if it comes down to that. There is no such thing as free speech in private forums.

And at least this time they are right; Wiki is more suitable place for lists like these - and some other content as well.

eventualy it will become the best way to list the programs or anything...

The problem is that that eventually might never happen, as long as the content is here, and nobody is moving it. This is merely one way of making it happen. Very effective one, too.


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As I said in my last post... I just wanted them to know that I disagree in closing threads without even contact the one that made the thread like they did with my thread... exept if he broke a rull of the forum .. but it wasn't my case... But I'm glade to see that The SaiNt at least contacted miracle.flame for the migration before closing down his thread...

Now I shall not talk about that anymore ... it supose to be a thread to help ppl with the patches and programs... that's my last post about it.


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Wiki things
« Reply #93 on: 2007-01-19 03:24:07 »
Right since the wiki is a WIP (Work In Progress) I don't think everything will be eliminated at once. Also there is nothing wrong with having links up for it.

No one is grabbing you and shaking you for NOT putting it on the wiki. Yet ;)



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My point of view is already expressed.

What Jari wrote makes no sense to me because if it's true that the Wiki might later on become what miracle.flame's guide is now, it is also true, like Stormmedia rightly said, that his topic is next to be closed while the Wiki is still (I hope a very much) work-in-progress.

Also, if closing stormmedia's and miracle.flame's topics is a mean to coherce their collaboration in making the Wiki page the reference (again an illuminating post of Jari) then I must say that it's really sad to see how much faith in their spontaneous help the Wiki people expected to receive. But I am just hoping that this was Jari's interpretation...

Not to mention that if we didn't start "whine****ing" about this, probably The SaiNt would not have gotten in touch with miracle.flame to work out a solution (and The SaiNt himself was interested in reading this feedback)...

This is also my last post about this whole thing, wishing the best for the Wiki customized patches' page as I believe it's a very good starting idea!  :wink:

« Last Edit: 2007-01-19 06:52:45 by Salk »


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Oh my fucking god.

Whine whine whine. Big bad people don't do things exactly like I want, whine and bitch some more. I propose changing the name of the forums to

What Jari wrote makes no sense to me because if it's true that the Wiki might later on become what miracle.flame's guide is now, it is also true, like Stormmedia rightly said, that his topic is next to be closed while the Wiki is still (I hope a very much) work-in-progress.

Then you probably have to think bit harder. Right now the entire resources are being fucking mismanaged by trying to build topics here, when the same resources should be dedicated to improving the Wiki.

Also, if closing stormmedia's and miracle.flame's topics is a mean to coherce their collaboration in making the Wiki page the reference (again an illuminating post of Jari) then I must say that it's really sad to see how much faith in their spontaneous help the Wiki people expected to receive. But I am just hoping that this was Jari's interpretation...

The Wiki has existed almost for two years, IIRC. Haven't seen much of this shit sponatenously moving there. Obviously it needs a push. A big one.

Not to mention that if we didn't start "whine****ing" about this, probably The SaiNt would not have gotten in touch with miracle.flame to work out a solution (and The SaiNt himself was interested in reading this feedback)...

Don't think too much of yourself, little asshat.

Actually, it was the truely evil and mean little old me who pointed out this thread to SaiNt, asking if he wants this also closed and even elaborating that miracle.flame probably will not like it. After which SaiNt suggested that maybe I should post in this thread, to initiate a discussion about the matter.

Surprised much, little whinybitch? Things are not always what they seem.

Obviously this thread should have been locked right away, as was SaiNt's first idea. Since there's been nothing but whining since.

You know, I don't do this often. In fact, there are probably less than handful of topics I've ever locked. Well, there's one more now.

Go suck your mummy's tits, little whinybitches. Fucking closed.


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Re: Discussion about the Patches & Mods-torrent
« Reply #96 on: 2007-02-05 13:05:39 »
Hey Jari, is it true that you actually have a bucket of tears next to your computer?

Seriously man, what Miracle did may have been wrong, but by crying about the same thing over and over and over, you run the risk of dehydration.

I'm only looking out for your health and well-being (well not really).

Actually I torrented FF7 and all the mods that Miracle complied (which was very thoughtful by the way) and am currently enjoying them.

But don't you worry, just to prove you right I'm going to make sure to invite all my (as you so eloquently put it) asspirate friends to ask dumb, repeat questions, post with bad grammar and 1337SP33K, and generally wreak havoc on your precious precious forums.

The end is near.

Unfortunately this will be my one and only post, I'm sure this site will be destroyed by hackers before I get a chance to post again

Much love ~ 8cutter

James Pond

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Re: Discussion about the Patches & Mods-torrent
« Reply #97 on: 2007-02-05 16:14:52 »
Ahhh empty threats from someone who has been ripped by Jari.

Grow some balls kid, post on your main.

In the higly likely case that you dont, its easy enough to get either Qhimm or The Saint to run a crosscheck of Ip address of this asshat, and everyone regestered.
« Last Edit: 2007-02-05 18:08:48 by James Pond »


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Re: Discussion about the Patches & Mods-torrent
« Reply #98 on: 2007-02-06 12:41:38 »
I just love it when Jari comes into game tweaking cause someone always has a bitch about him afterwards. Some of the most amusing threads i have ever read have Jari participating, Jari i love your work its like music to my eyes.

Koiu Lpoi if you have the cds you should be using them no excuses, me i have spares but there mine for the kids i intend to have one day.

miracle.flame you should be more specific when asking permission and if you can't contact certain individuals you shouldn't include there work in torrents and such.

8cutter8 your like a computer you seem to be intelegent but at the same time you make a brick look smart, if i was a violent man i would pull you tounge out your ass and staple it to a ceiling fan after gouging your eyes out and skull fucking you, you really shouldn't sign up for an account of anything just to abuse people.

much love your somewhat disturbed friend Steve jr


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Re: Discussion about the Patches & Mods-torrent
« Reply #99 on: 2007-02-07 00:16:30 »
Quote from: James Pond
In the higly likely case that you dont, its easy enough to get either Qhimm or The Saint to run a crosscheck of Ip address of this asshat, and everyone regestered.

I hope this is done.  I don't appreciate mindless threats on the entire forums, just because someone feels they have a grudge to settle.  This whole "worst nightmare" post seems rather suspicious.  A self-admitted software pirate, who has influence over a vast number of pirates, so that they could post n00b posts.  Of course that doesn't matter, because he/she is also an elite hacker who will also take down the entire forum... pure bs.  Let's see how "l33t" he/she is, did they mask their IP?  Doubt it, let's squash this nonsense once and for all.

Quote from: Steve Jr
if i was a violent man...

Thank goodness your not then.  :-D  Though I think everyone who enjoys these forums feels a similar anger and resentment towards anyone who wishes to destroy it.