Author Topic: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness  (Read 14976 times)


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #1 on: 2006-11-30 07:24:57 »
Meanwhile all I can find about the Wii are stories of kindness and friendliness.  Unfortunately these stories don’t pull in the ratings so all the news clippings I found were stories about the PlayStation 3 and used the Wii launch as contrast.

Oh really? You are not looking hard enough, then. Follow the links and you'll find few thousand messages worth of kindness and friendliness, including but not limited to; personal threats to health and safety, demands to fire a person over a review and general attacks towards his person, just because he dared to disagree with their rabid fanboy imagination - very few of the people posting had actually played Twilight Princess.

EDIT: Oh yeah, in reality Nintendo had about 3 times as many units available as Sony - although Sony's numbers are still based on guesses, I think. But to have 10 times as much, Sony would have had to been down to 60,000 units.

EDIT2 - SON OF EDIT: How about thinking about the more likely reason why someone would want to rob PS3 line over Wii line? One of the systems costs twice as much as the other, thus people on the line for it are carrying twice as much money per person, if they are stupid enough to carry cash with them. Or, if you are going grab actual units, one of them fetches about 3 times as much on eBay, and while Wii might be smaller, you can't carry much more of them on your person. At least if you don't want to emulate snail while you are going to make a run for it.
« Last Edit: 2006-11-30 07:39:59 by Jari »


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #2 on: 2006-11-30 09:30:28 »
Meanwhile all I can find about the Wii are stories of kindness and friendliness.  Unfortunately these stories don’t pull in the ratings so all the news clippings I found were stories about the PlayStation 3 and used the Wii launch as contrast.

Oh really? You are not looking hard enough, then. Follow the links and you'll find few thousand messages worth of kindness and friendliness, including but not limited to; personal threats to health and safety, demands to fire a person over a review and general attacks towards his person, just because he dared to disagree with their rabid fanboy imagination - very few of the people posting had actually played Twilight Princess.

I think the int0rnet threats can be neglected, I mean, how many people that put threats online actually go and do it? I think about 1 percent.
1 percent of all those people is way less then the shit you hear about the PS3.

Heck, even if 5% of all the people actually did what they said, it wouldnt be as bad as the PS3 shit.

L. Spiro

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #3 on: 2006-11-30 09:53:02 »
This post originally contributed nothing to the forums.   :lol:

L. Spiro
« Last Edit: 2006-12-03 10:40:53 by L. Spiro »

Synergy Blades

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #4 on: 2006-11-30 10:51:39 »
Thank you, Father Spiro, for today's sermon on the mount and moral values lesson; you did miss off the part where milk and honey freely flowed through the lines, and god himself came down to hand out the first Wii (personally, if I want to be lectured on what values I should be looking for in my games, I'd head to church, rather than let you or my console manufacturer tell me).

In other news, study shows people enjoy different kind of games, some enjoy "family-oriented" games, some enjoy FPSs. Some morally corrupt people play Nintendo, and some morally corrupt people play Sony.

Film at 11.

L. Spiro

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #5 on: 2006-11-30 11:26:50 »
And another mistake in writing.   :-D

L. Spiro
« Last Edit: 2006-12-03 10:41:32 by L. Spiro »

Synergy Blades

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #6 on: 2006-11-30 11:31:09 »
Huh? You could just as equally use that quote in describing your first post; it quite happily allows one to stick their fingers in their ears and say "told you so". Anyway, I did just express my opinions; I used sarcasm because I find your post really funny in the way it paints this "heaven and hell" image of the two consoles, with singing and holding hands in one set of lines, and blood and violence in the other, which itself is quite a sweeping statement, and trying to link it to the values the two consoles supposedly pitch at. I really do think this was more about a higher-value item and the scarcity of it then the values the PlayStation "attracts".
« Last Edit: 2006-11-30 11:36:03 by Synergy Blades »


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #7 on: 2006-11-30 12:23:12 »
Violence in games, the never-ending discussion. Well, let's face it: most game ARE violent. Maybe they are not gory or specially cruel, but hell, they are violent. Nintendo has a lot of violent games in the GC ranging from quiet violent (Smash bros, Tales of Symphony...) to really violent ones (Resident evil, Hitman 2, Splinter Cell...). I came to hate Sony long ago, not because of his violent games, but because of their arrogance. But this time, I think I must defend them. I think the troubles in the PS3 line were caused mostly because of the scarce of units. There were very few, and they were very valuable. Everyone knew they could make a lot of money out of reselling the system. Most real players, the computer freaks, those who didn't mind paying 600$ for the new system even though they have very few to run on it, probably weren't very probelmatic. But there was a lot of people there who wanted their system just to speculate on eBay. And I'm sure those weren't very friendly. They wanted the system NOW, because later on they won't be able to get so much money reselling it.

Personally, I like gore in games. I enjoy ripping people apart in FEAR with my shotgun and blowing some heads in Resident Evil 4 with my magnum. But I also enjoy runnig carelessly through colorfull landscapes under an endless blue sky surrounded by cute and friendly characters. To sum up, I simply like playing games.


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #8 on: 2006-11-30 13:39:33 »
No one is putting up anywhere near a reasonable fight here—it’s like you don’t actually care about the topic at hand; you just want to talk sh*t on L. Spiro.

Dude, shut the fuck up. Right now.

People have put up remarkably well with your shameless wanking of e-penis "After this happened the boss made it very clear that I would be the pillar of support for this project, and should this project fail it might be the end of the company itself.", "The life of the company depends on me, at least while he looks for new candidates to replace the old." and countless others, your disgustingly fake modesty "Well the fact is, I really don’t like drawing. Just boring for me." and all the other shit you post.

Fact is that you leave yourself exceedingly vulnerable, almost in every single post you make. I do not know whether you do it on purpose, or whether you really don't understand how your text comes across, but people here are way nicer to you than you probably even realize, or perhaps deserve. Because, let's face it, if someone just reads your posts, he's going to think that you are a pompous ass.

If you want to argue your misguided - or even bizarre - view of this matter, sure, you are welcome. But don't you dare to accuse them of getting personal with you.

L. Spiro

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #9 on: 2006-11-30 15:05:36 »
This text contributes to the forums more than the previous text did.   :-P

L. Spiro
« Last Edit: 2006-12-03 10:42:19 by L. Spiro »


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #10 on: 2006-11-30 16:23:07 »
Oh hell, I really hate when discussions turn into something like this...

Quote from: Forum Rulez
  • Try to understand what people are trying to say if they have a different opinion to you, or are trying to give you some friendly advice.  Shouting back at them really doesn't help at all, you just get less respect and chances are your opinions will be ignored in the future.
  • Everyone interprets things differently than others depending on their culture, life experiences, and many other factors. If somebody posts a message that could be considered insulting or offensive to you, don't immediately flame them.

Believe me, I hate closing threads because of offensive discussions, so please do us all a favor and calm down, all of you.
What happens in this topic is nothing more than pissing at each others legs - it won't help anything to argue here any longer.

In German, there's a idiom named "Der Klügere gibt nach.", which should be "The smarter one gives way" (translation by Google™) in English.
Therefore, I give you the chance to show who is the smarter one here, and I'm leaving this topic open. If the flaming continues, it will be locked.

 - Alhexx

L. Spiro

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #11 on: 2006-11-30 17:42:59 »
It’s fine.
I informed Qhimm long ago I wouldn’t respond to anymore off-topic posts or posts that aren’t constructed in an articulated and sensible manner.

I quite hate disputes as well.   :-P

L. Spiro
« Last Edit: 2006-12-03 10:42:45 by L. Spiro »


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #12 on: 2006-11-30 22:30:03 »
Umm... huh?
Isn't that like saying the devil made me do it?

The truth is such people are morons, by nature. You know Gamespot just released an article where they found the shooter of one of those incidents... The moron was selling the PS3's he stole on Ebay.

And to make matters worse... the dude that got shot was more worried about getting his PS3... Hiis only goal was to resell the thing himself, on ebay. It's not Sony that caused those negative incidents.... It was Greed.

You put that many Greedy people in a single place, and negative actions are going to follow.
Same thing happened to the Xbox....

Reason why Nintendo didn't see such, or as many media crazed, incidents is because the majority of people waiting in line were actually buying it for themselves. It's a difference of personality types... has nothing to do with Sony, Nintendo, or Xbox....  (Or cabbage patch for that matter...remember that christmas epidemic?)

Your overall conclusions is.....


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #13 on: 2006-12-01 00:10:42 »
Oh man, I have a long reply, that I can post if you really want, but for now I'll just say this:


You really don't need anyone's help in looking like an ass, do you Spiro? :-D

There is one error so glaring that I'll set it straight now, though:

You sure like manipulating people, huh?  Take every chance you can to reassure yourself that you still have some kind of influence over this site (which you keep promising to leave).
One day Alhexx and Qhimm are going to realize that Alhexx got where he is because Qhimm saw it fit that he should be there, and every time you undermine the people Qhimm entrusted you undermine Qhimm himself.
But that’s okay with you because he’s just some “Swedish fag” right?  It’s your site, right?  Having it named after him is just for show, right?

"Swedish git", actually. This probably speaks volumes about your recollection of the past in general, too.

Tell me, oh great and wise one, why do I have moderator rights on the open forums, if I undermine Qhimm so? Oh, you didn't know? Poor you. :-D

If the flaming continues, it will be locked.

Awww, just split it, if he wants me to truly answer his post. :) I'll be happy to give him the can of whoop ass - if he wants to be embarrassed further. :-D


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #14 on: 2006-12-01 01:20:52 »
"Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I think that applies to the whole getting shot while waiting for a ps3 scenario quite well


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #15 on: 2006-12-01 09:01:06 »
I can really entertain myself on a boring workday like today with topics like these.

Fergus McMillan

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #16 on: 2006-12-01 19:30:28 »
Guess that would explain why my friends who waited outside of Future Shop for a PS3 had a nice time hanging out with all the other geeks, eh? No violence, no theft. Everyone was quite friendly.

Only stupid, greedy people participate in the kind of violence covered in those news stories. They are the same minority of people who murder and blame it on GTA or Manhunt: stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID! They give all gamers, everywhere, a bad name. They are worthless and pathetic and definitely need to get what's coming to them. It's not the games that make them that way, it is their own stupidity and lack of a proper upbringing.

The rest of us are just normal people who enjoy our violence and gore in our video games.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some people to assassinate.
*loads up Hitman: Blood Money*


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #17 on: 2006-12-03 03:11:47 »
After some deliberation, I have decided that it's not okay to let someone spread his lies about me, even if that someone might be mentally ill.

I mean... last time it was one of your alternate personalities, not you. Remember that Spiro?

Alhexx, feel free to split this - maybe he wants to respond. I can't in Unrelated, and I wouldn't because I don't think that moderating your own arguments is cool.

The articles said people were singing and holding hands in the Wii lines and shooting each other in the PlayStation 3 line.
Did you think I drew conclusions this way out of my ass?

Pretty much. Seeing that the people in the PS3 line were not shooting each other, unless you assume that robbers were standing in line?

*checks links again*

Nope, still nothing about people standing in lines and shooting each other.

Besides, most of the links are about the one and same Connecticut shooting over and over again. If you ask me, the scalper got what he deserved. Not for scalping, but for being fucking stupid. Hello, two men are threatening me with guns. Do I give them my money, or do I prefer to get shot for it? Why, of course I want to get shot over money! Jesus...

It's not like he'd ever have chances to earn that money over his lifetime, even if police fails to find it and he doesn't have insurance. Getting resurrected on the other hand, is considerably more difficult.

My guess would be that they learned tolerance from having to put up with you for so much longer, Mr. IQ.

Oh man, you are still jealous about that? Un-fucking-real. :-D I was right when I thought it would seriously eat you. Doesn't that alone prove that I see through your ruse much better than you'd like, or would like to admit? :)

Remember how you so selflessly and caringly helped Qhimm get his 157 (or whatever) score?  Of course, no one could get so high without you, right?

...what you say?

You couldn’t possibly accept the facts regarding a certain psychologist, which you later blatantly accused of being a lie, which of course wasn’t a result of bruised ego but of your in-depth knowledge of my private life.

Hahahah. I'm a cynic and I merely apply Occam's razor to stories people tell me. I'm way more likely to believe what you can show me, than what you can claim. Let's face it, people on the Internets lie. Often, even. I could name several people from this board alone that do that. You included. And no, I'm not going to tell you how I know, I'll rather let that eat you too. :-D If you choose not to believe me... well, that's your problem.

Oh wait, my ego is bruised, because I pwned you in the test? There is something oh-so-very wrong with that idea. :-D

Funny how the facts are that my boss kept trying to tell me how hard it will be to keep the project going and how important it was, while I kept telling him he could replace me easily and it isn’t as bad as he thinks.

Fact is that somewhat socially adept person would have found a way to word it in a manner that wouldn't have made him look like a pompous ass - if he wanted to. If your boss thinks that you are valuable, that's great - we have nothing against that.

For example, the fact is I dislike sitting down for long periods of time and drawing anything.  I’ve never given a sh*t about art in my life and never even mentioned it until so many years after being on the site.
In fact, my disdain towards drawing is so severe I haven’t drawn anything but scribbles in over 7 years.  If pencil and paper actually required effort to obtain, I wouldn’t even draw scribbles.

Don't you think that it's somewhat surprising that you draw, if you hate it so? :P

And yeah, I know what you told me in your PM, but I'll let you tell it, if you want. I can state right now that I don't believe it, though. You are free to produce some proof, of course.

Do you know what drives people to pretend they know every motivation someone has for everything he or she does?
Yep!  It’s ego!
Just like you tried to extend your incredible insight into the lives of people who you’ve never seen and with whom you had no interaction.  Of course, these minor issues thwart not the incredible Mr. IQ who knows why people rob lines even though none of the clippings suggested any specific motive either way.

It's called life experience and common sense, not incredible insight. People are not as hard to figure out as you seem to think - especially stupid people (and I count most criminals in this category) - and they are not as impressionable as you seem to think, either.

Because there weren’t suggestions that they robbed to get the machines, I didn’t even argue about it and met you at 50-50, without trying to draw conclusions that weren’t specifically stated in the articles.

Wait - didn't you just say that none of the clippings suggested any specific motive either way?

So, that would mean that you did draw conclusions that weren't specifically stated in the articles, and you drew a huge one: people who play violent video games are violent, according to you.

You want to know what modesty is?
* It’s letting you believe that you got a higher IQ score on that pointless test ages ago.  This whole time you’ve believed that, and I am happier allowing your ego to strive as long as we can get along better.


You certainly were really upset - and still seem to be - considering that you just "let me believe that".

Liar. :-D

Here's a hint for everyone who wants to lie - either online or in real life - you have to make it sound believable. I've seen many people who believe that they are way better liars than they really are.

Let's see, the first person - or one of the first - to ever mention his score was you. Trying fairly hard for a "pointless test", methinks. In case you didn't notice, I didn't even let anyone - except couple of people in private - to know that I had done the test, much less what I had scored. I'm not sure if Qhimm mentioned his in public, either.

When you jumped on the 'let's bash Jari'-bandwagon, by the time almost everyone had already jumped out, then I let you know that I had scored better than you.

So, basically you had known what I would score - or that I would do the test in the first place - so you intentionally scored lower than you would otherwise in anticipation of the future, just so that you could let me believe something?

Not only that, but also set up an excuse right there and then, about how your shrink had told that you score lower in tests than you should. I hope that you don't mind horribly, if I just think that the scenario I mentioned is extremely unlikely, and thus you are just lying. First of all, you'd need to predict the future to be able to pull that off.

I'm surprised that a person of your superior intellect didn't realize my motives, though. :-D Dude, I was winding you up. I had figured that you are extremely competitive, and boy was I right about that. My score is real, yes, I don't much like lying, but the reason I told you was purely to piss you off.

And it worked better than anything I've ever done to annoy anyone. More than year later you are still so pissed off that you keep going about IQ score this, IQ score that... face it buster, there are people who are smarter than you. Even on this board. And in plural. Deal with it.

* It’s letting people believe that Qhimm helped me hack more than half a function on the battle animation file format.  Interview  Yes, I was quite happy to cite Qhimm as a reference to share the spoils.  People probably think he had more involvement than he had, but that’s just fine.


I could post what Qhimm told me about this, but I'll just let him do that himself, if he feels like talking to you. Let's just say that your views about the matter are quite different. I can't say that I'm surprised.

* It’s not pretending to know every twisted reason every human alive has for everything they do.  Sound familiar much?  Why is it that I managed to draw my conclusions based off things that were actually stated in the articles without getting too much into speculation.  Of course, one could argue that my whole perception is speculation on the subject, but it’s speculation I gathered from those sources, and nothing I said about the subject is unfair.

Assuming that this is about this thread, since you seem to jump around bit here...

"They won’t allow Grand Theft Auto: * or Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball on their wholesome systems, so when a group of people come together in front of a store eager to buy a Nintendo product you aren’t going to see these blood-thirsty gangsters with guns and knives thinking violence is the way of life."

I would say that that is a conclusion. A massive one. That was not mentioned anywhere in the articles - you said that yourself, and I was kind enough to check them again, too. And, considering the things that have been posted since, very wrong conclusion, too.

What do you do Jari?
Piss people—including Nori—off, harass mods, pretend you own the site, defend yourself at every turn in every case no matter how wrong you may be, go into depressive fits posting pictures of tears in your eye (for attention?  Oh wait, I won’t try to find your hidden motives; I’m not so ego-centric), jump down everyone’s throat about spelling and grammar when even yours isn’t so hot (don’t get me wrong, it’s impressive for a non-native [dare I feed your ego with a compliment?]), run off new members who probably aren’t so bad to have, and all while calling Qhimm “That Swedish Fag” behind his back in one of your bipolar fits.

Let's see, due to sheer number of accusations, I'm going to go with bullet points on this one.

  • It would seem that most people I piss off are asshats. I hope you don't miss them too much?
  • In regard to Nori, there are quite a few things you don't know. And I'm not going to tell you. Feel free to ask her, I have no qualms about that, but I suspect that she is not going to tell you, either.
  • You of course would like to present an example where I have been wrong, wouldn't you?
  • For attention? How about as part of an apology? But you wouldn't know what that means, would you? :P
  • And you'd rather let this forum descend into a land of IM-shorthand?
  • In regard to new members, I hope you don't mind terribly, if I don't trust your judgment on them? :P
  • Swedish fag? If you think that "Swedish git" = "Swedish fag", then sure. Otherwise... nope. No dice.
  • Behind his back? Well, if you consider posting in Completely Unrelated as behind his back, then sure. Guilty as charged. :)
  • Bipolar? So, you are a member of MD Junkie's school of medicine, now? :P Hate to break it to you, but just because he called me bipolar for not letting him act like an ass, doesn't mean that I am one. You might want to dig out a book or two - or to check the Internets - and you might find out exactly why I can't be bipolar.

But anyway, didn't someone say something "...not pretending to know every twisted reason every human alive has for everything they do..." above? Come on, make up your mind. :-D Either you pretend, or you don't pretend. You can't have the cake and eat it too.

Who really needs tolerance from the members of this board, really?
What’s going to happen to your ego when Alhexx realizes he doesn’t need to take your sh*t?
What’s going to happen when he gets some confidence in himself so he doesn’t have to be convinced he is wrong in every situation with which you disagree with him?
You sure like manipulating people, huh?  Take every chance you can to reassure yourself that you still have some kind of influence over this site (which you keep promising to leave).
One day Alhexx and Qhimm are going to realize that Alhexx got where he is because Qhimm saw it fit that he should be there, and every time you undermine the people Qhimm entrusted you undermine Qhimm himself.
But that’s okay with you because he’s just some “Swedish fag” right?  It’s your site, right?  Having it named after him is just for show, right?

Heheh. Well, you saw my reply to this above, I won't bother writing it again. It would however seem that someone is making pretty huge jumps to all kinds of conclusions here. You probably shouldn't, since you seem to actually know very little. :)

Sony Co., Ltd. have consistently shown an attitude geared more towards money than anything else.
Nintendo has consistently shown an attitude geared more towards family and togetherness.
The two statements I have just written are fair unless someone manages to provide overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Overwhelming evidence, even? Just because you said so?

Would regular common sense do? They are both businesses and their primary, secondary, tertiary and God-knows-whatartiary goal is to make money.

Nintendo chooses to do so in a somewhat different market, because it's easier to make money there - seeing that neither Sony or Microsoft are putting up much of a fight in that segment. If they did, Nintendo might have sudden change of heart about family games.


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #18 on: 2006-12-03 03:51:26 »
Are those posts long posts mostly your own ideas or are mostly copy and pasted cause i cant be bothered reading all this :|


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #19 on: 2006-12-03 04:07:24 »
This one time you are excused, because those long posts are mostly me and Spiro arguing.

In general though, why exactly do you expect someone to tell you anything, if you are too lazy to even read?

L. Spiro

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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #20 on: 2006-12-03 10:29:14 »
Okay.   :-D

L. Spiro


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #21 on: 2006-12-03 11:53:16 »
I'd die for my PS3.. it's like a baby.. well i still have to wait a few more months :(

oh yeah and Qhimm if your swedish, whyd ikea go cheap and change their hot dogs.. they were bigger and better tasting before.. also your cheap furniture is pretty cool ;) just kidding

:( wii is gay, i want my ps3..


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #22 on: 2006-12-03 13:58:08 »
Why waiting? If you want next-gen graphics, go buy an XBOX 360. Not that PS3 will give you much more and is far more expensive :-D


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #23 on: 2006-12-03 14:52:01 »
cuz i dont like shitty ass gay xbox, and plus im not a graphics fag.. ill play any game no matter how shit the graphics is... nes/sms games make me depressed though..especially the music..pisses me off so bad.. yeah so thats not my reason for desiring a ps3 (notice i didnt say next-generation console), i want ps3 cuz im interested in expriencing the greatfulness of the next "playstation" ;) and have a desire to play a new set of games (i.e. GTA4, FF13... even though theyre not even close to being released yet, oh yeah sonic, the new one and some others).


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Re: PlayStation 3 Induces Death and/or Severe Illness
« Reply #24 on: 2006-12-03 17:00:22 »
Quote from: Jari
(...) let this forum descend into a land of IM-shorthand?

Oh, hell, you didn't read this post, did you?
Things like "cuz i dont like sh*tty ass gay" will not make you become popular on these boards...

 - Alhexx