Im upgrading my 17" Hyundai LCD and am looking for something 22"+
I am really keen on getting the DELL 24" 2407 Widescreen for around £500 or an Asus 22" Widescreen for almost £300.
Any folks have bought Large LCDs and have something to share about them, any recommendations?
Money is not an issue, Overall quality, response times and warranty are important issues - I would have had the DELL by now if I wasn't 100% sure about it's response time.
I've been using the Dell 24" 2405 for a while now (of which the 2407 should probably be considered an upgrade), though I paid something like £700 for my 2405. Quality is very nice, the many input types are also nice. As usual the USB hub is disconnected when you turn the display off, which can be annoying, but it's a minor issue in my opinion. Response time, well... maybe I'm not powergamer enough, but I have never noticed any sluggishness with 60Hz, nor any annoying blurriness when watching movies (though it
will look different than a CRT, obviously).
The additional bonus with the 2407 over the 2405 is, as I understand it, support for encrypted video signals (making it compatible with high-definition DVD output in Vista etc. etc.). Which I guess is a good thing.