Author Topic: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2  (Read 9570 times)


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Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« on: 2007-01-07 14:14:58 »
If you read gaming blogs, I'm almost certain that there's no way you could have missed the rumors about the new Xbox 360 revision. And the bitching about it.

To me this is about as weird shit as the crying over exclusives going multiplatform is. Microsoft upgrades their product and... fanboys bitch and moan about it?

What. The. Fuck.

Did these people fall off the dumb tree, or something?

[Apologies for very many quotes, I felt that they are necessary to demonstrate the amount of bitching]

Some examples - some people are just crying:

I wonder if it comes with can of petroleum jelly for all of us 360 beta testers.

...Crecente, actual blogger on Kotaku.

As a gamer and an attorney, I'm going to make an exception on this and contemplate a false advertising suit on this one. MS repeatedly went on the record to say no HDMI on 360, a statement which definitely induced some early adoption.

...commenter on Kotaku.

Thanks for pissing in the faces of 10 mill + fans M$!?!

...commenter on Kotaku.

"...everyone who bought the 360 and had or planned to obtain an HDTV, got royally fucked in the ass"

...commenter on Kotaku.

I couldn't be more pissed by this any I bought my system on day 1. Think of all the people who got a system over Christmas only to find out a few months later they could pay what will probably be the same price for better.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

Anyways, you guys don't know what you're talking about. People are pissed and are going to be pissed if this turns out to be true, because they expected the Xbox 360 to stay the same for at least 4 years and not to have to get another system for 4 years. They didn't expect to have to upgrade after less than 2 years with the system. The Xbox didn't get an upgrade at all through its lifespan. So, why shouldn't early adopters, if you even can call people who just got a 360 this Christmas that, be pissed about this? They should be.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

People are pissed (including myself) are pissed because of the addition of the HDMI. The addition of that port is pure BS unless MS plans to offer an exchange. The HD is to be expected and is easily remedied, but the HDMI sucks. It is really simply not fair. Consoles are to have the same basic ability from launch.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

I smell class action...

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

This is a right piss off. My HDTV only supports 1080p over HDMI, so im stuck with either 720p or 1080i until I can finally get HDMI on my 360. And if I have to buy a new 360 to do it, ill sell the bloody thing on ebay and go buy a PS3

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

If this is true, yes I will be upset. Granted, it was my choice to purchase the box knowing it has no hdmi, but I won't be upset about that, I will be upset at microsoft for not informing us of this earlier so those of us have huge tv and would like to get the best resolution possible will wait.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

I have been waiting for Microsoft to release a cable for the 360 that will allow HDMI connection to my TV and now finally... they screw me over.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

This is so unfair. Microsoft refused to giv eus a straight answer and kept leading us on that there was a possibility of a DVI or HDMI cable for the current Xbox 360. They did it as to not discourage sales, while completely shafting their customers who bought the current model. This is rediculous, and I, for one, am really pissed off.


This is such BS. Way to shaft the early adopters, Microsoft. I wait 18 hours in the rain for your hyped up video game system which has already failed 5 times on me (I'm on my 6th unit, and I neverso much looked at my previous units funny) and the thank you that you hand out to the initial people who drove the initial hype and sales is by giving the newer buyers more features? Thanks. Thanks a ton.

...commenter on Joystiq.

seems hard for me to believe that they would ditch the ones (including me) and upgrade 360s with a hdmi and just leave the current 360 users hanging

...commenter on Joystiq.

What a way to screw over your fanbase. Will the original Xbox 360 be dropped like a hot potato?

...commenter on Joystiq.

so what happens to those who bought an 360 already?

...commenter on Joystiq.

Way to go Microsoft. Screw your fans over again...

This is why you buy a "future proof" system in the PS3 as the XBox 360 didn't come with all the bells and whistles because they rushed it out the door.

...commenter on Joystiq.

Kinda stinks how current adopters such as myself would get hosed if they add in that nice 120GB HDD.

...commenter on Joystiq.

Am I wrong, or did MS just make all us 360 owners tard pack users?

no ms just made all you poor saps a bunch of beta testers.

...commenter on Joystiq.

As a way to congratulate all the new 360 owners this past holiday season, MS creates a better system.

Way to go!

Now where's my receipt.

...commenter on Joystiq.

And some are greedy:

but those with warrenties still on their systems should send their system in and hope it comes back a little better then when u sent it in.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

Now this is one of the reasons I bought mine from BestBuy and got the 2 year replacement plan. When the revision comes out I can just take mine back to the store and tell them its not reading right or overheating or something and get a new one in its place.

...commenter on Xbox360fanboy.

And there's apparently more on Engadget, but I really am not going to read anymore of these.

This is fucking unreal. Are grown up people - because I sure hope that most of the commentors are adults - actually having a temper tantrum because a product will be improved? What other reasons could they have?

  • Did MS promise something to the early adopters and then didn't deliver?
  • Will their older Boxes suddenly cease to function if and when the new version is introduced?
  • Does this degrade the capabilities of the earlier boxes in any way?
  • Does this mean that the early adopters haven't enjoyed their boxes all this time, and will not continue to enjoy it?
  • Will there be games that won't run on the old boxes?

Or is it just that there are people who are so greedy or so envious of other people, that they simply can't stand the idea of someone having a product that might be - on some, even very small way - superior to the one they own?

That's my theory, at least. Well, actually, that's not all of it. I have a theory about why they are like that, too. It all comes down to penis envy. These commenters are hung like gorillas (that would be about two inches, in case you didn't know) and to feel like men, they have to compensate somehow. And they chose to do it by owning a top of the line console. Too bad for them that if this upgrade happens, they won't own one anymore, and are back to square one. With their acorn willies, and all. That's why they are practically forced to buy the new version.

Well, that's what I think. And not only does it explain their behavior, it also makes me rather amused.  :-D

PS. I sure hope that they remember to complain to car manufacturers as well. After all, they upgrade their models almost yearly (I mean small upgrades to existing models, not new version of the model). :P


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #1 on: 2007-01-07 19:47:10 »
If they were willing to settle for a console that didn't have HDMI, screw them.

Any product is obsolete by the time it becomes availible for purchase. And the XBox360 has been out for over a year now. They have been whining and bitching that it didn't have HDMI, and now that M$ decided to correct that with a new model.. they bitch about that.  :roll: I hope none of these 'people' (and I use that term loosely) are PC owners. We deal with that obselesance on a month to month basis.

Gamespot talked about the rumored upgrade possibities:

1. HDMI connectors
2. Bigger (120GB) Hard Drive.
3. Faster/better Processors (from 90nm > 65nm fab)

Supposedly, only the HDMI has been 'confirmed'.


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #2 on: 2007-01-08 04:54:36 »
looks like people just found out that lifes a bitch and MS wants to makes some more money the capitalist dogs that they are. whats the bet all these people who are bitching will be the first ones in there area to get the new 360


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #3 on: 2007-01-08 05:49:34 »
As far as I can tell, HDMI is nothing more than a fad. Movie and game studios are pushing it for copy protection purposes through HDCP support and such, but eventually people will realize that it's bullshit and it'll quietly fade away.

I've developed sort of a sixth sense for recognizing things that won't last, like Jaz drives, X and O shaped cheetos, Game Boy Micro, N*Sync, UMD movies, and the majority of the "Fox Box" Saturday morning lineup. I highly doubt that HDMI will be much different, as it's basically forcing change on a world that's not particularly ready for it and doesn't need it what with superior and cheaper technology already being available.


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #4 on: 2007-01-08 07:40:47 »
I don't get people who whine about these sort of things anyway.

The Skillster

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #5 on: 2007-01-11 11:13:38 »
I didnt see the same kind of uproar when sony updated their PSX with the PSone, or when the made the numerous revisions to their PS2 systems (i think they had 12 revisions before the slimline ps2 came out). Neither when Nintendo revised their Gamecube and scrapped their Digital out on the EU systems (I got mines early so I got the digital out, and I use it with a component cable :) ).

Microsoft are progressing their product - so what, they need to compete with Sony and they will.
HDMI has only 2 advantages - it contains soundchannels so you dont need seperate audio outputs if you are plugging into a TV, and also the Xbox lacks DVI (most TVs dont have a VGA port) and HDMI to DVI adapters are easy to obtain.
Only downside is the HDCP.

James Pond

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #6 on: 2007-01-11 12:19:08 »
1. HDMI connectors
2. Bigger (120GB) Hard Drive.
3. Faster/better Processors (from 90nm > 65nm fab)

Supposedly, only the HDMI has been 'confirmed'.

All has been confirmed, along with IPTV abilities.


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #7 on: 2007-01-11 15:23:59 »
and also the Xbox lacks DVI (most TVs dont have a VGA port) and HDMI to DVI adapters are easy to obtain.
Which you can plug in a DVI to VGA converter :P


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #8 on: 2007-01-13 01:57:48 »
This is why the most recent system I have is a Dreamcast. lol I never got why people would buy (to me) an outdated computer for hundreds of dollars. The reason that I never buy new systems instantly is that:
1 Many of the early games don't take full advantage of their system. Imagine playing a DS without the touchscreen.
2 A better version is coming out later. No need to buy an inferior product for more money, and maybe even buy a new version of it.
3 I don't have the money >.>

The Skillster

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #9 on: 2007-01-14 11:54:10 »
and also the Xbox lacks DVI (most TVs dont have a VGA port) and HDMI to DVI adapters are easy to obtain.
Which you can plug in a DVI to VGA converter :P

You do lose the digital in digital video interface, DVI is selfconfigurating, only thing you need to set is brightness and contrast, no auto adjustment or size adjusting etc.
You get a cleaner crisper "true" picture over DVI then VGA, and I know that for a fact.

James Pond

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #10 on: 2007-01-14 13:57:46 »
1 Many of the early games don't take full advantage of their system. Imagine playing a DS without the touchscreen.

True, however your example is a great over exageration of the actual situation. In this case HDMI is not a very big deal imo,  the 120gb hard drive WILL be available separately, and IPTV is but a pipe dream in the UK as opposed to america.

2 A better version is coming out later. No need to buy an inferior product for more money, and maybe even buy a new version of it.

To be fair, in both the PS2 and the 360's cases, there was no indication on launch, or even before launch of a revised model being even thought about. You can't say a better version WILL come out.  Its all based around the quality of the original product, and enough people moaning about "It duznt hav X feetur, u teh sux at maek gaem consoal!" Which WILL happen, no matter what.  Look at the PS3.  Admitaddly I would only buy it got MGS4 as im a very happy owner of a 360, but ok, its a powerful system, its just unfortunate sony keep pushing out propiatory formats on their new console.  Blu-Ray with the PS3, and UMD on the PSP.  Both, imo, Are going to get Betamax'd in the near future. From what I can see, its going to end up killing the system...

3 I don't have the money >.>

Fair enough point, I know many people will want a console on launch for instance, the Wii, but im wholly unprepared to spend up to 3 times its RRP just to have it a month before others.

One thing I have noticed. 

Think back, Genesis/Megadrive + Snes era. Sure there were expensive games, but a new game back then would cost at the most, £29.99.
Cut forward, PS2 launch, Games at the most, £34.99.

Back to today, 360 and PS3 games, £49.99 RRP.  RRP for christs sake! Thats not even the maximum price! I saw a copy of Just Cause in Woolworths yesterday for £54.99, Its insane!

Will games next gen be 59.99? 69.99? Where will it end.

I never get games on launch these days purely for the extreme price that Microsoft and Sony are pushing. No wonder the attach rate is 3-4.

Thank god for january sales with new games down to £25 >_>


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #11 on: 2007-01-14 19:54:11 »
and also the Xbox lacks DVI (most TVs dont have a VGA port) and HDMI to DVI adapters are easy to obtain.
Which you can plug in a DVI to VGA converter :P

You do lose the digital in digital video interface, DVI is selfconfigurating, only thing you need to set is brightness and contrast, no auto adjustment or size adjusting etc.
You get a cleaner crisper "true" picture over DVI then VGA, and I know that for a fact.

Yeah, you just go brag about your new monitor :P

The Skillster

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #12 on: 2007-01-14 23:38:46 »
It doesn't bother me, but I did have DVI on my 17" LCD and used both the VGA and the DVI for seperate PCs and I did notice the difference in quality.

Oh, how do you play HD DVDs on a Xbox 360? Don't you have to have something HDCP compatible to play those?

James Pond

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #13 on: 2007-01-15 07:31:51 »
Oh, how do you play HD DVDs on a Xbox 360? Don't you have to have something HDCP compatible to play those?

You buy the soon to be released HD-DVD drive.

Except, its probably VERY worth buying, seing as it works perfectly with Windows Vista.  A External HD-DVD drive that can be used on 2 different items.  Extremely good if you ask me.

Oh, and as for the topic of DVI.

I have a VGA port on my monitor, and a DVI Port on my Gfx Card, I also have a VGA port on my Gfx card ,which is what i've been using.  The card itself came with a DVI - VGA dongle, but for some reason when I plug it in, no picture is displayed, any ideas ? :o
« Last Edit: 2007-01-15 07:35:04 by James Pond »

The Skillster

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #14 on: 2007-01-15 21:24:33 »
Is the DVI port your secondary port?
Possibly you need to have two monitors running at the same time, and then enable either split screen or extended screen from the display properties.


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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #15 on: 2007-01-15 23:38:44 »
It wouldn't give you better quality or anything so why bother?

James Pond

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Re: Fanboy behaviour, part deux: The Xbox 360 v2
« Reply #16 on: 2007-01-16 00:05:15 »
It wouldn't give you better quality or anything so why bother?

It would though....

But yes, I assume its just a secondary output.