Author Topic: FF7 PSX modifcation...  (Read 4280 times)


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FF7 PSX modifcation...
« on: 2007-01-17 23:06:04 »
Hey everyone, I have been interested in the ff modding area for awhile but i never really been able to change anything in the game. Today i made one change to the psx version of the game and changed cloud into sephiroth ( only for battle ). It seems to work perfectly when i tested in in ePSXe. And he doesnt attack on his own  :-P. So, I plan to make some more changes but it would be better if someone could provide me with some info about the psx version. Such as file locations, like models and stuff like that. That would be helpful i suppose... I know there isnt alot of tools to use when working with the psx version which is a bummer but what programs are there available? I have a couple but i would like to find out if i am missing any. Also what changes have any of you made to the psx version if any? lol. I know that you cant convert 3d models into the format used in ff7 so dont wig out on me about lil stuff like that hehe.


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Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« Reply #1 on: 2007-01-18 02:08:34 »
...Also what changes have any of you made to the psx version if any? lol.

"lol." huh? That's quite elegant speech you got there...  :roll:

This should go into the Game Tweaking FAQ. If anyone wants to copy it, feel free. My mod powers are weak here.

There are a lot of tools for the PC version of Final Fantasy 7! How can I use them to modify my Final Fantasy 7 PSX ISO?

The short answer is you can't mod the PSX version of FF7.

Here's the long answer.

As the custom PSP-OE 3.x firmware becomes more popular, the ISO files for FF7 has become more in demand. Barring the fact that we don't  support copied versions of the game, I'm going to humor you and pretend that the ISO you have is actually yours.

For me to better explain myself, I have to give you a little lesson on how filesystems work.

When you want to read data on a normal CD-ROM filesystem, it goes like this. First you tell the computer what file you want. The computer then goes to the directory, finds the filename, and then looks up where on the disk the actual data is located. The computer then moves the read head to that location on the disk, and copies the data from the disk into memory.

This is well and good for normal filesystems, but this is not how FF7 accesses it's data. During development of FF7, it became painfully obvious that loading data the old fashioned way was going to be a royal pain. First, the above method was way too slow. Second, by loading the data in the traditional way, they would actually lock the PSX until the data was loaded. To get around this Square decided to skip the whole directory reading part and hard-code the location of the data directly into the executable. This means that during the final stages of the FF7 build process, they would compress all their data, write it to an image file much like your ISO, and then after everything was locked, write the locations directly into the game executable on the ISO. Realistically, you only need about 5% of the directly to play the game. Enough to load the executable. That's it. In FF8, they actually got rid of the directory, filenames and all, and wrote everything to a large binary file.

The upshot is unless you plan on unpacking and uncompressing the entire disk, changing your data, and then rebuilding your own ISO after the edit, making sure that the executable and other data helper files points to all the correct sectors on the disk, there really isn't a lot you can do.

It's called "Compact Disk Read Only Memory" for a reason.

« Last Edit: 2007-01-18 02:12:51 by halkun »

James Pond

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Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« Reply #2 on: 2007-01-18 07:50:12 »
No offense Halkun, but the whole "Im going to humor you" was un needed, not everyone is a dirty dirty pirate :-)


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Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« Reply #3 on: 2007-01-18 08:29:39 »
I own two copies of the game. Real Life bought copies (three including the PC version). I have made ISO files of them in the past and they live on my hard drive for about a week or two. After that they are deleted...


Because I own two copies of the game and ISOs eat hard drive space. I can pop in a disk and play my games via ePSXe just fine without the need to make an image file.

Not all who have ISOs are dirty dirty pirates, but there has been a very high demand for them lately, and a quick browse on pirate bay shows a very renewed intrest in the game. It's also quite intresting that Cyb and I have been running across a whole bunch of newbies asking how to edit an ISO. This post here makes it the fourth such request. As a business major, I took classes in trend analisys. I'm afraid I don't like where the arrow is pointing.


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Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« Reply #4 on: 2007-01-18 11:48:39 »
Well you didnt help me very much lol!. By the way you can modify psx games. I even gave u an example for cryin out loud hehe. Well for you info i have Final Fantasy 7 bought from the store so dont go ballistic and accusing me of shit!. And besides, how big is yur hardrive lmao. i have an 80 gig and i never really go past the 20 gig point so i always have space for stuff  :-P. So the thing about modding the psx version...Well i dont quite seem what your getting at....Im not quite sure what u mean about having all the file compressed to an image file on the disc cause from what i know thats not true with ff7 psx version. For the ff7 psx version all the directories are just hidden, and i have the show hidden folders activated in my folder options for my pc so  i can see the hidden folders + access them and view the files. I was just wondering where the different files from the game were located on the disc. Such as textures, models and all the other stuff. I know that the battle models are in the "Enemy" folders thats how i was able to change cloud into sephiroth :lol:. Currently im using "Biturn", "ff7psxmodelviewer" and "CDmage" They work fairly in helping modify my ff7 image. But all i really need i guess is the file locations, If you guys dont help me out i guess i will have to find out on my own lol.


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Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« Reply #5 on: 2007-01-18 12:35:31 »
Hint; we don't really approve IM shorthand here, lol.

Dear halkun, we don't have a Game Tweaking FAQ. :P If you meant the Great FF7 FAQ, sure, I can add it unless Aaron or Alhexx do it first. See, my mod powers are not very strong here either, but if really needed I can edit posts with some trickery (it involves moving them somewhere first, and then back).