Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod (v1.0.7.2)  (Read 1104870 times)


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #750 on: 2010-08-07 17:38:21 »
Never said that the authors implemented glitches on purpose, that's why it is called a glitch and not a feature. It is just your choice to use glitches or not, but it is not a cheat. Cheating is opening your save with an editor and set all your stats to 255... Using glitches is exploiting bugs or stuff. The result is the same, though, you are not playing the game the way it was made for.

I agree with you, I don't see the point of playing a hardcore mod if you use glitch in it, but people are free to do it, right? Just because you don't like it does not mean it's bad...

Concerning all your blattering about youtube and weapons and stuff... It is completely off-topic, and what's more, we do not care. Glitches allow us to do incredible things, and I find it quite fun to see that you can instant-kill a weapon without cheating. Nothing to do with "omg im so pro", just fun. Never smiled at a video showing Barrett do ten times in a row "ungarmax"?
« Last Edit: 2010-08-07 22:44:03 by Blah »


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #751 on: 2010-08-08 04:48:56 »
 Getting back to your "blattering", read once again what I written couse you surely didn't understood half of it. In shorter post I ment that calling cheating non-cheating just to feel better and higher is stupid. You can see I didn't modified my post and you can find exactly such opinion there just in longer description.

 I also wrote cheating can be fun and everybody is free to cheat as he/she likes, read again if you didn't noticed that, it's only stupid to call it by different names for an excuse of feeling all-mighty. Those things aren't incredible, they're cheap and going easy way. What's the difference between making an enemy have 1 hp than making you hit with install kill with other means? None. Same lame and making game easy. Fun? Yeah sometimes can be, I wrote that before, for me to, but does that make me hardcore player? Surely NOT. And talking about xxxx megaelixirs or "increadible things" made by glitching the game is far more offtop to HARDCORE mod topic than explaining that cheating in any way is equal to playing ultra-easy hence opposite of hardcore.

 Cheating is breaking the rules. All stuff like game codes, glitches, editors, trainers, using exploits to make it different than accepted rules IS called CHEATING. If you cut the turns on a racing track that's also cheating even if it exist and is possible. Cheating for whatever you belive in sake isn't a name of a method, but general name of breaking game/race/competition/whatever rules to gain advantage.

 PS. And my words of authors implementing glitches on purpose was just a sarcasm to lame excuses.

 Over and out as I don't care much if my post is readed partially just to bring an answer that puts me in a bad light.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #752 on: 2010-08-08 10:38:42 »
To make it short, we are thinking the same things, the only thing I wanted to tell you is the difference between cheats and glitches :) It's fun to instant kill a weapon, but if you can't do it the regular way it's sad. Nothing to do with hardcore players, he is using a hardcore mod with 99 megalixirs, not my problem as he is not claiming to be a pro... (though even with 99 megalixirs this mod is damn hard :p)

Another thing, in speedrunning, glitches are allowed, while cheats are not. Sometimes it results in a VERY bad-looking speedrun (like zelda done in 4 minutes instead of 1h30 before...), but sometimes it fits well in the game (like rocket-jumping in a lot of FPS, glides or wallrunning in Doom... etc etc...)

And some sarcasm : whoa, authors wanted the armors to bring some Mdef, and because of that bug you are not using this bonus! cheater!

To get back to my "hardcore mod experience" : I killed the boss guarding Titan materia, it was very weak :( I wonder why he is taking damage from laser while the tanks around are immune to it? Would have made more sense to do the opposite. But then, even without laser he would die pretty fast, he does not deal huge damage. Stole him for a nice item :)
After that I did some leveling just to get enough gold to buy a second and a third HP-plus (I was quite short of gils), right now I'm going to try cosmo canyon... I hope it is not impossible! And I also hope that you did not hide a unique monster in the cave :p

EDIT : oh, and the encounter with 6 frogs near gongaga... Damn long! but funny. Did you improve their AI? They seemed to always frog song the ones that were not turned to frog (but using the item that protects from frog loopholes the thing, since even if the char is asleep they try to frog song him, leaving the others alone)
« Last Edit: 2010-08-08 10:55:33 by Blah »


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #753 on: 2010-08-11 22:50:52 »
After getting past Proud Clod and the 3x Soldier fight I realized they're too easy compared with their "surroundings".  I may come with a minor update soon, IF I don't get too much work in the near future. But 1st I'll at least finish the game. There are a AIs in need of improvement as well.

Any other parts that needs improvement? Please make a list.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #754 on: 2010-08-12 10:16:53 »
So far (I'm right before ancient's temple [don't know the english for that]), the only part that need improvements is Dyne and after (Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Nibel...) : I found it too easy, and I did not train at all before (lvl20-25). But even so, I found the game to be really nice, a lot better than the vanilla game :)

I'll keep my feedback going if I find some time to play these days. But really, after Dyne, the game becomes a lot easier (I remember restarting a lot against Jenova birth, air buster... while I killed at the first try Dyne, the boss keeping Titan, the turks, cosmo cave, materia keeper, the boss keeping odin... though I got owned by a dragon in nibel, I could not do anything, comet2, everyone dies :p )

Oh, and a suggestion : at this point of the game, what do you think about making beta and aqualung impossible to get by improving midgar zolom and harpy?


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #755 on: 2010-09-07 03:38:14 »
Hey gjoerulv, i have been playing this ff7pc for a while now, and started a hardcore game with your mod, and i have to say its so much fun! Its totally gave me a new challenge and its been awesome to see the changes so far.

I'm using break damage limit patch, and i noticed the AI is so much better, and i actually died a number of times, and found some parts pretty easy while others extremely hard!

For you i will leave my feedback so far on certain parts of the game, specially the bosses.

-In the 8th reactor, i found the big machines which drop bolt plumes to be hard in the beginning, specially paired with those other new mobs, after rushing to the first boss, and dieing twice, i decided to level on these fights up til level 17 or so, the spot gives so much AP and exp for that time, and i stocked up a little on potions, ether's and bolt plumes for the first fight.

- The first boss was difficult when i rushed to it, first 2 times i would run out of potions and Phoenix downs, but with some higher levels, and bolt plumes, i was able to destroy it easily :?:

- Next i decided to see what the mobs in the graveyard was like, with just cloud, and i noticed the spot is still similar, not a great exp spot so i carried on my way after a few fights

- After jumping off the train, i ran down purposely to fight the soldiers, and i found a new mob! A green secret officer, which seems to have lowish HP but a lot of attack power, would be nice if this fight gave anything special :-P

- I carried on and the mobs in the tunnel was not too hard, i did some fights on the way to Big Bomber, didn't run into anything too difficult in there.

- Big Bomber boss, i found this really easy, i had limit breaks, and just decimated from both sides, i really expected this boss to be much harder hitting, as its a key part of FF7 for me, and i guess the size of this thing, it should be more of a reasonable boss? Dunno that's just my opinion anyways.

- Aeris solo fights were easy, maybe make this a bit more difficult, so you might actually have a reason to use the barrels?

- Moved onto sector 5 after stopping at aeris house, and i liked how the house monster had more hp and attacked more then one person, but the attack power was lower then i expected, and the little things that come in 4 (cant remember the name) are still pretty much no match, and remain a good place to level limit breaks at this point of the game.

- The solos fight for cloud inside Don Corneos mansion are still pretty easy, wouldn't hurt to boost those just a little bit :?:

- The Aps boss fight, i was looking forward to a good match here, but i seem to destroy really easy, with limit breaks and grenades, he never got close to killing me, and only did 3 wave moves, maybe this boss can inflict some status effects at the beginning?

- The sahagins in the sewer, and the little moths i found really annoying for this part, i liked this addition because these were no match before, and it scared me to see the stuff these monsters were doing so early on in the game lol

- Train graveyard, i found interesting for a number of reasons, the mob which drops striking staff was not much more difficult, and such a pain to steal off, and the new mobs, the little ram creatures, are just really wrong in this area, for these reasons.
1. On one fight, i was able to steal a fire fang off one of these, then i did another fight and they would only drop potions, did my game just glitch out???
2 On one of the fights, there is 2 of these little rams, and one of them is actually floating, levitating higher then the one next to it by quite a way, this new battle needs to be looked into man :?:

- Reno boss, i enjoyed this fight, the pyramid has more hp so it takes 2 attacks to break, but still his attack power was quite low, so still the first encounter of this guy seems pretty lame, he died pretty fast.

- Next fighting happens in shinra building, i decided to bust in, i liked how you added the soldiers with hardedge drop on the elevator although the drop rate really annoys me, and they are dam strong lol :?:

- I decided to steal off the red soldier guys, after they lost the armor, to get some shrapnel's, not sure if this was added, but it helped later

- On floor 65 i think it is, with the midgar model, the normal mobs were fine, and getting loco weeds here was essential although they didn't seem to drop much for me.

-New Boss! Locke Venus and Theo, OK I'm going to say this, What a dam funny, but very hard and challenging addition this is, these guys don't just talk lots of funny stuff at the start, but they work together so well and wiped me many times.
I stole a silver armlet off Theo the first time i won, i decided to go back and try again, and steal off the other 2, Locke has X potion, and Venus a Fairy ring.

Now this was one of the hardest things i ever done, stealing both the Fairy ring and Armlet off Venus and Theo, before killing them or being killed, it took me a good 20-30 tries to get the result, as these guys truly destroy, and the drop rate is so dam bad, Venus tends to die too quick, and you need to kill Venus off so the other 2 can die, as Venus uses Erindae and raises them back up, and if you confuse the trio, Locke always casts berserk and 75% of the time lands it on one of the trio, which makes things even harder! lol.

Ok following on from the last post  More feedback on the mod.

- Specimen boss fight, I found this fight to be pretty easy, i had star pendant and fairy ring to protect against poison, the 3 guys at the front of the boss are still easy, and the boss does not do anything new and dies with not much challenge.

- Fighting on floor 68, I got my carbon bangles off this floor, and also i had some major hassle with the team of 3 Soldiers, which do Sleepel, and have very good AI, any Loco weeds for these fights help, but without they can be difficult to fight, specially if you are not fully cured from the last fight or running low on MP, luckily the save point is just down the elevator, making this a good decent exp point.

- Fighting in Shinra building after breaking out of prison, i found this really interesting, one of the mobs actually does an Enemy Skill, Roulette, although its a killer move at this time, i thought it was great to add it now, seen as usually you have to wait a long time to get this, when it becomes obsolete.
I went upstairs to floor 69, and noticed a new mob could push me out of battle, luckily i had saved it, but in one of these fights, 2 of my guys got knocked out of the battle, and the other person died, meaning i had game over again lol

- Elevator boss fight and Rufus - From what i saw, i did not see anything new to these fights, they seemed pretty similar and easy.

- Boss fight after bike game, i also found this pretty easy, boss did not do anything new, and bolt just destroyed it.

- Outside Midgar, i fought the machines for Matra Magic, and i did not notice too much difference, some mobs are slightly higher in hp and attack power.

- Story sequence with Sephiroth and Cloud, I loved this!!! Actually being able to control sephiroth and use killer moves at this point of the game, Cloud is just totally useless and dies every 2 seconds, so you just take this level 90 Sephiroth and destroy things, with Break damage limit a normal attack would take off 27000+ for me.
I also loved the new boss fight, i actually had to cure sephiroth because i was not too sure about what it could do, but after a number of normal attacks it died with no problem  Cloud of course died after i decided to attack it with him for the laugh.

- Back on the world map, outside Chocobo farm, these fights were much harder, the birds do berserk, the elephants and mandragoras don't want to die, and of course the big midgar zolom is even more powerful! :O I managed to get L4 suicide off the Lil squirrel dudes.

- Went into the farm for Choco/Mog, and wanted to watch the dance, i got Choco/Mog, then all of a sudden... Bam im fighting a Silver Chocobo! Im thinking what the hell is going on here, this Silver choco starts doing Choco/Mog on me and doing decent damage, and does Chocobuckle on the guy with Enemy skill materia lol, i tried to give it a gyshal green just in case i could catch it! But for some reason that didnt work, so i started to kill it, and it died not too long later, great addition!

- I carried on and got a choco, and headed into Mythril mines, i found these mobs not that much more difficult, and i got my Flame thrower enemy skill.

- Got out into Junon area, and headed over to the forests straight away, the birds and trees are not too much harder, i stole a Boomerang off one of the birds, then i kept fighting til i got Yuffie, who also did not seem like she was much harder, would have been nice if the Yuffie fight was adjusted, so she was a bit more of a challenge to get as a character.

- Next i headed off to outside Fort condor, i fought the big mob with the guy riding on the back, i tried to steal from it dozens of times, but i got nothing, and it seems to hit pretty dam hard, and all i was doing for 15 minutes straight was curing and stealing, i got fed up and decided to call it a day there.

More feedback for you as i play through the game, thanks for the mod

Sorry for the double post, didnt mean to offend anyone :)

« Last Edit: 2010-09-07 05:06:42 by Kylos »


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #756 on: 2010-09-07 16:31:31 »
Thanks for the feedback Kylos, appreciate it.  :)

-In the 8th reactor, i found the big machines which drop bolt plumes to be hard in the beginning, specially paired with those other new mobs, after rushing to the first boss, and dieing twice, i decided to level on these fights up til level 17 or so, the spot gives so much AP and exp for that time, and i stocked up a little on potions, ether's and bolt plumes for the first fight.

- The first boss was difficult when i rushed to it, first 2 times i would run out of potions and Phoenix downs, but with some higher levels, and bolt plumes, i was able to destroy it easily :?:

Hmmm, level 17 is way too high here imo. lvl 6-7 should be enough to beat the boss wit some bolt plumes. If you level too much it will be too easy. When you leave Midgar it could be 17-22 ish.

But I'll look into it when I have time. Thanks again for feedback.

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #757 on: 2010-09-07 19:11:02 »
monsters give way too much exp to be level 20 when you leave midgar. I dont know how I am supposed to do that, even with running through and without getting wasted on the bosses because of low level and lack of items and spells. I 'adjusted' the exp growth curve so that you need 30,000-35,000 exp for lvl 20, which fits quite nicely in this mod.
as for the actual difficulty, the guard scorpion is really hard without bolt blumes. the air buster a bit later is too easy or too hard depending on your level. it can one-shot a non-defending characters if your level is low. Aps is a joke. You could give aps 5x or 10x the HP and it'd be a challange. maybe. and up his attack power.
Reno... he went down before he got off his second pyramid. Its a joke. He's one of the TURKS, he should be quite formidable at this point.

I havent played farther than this ( started doing private modifications ) so i cant comment on anything else. some mobs are nearly game breaking ( sewer swarms, sweepers in the first reactor. and for all the wrong reasons, mono drives. I had SIXTY , 60!, ether by the time I was level 12 and tackled the guard scorpion. I mean, come on. thats way too much. ) and others are barely changed, it makes virtually no difference from the normal game ( mono drives, aside from the issue above, proto machine gun in reactor 5 )


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #758 on: 2010-09-08 03:15:08 »
Hmm im trying to think if it was 17 now, but it was a lot higher then 7, i noticed that i was getting awesome exp, and i just kept going because i wanted to stock up, and get a head start in the game if u know what i mean, im trying to test certain spots in the game to see what i can steal, and what i can exp well off.

After leaving the 8th reactor, i found the exp dropped a lot, and i gained levels slowly, but it was fine as i had levelled well enough already, it seems you gave the fights round the save point, maybe a bit too much exp, but yes i tried to kill the first boss at level 5 and 6 and i just ran out of things to cure myself with, so my only choice was to level.

Edit: Im on the game now, im fighting in the junon area, Cloud is level 31 with meteorain, all my characters are ranging from 28-31, its probably a bit higher then what was intended, but as i said im levelling up purposely so i can actually beat some of the hard bosses when they come, seen as i have no idea when you popped in a new random battle lol
« Last Edit: 2010-09-08 03:17:24 by Kylos »


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #759 on: 2010-09-09 05:23:19 »
monsters give way too much exp to be level 20 when you leave midgar.

I'm pretty sure I was lvl 13/14 when I beat the Trio in Shinra HQ.

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #760 on: 2010-09-09 09:02:22 »
monsters give way too much exp to be level 20 when you leave midgar.

I'm pretty sure I was lvl 13/14 when I beat the Trio in Shinra HQ.

I got no idea how you did that. I was level 23 before RENO once. True, if you go for a perfect save without w-item trick, you need to steal 99 ghost hands which gives you some levels, but still... the sweeper in reactor 1 drops thunder plumes really often, so you can more or less throw one every odd fight of sweeper + 2 robots, which is like 250 exp.

I adjusted my exp curves now ( cloud needs 6 million now for lvl 99 ) and it works a lot better than before. I also upped the HP of most bosses and some mobs ( air buster specifically has now 3x as much HP as in the hardcore mod usually )


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #761 on: 2010-09-10 13:22:51 »
monsters give way too much exp to be level 20 when you leave midgar.

I'm pretty sure I was lvl 13/14 when I beat the Trio in Shinra HQ.

I got no idea how you did that. I was level 23 before RENO once. True, if you go for a perfect save without w-item trick, you need to steal 99 ghost hands which gives you some levels, but still... the sweeper in reactor 1 drops thunder plumes really often, so you can more or less throw one every odd fight of sweeper + 2 robots, which is like 250 exp.

I adjusted my exp curves now ( cloud needs 6 million now for lvl 99 ) and it works a lot better than before. I also upped the HP of most bosses and some mobs ( air buster specifically has now 3x as much HP as in the hardcore mod usually )

I was 15ish when I beat 'em.

hmmm... Except for maybe the 1st reactor I find this mod quite easy with the right tactics. At least 'til a certain point in the game.
The reason I decided to make Aps "easy" is 'cause there is no save after the whole Corneo event. If you face an incredibly hard enemy you can't escape from after such  long event, you'll get pretty sick of it after multiple game overs. But he might be a bit too easy. I'll jot it down.

It's quite funny actually. I feel I've gotten all posible sort of feedback for most bosses: "Reno is too hard",  "Reno is too easy", "Reno is just perfect", etc. it all comes down to how you play the game. This mod was mainly made to satisfy the way I play it. The problem is if I do a fix, it'll actually be a break for some. I can't possibly please everybody, thus I mainly aim to please myself (lol I see the jokes already).
But, of course, I like feedback. Feedback is a great way to see "errors".


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #762 on: 2010-09-10 20:08:58 »
So far the most difficult boss i faced were the 3 shinra soldiers you fight when getting the last key card. It took me leveling up for quite some time before i could even attempt to defeat them, even after knowing the right strategy. It also did not help that i insisted on stealing their items, but they were still extremely difficult to defeat otherwise. After that i walked over Jenova, Rufus, the elevator bosses, and the robot you fight at the end of the road. I think i was around level 22 by the time i made it to kalm.

Im not complaining though, This mod has totally refreshed the game for me. Prior to this i was simply creating mods, viewing them ingame, and never bothering to actually play :lol:

Also, steal 99 ghosts hands? For god sakes WHY?



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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #763 on: 2010-09-11 12:02:18 »
Could not play these days, I had to settle down in another town for my studies... Anyway.

I think that those who find the game too easy are those who XP too much. You don't really need to take 5 levels before each boss... and air buster was a tough boss at lvl10, the lvl you should be at this point of the game, I guess.
I was lvl20 when I bet jenova birth, it was hard, if you try to kill it at lvl30 it is a breeze... Like scorpio guard at lvl17 (wtf?!?)

A part of the game that is plain easy is after jenova birth, IMO.

Do you advise me to use the limit breaker patch? I was wondering that...

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #764 on: 2010-09-11 15:20:59 »
Use of the HP limit patch has been advised by gjoerulv, yes.

Also, it's hard *not* to overlevel for FF7, especially if you're the kind of person who likes to get every item and explore every area. I've always found that, without any grinding, I'm way overlevelled for most of the game. I don't make a conscious attempt to be at a higher level than is necessary; it just happens :|

For people who like to find everything and don't want to escape from every battle, a hardcore mod is needed to make the game challenging.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #765 on: 2010-09-11 19:54:43 »
Ok like i stated before, this is the first time i played on this hardcore mod, so after getting my ass handed to me on a plate by the first boss, twice in a row, i decided to stay and level, and stock up on items and stuff.

I did not know just how easy or difficult this hardcore mod is, so i was probably way too high after the first boss, but even with the high levels, i have still died at numerous points in the game, and i found the Locke Venus Theo fight very difficult, seen as i wanted to beat them and get a fairy ring and silver armlets from them.

I am just outside Costa del sol now, and my guys are roughly 28-32s in level, maybe a bit higher then what is meant too, but im not exactly sure whats round the next corner, so i dont mind that.

If i cleared this mod, and wanted to play again, i would probably try and get through the game like the mod was made, and beat bosses at the lowest levels possible for the most fun.

Anyways im going to give my feedback again, from where i left off, which was just outside Junon in the forests.

-I went to fort condor area, and one mob there, the big beast with the guy on the back is 100 times stronger then before, clearly this has been changed so you can come back later to a challenging fight, it was taking off 6-13k off my characters with normal hits, and it was impossible to steal off or sense.

-I went to the beaches, and tried to steal off the junon patrons, i read you can get shinra betas round this time but could only find hi potions, these 3 junon patrons is a nice challenging fight, and i like the moves they do, very well thought out

-I fought bottomswell and did not see much difference, i was expecting a harder fight, but at no point was i close to being in trouble

-I fought the zemzelett, which does white wind, and i noticed how this is harder then before, seen as the move it does inflicts silence now, i actually got killed by one running between fort condor and junon when i only had cloud after the boss fight in junon, which i found was really funny, luckily i have 2 saves lol.

-On the ship i thought this was very well done, those new purple mobs are fun to kill and bet are a challenge at lower levels with the moves they do, i also found u can steal shinra betas off the soldiers, which is awesome as it gave me another 2 slots for materia, seen as i was using carbon bangles in 2 of my characters.

-The jenova fight was so much fun, at level 28-30s i still found this a challenge, i forgot to cure cloud before the fight, so he had 400 hp and was ready with meteorain, jenova was smart and killed cloud off straight away, so i started the fight badly, i had yuffie and redxiii in the back row, seen as they had most of the magic materia, and i give red long range materia.
Jenova was taking 300-400 off those, and 700 off cloud with the laser, so i still had to cure quite a lot, while trying to dish out damage, jenova was smart and stopped yuffie twice, when she was the only one i didnt have using a headband to be immune to it.
I did many limit breaks and thought she would die after i got meteorain again with cloud, but she still didnt go down! So the hp must have been really increased on this boss, eventually jenova died and i was pretty impressed with the fight, i would hate to do this fight at level 20s lol

-After getting out of costa del sol, i fought on the beach, and found the new seahorse mobs, which i noticed have some badass moves, need to kill them off quickly before they start killing everyone, luckily their hp is not too big.

Should be continuing on in my game today soon, so ill post more feedback for you as i do more :)



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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #766 on: 2010-09-12 01:27:00 »
Ok like i stated before, this is the first time i played on this hardcore mod, so after getting my ass handed to me on a plate by the first boss, twice in a row, i decided to stay and level, and stock up on items and stuff.

I did not know just how easy or difficult this hardcore mod is, so i was probably way too high after the first boss, but even with the high levels, i have still died at numerous points in the game, and i found the Locke Venus Theo fight very difficult, seen as i wanted to beat them and get a fairy ring and silver armlets from them.

Thanks again kylos.
There is no "right" level to be at. Just play and have fun. I just wanted to point out that much leveling will make it easier (obviously). Some people likes to grind, others likes to advance as fast as possible.

I'm working on a minor update. Nothing much.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #767 on: 2010-09-12 04:04:02 »
Ok carrying on in my journey :)

-Found swift bolts and Ice Crystal drops just outside Mt Corel, so i levelled there a little and picked some of those up.

-Did not notice a big difference in Mt corel, mobs were a little harder, specially the seahorse ones, summons really tear into these mobs still, which is nice.

-Stole Diamond pin off the green mobs(cant remember the name), seemed to have been the least appreciated steal so far, as i got a magic comb from Fort condor already for red xiii.

-Stole some Right arms off the bombs, will come in handy later ;)

-I headed out into Gold saucer area, and attempted to fight Harpy for Aqualung, so i put on Chocobo lure and attempted it, it didnt go very well, aqualung destroyed the party easily at this point.
Then i had an idea, i recently got Planet Protector for Aeris, so i formed a strategy, i will start with all limit breaks including that, to go invincible, then add a poison onto it, luckily you still learn enemy skills while Invincible so i managed to have a longish fight and get Aqualung at this point :D

-In Corel prison, i noticed the new tiger mobs straight away, noticed how they do Sneak attack and Final Attack type moves, i managed to get ???? enemy skill on one of my players, nice addition to the area :)

-Fought the Sand worms, who seemed a bit harder, and spammed Earthquake, Planet Protector and Pulse of Life helps so much though lol

-In the area just before dyne, picked up Laser and Matra magic, from those fights round there, which i dont believe are much harder then usual.

-Dyne was too weak, but i can understand why, the trip to get there, and then to lose would be quite discouraging, i killed him with 2 right arms.

-Back on the world map, i got Mighty guard, then tried harpy again, without Aeris this time, and noticed Mighty Guard is only castable on 1 player per time, and not the full party, which made me cry a little inside lol, but yes a big move like that, at this point would have made this mod too easy, so its alright :) I Managed to kill Harpy, and steal an Umbrella... Although i had just done the rollercoaster and on the first go, i got 5034 and went 1/1 on it! Did this thing drop umbrella before??

-Headed back to Junon area, and got my White wind, and Mithril from the cave, off the old man, headed over to fort conder, did that battle, went into Mythril caves, got Flame thrower for the other enemy skill, then headed outside for Midgar zolom.

-Attempted Midgar Zolom twice, at level 33-37 first time with setup Cloud Cait Sith and Yuffie, and i actually defeated it, Yuffie got knocked out of the battle, and Cait sith ended up constantly pheonix down on Cloud while the snake was poisoned, and eventually it died from the poison, but never did Beta on me.
Second time i changed to Cloud, Yuffie and Aeris, and tried to use Planet Protector, get Yuffie knocked out again, then get him to cast beta, but it ended up that once again, Cloud was dieing every move, Aeris was a pheonix down spammer, and then i screwed up and accidently pheonix down aeris instead of cloud, and it killed me off, so i thought yea, im not meant to be here yet :P

Ok editing this post, carrying on from where i left off.

-Attempted Midgar Zolom again, and had a much better strat, using Planet Protector at the beginning, and getting yuffie knocked out of battle, managed to get it to do beta, then kill it off, bio plays a big role in this fight.

-Tried Hell Rider outside Fort Condor, and beat it, Bio played a big role like midgar zolom, taking off 1100 each time poison hit, Planet Protector helped out too of course.
I beat it then tried again, and i eventually figured out it drops X-Potions, which i figured is not worth the massive amount of mp used in this battle lol.

-Got back to Gongaga area, and was killed by the green guys that do berserk lol, so i added a peace ring into the mix, and got my Goblin Punch(Thanks for adding these here) and Frog song of course.

-Attempted Reno and Rude, Renos new weapon comes equipped with a major mp steal and status effects lol, i went all out and they died pretty quick, i am level 35-39s though now.

-Entered the broken mako reactor, and ran into the Titan Boss fight, the red Heavy tank, i stole the Gold barrette for Red XIII, then i went all out with Meteorain and summons, and it didnt last too long, it was hitting quite hard though with regular moves.

-Cosmo area was interesting to me, managed to steal an X-potion off one of the turtles, and Elixir off the big birds, i find this area a real mp sponge, as the mobs like to drain huge amounts, so a lot of tents are needed to fight round here before heading into cosmo canyon.
I tried to steal off the new mob, the little green mob which does Stone stare, but was not able to figure out what it drops yet, will have to do that at a later time.

Entered Cosmo canyon, i but all my money into 2 hp plus and 2 mp plus, think its best to work on these soon as possible. About to head down into the Gi tribe area now. Peace :)

2nd Edit:

-Went down to the Gi tribe area, and was pretty worried as i thought this area could be nasty, i fought around the first area and did not find much trouble.

-Then i ran into that big red Aps like creature with the big long name that i seem to have forgotton.
I liked this new fight a lot, one reason why was because of the Adamant Clip, which seems to have replaced my Gold Barrette i got not long ago lol, the fight itself was not too difficult, i managed to get Fat Chocobo off, and confuse it, then finished it off with magics.

-Carried on in the area, did not notice any new mobs in this area, i might have just not fought for long enough, i was glad the spiders were not changed, they were still easily taken down with Frog song or Mini.

-Gi Boss, i didnt bother to try a pheonix down on this, although im guessing it was probably changed so it cannot be killed so easily, i fought it the normal way, and it does hit slightly harder, and has much more HP.

-Left cosmo canyon, tried the jellyfish on the beach, they were still easy, no change there, moved outside Nibelheim next, and found a new mob! Cant remember the exact name right now, but it hits quite hard, and it lets me steal Gold armlets off it :D So i stayed here til i had 3.
One thing i did notice about this new mob, even if you turn it into a frog, it still does all the big moves, they must be magical, at one point i tried to berserk it just so it would stop doing these moves, but it way overpowered it! To the point it was one shotting my guys , so im not going to do that again lol

-Shinra mansion time, i went straight upstairs for the Odin/Vincent key boss, i did not let this thing breath, i managed to stop it early with Choco/mog, then i ripped into it with Betas, Thundaga, Blizzaga and summons, by the time it become moveable again, and changed to physical form, it died really quick after that, it was hitting me pretty hard though when it had the chance.

-The rest of shinra mansion i tried to rush through, the mobs didnt seem much harder, except the swinging guy on the chain, who seems really resistant to magic and evasive to normal attacks.
I hate the 2 headed thing in the basement, it takes sooo long to kill it pisses me off lol

Heading to Mt. Nibel next, i heard theres a big dragon there, peace <3

« Last Edit: 2010-09-13 18:02:46 by Kylos »

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #768 on: 2010-09-24 15:56:50 »
One specific mob is broken beyond belief.
Oh wonder, its the red hedgehog pie in the church. In the short period you only control cloud, if they attack you and manage to hit with paralyze, its game over. you will NEVER recover from the paralyze because it seems once under paralyze, they hit you with paralyze for 100% or simply renew its duration
also, if both characters get hit, its also very possible to get a game over because of infinite paralyze.

I took this nonsense out and voila, its not broken anymore.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #769 on: 2010-10-17 14:33:10 »
Well. When I tried this about 2 years ago, I got stuck on Jenova Birth.

...That's where I'm up to again now, and while I did manage to get her down to 3500 HP once, I still haven't beaten her.

I'm wondering if that battle is just a bit *too* hard... I mean seriously, multiple attacks every turn? Double Tail Laser is especially a pain.

Also, on a slightly unrelated note, is Silver Chocobo glitched? It randomly runs out of MP sometimes, despite having heaps.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-17 15:40:06 by LJH »


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #770 on: 2010-10-17 16:56:29 »
Well. When I tried this about 2 years ago, I got stuck on Jenova Birth.

...That's where I'm up to again now, and while I did manage to get her down to 3500 HP once, I still haven't beaten her.

I'm wondering if that battle is just a bit *too* hard... I mean seriously, multiple attacks every turn? Double Tail Laser is especially a pain.

Also, on a slightly unrelated note, is Silver Chocobo glitched? It randomly runs out of MP sometimes, despite having heaps.

Try attacking with cloud only, while the others heal. Only use limits with the others if they need to attack.
The Silver choc is supposed to be odd. But I can't remember if that was intentional or not.

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #771 on: 2010-10-17 19:29:36 »
is there any actual reasoning behind making jenova weak to CUT? I found that to be really really weird.
if anything it should have elemental resistances because, you know, it's jenova. and weak to cut? it's not a plant.


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #772 on: 2010-10-17 21:08:53 »
Well. When I tried this about 2 years ago, I got stuck on Jenova Birth.

...That's where I'm up to again now, and while I did manage to get her down to 3500 HP once, I still haven't beaten her.

I'm wondering if that battle is just a bit *too* hard... I mean seriously, multiple attacks every turn? Double Tail Laser is especially a pain.

Also, on a slightly unrelated note, is Silver Chocobo glitched? It randomly runs out of MP sometimes, despite having heaps.
Yeah, Jenova-BIRTH was a tad tough! I remember I would have Meteorain at the start of battle, and everytime when I was at low HP, I would pray that Meteorain was almost close to charging. So basically, like gjoerulv said, just keep Cloud alive because he will possibly be the one to defeat Jenova-BIRTH.

As for the Silver Chocobo, check the video on my YouTube. I recorded that one match because his formula for attacking is random and odd. Odd as in it may use that flashing light thing and run out of MP immediately after (it has 65,535), and that flashing light thing does nothing!

Either way, that won't stop it from using Choco/Mog.

My question is, what is the purpose of the light-spell?


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #773 on: 2010-10-18 06:06:58 »
Meteorain?! I don't even have Blade Beam yet. o_O

Yeah, I am primarily attacking with Cloud, although if I get a free turn (when she's just used Stop on Red, who has immunity, or any attack hitting only one person, which just requires one Cure) I get Red and Yuffie to throw a few attacks at her as well.

And yes, I most certianly am using Lunatic High at the start to give Cloud and Yuffie Haste. (Red has the stop-protection, which also blocks Haste, sadly.)


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Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« Reply #774 on: 2010-10-18 07:07:30 »
I haven't played this mod, so I don't know if you are using a custom accessory or something to protect agaisnt stop, but if you are using Added Effect Materia, can't you pair it with Choco/Mog for protection against stop and not haste?  Sorry for not knowing about the mod to know whether this is a bad suggestion or not.