Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod (v1.0.7.2)  (Read 1102861 times)


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1225 on: 2011-12-13 19:33:38 »
Yes, this is happening to me occasionally. The same thing occurs from time to time when Cid uses that Limit Break. I am afraid that the cause of this problem is not directly related to Gjoerulv's mod.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-14 00:11:02 by NxK »


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1226 on: 2011-12-14 19:21:37 »
So, are those infamous dragons generally much less threatening now or are they still as strong as they were in the original release but release their full capacity only when certain conditions are met?
If the party is below lvl 50 it will stay in counter mode longer in the beginning. Easier to escape from.

The Hyper Jump is a known problem with the PC version. It can randomly crash the game. Nothing to do with my mod.
Anyone know he cause?


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1227 on: 2011-12-14 20:55:31 »
I haven't gotten KOTR yet... Just beat the new boss to get the quadra magic. He was srsly scary with that magic chain till I got him figured out (^_^)


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1228 on: 2011-12-15 09:21:36 »
Oh how I wish ribbon prevented stop and instant death. Man that would be convenient.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1229 on: 2011-12-15 09:46:55 »
That's why the good lord created Added Effect-Hades, plus a Safety Bit (or Headband depending on which annoys you more, or AE-Time plus a Safety Bit if both are a problem). That way you can still put up Mighty Guard, too.   :D


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1230 on: 2011-12-16 15:42:30 »
zomg i hadn't thought of added effect hades... I am at hojo and get him to his 3rd form but by then my poor party is so F'd up they stand little chance. tifa is lvl 86 and aeris and cloud are mid 70's. The status effects are pillaging me :(


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1231 on: 2011-12-16 20:17:32 »
zomg i hadn't thought of added effect hades... I am at hojo and get him to his 3rd form but by then my poor party is so F'd up they stand little chance. tifa is lvl 86 and aeris and cloud are mid 70's. The status effects are pillaging me :(

Try having somone with high HP cover the 3rd form and counter make him equip a ribbon and have your healers resistant to frog and paralyze if possible (jem ring helps here) Just have your high hp character defend every turn and counter attack him till he's gone.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1232 on: 2011-12-17 19:17:13 »
Thanks for the reply ! I did manage to beat him, just held out cloud and tifa's limit breaks till the 3rd form. Now i am trying to get the hades materia and that boss is proving tricky but i am sure i will get it sorted (^_^)

I gotta add that not being able to sense these guys HP in the Gelnika is a srs pain when it comes to morphing. :( I have just been quadra casting demaga then demara then morphing but some are immune to gravity :(
« Last Edit: 2011-12-17 19:22:45 by Schoolgirl »


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1233 on: 2011-12-18 08:33:47 »
Use Yuffi's Conformer when morphing. No damage penalty.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1234 on: 2011-12-18 13:34:07 »
Thanks for the reply ! I did manage to beat him, just held out cloud and tifa's limit breaks till the 3rd form. Now i am trying to get the hades materia and that boss is proving tricky but i am sure i will get it sorted (^_^)

I gotta add that not being able to sense these guys HP in the Gelnika is a srs pain when it comes to morphing. :( I have just been quadra casting demaga then demara then morphing but some are immune to gravity :(

Woo Tifa lover we don't care for no tier list! =P

For the hades boss I reccomend just trying to blast him down as fast as you can he is resistant to gravity but he only 1/2's the attacks so for me it was still the most significant damage I could do to him.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1235 on: 2011-12-18 15:33:11 »
You know, just reading this topic... I get the impression Gravity is gonna be a lot more useful than it is witha  vanilla playthrough XD


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1236 on: 2011-12-18 18:23:23 »
Gravity's a funny spell.. in the vanilla all the bosses were immune because taking 1/4- 3/4 health from it in one turn was way too powerful and on the normal enemies it's just not worth it because you can attack for more.
In a hardcore mod it is invaluable.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1237 on: 2011-12-18 21:07:32 »
WELL. After two temporarily-gave-up-then-lost-the-save-before-having-a-chance-to-resume playthroughs (at Jenova-BIRTH and Dyne respectively), I think I've finally gotten far enough to give some decent early-game feedback.

I don't remember my levels at every point in the game, but I do remember I got to about level 8 for Guard Scorpion, I was about level 17 on reaching Jenova-BIRTH but grinded to about Level 20 to be able to beat her, and I'm currently, just before Nibel Mountains, using Lv31 Cloud, Lv28 Yuffie and Lv30 Barret.

I've beaten all optional bosses I've found up to this point except Midgar Zolom (so, Silver Chocobo, the guy guarding Titan (forgot his name), and Lost Number), and wherever I've seen one, I've beaten any new enemies I've found (Ryoka Xenophobic was quite interesting, if not too challenging) at least once. Overall, I have to say it's really good. I've actually found myself using Sadness, the Barriers, and even Defend - things I almost never do in a regular play (but am quite familiar with the concepts of thanks to excessive challenge plays of FFX).

** WALL OF TEXT WARNING - Reviewing pretty much the whole game so far. Note that there may be some strategy-related spoilers ahead, so don't read if you wanna come up with your own ideas!!! **

The 1st reactor, I have to say, I think there was little need to make Lv1 the starting level. It just makes this place require a bit of a grindfest... which itself is made easy (but tedious nonetheless) by simply beating a Sweeper once, then using the Bolt Plume (or was it Swift Bolt? I always get the two mixed up) you get against another Sweeper (even better if they appear alongside other enemies, then you may get a couple of Potions as well). They're also very effective against both of the first two bosses (I ended up using my spares from grinding against Guard Scorpion but had none left for Air Buster). The lack of healing items also leads to a similar matter of abusing the Bolt Plume cycle to get potions (since you're likely to lose more than you gain any other way). However, I will emphasize that the 1st Reactor is pretty much the only major criticism I have - everything else is just small things here and there, and most of my feedback is actually pretty good.

The 2nd reactor was pretty fun. Air Buster is actually a challenge now, but still a reasonable introduction-period boss. I like how you can pick up a few pretty neat items (Deadly Wastes for one) if you put a bit of effort in, yet unlike the 1st Reactor, they are far from mandatory.

The slums are really nothing special, but I have nothing bad to say either. Maybe making Hell House just a tad tougher would've been nice, I remember when I very first played the game finding them to be quite a frightening enemy (even if they didn't really hold up to that impression as well as you'd hope) and had been quite interested to see what this mod would do with them. But I think that's more a personal thing than anything else.

Train Graveyard is perhaps the place I have to say has the best degree of difficulty adjustment. Not so hard that you have to grind insanely or see Game Over every 2 minutes, but not so easy that it appears untouched. Good work here.

The Reno fight, I have to say, was somewhat a letdown. The only difference I noticed was the Pyramids took more to break.

Shinra HQ... hmm. The random encounters weren't that much improved until the few highest floors (where they were quite good), seemed to be just a bit of HP buffing. Sample was a bit more of a challenge than usual. The elevator fight wasn't that interesting, but there again, it never was in the first place. The real highlight here is the Locke, Theo & Venus battle... on all 3 times I've played through, I've found this battle very challenging yet mostly one of strategy - I have never had to grind or rely on luck to beat it, just refining my strategy has worked well enough. A huge thumbs up for that one. Motor Ball is pretty good, but nothing too special.

Upon reaching the world map, the encounters seem alright. Not going to touch Midgar Zolom yet at the damage he's doing o_O. Silver Chocobo had me stumped for a while until I realised he never attacks except as a counterattack. It was made easier again when I realised he was vunerable to Mindblow (although it does take 3 hits to get rid of all his MP), pretty much getting rid of all his attacks. My only comment was that, since you're meant to *need* a Chocobo at this point, and you have no way of preventing Beserk, it was a bit unfair to give one of the tougher enemies that appears with chocobos a way to inflict it. Random encounters around Junon seemed to be pretty decent. Yuffie was still painfully easy to beat though.

Bottomswell seems pretty unchanged, apart from using Big Wave less than what I remember - in one of my runs, he only ever used it as a final attack, not during the battle.

Jenova-BIRTH is probably my biggest complaint apart from the 1st reactor. As I said before, in one of my saves she was my quit point, I got sick of trying. Both of the other two I have the same issue - she is not hard, just cheap. I like how she has a weakness to physical attacks, but unfortunately, her difficulty pretty much just comes from that she inflicts around 4 times as much damage per turn as anything else you're used to by this point. Keep in mind that the last really major boss, Motor Ball, had 10000 HP and at worst could do about 400 fire-elemental damage to everyone in one turn, or about 200 non-elemental. IIRC, the single-character damages are about the same. Skip to Jenova-BIRTH, she can potentially do nearly 1000 non-elemental damage to everyone in one turn, as well as having over twice the HP. To a single character, she can do 1200 in one turn (triple W-Laser). Not only that, but you don't even know how much damage you're going to be up against - since it's random how many times she attacks per turn. This is a point where you have to either get lucky or majorly grind.

Random encounters for Mt Corel were very well balanced, I felt. Probably would've been quite challenging (but still reasonable) had I not had to grind for Jenova-BIRTH (which would've put me 2-4 levels lower at this point). Desert Prison's ones were somewhat disappointing. Dyne was a very good battle. As opposed to the last one which was pretty much a matter of brute power and survival, I found Dyne to be interesting - while at first it may seem like grinding Barret to insane levels is the only way, so that you have time to defend and attack, a bit of experimenting revealed a vunerability to Poison. This takes the offence side out of the way, leaving you to focus on survival, which at the level I was at, worked out quite nicely - two attacks (which later he starts doing in one turn) would be about equivalent to what you'd heal from a single Cure2, and you'd usually have a spare turn to throw a bit extra damage or if needed an Ether.

After that I did a bit of enemy skill hunting. Didn't try Beta yet but got Aqualung - needed Sadness and Big Guard to survive that at this point, and even then it still killed Yuffie and left the others with under 100 HP each! I also Mindblew the Harpy after it used it, luckily it didn't use Aqualung again - I didn't actually notice until it was nearly dead that Mindblow only took half its HP. Also, for some reason, when hitting from behind, Barret's Big Shot did over 10000 (not a typo) damage on a Cazador, at a point where it's usually doing about 600 on a front hit to most enemies. Glitch, or do they just take HEAPS of back damage?

Turks battle in Gongaga was pretty standard. The battle for Titan was a bit too easy, just a matter of keeping your HP up and dishing out damage.

Cave of the Gi was quite interesting. The enemies were a decent challenge (although the Stingers still being vunerable to Mini made them a bit too easy... once I remembered that they were, which wasn't until I fought the last one xD). As I mentioned before, Ryoka Xenophobic was quite an interesting enemy. I'm guessing there's no way to change his death animation to the normal enemy one though? Gi Nattak itself was quite easy, although his damage was quite formidable - but unfortunately, even if you've fixed up the Phoenix Down loophole (which I'm assuming you have, I didn't actually try), he still takes very high damage from Cura, and taking that away would pretty much kill the whole concept of this boss.

Lost Number was actually the first boss I didn't manage to, in the end, beat with all 3 characters alive. I lost to him once - noticably, the first time he went into physical form, the second time into magical form, so I can provide a bit of feedback on both. Overall, Lost Number was a really good and challenging battle. I needed to Poison him to defeat him, and ultimately I did end up relying on that for the last 2000 or so damage once he had me down to one character and no spare revival items - before this I was barraging him with physical hits from Cloud (doing about 600 each - he had Long Range, Murasame and Power Wrist) and Aqualung from Yuffie (about 1400 a hit vs Lost Number IIRC), while Barret healed. Was also keeping Yuffie (but not the others as they could survive everything except Lost Blow outright) under Big Guard. Very intense battle, but I do have to mention that physical and magical forms are very unbalanced to each other. While magical may inflict Poison once in a while, physical does nearly four times the damage... I'm also going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that Lost Number isn't intended to be fought the second you get to Nibelheim on this mod, just like with Midgar Zolom? I actually suspected that before even fighting him, only to pretty much consider it confirmed once the fight started - but with how close I got, I thought I may as well keep trying anyway.

Well, that's as far as I've gotten so far. I'll give more feedback once I'm a bit further (may be a while, I tend to get a bit procrastinative whenever I reach Mt Nibel as it's probably my least favorite part of the game until the boss) - looking forward to what's ahead, especially Materia Keeper as he's usually the point I start running into trouble in a regular game.

Overall, my highlights so far would have to be Train Graveyard, Locke Venus & Theo, and Lost Number. Downers would really have to be the first reactor and Jenova-BIRTH. Hoping the rest of the game will be good!


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1238 on: 2011-12-18 22:45:30 »
Just wondering, is it recommended to get the break limit 9999 mod in order to stand a chance later in this mod? Read quite a few pages and didn't see anything on it, but I feel like it would probably be needed by watching some videos on later bosses.

I'm trying to grind around in Reactor no. 1 but the lack of potions is killing me =\.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1239 on: 2011-12-19 00:18:56 »
I would very much reccomend the break 9999 patch as the hades boss has hit all of my characters for over 10,000

Also kill a tank and use the bolt plume you get from them use ice on the battery looking things.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1240 on: 2011-12-19 11:54:52 »
Once you can beat a lone Sweeper, you're set. It'll drop a Bolt Plume (if it doesn't, reset and try again). You can use this against the encounter of a Sweeper, a Robot and the Shinra guy to win it in one move. You'll usually get 2 potions and another Bolt Plume from this. If you don't get the Bolt Plume, reset, if it's just the potions missing, keep going (you'll still get EXP after all). If you encounter any more lone Sweepers, try to take them out without the Bolt Plume so you can have more than one - it's a really good item early-game, and Sweepers by themself are not hard to defeat.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1241 on: 2011-12-22 04:03:53 »
Hey guys, I'm just wondering, does this affect the growth rate for the party's stats? I installed the mod on a playthrough and I'm being annihilated so I'm wondering if I just have to grind or restart the game.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1242 on: 2011-12-22 08:15:05 »
Grind.... but honestly, you should play it from the start... there's differences when what stuff is available, and some completely new bosses...


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1243 on: 2011-12-22 08:32:52 »
Not to mention if you start halfway thorugh you're missing out on some truely intense boss fights and gameplay.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1244 on: 2011-12-22 09:37:39 »
I started replaying as soon as Cloud's first flashback was finished, in that town after you leave Midgar. Did I miss that much? I honestly don't feel like restarting the game, as much as I love the Midgar parts.

And I figured I had to grind more, the amount of exp I'm getting in relation to how much I need for the next level is fairly high. I grinded for a bit and now I'm strong enough to survive The Materia Keeper on Mt. Nibel but not kill it.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1245 on: 2011-12-22 22:32:20 »
You've missed a shocking fight with a guard scorpion and the first Venus Theo Locke fight the fight against Reno was interesting but I wouldn't have called it strategic i don't think a 1 on 1 fight in a final fantasy game can be strategic. But missing the first Lock Theo Venus fight is fairly big.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1246 on: 2011-12-23 13:45:42 »
I don't think a 1 on 1 fight in a final fantasy game can be strategic.

you really think this? I am shocked. I always thought these were where the better strategies were needed.


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1247 on: 2011-12-23 17:30:38 »
Well my reasoning is simple during a 1 on 1 it's all about set-up, if your materia config is good and you're around the right level you can win, where-as in the other fights you need the proper set-up as well as the right battle strategy, and there is undeniably more options if you have more people.

I really found 1 on 1 fights to be mainly about sadness and big guard. as well as just not being reckless and keeping your health up


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1248 on: 2011-12-24 17:00:24 »
Dyne is a good one-on-one fight. Unless you're quite overlevelled (unless gjoerulv intended a significantly higher level than I had by this point), you're not going to be able to do much damage and keep your health up, so poison and/or counterattack is a must.

Anyway, I've played more from where I left off last time, my feedback from Nibelheim.

Mt Nibel actually seemed more fun and less tedious than I'm used to in this mod. Those MP-sucking bastards were a huge pain though. I think in general there's a bit of a problem in this area - enemies that attack MP do so way too strongly. It's nice to see them actually hit MP, but the damage needs to be toned down a bit IMO - one attack is often enough to completely shut down a mage for a turn or two, and using an Ether doesn't always do anything since they're likely to hit you with it again before the next turn. Materia Keeper sadly wasn't anything too special, but not bad. I have to ask - did you do ANYTHING to Palmer? It seems he was the same as in vanilla. I know he's meant to be a bit of a joke, but upping his damage or throwing in a status effect or two couldn't hurt. I didn't try (or even run into) the infamous Dragon yet, might go back and have a go before I wind up with Disc 1, just to see what he's like.

I had a couple of tries (beyond the compulsory one) in the battle square while I was there. Didn't manage to beat it. Will try again at some point, but it's finally the sort of challenge it should be IMO. Good work here.

Temple of the Ancients was quite good. I found the random encounters here to have a very good level of difficulty - not so high that you virtually need a recovery after every one, but not so low that they're boring. The bosses... I have to say, Red Dragon was insane. I didn't expect such a huge jump. I had to grind a bit for him, and use Poison (along with attacks, it wasn't my sole source of damage unlike with Dyne). Good fight. Compared to that, Demon Gate was actually quite a disappointment... he was little more than a matter of having Barrier (no need for MBarrier, so you can just use Barrier+All, and get the full power of Cura while you're at it) and Sadness up at all times to keep the damage manageable, and attacking away. To be honest, the both-sides attack with the Ancient Dragons was more trouble for me... until I noticed their weakness to Gravity. xD

Since I'm often running into trouble with some bosses (and even occasionally random encounters), I'm wondering if I'm at a lower level than you intended... I'm at around level 35 now, after just finishing Temple of the Ancients.

Anyway, looking forward to the Kjata boss (who I've heard nothing about bar that there *is* one) and seeing what Jenova-LIFE is capable of. Probably gonna go back and try Midgar Zolom before I wrap up Disc 1 too.

EDIT: Haven't done Wutai yet either, so I'll do that before finishing Disc 1 too.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-24 17:21:22 by LJH »


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Re: [REL/FF7] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.5
« Reply #1249 on: 2011-12-24 18:00:07 »
 - enemies that attack MP do so way too strongly. It's nice to see them actually hit MP, but the damage needs to be toned down a bit IMO -
- did you do ANYTHING to Palmer?

Thanks for feedback.  :)
The MP attacks stays. It can be considered a way of preventing magic use and spending more ethers. It also makes you wonder if it's worth using ethers between battles.

Palmer is very much the same. Only he do a more damage.

There is no "correct" level at any point. If you're stuck you may want to do some grinding, but it should be doable without any grinding. The only grinding one need is leveling up materia and getting items like ethers and remedies.