Author Topic: Ali G Interview with Elton John  (Read 4937 times)


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« on: 2001-11-23 10:04:00 »
Ali G: Alo! I is ere wiv none uver dan da batty boy of pop, John Elton.

Elton John: It's Elton John actually Ali.

Ali G: Aiih, whatever. So John, is you always been a batty boy cause I erd dat you woz once married - although I also erd dat da missus was mingin?

Elton John: Well Ali if you mean have I always been gay then probably deep down I was but maybe fought it because in my younger days especially it was not socially acceptable to be gay.

Ali G: Fer real, but when you was gettin' jiggy did you fink about people like James Dean and that Jonny Rottweiler who was tarzan so you wouldn't end up wiv a floppy or woz you trisexual and didn't care where you was stickin' Mr biggy?

Elton John: Again I probably fought hard to convince myself I wasn't gay so I never had a problem maintaining an erection with women. I now know I am homosexual so I would probably struggle to get aroused with a woman now.

Ali G: Wow, I fink I might be homosexual then cause Mr biggy wasn't coming out to play last Saturday night although ma Julie says it woz coz I drank a bottle of Dan Jackiels and had about 6 spliffs. I fink it woz coz me Julie isn't verys ubtractive now in fact she's a dog.

Elton John:I think you're Julie was right - it takes one to know one.

Ali G: Wot, is you saying me Julie is a batty boy? Nah, the b*tch won't take it up the exit ole, I've tried slipping it in a few times. Happarently Julie is too nice a girl for batty sex but she's not too nice for a threesome wiv me mate Dave - it woz wicked!

Elton John: Well a lot of women are not keen on anal sex just as I know some
gay men who are not keen on it either. Just because you're gay doesn't mean
that you have to like it - there are other ways to express yourself sexually
with another man.

Ali G: Eh? Like fellatilatio you mean or gaelic.

Elton John: Gaelic?

Ali G: Aiih, gaelic. When batty boys lick each other.

Elton John: Sure, oral sex is one way of pleasing a lover but sensual
massage can be very enjoyable for example.

Ali G: But dat is a bit rank innit - ah mean you need to lose you're orange
juice or what is da point? Anyways enough talk about homosapiens - I hear
dat you spend killions of dosh every year on shopping. Is dat because you is
a feminist?

Elton John: I do spend a lot of money on shopping yes but I wouldn't
describe myself as a feminist.

Ali G: But I thought dat all gay people were feminists?

Elton John: Eh?

Ali G: Chill. Anyway, is you related to dat lefty comedian Ben Elton cause I
fink he is rank.

Elton John: No, I told you before my name is Elton John and not John Elton.

Ali G: Cool, woz your parents spaced out when dey named you?

Elton John: No, that's not my real name but my stage name. Many performers
change their names to try to sound more appealing to the public. Take Gary
Glitter for example, his name is really Paul Gadd - can you imagine the same
guy selling so many records as Paul Gadd or me as Reg Dwight.

Ali G: Nah, but I can imagine him taking some poor kiddies up the Gary
Glitter coz he's a paedovile innit. Anyways, talkin of sickos - how's yer
mate George Michael - I would never let my son go down on him the pereverted

Elton John: OK so George made a mistake - anyway I thought you said enough
of the gay talk. I'd much rather you concentrated on another aspect of me.

Ali G: Me know what you is saying, sorry Mr Elton. OK then, does you not
fink dat you looks rank wearing a wig? Ah mean you looked a total dick in
the seventies wiv da shades but everyone looked like dick in da seventies.

Elton John: If you're going to insult me any more I will walk out of the
interview - I can put up with a lot but you're going too far.

Ali G: Chill Johnny, no offence. OK - you re-wrote dat Candle in the Wind
song when Princess Di got wasted, do you fink she was incinerated by da SAS
on da Queens orders or do you fink it woz just down to dat pissed French

Elton John: Really Ali, Princess Diana was a very dear personal friend of
mine whom I loved very much - I don't want to discuss it.

Ali G: You loved her, but how could you if you is a batty boy? Is she a
femisist or somefink?

Elton John: (Elton leaves the room)

Ali G: Nil respect to da menstral batty boy of pop - some people is just too
sensidine. It must be all da years hangin wiv da homosapiens and havin his
batty bashed. Anyways I is off for some erbal remedy wiv me boyz westside.


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #1 on: 2001-11-23 22:36:00 »
I had that in my email a year ago, why it has decided to resurface now is anyones guess.


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #2 on: 2001-11-24 00:09:00 »
That's anti gay and John.  :lol:

I'd like to see the recording of the interview between Rupert Evert and Robbie Willams    :grin:


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #3 on: 2001-11-24 11:41:00 »
We'd all like to hear the recording of you in the meat grinder incident

Joey, Ali G is a comedian he is supposed to be like that, thas what makes him funny


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #4 on: 2001-11-26 02:13:00 »
I let my friends read it, and they thought it was funny, except the gays. Question: Is this interview real?

My dad read it, and he thought that Ali G Had sex with his dog called Julia. He also thinks that there are gays in this messageboard. He keeps saying that it is extremely sick. :roll:

I did alot of explaination, and everything's cleared.

MOT: That day, I read in the news that Rupert Evert expressed that he liked to have sex to Robbie Willams, live, in england.


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #5 on: 2001-11-26 07:53:00 »
LOL! No Joey, Julie is his girlfriend who he always says mings.  Dog = Ugly.

I think the whole point of it was to do with gay bashing so there wasn't too much else to laugh at.

I dont think its real, I know i've never seen it and Ive seen all of em (to my knowledge anyway!)


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #6 on: 2001-11-26 11:56:00 »
Anyhow it is a good lesson of english language to me


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #7 on: 2001-11-26 13:50:00 »
Its not real at all, it was supposedly coming soon about a year ago when I got it in my email, and further asking around one of my freinds saw it six months before that.


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #8 on: 2001-11-27 00:42:00 »
No wonder.


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Ali G Interview with Elton John
« Reply #9 on: 2001-11-27 23:37:00 »
yeah, i think its fake.