Author Topic: [FF7PC] Phoenix Rejuvenation Project (Discontinued, use Unified Model Installer)  (Read 730398 times)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #50 on: 2008-04-05 04:53:50 »

As a-lot of you are having problem if i cant fix them in 8 to 9 weeks then i will use the old patches system
Remember that this one was   HIGHLY Experimental

Hello Ice.  This is so, so cool, a new release!
I have a lot of questions, and I'm sure most of these people are wondering the same.

Why is it so experimental?

Did you add on to your old releases or did you mostly add work onto models that were available in the last release?  From the two screenshots that I've seen, it seems you've stayed true to your original intention.  Yes!!!!!

How many new models have been completed since your last release?

I see your project has a different name, but why is it v0.1?  What I mean is, how many models are there and how many are completed?  I'm sure you're further along than 10%, right?

Do you think we should branch off of this forum for graphic designers?  I remember you saying that you'll never be able to complete this without some help.  Is that entirely true? :(
(I'm kind of nervous about doing that actually, for fear of getting heat from Square.)

Could you post screenshots of the new models you're most proud of?

I just wanted to say a few things to the NPC reconstruction team.


The feedback that people give you on a forum can't describe how appreciative everyone is that you're doing this for us.  As for me personally, as I get older the more I see that I like the things that I grew up with.  This new Crisis Core game that's come out looks so lame it's beyond words.  So I keep going back to my old favorites.  With this patch that you're creating for us, it's making my favorite game tower higher above the rest.

I'm also sure that a lot of people that download your patch only post when it's not working, so you're reaching a lot more people than what you can see from the posts.

PS: Don't listen to the others, Cloud without the sword on his back is much better.  He looks very awkward with it on his back.
« Last Edit: 2008-04-05 05:19:45 by Changeling »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #51 on: 2008-04-05 05:29:55 »
No offense Changling, but that stuff was posted for a reason, and if people like Cloud with the sword on his back, that's our opinion - potential users might agree with us and would want to be advised of the change. It Ice's project now, so he can do with it what he likes. If anyone thinks I'm being critical, it's only because I like this project. If I didn't care about it, I wouldn't waste my time writing. To me, this is the best mod for FF7 thats out there. To think any of us are trying to bash ice_cold is insane. Nobody expects him to make everyone happy, that's impossible. I'm merely stating my own, personal thoughts.
Furthermore, you say such things and it's apparent you didn't even read a lot of it. Because this is considered an entirely new project now, and hence it's version 0.1 to represent that new "rebirth". It's experimental because if you bothered to look at the file, you'd see it uses an entirely new system that doesn't overwrite and of the data files at all, but rather uses a seperate exe that inserts it's own files as needed. It's a cool concept, just needs some bugs worked out.
Sorry if I sound annoyed, because actually now I am, but I'm pretty sure ice_cold doesn't need to be told how much people appreciate his work when he's been working on it for so long now and had a massive topic closed when it was still the NPC-RP. I'd think the appreciation factor goes without saying.

Edit -
must be annoying getting alot of people whining to you now and then.
If anyone thinks I'm being critical, it's only because I like this project. If I didn't care about it, I wouldn't waste my time writing. To me, this is the best mod for FF7 thats out there.
In case "anyone" missed it. Since English apparently doesn't translate into... something? ice_cold, your project is the sh*t, and my personal opinions are my own, I don't think you should change a thing for my or anyone's sake. I trust the quality of your work enough to let you do your own and not even attempt to drop suggestions, cause I know your work is going to turn out ace.
« Last Edit: 2008-04-05 08:04:34 by Tsetra »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #52 on: 2008-04-05 06:39:50 »
well, unless icecold say otherwise....this mod doesnt work with ultima, most of these mods that ive found being created are for legit copies of FF7 only

Thats not true at all. I have the original ff7 and ultima edition. But i installed the ultima edition as it is less troublesome (I'm lazy)  :-D
Do a full installation, And then delete the ff7.exe and ff7config.

Go download ff7_102 And paste into the ff7 dir. so for ultima edition >>C:\Program Files\Final Fantasy VII Or if your installing, you could change the folders to C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\

So my point is. All files are the same and runs the same way. If you use the original ff7102.exe

I downloaded the patch storm uploaded.

Easy, run installation click next on everything (even if you dont have C:\Program Files\Square Soft,\Final Fantasy VII\) folder
It will create one.

After. Copy paste all files into C:\Program Files\Final Fantasy VII\data\

Run the ff7-prp.exe. And your up and ready to go.

If it asks for a cd... just mount a image, you can create a empty image thats 0kb and it will run the game. Just set it out as how the disc would be.

step 1 name of CD "FF7DISC1" (no quotation marks and has to be all caps!)
step 2 Only one folder  "ff7"
step 3 within the ff7 folder ---- create 4 folders called


Burn your image and now your done a 0kb fille which can run your ff7 game. Do the same steps for Disc 2 n 3 and Step 1 change the cd name to what ever disc you want it to be.

Daemon-tools If you mount it on whatever F drive and your ff7 runs on e drive.
goto start>run and type in regedit

On the list on the left, expand the folder titled "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

Expand the folder labled "SOFTWARE"

Scroll down to the folder called "Square Soft, Inc." (or whatever your folder is)

There you'll see "Final Fantasy VII"

And find the datadrive and change that letter to whatever you want.

Ps my regedit window aint working so browse for the datadrive within the square folder if i was wrong. I'm just remembering off head.

After changing the letter drive to what you want. Tada! your done. A 0kb image that works.

Or just go download a no cd crack. (it works with resolution and every other mod) Mines running on a no cd crack.

Or if your lazy you could always just cut paste the 00 and 01 file

"00" rename to char
"01" rename to world_us

and run your normal ff7.exe with your resolution patch. But that beats the whole purpose of Ices mod!

I tested the mod everything works fine for me so far, but thats only visiting towns here and there for 5 minutes, since i have no interest in actually playing the game. But help other users who wanted to install this mod.

Well i think i covered most things, unless i forgot one.

Oh well...

Anyway nice mod ice, Good to see that your still moding for others =] But must be annoying getting alot of people whining to you now and then.

But hey it comes with the job  :lol:


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #53 on: 2008-04-05 13:49:00 »
I noriced not alot of ppl say they would like to help Ice, I decided to join Ice because i like his work and i do alot of the same so why not? Less work for him and me which means better quality.  So ice hang in there ill be beside you all the way ;P


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #54 on: 2008-04-05 13:54:42 »
I just followed weeemus' instructions, to use the prp with Ultima Edition (I do own the real thing btw, its just Ultima on laptop)  but when I changed the registry, and created the dummy image for it, it opens up without saying insert disc 1, 2, 3 but then it crashes straight back to desktop before I even see the Eidos logo.
Any suggestions would be appreciated :-)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #55 on: 2008-04-05 14:55:06 »
Its either one of your files are missing or renamed wrong. And since nothing came up asking insert disc 1, 2 ,3 means the image works.

Check the files in your data folder if your missing any .lgp files.

Remember to install a full installation. Also check the regedit, your

- AppPath Mines
C:\Program Files\Final Fantasy VII\


C:\Program Files\Final Fantasy VII\Data\

But the best way and not as annoying is just find a no cd crack for ff7102.exe
The mods still work if you want to use mods that relates to editing the ff7.exe.

steps for no cd crack.

Apply resolution patch first and then after apply no cd crack patch. done and done.

And any other mod such as  9999+ dmg patch with the ff7.exe works.
« Last Edit: 2008-04-05 15:00:37 by weeemus »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #56 on: 2008-04-05 15:08:37 »
Okay, I had a look, and can't seem to find a 1.02 patch, any idea on where I could find one? :-)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #57 on: 2008-04-05 15:42:51 »
the way i found out about all of this, i downloaded FINAL FANTASY VII PC - NEAT COMPILATION OF PATCHES AND MODS with my utorrent, u should be able to do a google or a torent search to find them...

this folder contains:
1.02 patch
the saints highres
high quality cloud by dreakon
ff7pc hand patch mod (doesnt work with rcp so i figure neither does it work with the prp)
npc reconstruction patch (.6)
new spell patch by zero88
advent avatars by aali
laptop keypad patch
play as sephiroth patch by our very own mr ice_cold513 (beta)

it also has before and after pics and a nice readme that tells u how and what order to install the mods....its very nice and im glad i found it, and opened my eyes to the world of ffvii mods...


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #58 on: 2008-04-05 15:48:35 »
Oh sounds good, I'll do a quick search now, see if I can find it :-)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #59 on: 2008-04-06 06:51:29 »
It's experimental because if you bothered to look at the file
Sorry if I sound annoyed, because actually now I am

No need to apologize man.  If that's how you feel then say it.

I didn't bother to look at the file because I wanted to see what I was getting into first.  Relax.

Those questions I posted are generic and it just lets us know how far along they are.
« Last Edit: 2008-04-06 06:54:51 by Changeling »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #60 on: 2008-04-08 00:58:10 »
hey guys its me again...with an update of the errors ive found, i know u love hearing from me:

the materia in the caves under cosmo canyon appeared...but none other, the basket ball in the wonder square, and the ball the kids kick back and forth at costa del sol (i think thats the right name) is also invisable and maybe linked?

i just finished the scene of aeris' death, had vincent in my party and he was flipping out...kinda reminded me of a one man legged man in an butt (in case there are some minors around) kicking cracked me up actually...his cape went straight up and one leg stuck straight out in front of him, and it flailed about wildly...

i think there was something else but it wasnt major whenever i ran across it at the time...if i remember it ill let u guys know...

great mod having a blast with it...


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #61 on: 2008-04-08 19:46:11 »
I finally got this working by exporting all the files from 00.lgp and 01.lgp into a folder and sorting them into the lgp files that they needed to go to, re-compressing them and replacing the original lgps that install from the disk.  The only problem now is the materia thing, but I can see them they just flicker randomly (it isn't the end of the world, it looks sort of cool), but there might be other bugs I haven't found yet.  Anyway can't wait to see where this project goes and thanks again ice_cold and everyone else who worked on this project.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #62 on: 2008-04-09 21:16:02 »
YO how you doing guys? Ice Bored and Storm? :) hope you did'n forget about me totally lol... so< Started'd'd'd'd FF7 again for the millionth time and I came across this, what does it actually do? and how is the installation different from the other ones? (Cause the other ones were F... easy to install, provided you had an IQ over 20...  :evil:)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #63 on: 2008-04-10 05:35:22 »
Thank you Ice, checking it out now   :evil:


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #64 on: 2008-04-10 08:22:37 »
I have a problem, i can't open menu, if i open then program close and send me a error. How i fix this problem?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #65 on: 2008-04-10 22:56:49 »
I'm pretty sure all those who get crashes accesing the menu wouldn't have such a problem if they tried the Windows 95 compatibility mode.
If you want to use any other patches in conjunction with this one, you can try converting them to IPS (using snestools) and applying them. Or you can do the files swaping trick, don't know if you would get all the models that way.
By the way, nice to see you are going to try to contribute the project Viashino. Now that Stormmedia and me are unavailable, your help will be very valuable.

PD: Nice to see someone still remembers me. :-P


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #66 on: 2008-04-11 07:38:40 »
Changeling said-
"This new Crisis Core game that's come out looks so lame it's beyond words.  So I keep going back to my old favorites.  With this patch that you're creating for us, it's making my favorite game tower higher above the rest.

I'm also sure that a lot of people that download your patch only post when it's not working, so you're reaching a lot more people than what you can see from the posts.

PS: Don't listen to the others, Cloud without the sword on his back is much better.  He looks very awkward with it on his back."

WHAT???? How dare you use this topic to get a stab in at crisis core it's a great game granted it isn't the epic rpg that ff7 was but it isn't supposed to be. No-one in their right mind should have expected "another FF7" 'cos let's face it there is never going to be a game that affects it's audience in such a way again. YES advent children sucked and DoC was lame but crisis core for me was a very enjoyable experience in that it fills in the blanks left behind in 7.

Also instead of ignoring what people want (which is to see the sword on his back i mean this mod is to make the game look more realistic if you cant see the sword on his back then where is it??? if you ask me cid should always be seen with his pole on his back) you should give the option of having the sword on his back somehow. Not to dictate how to do what your doing i mean i love your work frankly if i werent so busy at colllege i'd love to help lol. But yes the option to carry the sword would probably please both sides. But ofcourse this is just a suggestion.

Keep up the great work XD


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #67 on: 2008-04-12 09:57:41 »
Well, I realize that this mod can't use the Avatar patch, so Are there any way to use Avatar patch?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #68 on: 2008-04-12 19:46:59 »
Changeling said-
"This new Crisis Core game that's come out looks so lame it's beyond words.  So I keep going back to my old favorites.  With this patch that you're creating for us, it's making my favorite game tower higher above the rest.

I'm also sure that a lot of people that download your patch only post when it's not working, so you're reaching a lot more people than what you can see from the posts.

PS: Don't listen to the others, Cloud without the sword on his back is much better.  He looks very awkward with it on his back."

WHAT???? How dare you use this topic to get a stab in at crisis core it's a great game granted it isn't the epic rpg that ff7 was but it isn't supposed to be. No-one in their right mind should have expected "another FF7" 'cos let's face it there is never going to be a game that affects it's audience in such a way again. YES advent children sucked and DoC was lame but crisis core for me was a very enjoyable experience in that it fills in the blanks left behind in 7.

Also instead of ignoring what people want (which is to see the sword on his back i mean this mod is to make the game look more realistic if you cant see the sword on his back then where is it??? if you ask me cid should always be seen with his pole on his back) you should give the option of having the sword on his back somehow. Not to dictate how to do what your doing i mean i love your work frankly if i werent so busy at colllege i'd love to help lol. But yes the option to carry the sword would probably please both sides. But ofcourse this is just a suggestion.

Keep up the great work XD

How dare I.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #69 on: 2008-04-13 04:29:58 »
Whoa now, for the record, it's difficult to tell "what people want" as a whole. It's probably split 50/50 as far as the sword goes. I don't think ice_cold is taking requests anyways, but in no way was I at least trying to hint for him to change his formula around.

Speaking of which, I finally rolled around to the update. I extracted the files to an empty folder, then copied and pasted the LGP files into my data folder. Doing this gave me zero problems in game and I could still use my high-res patch, FF7Music, YAMP, etc.
Those new guards are still bugging me. They look fantastic, but will I run into ones that actually look like that in battle any time? If not, I'll probably switch back to the older models for consistency sake, but by all means continue with the new ones because if they could look like that in battle, that'd be stellar. I'd say maybe darken them just slightly, but meh. Personal nitpicking once again.

EDIT - Scratch that, I ran into the materia problem. I think maybe their animation is messed up now, they originally shine somewhat, correct? Mine flash as if some of the animation frames are gone entirely, and some are completely invisible. Also, why did you change the lgp files from their original configuration? The older release was at least easier to work around the loader which, in my case, crashed the game repeatedly. This is using retail FF7, patched to the 1.02 (I think that's the latest official release), default location. NTSC-US. I know you're planning on protecting this patch from Ultima users and the like, but like most copy-protection schemes out right now, I think this might be severely hurting legitimate users as well.

EDIT2 - Is there any documentation as to which animation files are what? Specifically, I want to look at the materia.
« Last Edit: 2008-04-14 04:44:39 by Tsetra »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #70 on: 2008-04-13 14:36:15 »
Just wanted to say Ice cold, I've been here from the beginning (before Reunion's mod) and I found the old way to do the files MUCH less stressful. I don't know how to even install this new one... I rate that you bring the old way to do the patches, back, but then again its just my personal opinion. :roll:

I just got it working by taking the char and world_us from the new patch and putting it in the field, pretty easy I also got the no materia bug, (the sense one after sector 7 plate falls down) so im going back to the previous one until all the bugs are ironed out..

OH YEAH, the new save point is KILLA
« Last Edit: 2008-04-13 19:19:47 by Thrashamatrix »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #71 on: 2008-04-13 19:57:48 »
If you want to choose between the sword on his back or no sword, all you'd need is 2 separate char.lgp's, one with and one without, and have them labeled.  Hopefully they can do that in the next release.

I mean I know its a hassle to compile 2 separate char.lgp's for such a minor issue, but since you'll be looking at that avatar 90% of the time ingame, its worth it I'd say.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #72 on: 2008-04-16 11:08:34 »
I keep having problems with the lgps... on which version is both this and the sephiroth patch tested?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #73 on: 2008-04-17 10:53:28 »
Verson of what?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #74 on: 2008-04-17 14:02:07 »
I have joined the PRP so ice will have some more help.  As far as the sword on tck thng, i agree it does give it a more realisic appearance, then again classic style = no sword.   I like both , but my job is modeling LOL so i think ppl should just be happy that ppl are willing to work hard to make a patch like this and stop complaining.  Thats just my personal opinion, i dont mean to insult anyone. Just sayin to be happy with what your getting.