Author Topic: Favourite FF game in the series?  (Read 46660 times)

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #75 on: 2008-11-11 18:47:59 »
Would FFVII's scenes lose something without the PSX's graphics? Certainly. But they would only lose the icing on the cake. What made the Aeris scene special was not Cloud and Aeris looking at each other nor Sephiroth's smile as he slowly pulled out his sword, though they added to it. What made it special was the suddenness of it, the helplessness and Sephiroth's callousness afterwards. I can't really see why, with the right timing and sound, you couldn't make a pretty dramatic Aeris' death scene with just sprites. Not quite as dramatic as the original, but dramatic nonetheless. And the build-up with Aeris would lose something too, but still retain its core.

And I must also disagree with the claim that the gap between XII and VII is smaller than the one between VII and VI, at least with respect to character animation (it is, of course, with respect to things like backgrounds). VII only had facial expressions in cut scenes, and they still weren't convincing. On the PS2/3 you can see a tear running down someone's cheek; imagine how much FFVII would have been improved with the kind of detail. It didn't have it, but was able to make do without. If you watched at the Red XIII and Seto scene without the context or music, it would seem ridiculous. With them it is very different. The body movement of FFVII characters is pretty hard to take seriously as well (or would be if the game were less immersive), at least in the rendered scenes where most of the important things happen. Nevertheless, it didn't bother anyone because other things had made the dramatic illusion so strong.

If I seemed to be saying that FFVII would be exactly the same if it looked like Super Mario Bros. 1, then I am sorry for not making myself clearer. If I seemed to speak to you as if you were a "bitter FFVI fanboy" I again apologise; that was not my intention (if I seem to be a VII fanboy, you may be right ;-) ). What I meant was that although 3D graphics and whatnot enhanced FFVII and helped it do some things better than it could have done without them, they are only a *very* small part of what made it what it is; if they were any more than that, most of VII's fans would have forgotten as soon as VIII came out, a game with a strong storyline, excellent music and graphics far, far superior to those of its predecessor, but without the same impact or level of immersiveness (IMO, of course ;-) ). All of this reminds me, I must get around to playing VI again.

PS. 100 posts: w00t!

Terribly sorry about that.
« Last Edit: 2008-11-11 18:50:44 by Leighos Kudistos Megistos »


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #76 on: 2008-11-11 21:11:15 »
Not at all, just bringing up the fanboy comment because I didn't want to come across as one. Well I'm not going to try to change your mind, it's simply how I feel. Not just about these two games, but a lot of other games in series as well.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #77 on: 2008-11-11 21:14:38 »
Good. Well, let's leave it at that.  :-)


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #78 on: 2008-11-26 20:24:45 »
My favorite FF game was X.  Between the great music, the addition of voice acting, and IMO a really great story, it really got me.  I even enjoyed X-2, simply because I was able to continue in that universe(I technically liked the battle system too...)

I have enjoyed all but one(Crystal Chronicles for GC) of the FF games I have played so far, even Mystic Quest.  Right now, I'm playing through Crisis Core, and this might be the second FF game I don't enjoy unless the story gets better.

I liked a lot of what they did with XII, but the gambit system is not included. Also, the lack of random encounters is really cool, but I would really it to be mixed with turn based combat, perhaps something akin to Chrono Trigger. 

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #79 on: 2008-11-26 21:19:24 »
I thought I was the only one who didn't think that X-2 was *that* bad :-). Don't get me wrong, it's hardly my favourite game of the series, but it was fun! I also loved X, although for quite different reasons.

I'm also playing through Crisis Core for the first time at the moment (hard mode, of course  8-)), I'm on chapter seven and also trying to complete all of the missions. I have to say that I have mixed feelings about it. For a start, it doesn't feel like VII; both the look and feel of the game are more similar to a cross between VIII and X: two of the best games of the series, but not what I'd expect from a VII prequel. I have actually been turning down the sound on my PSP and playing VII music on my laptop instead; it seems to make it feel a bit more like its predecessor (of course, the absence of Nobuo Uematsu means that the music doesn't compare to that of the original). I also didn't like the story; it seems that the makers of the game have included the right amount of originality and faithfulness, but in the wrong areas. The universe seems to bear little resemblance to that of VII (I thought that the fight scenes, for example, were, like the fights in Advent Children, very OTT); the story, however, goes *too* far in paralleling that of VII (at least it has done so far). Sephiroth was built up as being unique in the original game and so was the threat to the world; it's hard to accept Genesis and Angeal as being almost his equal, or Hollander being a new Hojo, or Zack meeting Aeris by falling through the roof of the church (if he dresses up as a women in Wall Market, it will be the last straw ;-)). In many ways it feels more like a game based on the FF7 universe that a true (canon) prequel. it also seems too easy; I'm a mediocre gamer and I'm having no trouble with hard mode, but maybe that's because I'm doing the missions. the fighting system seems a little unbalanced as well; physical attacks are *far* to powerful in comparison to magic (or even limit breaks) now that the player basically has 4xCut from the start of the game and can get back attacks very easily on most enemies. Most FF games have this problem towards the end, but CC has it almost from the beginning (however, status inducing spells are *finally* useful - hooray). I can't help but wonder whether the makers took into account that fights in action games work very differently from those in RPGs. There were far too many random encounters as well, and it was almost impossible to escape from them.

All of that said (whew, there was a lot of it!), Squeenix has made a decent action game if not a perfect one, contrasting strongly with DoC (the worst sequel since Super Mario Bros. 2). The missions are great fun, it's nice to learn more about SOLDIER (VII didn't go into nearly enough detail about them) and I like the way that the game plays with you by making you think "Go Shinra, go Sephiroth!", when they were the antagonists in the last game. It's definitely the best part of the Compilation that I've experienced so far (I haven't played Before Crisis yet, and it might be a very long time before I do), and the only one to cause any nostalgia (even if there could have been more); all of those little references: a man with a gun on his arm, a man with a hat and a black chocobo, Yuffie, the list goes on.

As for XII: didn't like it; I think that XII is like marmite ;-).

EDIT: One day, I'm going to make a post in "General" that is fewer that has fewer than 1000 words.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #80 on: 2008-11-27 03:34:57 »
Quote from: Tsetra
but there's still an argument none the less and that is that in the case of VI vs. VII, graphics most certainly made the game.

Do you think so? There have been many FFs released since whose graphics have been better in comparison to VII than VII's were in comparison to VI, but, good as they are, (in my opinion) none of them match it. I don't think the cut scenes were very important in making the drama in VII; of course, it would have been weaker without them, but only slightly. There just seems to be a closer personal connection between the player and the characters in VII, and that, I think, is its strength. That connection doesn't come from the graphics (which I thought were awful when I first played it), it comes purely from characterisation, atmosphere and music (the importance of good music to a game is often massively underestimated). I can't help but feel that, even if it were made into a 3D cutscene, Kefka's killing of all those people (for example) wouldn't have had the same impact as Sephiroth's killing of Aeris; remember what Stalin supposedly said about the death of millions? I'm starting to ramble incoherently now; if VI is ever remade properly for a modern platform (and I'd much rather see that than any more VII spin-offs), we'll see whether it really was deeper, but I can't help but believe that VII would still come out on top.

Well I wasn't on about cut scenes as in FMV.  I was on about graphics in general.  pre rendered environments in general.

Final fantasy is a plot driven game.  No plot (aka FF XII) No game.  And then add to that useless gambit system, random treasure and unrewarding clan battles and you have a stinker :P

I hope for better things in XIII.  I thought VI was overrated but nonetheless had some very good gameplay, VII-X were my faves and X-2 was a sad cash in.

That is my opinion.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #81 on: 2008-11-27 05:14:34 »
FFIX will always be my favorite and I liked all the FFs before it (although I haven't played II or beaten III yet). I'm getting CC and I actually liked DoC after it grew on me. Granted, I haven't played it in a while, but I'm playing through Tales games for right now. Hated X so I didn't give X-2 the time of day. Haven't played XII, but the people that recommended that also recommended KH, which I also hated from the very beginning.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #82 on: 2008-12-02 09:16:11 »
If you hated KH for its battle system, then you'll most likely hate FFXII as well.  They're pretty similar.  What got to me about KH though was having to figure out where to go all the time.  One of the reasons I liked FFVII is that I didn't have to check the online guides every time I visited a new place just because I couldn't figure out my destination.  That's also why I hated FFI, though that game had plenty of other problems on the side.


To me, one of FFXII's strengths was translation.  Though the English voice acting wasn't hugely impressive, at least they managed to match the words to the lips perfectly.  X was the opposite.  Voice acting - mindblowing!!  Matching words to lips - oftentimes complete failure!  Okay, I'm picky, I know.  But if the translators could someday include the emotive voice acting from X and the lip-matching from XII in the same game, I'd buy that on impulse.  I guess that proves one of FFVII's strengths - they didn't put any voice acting in there.

The perfect game would have...
Phenomenal voice acting like FFX.
Perfect lip-matching like FFXII.
A complex, imaginative, and brilliant storyline like FFVII.
The materia system from FFVII.
High quality music like X (I also liked the AC music).
Graphics as good as the graphics in FFVIIAC.
A Limit Break system kind of like FFX Overdrives (FFVII Limit Breaks were good too, but you couldn't alter the way they charged as you could in X).
Sephiroth as the antagonist, with OWA as the final boss battle music and everything!! :-D
And several other things as well, but I don't want this post to be too long.

Yeah... I'd die to have a remake of FFVII for the PS3!!

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #83 on: 2008-12-02 09:57:54 »
I can't help but feel that a PS3 remake of VII would be a big let-down. Squeenix would probably feel the need to do all of the following:

Have every cut-scene fight take place at least 100 metres in the air.
Have cheesy voice acting by people who sound like hung-over California surfers from the 70s.
Fiddle horribly with the storyline and characters.
And have remixes of all our favourite songs that sound nothing like the original.

Now, if they could remain faithful to the original, have all the fights happen on the ground and generally observe the laws of gravity, have voice acting by the people from the Legacy of Kain series (obviously, Kain/Simon Templeman would have to be Sephiroth) with a few other well trained actors, and have a fully orchestral soundtrack composed by Uematsu himself (not some pretender to the throne), *that* would be a game to die for.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #84 on: 2008-12-02 10:48:06 »
You're probably right about that.  You've just described exactly what they did to Advent Children (I have mixed feelings about that movie.  I actually like the music, though I agree that the characters are badly voiced and not so well portrayed).  Hopefully, if they do remake FFVII for the PS3, they'll keep in mind that they're making a game and therefore leave the battles to the one playing it.  Aerial fighting doesn't quite appeal to me either, though I am a huge fan of Sephiroth and think that the fight against him is awesome!!  Hate the fight against Bahamut SIN, though, and most of the Kadaj battle is corny, unimportant dialogue between party members who aren't involved!  Why did they do that!?!

Well, anyway... if they do come out with a PS3 remake of the game, it won't be as well received as the original.  Even if they remain faithful to the original in every way, a lot of people feel that this series has been going on too long now.  Don't get me wrong, though.  I'd still love a remake!

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #85 on: 2008-12-02 11:04:57 »
I was mostly thinking about AC, but my comment about the voice acting was based on DoC (thankfully, AC allowed us to listen to the Japanese voice actors and read subtitles). CC was OK, but other than that the Compilation of FF7 hasn't been very good. It's not really very surprising to me; as time has gone on, more and more of the original makers of FF7 have left, so one can hardly expect the game to have the same feeling. I'd rather they concentrated on new games rather than trying to squeeze everything they can out of the old ones; even if the new ones aren't as good, they won't be travesties.

As Squeenix moves on, the series should do so as well. Let VII stay as it is; it's not perfect, but it's close enough. Maybe, *maybe* they could make fully 3D versions of the pre-PSX games, but other than that they should leave the old games as they are.
« Last Edit: 2008-12-02 20:04:45 by Leighos Kudistos Megistos »


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #86 on: 2008-12-20 09:19:59 »
To be honest Shadowseer I think the whole voice thing was much better overall in XII. However the soundtrack in X was better than XII.
Considering soundtrack IV + VI - IX are better than X imo, making XII one with the weakest soundtracks in my book.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #87 on: 2008-12-24 07:09:37 »
An interesting opinion.  I completely disagree with most of it considering the improvement in sound quality over time.  XII does have a generally disappointing soundtrack, though I can't figure out what you have against FFX OST.  lol I imagine it's the opening theme (I think it's called "Zanarkand") which is literally replicated in every other song.  If you don't like that melody, you're doomed to hate the whole soundtrack!  And then there's the Hymn of the Faith.  You need to be tolerent of that as well.

I'm pleasantly surprised that you like FFXII's voice acting.  I loved that game overall even more than VII (which is why my username is taken from an optional boss in it lol).  Sadly, you can't hack it as easily as FFVII PC, so I've come to ignore FFXII and my PS2 now.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #88 on: 2008-12-24 08:29:14 »
I can't help but feel that a PS3 remake of VII would be a big let-down.

Yeah, i think that too. Advent Children was very far away from FF7.. And it was just for money.. FF7 was different.

A remake should be: Exact the same game, but improved graphics/FMVs and improved sound. They shouldn't do something again like FF AC.. >_> Weird movie.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #89 on: 2008-12-24 10:34:19 »
You've said it.  Amen.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #90 on: 2008-12-30 14:16:20 »
Don't get me wrong Shadow. I like all FF games including their soundtracks. A weak FF is still a good game. I loved XII though it had some issues, which all were fixed in the Zodiac job system upgrade, an upgrade I prob never will be able to play. Man why didn't they make it like that in the 1st place?

Some say Lost Odyssey is the true FFXII. I donnu about that, but speaking soundtrack only LO is better than XII imo.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #91 on: 2008-12-30 20:04:42 »
Don't get me wrong Shadow. I like all FF games including their soundtracks.

Okay then, you are forgiven (lol) :-P


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #92 on: 2008-12-31 11:28:25 »
I completely disagree with most of it considering the improvement in sound quality over time.

Talking sound technology in game I completely agree, anyone would. A fire spell sounds better in 12 than 1. Speaking music composition I could agree to a certain amount as well. Because the composers were limited to how complex they could make the tunes in the good ol' days lol (and how they would finally sound, midi etc.). But when we only look at composition on paper I couldn't agree. If all FF tunes had the same limitations in complexity I would still like the same tunes 'cause of their compositional creativity; not 'cause of their original sound quality. I'm just that kind of guy I guess.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #93 on: 2008-12-31 12:12:47 »
There's a *big* difference between sound quality and music quality; IMO a midi of a great song (for example, Terra's theme from FF6) sounds far better than a fully orchestrated version of a good one. I've just started playing Chrono Trigger for the first time (it's fast becoming one of my favourite games) and I'm amazed by what was done with such simple technology; although it is less advanced it sounds better than any of the more recent FF games and is more immersive for it.

Better technology can only increase the potential quality of a game's soundtrack and it seems to me that this potential is being realised far less often. As long as the technology is above a certain threshold, the actual quality is nearly always determined almost only by the quality of the composition.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #94 on: 2009-01-06 10:28:47 »
It's got to be FF6. I can get hooked on that game for hours. I think FF7 is still amazing but I do find it a little to easy and I always try to challenge myself in that game. FF8 and FF10 were also great games and also FF4 is up near the top as well.


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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #95 on: 2009-02-25 10:24:16 »

This is one of the best game I ever came across.  I would like to know about more games.



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Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« Reply #96 on: 2009-02-25 15:03:47 »

Gotta say my Favourate ff is ff7 only because it was the first ff i ever played but ff8 gave it a run for its money. I really didn't like 10 and i can't still understand to this day why not? I thought the ending was absolute garbage and (yeah they made another 1 eventually) but was hoping for more from the ending i just feel it left so many questions left unanswered and it just annoyed me. Final fantasy 9s ending was, i thought a masterpiece. It was exactly how you would envision it so i was happy with that. But my favourate ending has got to be ff7 the music the way everything pans out and the fact that you fight sephiroth 3 times i thought was just epic however i was REALLY disappointed with the 3rd fight was expecting a hell of a battle to survive......but no!. Gotta say though ff8s ending is a close 2nd. I loved the final fights in that and the story was so gripping. Like to see how much Squall changes and how his love for Rinoa shows eventually. But yeah overall my Fav ff game is definitely ff7.