Author Topic: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem  (Read 11408 times)


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FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« on: 2008-06-21 00:42:01 »
It's almost the end of disc 3, i already talk to edea, and now is the turn to enter lunatic pandora, when i tried to enter i cant, i just continue to crash into the lunatic pandora all 4 faces but nothing happens, no scene, nothing, please help


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #1 on: 2008-06-21 16:09:45 »
Go to to the Presidential Palace in Esthar and speak with the President. He needs to be inside your ship before you are able to go on to Lunatic Pandora.


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #2 on: 2008-07-14 05:32:42 »
He is already in my ship


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #3 on: 2008-07-15 06:55:38 »
This is my file, please can anyone enter lunatic pandora save and send me back the file


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #4 on: 2008-08-10 14:53:15 »
we got the same problem, i cant enter lunatic pandora.. now i cant continue play my game  :-(.. not only that i got also problem with the 1st level cards, i think i almost got all the cards except for shiva and other lvl 7 card when i save it ,the card that i won just simly been missing. its gone kinda weird or kind of bug.. another problem that i encounter is that getting the shiva card. the item girl next door that i got on disc 1 just simply been lost when im at disc 3.


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #5 on: 2008-12-15 07:14:04 »
Hi all, I was reading this thread earlier today I was pretty mad about this whole bug and I had been searching everywhere to see if there was a fix for it. I was not able to find a legitimate fix for it as in something like a patch, but I did do some fiddling around and was able to fix my issue.. Anyway I'm just going to paste what I posted in another message board discussing this same issue.

Hey a little update on this situation. I was not able to fix the issue on this computer... but then again I didn't try to yet knowing what I now know. What I did was install it on another computer, and transfer the save file and I was able to trigger the cutscene.

I've narrowed down what I think the possibilities are for causing this error:

1: When I installed the game on this computer I checked optional data to be installed.

2: I applied one of the patches mid game instead of before starting a new game.

3: My particular ati graphics card has already given me issues before in the past. (such as not being able to select anything in the 3d view of valve hammer editor and sprites appearing on my HUD in certain half-life mods that should NOT be there)

So my suggestions to yall would be to copy your save files and save them somewhere for the time being. Then proceed to uninstall FF8 from the add/remove programs feature in windows. When you reinstall you could try unchecking the optional data box (unless you didn't do it the first time and still had the issue.. i'm still not entirely sure how the extra data could corrupt the game, but it is one of the variables in my personal situation)

If that doesn't work out try what I did and transfer your save file to another computer and install FF8 on that.

If all else fails and there are still a number of you out there getting this issue (i was actually surprised to see how recent this topic was, i figured i'd be one of a few actually still playing this game, but apparently theres enough people still playing it to experience the exact same issue i'd encountered) please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] and I will gladly defeat this portion of the game for you and return you your save file. If you're a first timer for this game and are worried about what you'll miss as far as cutscenes, storylines, battles go I'm sure there are a few videos on the net that contain all this info although you probably won't get as much enjoyment out of it, I promise to enjoy it enough for the both of us.


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Re: FF8 Lunatic Pandora Problem
« Reply #6 on: 2010-11-06 13:30:44 »
I up a old topic because I know I have the soluiton, I did got the same problem, a lot of persons did, and we found an issue. The only thing you have to do is very stupid : Mod cards with Quezacotl's Card Mod. Usually, if you have more than one hundred cards of one type (like 127 Bite Bug cards, something I already got) (it is possible due to a bug) you must Mod them. If it doesn't work afterwards, then just mod other cards :?: Please note that you do not need to mod all cards for this to work. Only mod a few cards is enough for this to work. I hope I help people with that :?: Oh, yeah, I wasn't going to up this old topic if this strat wasn't already tested, so I know it works ;-)

2 years?  Why?  Why would you do this?  I do realize you are special and can therefore choose which rules apply to you,  but I just feel such a strong urge to warn you and lock this topic that I can't control myself.

« Last Edit: 2010-11-06 15:15:20 by obesebear »