Author Topic: Advent Children Complete + Unknown  (Read 5238 times)


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Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« on: 2008-07-12 06:59:30 »

Hopefuls have yet another statement to cling on to so that their dreams of a Final Fantasy VII remake might happen. While I myself have given up on that pipe dream long ago, I've always followed the "if it'll happen, it'll happen" school of philosophy. But report on this I shall, nonetheless.

Veteran Square Enix character designer Tetsuya Nomura has revealed to Dengeki magazine that they're prepping quite a doozy of an announcement right alongside the release of the Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete movie.

According to translations, FF7ACC is pretty much done now and they're just about to announce the Japanese release date for that movie. And when they eventually do, they'll be dropping one Mother of a bomb. All sources point towards the upcoming DKΣ3713 event, or maybe even sooner, during E3.


The Japanese release date [for FF7ACC] has been decided, but it will have to wait (probably to the event DKΣ3713 in early August) so that it is unveiled. Nomura also notes that a big announcement that should accompany the release date, without giving more details.

As you can see, not much is known about what they'll be revealing, not even whether or not it's FF7-related to begin with - at this point it could be anything. FF7 remake aside, it could be of or relating to the FF7 canon. That includes Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, and Advent Children. Maybe a new game altogether? Heck, it might even be about Dissidia: Final Fantasy.

Synergy Blades

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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #1 on: 2008-07-12 14:48:47 »
Frankly any information regarding a Final Fantasy VII remake would probably drown out any hopes of drumming up interest for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII. The latter title will probably be getting at least something revealed at the upcoming DKΣ3713 as it isn't appearing at E3, so if anything I think it'll be that.

I've held off getting the DVD to wait for the Blu-ray of Advent Children, so if they could hurry up and get it out worldwide I'd appreciate it. :-D


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #2 on: 2008-07-12 20:50:14 »
I remember waiting for Advent Children to be released in either September of 05, only to have it pushed back nearly a year later.

I'm also sure they will not announce the remake but I am hoping they will shed some light on what they're next addition to the compilation series will be.  There seems to be very little hype surrounding FFXIII so any announcements made about it wouldn't be "a doozy".


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #3 on: 2008-08-01 22:37:55 »
Well personally I'm hoping for the small possibility of an FFVII remake, even though everyone is saying it won't happen, you never know!
Also it COULD be bad news, like we've decided that XIII will be our last Final Fantasy game or that Nomura is retiring.
But if it is FFVII related the only things I can think of are a remake, a game of the movie, Before Crisis coming to America and Europe, another movie, or another sequel or prequel.
Anyway, DK Σ3713 is tomorrow and Sunday so HOPEFULLY we will have some information by tomorrow!
Fingers Crossed!


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #4 on: 2008-08-01 23:48:46 »
I really haven't been excited in the Final Fantasy series since after 10 came out. Regardless of whether I thought anything afterwards was good, nothing really had me interested. This new direction they're going with their games, sure it's interesting, but it's not exciting at all.
Lightning - female lead with creator instructions to make a "female version of Cloud." No. How about: Stop rehashing and make something new and exciting? The earlier games were cool because they had fresh elements a lot. Sure, there was always the "save the world from the ultimate evil" theme, but how you got there was always different in subtle ways that made a difference. How about a strong male lead role again? Nobody cares about Tidus. Nobody cares about Vaan. FF11 doesn't exist. Few care about Zidane. How about something new like, I don't know, less emphasis on the character having a past that's not a big deal but they're so emo they make it seem so? Instead focus the drama on what's actually happening in the game?

Hence the reason nobody cares about FF13 and everyone's more interested in the hope of another FF7 announcement. They did things right back then, and from what little we know, I think a lot of people feel that XIII is just going to be another pile of same ol same ol (I could be and hope I am wrong). People had signature weapons and appearances that spoke before they did. Hell give Lightning a big ass chainsaw sword and I guarantee she'd be instantly more popular because at least she'd have that "at a glance personality."

Oh well. I'm looking forward to Versus XIII more anyhow. I think a different team is working on it as well. Hopefully it'll turn out good.
« Last Edit: 2008-08-01 23:50:35 by Tsetra »


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #5 on: 2008-08-02 03:32:31 »
Well, that's it...
According to the big WHOPPER of an announcement that was to come with Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete was that there will be a playable demo of FFXIII coming with Advent Children in March 2009. I suppose that is a Japanese release date.
Unless something else is announced tomorrow I am quite disappointed....
Sources from Forever-Fantasy say
It has been confirmed by Famitsu and various bloggers that a Final Fantasy XIII demo will be included inside Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. The disc will also include new Versus XIII and Agito XIII HD trailers.

The movie and the included demo will be released on March, 2009.

While I'm here I might as well post some more news.
Square Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy Agito XIII will be released for the PSP.
Square Enix has revealed release dates for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts games:

- Birth by Sleep coming 2009.
- 358/2 Days coming Winter, 2008.
- Coded coming Winter, 2008.
Square Enix has just announced that Dissidia: Final Fantasy will be released December, 2008 in Japan.
Square Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy XIII will be released for the PlayStation in Japan during 2009.
The 14th member of Kingdom Hearts' Organization has been revealed. Apparently, she is called Shion (or Xion) and looks like Kairi.
The new Dissidia: Final Fantasy trailer shown at DKS3713 has Kefka in it, the Japanese blogsphere reports. We still cannot validate this information.


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #6 on: 2008-08-02 04:24:01 »
I HAVE to ask this:

Does anyone else find the relatively ho-hum news of Kefka making an appearance overshadow everything else? Despite being unconfirmed?  :-(


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Re: Advent Children Complete + Unknown
« Reply #7 on: 2008-08-04 08:27:58 »
Yeah, it's JP most probably. I hope japanese AC will have english subtitles(import! import!). I still prefer japanese voices but I don't understand this language...

Sooo.... FF13 in 2010 for europe and north america?