I don't know if you are aware of this problem. I have fraps and after some weird slow downs occured after roughly the same amount of time I decided to investigate.
What seems to happen is this: Start ff7.exe and load game.
Fraps shows 30 fps in normal prerendered surroundings. Works smooth. Menu opens, jumps to 60 fps. again, totally smooth,
But play the game (or simply leave cloud standing there 15 minutes) and the game play is now more sluggish. The menu fps is now 35-40 and the prerendered surroundings ingame is now around 27
The text is all jerky arriving on screen and frames are definately being dropped. (i have been hearing reports that after a length of time the game crashes....this may be why)
It becomes much more noticible after 30 minutes to the point you can't even enjoy the game (having to press button 4 times to get rid of text on teh screen)
There is a major bug in Xp (that is what i have tested it with) with FF7. FF7 also seems to take up the whole core cpu (if 2 cores selected, still 50% usage)
core 2 6600 pentium
Nvidia 7900 GS
XP Pro SP3
Thanks for any help at all, I have tried every patch and everything I can think of. Why the hell is it slowing down
Things I have tried:
-options in Nvidia control panel....tons of options
- different patches, including 1.02
Nothing seems to work....after an amount of time, frame rate just hits a point where it is nothing like it was at the start and then if I close FF7.exe and restart...hey presto, back to smooth again. It is driving me loopy!
I am going to double check that I selected 1 core again, to make sure but I am think I checked that too....
I do have the updated mods (maybe this is a reason?): character models are all the advanced ones and yes I do own the game.