You ought to modify it just a little so his top spike stands a bit taller. Maybe not necessarily as high as in the original battle model, but close. Also if you're looking for nitpicking, his lower body, where the bottom half of his belt is, seems too small. His upperbody just suddenly expands outwards and looks strange. His suspenders seem a bit off as well.
Minor nitpicking
Looks really good, much better than anything I could ever pull off with my lack of 1337 skillz.
If you truly want to help people, wouldn't it be better to release a tutorial written by yourself?
So that anyone who wants it so badly will be able to make it themselves instead of relying on others to do the work for them.
Let's take down FF7Music and add a tutorial for coding it in C++ instead, and let's take down the FF7PRP too and make a tutorial as well. Let's also forget about FF7Voice and tell people how to alter their voice so they can make their own voice over patches. YAMP, High-Res patch, and avatar patches need to go too. The patch that alters spell names should go as well because the names are content from other games.