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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #25 on: 2008-12-17 07:25:32 »
really though, you should make a site and release these.

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #26 on: 2008-12-17 08:15:40 »
Gothic Aeris... I can SO imagine her being depressed all the time and attempting suicide, and she pisses everyone of and Cloud WANTS to kill her, however, some of the others warn him 'wait! you can't! she might survive!'

I could release anything shown recently, I don't have a lot of my old stuff since I had a harddrive corruption and lost all my stuff, but i am trying to rebuild some of it, but if i had a site, would anyone really come to it?

and right now I'm feeling pretty depressed and didn't really start the newer changes since I have exams next month and was studying.

but something I did before...

some monster/weapon changes.

new grunt/special combatant

new guard hound (it goes with the new shinra grunt that was made before, still needs some work)

a new weapon, the scimitar (taken from godo, yes i was lazy) and a new Red XIII

red xiii change

new galiant beast

new chaos

new cloud ages (changed adult cloud's chest to match the battle model)

new cloud comparison (not perfect yet)

new pyramid (the skull of death, lol)

aaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd thats it from me right now, sorry about all the images being so big.


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #27 on: 2008-12-17 08:20:13 »
Gothic Aeris... I can SO imagine her being depressed all the time and attempting suicide, and she pisses everyone of and Cloud WANTS to kill her, however, some of the others warn him 'wait! you can't! she might survive!'

Not every gothic is depressed all the time.. I am a gothic too, and i don't want to attempt suicide.

Anyway, good stuff. I would like to create weapons by myself (a scythe e.g.), but i don't know how that works. :/

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #28 on: 2008-12-17 09:01:32 »
I know, that was just a joke.  :-D

how to go about making weapons...

In itself, its pretty simple actually.

what you do, first, get a new folder to make the weapons in and get any field model there. (for simplicity we'll use cloud)

next, we want to make a weapon, we can either make one from scratch in a 3D modelling software, or we can make one from already existing files in FF7.

we'll go with the latter for the moment, and with a basic idea of what we want to make (in this case, a scythe) we look through the files and see what we can use for the different stages of it, a good scythe blade can be found on scissors (a enemy in the northern cave, dunno the model ID off hand, sorry) and take his claw and save it as a different file, for now we'll call it 'scythe blade.p' and  put it in the new weapon folder.

now... we need a stick or something to put it on, sadly, there's not a lot of suitable sticks in FF7, but for now, ramuh's staff can do the trick (i know of a better one, but i can't remember off hand, i thin it was one of aeris' weapons) so we'll grab it from the magic.lgp and delete the tip of the staff, then save the new staff as a fil in the new weapon folder, for this we'll call it 'scythe base'

now we have a scythe base and a scythe blade. if youu want, you could simply add the two together using kimera 0.81 and reposition and resize until yo're happy, but most scythes i saw had a second handle on them, which could be borrowed from the heaven's cloud (rtcx/sicx) after deleting the blade and rings from it, then after getting everything in place, save.

now we have a scythe, however, its not going to be in the right position or size more than likely.

so we'll take one of aeris's weapons (any, it doesn't matter) and reposition the scythe to be in a position where aeris would hold the scythe and try to allign the two as closely as possible, once you're satisfied, delete aeris's weapon and save once more, then save the completed scythe as a different file and import it into the battle.lgp over a weapon of your choice.

was that any helpful, or should i make a image guide to go with it?
« Last Edit: 2008-12-17 09:03:16 by kuroda masahiro »


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #29 on: 2008-12-17 12:21:57 »
so we'll grab it from the magic.lgp and delete the tip of the staff, then save the new staff as a fil in the new weapon folder, for this we'll call it 'scythe base'

now we have a scythe base and a scythe blade. if youu want, you could simply add the two together using kimera 0.81 and reposition and resize until yo're happy, but most scythes i saw had a second handle on them, which could be borrowed from the heaven's cloud (rtcx/sicx) after deleting the blade and rings from it, then after getting everything in place, save.

now we have a scythe, however, its not going to be in the right position or size more than likely.

so we'll take one of aeris's weapons (any, it doesn't matter) and reposition the scythe to be in a position where aeris would hold the scythe and try to allign the two as closely as possible, once you're satisfied, delete aeris's weapon and save once more, then save the completed scythe as a different file and import it into the battle.lgp over a weapon of your choice.

was that any helpful, or should i make a image guide to go with it?

Images would be more helpful, i guess.^^

Hum.. How can i remove the tip? How can i .. i read a little more, and then i think about it. Maybe it gets clearer then. ^^

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #30 on: 2008-12-17 12:28:01 »
proper tutorial, coming up, images, text and maybe even a video of me making the scythe.

You can expect it soon-ish, just have to make it and write up all the steps done, then you should have the basic idea on how to make a new weapon. (or at the very least, a scythe)

EDIT: okay, i made the scythe, although i was thinking about it and decided the best way to go about explaining it would be a video, or uploading a million or so photos to explain it somewhere.

i thought it looked cool and didn't need a second handle.
« Last Edit: 2008-12-17 12:52:30 by kuroda masahiro »


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #31 on: 2008-12-17 13:09:51 »
Wow! Red XIII as a Zombie Dragon...I don't know if I'd recruit him as a party member or not... I love the rest of it though. It's all awesome!

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #32 on: 2008-12-17 13:13:19 »
as long as the new Red XIII (which i affectionally call 'Abomination', damn 9 space limit) attacks the other guys and not us, then its a effective deterrant from monsters since they'll be too scared to attack.

EDIT: I made some new soldiers using the new special combatant/mighty grunt.

« Last Edit: 2008-12-17 18:06:04 by kuroda masahiro »


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #33 on: 2008-12-18 00:56:42 »
proper tutorial, coming up, images, text and maybe even a video of me making the scythe.

You can expect it soon-ish, just have to make it and write up all the steps done, then you should have the basic idea on how to make a new weapon. (or at the very least, a scythe)

EDIT: okay, i made the scythe, although i was thinking about it and decided the best way to go about explaining it would be a video, or uploading a million or so photos to explain it somewhere.


i thought it looked cool and didn't need a second handle.

Release, release!

I beg you!

Edit: I already exchanged the "special weapons" with 0 materiaslots (within the temple of the ancients) with my new weapons, and i changed one of aeris weapons to the masamune. =D but i guess the scythe will be a lot better.

How can i change textures? i would draw black clothes for aeris.. imagine her with the scythe in a gothic-lolita-dress... :evil:
« Last Edit: 2008-12-20 06:27:44 by Jonnylossus »

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #34 on: 2008-12-18 05:03:39 »
It shall be done!

Oh, while im releasing stuff, does anyone want anything else shown here?

But a link to the scythe.


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #35 on: 2008-12-18 10:45:00 »
It shall be done!

Oh, while im releasing stuff, does anyone want anything else shown here?

But a link to the scythe.

Omg, wow.. you really released it. :D That saves my day. :P

Yeah, i am interested in the other weapons and in the new enemy skins. =) The scimitar and this weapon:

are looking great too!

I would love to see a "double weapon" like Zidane's weapon (FF9) on Cloud. I would create one by myself, but i leak the knowledge. :(

I would also like to create a character that looks like me (maybe exchanging with Vincent), but i don't know how to change textures. I know how it would look like, but i have no clue how that works. And i never used 3DS or Blender. :/ I have blender on linux installed, though. =) The trial of 3DS is available too, i think.

Your work is great!

Btw, would it be possible to add an additional color for materias? Or maybe 2? I would love to create the darkness elemental, but i don't know how to add / change materia colors. :(

Edit: AAAH! You know how to change haircolors and outfits? So you can tell me how i can create a gothic aeris? o0 And maybe a "clone of me"? The picture in the archive shows a blue haired girl. o0

The scythe looks exactly like i was dreaming off. Thanks a lot. :D
« Last Edit: 2008-12-18 10:48:12 by Jonnylossus »

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #36 on: 2008-12-18 11:59:42 »
I thought you might like the scythe, also, if you were REALLY grateful....  I couldz post my paypal details here :P (hint, hint)

A weapon like one of Zidane's doublebladed ones, that sounds good, I could look up some reference photos and attempt some recreation of it, or maybe I could try to build up your 'experience' and 'levels' modding wise if you have msn and we can talk and i can TRY to show you a few things :P

To make one, you could in essence use the barog (the weapon in the screen you posted) and double the sword and recolour it too have a quick one, but that itself won't be very good quality or even close to what zidane's weapons are like more than likely.

Making someone that looks like you... Well, considering I have no idea what you look like, I can't really suggest anything to do other than either learning how to make your own models using tutorials (or exporting a FF7 model using Biturn and making adjustments to it in something like blender or 3DS Max before reimporting it) but I suggest having a clear idea of what you want for your design and have your physical build in mind for when you go about making yourself for FF7.

Such as, write down exactly what you want in FF7 for yourself, then post what would be on what, then if you have some knowledge of where you can find it, se those to know what the different parts will come from, this is roughly how I went about the new cloud design.

This part is exactly what we had in mind for the design.

1) red bandanna/shirt, blue-grey armour thas crosses over the chest, fastioned with a belt, shoulder armour pauldron thingies, grey pants, brown shoes and gloves, and the sword in hand [no scabbard]

Now, we look at the design again and decide what probably is or isn;t possible in FF7 to do as a design for 1 reason or another. From that, we say what is on each part of the body.

2) chest: red shirt + brown crossbelt
upper arm: sleeve of T-shirt + pauldrons
lower arm: bare arm
hand: brown gloves
head: custom head with bandanna (forgot to add ><)
waist: black trousers + belt
upper leg: black trousers
lower leg: black trousers
feet: brown shoes

then we have a idea of what we want, then we look for where we could get each.

3) chest: <shirt: high res sephiroth> <cross belt: dragon rider>
upper arm: <shirt sleeve: high res sephiroth> <pauldron: shinra grunt>
lower arm: <bare arm: high res sephiroth>
hand: <brown glove: default cloud hand>
head: <custom head: leon KH2, vertexed coloured>
waist: <trousers + belt: Dyne>
upper leg: <trousers: Dyne>
Lower leg: <trousers: Dyne>
Feet: <brown shoes: Dyne>

using a rough guide like that, you can have a better idea of what you can do in FF7 or how to go about it.

....It probably wasn't too helpful, lol.

Adding a colour to materia, I suppose it is possible via field editing using meteor, although we'll have to use a dummy materia file, which could only be added properly using Wall market by changing someone's default materia.

A Gothic Aeris, that is possible, you'll have to get a feel for how gothic you want aeris, then see what you could use for each part, for Vix (the blue haired aeris) she looks vaguely gothic chestwise (stolen from hades in the magic.lgp) or you could see about getting dark hair, a new hair style via vertex editing with kimera and some colour swaps, but that really isn;t helpful I suppose.

Alright, the chosen mods shall be released.

PS: I forgot the textures :P In FF7, its difficult to work with textures since so few are used naturally, but you can add new ones, but then you'd have to allign them in model creation softwear, otherwise you can just change the eyes, but it has to keep within the colour limit and if you want to change colours, you have to change them with the colour table, then change it pixel by pixel for the changes to be made, and ensure you don't go over the limit for colours otherwise you'll be wasting precious time working on it when it won't be imported. (there are ways for them to look fancy and cool, but its better to learn how to do both ways)


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #37 on: 2008-12-18 21:14:03 »
THAT....IS....AWESOME!!!!!! :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: 2008-12-19 20:16:23 by DarkVenomandCarnage »


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #38 on: 2008-12-19 05:36:23 »
THAT....IS....AWESOME!!!!!! :mrgreen:

@kuroda masahiro
I guess i will play a little with Kimera.. ^^ How can i recolor the colors?

It was not needed to create a Fullquote for that sentence.. >_<

Edit: Thanks for editing. ^^
« Last Edit: 2008-12-20 06:27:05 by Jonnylossus »

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #39 on: 2008-12-19 17:50:07 »
Play a little with kimera, it'll be best to just play around before you get a eye for things and really tweak models, you can change colours by picking the box that says something like 'palletized mode detection threshold' then clicking a colour and changing the RGB values of it, or by using the paint bucket.

oh, and i haz a new tifa!


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #40 on: 2008-12-19 18:31:05 »
kuroda this is awesome! is your previous account murak modder? because i saw your thread on ff7 citadel and your malachi mod... anyway nice stuffs and great tutorials for the newbies

p/s: its harder to create something from scratch in blender than in 3d max if you are texturing it ( sometimes it wont load in pcreator )

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #41 on: 2008-12-20 04:19:15 »
No, I'm not Murak, I'm actually a girl he knew called Lucy Doyle, he used to have me talk to people and pretend to be him on msn and forums if he was too lazy to actually do it himself, so he showed me how to do things in a similar manner to him so hopefully no one would tell the difference. (although he did backseat mod when I was working on some of the models saying ;it should be better', 'no one is going to find THAT interesting, use a different base....' and he made me want to gouge out his eyes after a while! lol

Something being harder in blender instead of 3DS Max, now that is just if you're familiar with one programme, personally I can't use blender to save my life, but blender itself is described to be one of the harder programmes to get your head around, but once you understand it, I understand that blender might be better than 3DS Max (apart from some features of 3DS Max) in terms of actually making models, but regarding texturing something you made from scratch, I personally find the best programme to be milkshape because of the simplicity of the texture assignment features of it.

and a new yuffie wip (yes I know the battle chestplate is too dark)


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #42 on: 2008-12-20 06:26:15 »
argh, wrong post. please delete


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #43 on: 2008-12-20 06:44:34 »
Play a little with kimera, it'll be best to just play around before you get a eye for things and really tweak models, you can change colours by picking the box that says something like 'palletized mode detection threshold' then clicking a colour and changing the RGB values of it, or by using the paint bucket.

Ah, nice.. Never doubleclicked. :P I managed to give Cloud's Torso the color "Red", and to change some colors too.. =)

Nice Tifa. =)

Edit: Does anyone know what name Vincent's Animations & Weapons have? I am searching through the archive, but it is not easy to find.. I found his limit form though, but i need his "standard" animations. :/
« Last Edit: 2008-12-20 08:11:08 by Jonnylossus »

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #44 on: 2008-12-20 11:54:05 »
Vincent's animations? well, the battle animations are the ??da, so his battle animations would be sfda, sgda, shda, but his field animations would afdf.a, afea.a and afeb.a.

Thanks I thought that was a good design for tifa as well, the normal one looked kinda slutty in my opinion, after all, she does run all over the world in a miniskirt and practically with her boobs hanging out, this has more of a warrior feel to it, but is still tifa.

...and yuffie has all of those materia rings because she's obsessed with materia :P

You should try to splice some models instead of just recolouring them, you splice a model by deleting all but a certain part of a model, then adding it to another model, such as the pauldron off the MP and adding it to tifa or cloud's shoulder. (example)

or a arm without anything on it, cutting it in half, then changing the colours, then adding it back on and deleting the old area that you're changing for the newer part with the colour adjustments.

edit: new sephiroth and a updated yuffie.

« Last Edit: 2008-12-22 04:54:19 by kuroda masahiro »


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #45 on: 2008-12-23 16:02:38 »
The New Sephiroth looks like Weiss,anyway,you are great

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #46 on: 2008-12-23 17:23:07 »
By Weiss, do you mean him?

Personally I don't see much of a resemblance other than him having white hair since the hair styles are pretty different, but if you WANT... I could try to make a proper Weiss.

Thanks for the comments, and tomorrow I'm going to be releasing some of this stuff since my designer gave me the OK on some of these models, if you want to, you can consider it a Christmas present of sorts.

Oh, I'm trying to make some FF6 models, namely Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Terra and Kefka.

Mini replacements are:

Locke - Reno
Sabin - Rude
Terra - Elena
Edgar - Rufus
Kefka - Tseng

(and might see about making the shinra employees the brown soldiers from FF6, a male and female version, and since they only appear as field models, I can be LAZY, lol)

I started to work on Locke, although I'm wondering what kind of head to give him, but I'm wanting to make him not incredibly muscular so there's more differences between him (and the other guys) and Sabin, a Martial artist :P

Although for Sabin, should he wear a pink/purple tank top, or just be bare chested?


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #47 on: 2008-12-23 18:03:51 »
yes,i said that when i saw the hair

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #48 on: 2008-12-23 18:05:34 »
Okay, I started to TRY to do Weiss, so far I tried his weird gun katana weapon.

....I never worked with guns before ><


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Re: new chocobo
« Reply #49 on: 2008-12-23 18:50:21 »
AWESOME!!!I WILL USE IT YEAH!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: XD