Author Topic: Modding battle scenes  (Read 3835 times)

Timu Sumisu

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Modding battle scenes
« on: 2008-12-24 01:10:37 »
I was just curious if its possible to insert custom models for thte battle scenes? I havnt' noticed any mods that do this, though i have looked through all thte tools available for these files. If people could just inform me as to if its possible, and what the parameters i might need to follow are?

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: Modding battle scenes
« Reply #1 on: 2008-12-24 04:38:00 »
It IS possible, although its not exactly the easiest thing to change in FF7 because of how the models and textures line up. (although a surefire way to make it show up correctly would be to have it be vertexed coloured, but that doesn't allow as much detail or be exactly easy to do.)

the models for the battle backgrounds are... (oh, i just copied these from somewhere, so forgive me for not having the PROPER names, but its close enough for it to be figured out)

ogL   - background - heins
ohL   - background - bizarro arena
oiL   - background -  plains
ojL   - background - mountain path scary looking
okL   - background - forest path
olL   - background - beach
omL   - background - desert
onL   - background - icy path
ooL   - background - marshland
opL   - background - city street 1
oqL   - background - inside a reactor 1
orL   - background - guard scorpion arena
osL   - background - tri bridge
otL   - background -tunnel
ouL   - background - mythrial cave
ovL   - background -shinra tower
owL   - background - tunnel part 2
oxL   - background - hojo first arena, testing lab
oyL   - background - elevader
ozL   - background -roof top
paL   - background - highway
pbL   - background - podaga
pcL   - background - church
pdL   - background - ancient forest path
peL   - background - field behind house
pfL   - background - shinra sub area
pgL   - background - junon airport area
phL   - background - sector 7 tower
piL   - background - sector 7 tower top
pjL   - background - back alley
pkL   - background - sewer
plL   - background - mythril cave area with roots
pmL   - background - mythril cave rocky background
pnL   - background - mountain path, corel
poL   - background - bottomswell arena, beach
ppL   - background - storage area
pqL   - background - corel town 1
prL   - background - battle arena
psL   - background - wutai mountain face, raps arena
ptL   - background -  cid's house arena
puL   - background - final walk sub boss arena
pvL   - background - sector 5 tri bridge
pwL   - background - temple of the ancients outside
pxL   - background - nibleheilm mansion 1
pyL   - background - junon airport
pzL   - background - mythril cave 2
qaL   - background - submarine dock 1
qbL   - background - junked reactor gongaga
qcL   - background - gelinka storage
qdL   - background - gelinka?
qeL   - background - gais cliff interior
qfL   - background - sister ray stairs
qgL   - background - proud clod arena
qhL   - background - city of the ancients jenoa arena, aeris' grave
qiL   - background - northen cave path
qjL   - background -  northen cave path 2
qkL   - background -  northen cave water area
qlL   - background - safer arena
qmL   - background - mideel wate land
qnL   - background - underwater reactor path
qoL   - background -  ??? didn't open
qpL   - background - corel trin tracks
qqL   - background - northen crater first visit slope
qrL   - background - corel train tracks 2
qsL   - background - corel bridge
qtL   - background - wutai mountain face 2
quL   - background - beach reactor
qvL   - background - wasteland
qwL   - background - bizarro arena
qxL   - background - bizarro arena
qyL   - background - final jenova arena
qzL   - background - corel train arena (huge materia corel part of game)
raL   - background - cosmo canyon outskirts sunset
rbL   - background - cosmo canyon inside cave lava
rcL   - background - looks like cosmo canyon cave
rdL   - background - temple of the ancients demon wall arena
reL   - background - temple of the ancients red dragon arena
rfL   - background - temple of the ancients demon wall arena
rgL   - background - final battle against sephiroth
rhL   - background - forest of the ancients
riL   - background - ultima weapon battle on highwind
rjL   - background - corel train tracks start - corel reactor
rkL   - background - didn't open
rlL   - background - podaga
rmL   - background - emerald weapon arena
rnL   - background - reactor square arena
roL   - background - bloody shinra HQ arena
rpL   - background - gongaga ruined reactor arena
rqL   - background - corel prison
rrL   - background -forest of the ancients

how to change...

take the model and replace it for a general background that encircles the battle scene that is roughly the same size.

take any internal models (such as a streetlamp or destroyed reactor or something) and swap them for anything you want since it would just work either way as that only makes 'sense' depending on the actual background.

save it over the background, insert it into the battle.lgp, play FF7 with your new battle background.


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Re: Modding battle scenes
« Reply #2 on: 2008-12-24 06:07:24 »
so it is possible, sweet. dude, if we all pull together, we can build the remake to ff7 ourselves instead of waiting on square..... now if only we wernt all broke...

Timu Sumisu

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Re: Modding battle scenes
« Reply #3 on: 2008-12-24 15:30:52 »
hmmm lets see... field models, battle models, battle arenas, music... were doing pretty good. though replacing all of the game's resources will take forever. Other things that could use replacement are the prerendered backgrounds. That would be the bigest job i think, as there are near a thousand or more n the game. Anyhow, best of luck to all of us...

Edit: I havnt had a chance to look as ff7 is on another computer, but where would the textures for battle arena's be? are they close to the models (as names are listed above) or elsewhere. If i remade them at higher resolutions, would the game read them assuming they kept the same ratio. or would it only like changes of the same size?
« Last Edit: 2009-01-26 04:58:55 by timu sumisu »