Author Topic: FFVII Plot question  (Read 7249 times)


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FFVII Plot question
« on: 2009-01-05 13:51:28 »
When I play this game... I am so confused about the story...

FFVII: Crisis Core
FFVII: Last Order

In FFVII, when Cloud tell about his past in Kalm city, There was a 16 years old cloud... and wearing Buster Sword...
He tells that ha and Sephiroth was a friend...

Back to Last Order...
There was a scene where Sephiroth kill all people in Nibleheim, and go to Nibleheim Reactor... It`s the same on CC and Original FFVII.
And the one who searching for Sephiroth is Zack, not Cloud... (FFVII) And when they`re going to Nibleheim Reactor, the one who fight Sephiroth is Zack, not Cloud. When Sephiroth want to take Jenova with him, Cloud appeared with Zack`s Buster Sword, and stab Sephiroth from behind...

That story also showed on FFVII: Crisis Core... If you never seen Last Order, just watch it on Youtube.

Back to FFVII...
In Nibleheim scene, Cloud and a SOLDIER went into the front of Shin-Ra Mansion, to find Sephiroth...
When you think about it, the SOLDIER must be CLOUD, and CLOUD in that story must be ZACK...
(See the ending of Crisis and Last Order, Zack`s Victory pose, and even his memories transferred to Cloud..

More Evidence :
1.  Crisis Core - FFVII
     After Angeal`s Death, his Buster Sword was used by Zack, and in FFVII, Cloud said that he failed to became SOLDIER, and,   
     when Zack and Sephiroth went to Nibleheim, they take Cloud with them, as an ordinary SOLDIER... And the question is,
     Why Cloud tell his friends that he and Sephiroth was a friends? And, why he can borrow Buster sword, but he failed to pass
     SOLDIER Test?? He was only an ordinary soldier in that day!

Do Square Soft only make this plot just 4 fun? or anything else??

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #1 on: 2009-01-05 14:31:18 »
Erm, have you finished FFVII and Crisis Core? If you haven't, then do so, because it will make everything much clearer...

Silver Wings

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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #2 on: 2009-01-05 14:58:01 »
Cloud's memory was mixed with Zack's. That explains all of your questions. In fact, Cloud had never been an oficial SOLDIER but an infantry man. I think you havent taken FFVII and CC carefully. The ending of CC shows that Zack gave Cloud the Buster sword as his dream and honour.


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #3 on: 2009-01-05 15:06:50 »
rapshodos you weren't supposed to play cc, the original and watch the ova altogether. What you've done is you read the end of the book and did spoil yourself.
From what i understand you haven't fiished the original yet, do so. Then finish cc, that way you won't spoil yourself


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #4 on: 2009-01-06 01:49:50 »
OK, OK I`ll explain

I have finished FFVII Game when i was 10, well, one with Gameshark, and the one i play it myself with no cheat,

And then, 1 months ago I just finished my CC...
Well, i went to youtube, and i watch Last Order...

Wew, then, i confused with the story, in FFVII (Now i remember the starting story), Cloud talk about his past in Nibleheim, and he said that he was there, as a soldier, but in Last Order, it said that Cloud was there, but as ordinary gunman (or something like that) And Zack also there, The movie start when Sephiroth burn all entire village, and killing people, Zack and Cloud followed Sephiroth to Mt. Nibel, yeah, and then, you know, Zack is almost dead there, but Cloud helped him by stabbing Sephiroth from behind, and... Blah,blah,blah, Sephiroth jumped off with Jenova on his hand. Well, then, Shin-Ra Arrest them, and Cloud was injected by Mako or somewhat, i forget the name, With Zack, they escape to Midgar by truck, (Cloud lost his consciousness here, still shock i think..) And Zack tell Cloud about what he want do after reached Midgar, But, Turks came by Copter to kill them, and, Zack was shoot because covering Cloud, and he`s dead... Well, Cloud wake up from his shock, and see Zack dead in front of him, like in CC (T_T) wew, this is only my question for sure, but, when another game came out, i leave this game for a while, and i want to start again this FFVII game... Oh yeah, can someone help me out?? My game crashes just after the Scene of shooting star in Cosmo Canyon Lab (or what??) I have posted, but no one replies!! Help me!!!


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #5 on: 2009-01-06 09:14:51 »
Oh yeah, can someone help me out?? My game crashes just after the Scene of shooting star in Cosmo Canyon Lab (or what??) I have posted, but no one replies!! Help me!!!

Upload your savefile, and someone can play further for you. =P Use a filehoster for uploading.


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #6 on: 2009-01-06 10:23:21 »
Aww, i just searched this forums, and i found gyptNEW, wew, now it works, great!! He5x...

Can anyone close this thread??


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #7 on: 2009-01-06 10:33:55 »
FF7 Last order was alright but Spehiroths death was all wrong though. I've finished FF7 numerous times and hav finished Crisis Core twice. When I watched Last Order and Sephiroth jumped below himself I was pretty shocked because I don't remember seeing that in any of the games. It was still alright to watch overall just needs to keep the story of the game straight.


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #8 on: 2009-01-15 04:19:36 »
I'd hardly call Last Order canon. In it, Zack and Cloud make it all the way to Midgar before dying and Cloud still hadn't come out of it. In CC and FFVII, Zack dies on a cliff outside of Midgar. An event corroborated in AC when Cloud puts the Buster Sword back in the ground at the end.


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #9 on: 2009-01-15 04:55:26 »
I'd hardly call Last Order canon. In it, Zack and Cloud make it all the way to Midgar before dying and Cloud still hadn't come out of it. In CC and FFVII, Zack dies on a cliff outside of Midgar. An event corroborated in AC when Cloud puts the Buster Sword back in the ground at the end.
IIRC, the OVA ends abruptly when sniper shoots toward the truck, and that explains why Zack and Cloud got off the truck(AC Complete TGS 2008 trailer has a scene about that). 


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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #10 on: 2009-01-29 14:33:57 »
hello guys i am new here in your forum...

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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #11 on: 2009-01-29 23:58:53 »
hello guys i am new here in your forum...

Great thing to know about Busby SEO Test.

Go die, spambot. -.-

Edit: Eeew.. -.-

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Re: FFVII Plot question
« Reply #12 on: 2009-02-02 03:26:26 »
I'd hardly call Last Order canon. In it, Zack and Cloud make it all the way to Midgar before dying and Cloud still hadn't come out of it. In CC and FFVII, Zack dies on a cliff outside of Midgar. An event corroborated in AC when Cloud puts the Buster Sword back in the ground at the end.

**SPOILERS** (It is, unless you want to play through these games as many times as I have to interpret everything)

Cloud never really "comes out of it" until he sees Tifa, and even then he's still really messed up obviously as shown in the flashback where she sees him come off the train at Sector 7. It should be remembered that JENOVA has the ability to read the memories of others, so when Cloud is injected with the JENOVA cells as part of Hojo's plan to test his theory that all JENOVA cells return to her as a means to find Sephiroth, Cloud is able to absorb the memories of first Zack - giving him his skills and making him think he's a SOLDIER, and later Tifa - giving him a little bit of his own identity back since Tifa shares some memories with him. Only then does he actually begin to act like a normal person again. This is why members of SOLDIER must be of top mind and body, lest they lose their psyches in the combination of knowledge from Mako and new memories from JENOVA as Cloud did. Cloud becomes so convincing as a SOLDIER that even Hojo mistakes him as the "failure" who had little reaction to his experiments since Zack was already a SOLDIER and able to cope with them. Cloud was in fact the successful one of the two.