I have been wondering why those files (02012-02160) crash and after looking into them I think I may be onto something.
Those files have the exact same file-headers as the viewable character ones, and the offsets also lead to exactly the correct parts of the files.
There are multiple textures present in there too which i can confirm are identically organised as the viewable files (albeit with different interlacing with most of them).
The reason why they crash though is because their Vertex-data is completely different.
In the viewable-model files when we jump to the Vertex-data start (dictated by the offset at the beginning of the file) we always skipped 4-bytes that were always zeros.
In these other files, those four bytes have a different value: they represent a DWORD and hold a value of 1.
These files also contain many model-parts (50+ usually).
Looking at the data which followed the initial DWORD, there was nothing but a huge list of SHORTS, and those could be plotted as XYZ-vertices to produce almost recognisable shapes: Location Map models.
And these vertices represented QUAD-Lists, not Triangle-lists.
But here is the twist:
Only the first 8-vertices (8 times 3-SHORTS for XYX) at the beginning of every model-part seemed to be "real" vertices, the rest were "fakes" (potentially UV data).
And I can't seem to determine the group-strides, but I am extremely sure that these vertices will be organised in a far more logical manner.
I will continue looking into it, but if anyone would like to help then they are more than welcome
Stay tuned, the characters were only the beginning