Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)  (Read 437366 times)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #550 on: 2014-11-18 16:06:04 »
I personally avoid the synch option all together and instead use copy-paste. What you have can still be used though; open up your fresh Scene and the modified one at the same time (separate instances of PC running), then copy-paste the enemy AI over, etc. I think it works for actual enemy attacks too, but not sure; if not, those'll have to be re-done as dumping the scene carries the formation data with it too.

One thing to note, when copy-pasting an enemy it brings it's attacks too. These can get jumbled in terms of attack animation, sounds used, etc. Keep a close eye on that; it's usually worth just copy-pasting each attack individually.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #551 on: 2014-11-18 16:14:39 »
Gotcha, thanks so much. So just to make sure I've got this straight -- It'd be better to copy over all the AI changes I've made to a clean scene.bin, and then re-edit the scene. When re-editing, the "path of minimal bugs" would be to individually copy every attack I've created/edited from my modified file to the clean one, and then to re-edit the stats (rather than copying/pasting the whole enemy, which might create bugs with the attacks). And never synch anything, ever.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #552 on: 2014-11-18 16:20:14 »
I'm actually not convinced that syncing is as effective as it seemed to me in the first place. In most cases it ends up screwing up formations. Not making you encounter them in incorrect places, but the individual formations themselves. I could explain the rationale behind it, but I can tell you it's somewhere in this thread buried pretty deep.
For that matter, copy-pasting individual enemies can cause problems too.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #553 on: 2014-11-18 16:27:52 »
Yeah, when I copy-paste an enemy it generally drags over attacks with the wrong information loaded into them. I was worried there might be other hidden issues so I stopped doing it after a while; it seems to be fine copy-pasting individual attacks in though.

By the way, these might be of use:

Op Codes List

That proved to be invaluable to me when editing AI, so unless you have it already it'll hopefully be of use. Also:

FF7 Attack/Spells Database

That's something I use for quick-reference when making new attacks or changing kernel-stored spells used by enemies. The older entries have 'useless' stuff like hurt animation (I was being careful at the time because I was just starting out and wanted to avoid issues) but the only important number is the two-digit one for attack anim. ID.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #554 on: 2014-11-19 23:07:51 »
Very useful Sega chief! That should speed things up quite nicely.

Out of curiosity, have you ever made an AI script which counters a *missed* attack? I wrote a general counter script for the ghost enemy which vanishes if he is hit by an attack and then if he's already vanished, casts fire on anyone who tries to physically hit him (to punish them for being dumb.) However the condition isn't activating, and I can only imagine that's because the counter script only triggers when damage is actually dealt, and not just when an attempt at doing damage is made. I looked through the opcode list but didn't see anyway to resolve this issue.

I suppose I could always just alter the vanish thing so that he can be hit... but that seems like it kills the point of vanish -_-.

EDIT: I just realized this is supposed to be only for PrC related things, so i'll move this conversation. sorry about that!


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #555 on: 2014-11-29 22:10:22 »
I was just using this for the first time (rather than just checking stats/AI). Working great so far. I did read quite a bit of this thread but a few questions:

1. Is it safe to use [NONE] and [EMPTY] slots to add new enemies?
2. This one is probably a dumb question, but I understand the game stores some sort of scene data table in the Kernel, when/why does that update? Just curious, I know Proud Clod automatically handles it.
3. Can you add single enemies around bosses such as the Guard Scorpion? Or will that cause memory issues due to size of model/something else?

Yeah, when I copy-paste an enemy it generally drags over attacks with the wrong information loaded into them. I was worried there might be other hidden issues so I stopped doing it after a while; it seems to be fine copy-pasting individual attacks in though.

I did notice the dump/insert scene works great under Scene Data Management so I've been using that. Though for individual enemies, I was wondering how exactly do you copy/paste individual data?  Would these steps be correct? (this is of course without using the tool's copy enemy function which seems buggy from feedback on this thread).
1. Add enemy stats manually (I don't see any copy/paste buttons here), such as name, model id etc into the slot you want to use.
2. Right click enemy attacks and copy from one Proud Clod to the other.
3. Assign Animation/Formation data for that enemy manually using other Proud Clod as reference
4. For Enemy AI/Formation AI (the latter seems empty a lot?) use the copy/paste function
5. Think thats about it?

Thanks :)


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #556 on: 2014-12-03 22:35:15 »
Another question:

For some reason, I cannot save changes to formations. I instead get an out of bounds exception whenever trying to click "done" while editing formations -- even if I don't change anything.

The odd thing is the application will show that it has changed the formation data right up until I create scene.bin, at which point it will revert back O_o?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #557 on: 2014-12-03 22:58:41 »
There's an issue with certain versions of PrC where the Formation data can't be edited. I use two versions of the tool in tandem with each other; Alpha and 'Final' (but not actually the final version, it's just called that). Alpha can edit Formations but it has a problem with setting Steal/Drop flags and can sometimes leave you with garbled items dropping. Final doesn't have this issue, but it can't edit Formations. So I use the two together, Final to make most changes with Alpha doing anything related to Formations (I keep it away from everything else, just in case).

I don't know how the new ones perform; there were two more that I know of, with one being replaced by another recently a few months ago.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #558 on: 2014-12-04 16:28:37 »
There's an issue with certain versions of PrC where the Formation data can't be edited. I use two versions of the tool in tandem with each other; Alpha and 'Final' (but not actually the final version, it's just called that). Alpha can edit Formations but it has a problem with setting Steal/Drop flags and can sometimes leave you with garbled items dropping. Final doesn't have this issue, but it can't edit Formations. So I use the two together, Final to make most changes with Alpha doing anything related to Formations (I keep it away from everything else, just in case).

I don't know how the new ones perform; there were two more that I know of, with one being replaced by another recently a few months ago.
Interesting, where can we find this Alpha version? I don't see any past versions on SourceForge. :( I'm guessing quantumpencil and I are using the same most recent version.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #559 on: 2015-04-01 12:35:37 »

when i use this program to create the scene.bin file

this error message comes up and saids

index was outside the bounds of the array


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #560 on: 2015-04-01 14:20:03 »
Stack Trace? There should be more details to that error.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #561 on: 2015-04-08 00:45:08 »
@NFITC1 : sorry I didn't know, i copy pasted my original message into a wordpad, can you indicate me the correct forum section please? In PM or in your message you can edit it i'll watch for an answer.
I'm a little lost in the forum : -(
« Last Edit: 2015-04-08 16:31:04 by Walter253 »


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #562 on: 2015-04-08 02:07:01 »
I would appreciate it if you made a new thread with that question. This thread is about the discussion of ProudClod function and issues. This is a scripting question, not one for tools.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #563 on: 2015-04-11 08:51:41 »
Say speaking of functions could you add the option to choose which Kernel to update from as people can have one in the iro and not use the base game one?


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #564 on: 2015-04-11 12:45:38 »
I had considered that but thought it better to make it as simple as possible and modify the currently used one. I guess more input on the part of the user wouldn't be out of the question.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #565 on: 2015-04-11 17:26:33 »
Coo it just can be frustrating when you are working and nothing you change for it will work as it'll point to the one in the iro and you'll be tearing your hair out wondering why it doesn't work lol.

Edit: Just thought of this.  Isn't there a way you can have two different makes?  Like have one version for developers and another for recreation like for patching and stuff?
« Last Edit: 2015-04-11 17:29:12 by genesis063 »


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #566 on: 2015-04-11 21:00:22 »
Isn't there a way you can have two different makes?  Like have one version for developers and another for recreation like for patching and stuff?

Yes, but I'm not maintaining two separate versions. That's why it's open source.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #567 on: 2015-04-11 23:14:57 »
Yes, but I'm not maintaining two separate versions. That's why it's open source.

Further to this... maintaining one takes a colossal amount of time.  It's easy to say "Let's have two" but it's an almost thankless job to do it...and hard.


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #568 on: 2015-04-11 23:50:08 »
I'd thank you and I can understand the time so not holding my breath just a suggestion.

Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #569 on: 2015-05-20 09:34:16 »
I'm having problems opening up the application. When I try to open it my computer says "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

I'm trying to edit the battle camera to always be the  back attacked camera angle because Cloud looks waayyy cooler on that side.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #570 on: 2015-05-20 12:43:56 »
Try right-clicking on the program's .exe and going to Properties; click 'unblock' (only if that button appears; if not then don't worry about that step). Then go to the Security tab. If one of the Groups are called Users, then select that and then click the Edit button. Tick the Full Control flag. Could also set it to run as Admin from the compatibility tab too.

Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #571 on: 2015-05-20 20:54:05 »
I figured out why I couldn't open it. My antivirus was blocking it. So I just disable it.

When I try to 'create SCENE.BIN' to save the changes I've made it won't let me saying "Unable to load DLL'zlib1.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

NFITC1 saids in the first post, "zlib1.dll needs to be in the same directory as PrC or in the WINDOWS\system32 directory. If you get an error during scene.bin creation saying it can't find zlib1.dll, put it in the same directory as PrC."

What I don't know:
1. where is zlib1.dll?
2. where is PrC?

I'm trying to edit the camera so that its always the back attacked camera angle.
« Last Edit: 2015-05-21 20:11:30 by reversebustersword »


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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #572 on: 2015-05-22 07:37:36 »
What I don't know:
1. where is zlib1.dll?
2. where is PrC?

PrC is just the abbreviation of Proud Clod.
The zlib1.dll should be included in the zip-file of Proud Cloud that you downloaded. I just checked my Proud Clod zip files (the last two versions), and both contain the dll. If for some reason you don't find it, I can upload the file to Speedy Share for you.

The camera position can be edited under the formations tab, although you'll have to do it manually for every battle formation in every scene (which amounts to maybe 700 or so formations).

Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #573 on: 2015-05-22 08:06:29 »
The camera position can be edited under the formations tab, although you'll have to do it manually for every battle formation in every scene (which amounts to maybe 700 or so formations).

But there's only 4 formations you can edit.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)
« Reply #574 on: 2015-05-22 15:47:27 »
I think he means 700 in total; there's four formations per scene and about 254 scenes that are functioning, with quite a lot either empty or unused.