Author Topic: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks  (Read 37298 times)

Prince Lex

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #50 on: 2009-08-01 03:42:41 »
       All the sources I've read say it's a Scottish/Irish myth - but the creature is said to come from the Highlands. The Highlands are in Scotland, so the creature would have a Scottish accent. It doesn't matter where the myth originates from - the creature in the myth still comes from the Scottish highlands.

Therefore, I wouldn't give him an Irish accent. If you must, give him a Scottish one, but please have a Scottish person look over it before it's completed so it isn't badly done.

Of course, you could just give him a made up accent. The Condie Petie mountain folk in FF9 are supposed to be Scottish and their accents aren't done too badly (written-wise) for some northern parts of Scotland.

Another thing to note is that this may be being referred to as "Scottish/Irish" mythology because of the confusion in the difference between the Scottish and Irish. It's humungous, but on the outside it wouldn't look like that if I'm being fair. I can tell the difference between someone from New Zealand and someone from Australia, and the difference between someone from the USA and someone From Canada, but some people might have trouble with that. I made the effort to learn so that I wouldn't offend anyone. From personal experience, one of the most annoying things is when people abroad (and usually only outside of Europe) say "Oh!, You're English!". They never say British. Or Scottish. Both of which are correct - English isn't. Say you live in the US and you're from California. It's like someone saying to you, "Oh! You're from Texas!" You'd be like... errr... no I'm not. The United Kingdom is actually "Great Britain" and "Northern Ireland" Great Britain being Scotland, England and Wales. They're kind of like states, except not. They used to be countries in their own right, until England... well, no need for a history lesson when you have Wikipedia.

Well, Northern Irish accents can be easily mistaken for one of those two, but if you're a native speaker of English you have to be pretty ignorant to get southern Irish accents mixed up with Scottish ones. It's only slightly less moronic than not being able to tell the difference between English and Australian accents (apparently some people can't).

Northern Irish accents sometimes get mixed up with ours because they're harsher than proper Irish accents. (For those that don't know (most likely only those not in Europe) Ireland is about 80% of the land it's on, Northern Ireland is the rest of it to the north. Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland is.) The southern Irish accents and much softer. Frankly, both are very sexual, so I'm not complaining.

English and Australian accents... I can't imagine getting those mixed up. However, I've always thought of the Australian accent as being a kind of strange mix of English and American. It sounds halfway between the two in my head. Again, I would say the New Zealand accent is slightly harsher. 


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #51 on: 2009-08-01 03:46:03 »
I agree :)  Although I wouldnt want to touch dialects and would of course need someone else to modify the literal translation.

Thats a while away anyway.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #52 on: 2009-08-01 04:30:08 »
I'm happy I've only ever watched the Japanese version of AC.

日本語万歳! :-D

Prince Lex

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #53 on: 2009-08-01 04:32:14 »
I'm happy I've only ever watched the Japanese version of AC.

日本語万歳! :-D

I can't watch the English dub. I always watch it with English subs.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #54 on: 2009-08-01 04:42:39 »
Old post but I just read it and REALLY have to comment on it.

>Afraid of disappointing any fans

Well, it's pretty good that you don't care what they do with this remake everyone is absolutely certain they're going to make, because everything Square have done since they became $quare €nix (especially with the Compilation of FF7) suggests that most of the changes won't be for the better in the eyes of most fans. Reactions to Square's more recent games have generally been negative.

In the unlikely event (they're a business, after all, and they care about the bottom line more than anything else) that the top brass actually are worried about fans instead of wanting to cash in on the FF7 name, that's a very good thing. Perhaps they're questioning their belief (and, to be fair, a lot of companies do this with their biggest franchises when they're low on ideas) that they can defecate in a disc case, stick a FF7 logo on it and expect it to sell millions. I'd much rather see no remake than a bad one. It'll save me money, as well as my memories of the game (since I'm the kind of idiot that still buys FF shovelware just because it's Final Fantasy - just the kind of person they rely on, in fact).

Anyway, why do we need a remake? Srsly, the only things that FF7 needs are a graphical update, some translation and bug fixes and a difficulty tweak, and we've done or are doing all of that. What the people who really want a remake should actually do is think about whether FF7 really needs one.

First off Kudistos, I nominate you for an "Awesomest Post Ever" award.

Second off.. I was thinking about this the other day.... the slums are a place where there's no sunlight, only artificial light due to the fact that theres a giant metal plate intermingling with a haze of smoke blocking away the outside world. Imagine living there. Can you? It's strange, foreign, and really makes you feel helpless and melancholy. I'd like a remake of FF7 to make you feel those things. Really immerse you in the world of FFVII. That's not something the original game could do due to technological limitations. Hell, it's not something we could do either without making a new game ourselves from scratch (which would make Halkun and the omniscient Square-Enix lawyers very upset), but a remake of FF7 with modern graphics/modern technology could really make you feel what it's like to be there.

Of course, it IS wishful thinking, but it calms the soul to discuss.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #55 on: 2009-08-01 17:45:29 »
First off Kudistos, I nominate you for an "Awesomest Post Ever" award.

Second off.. I was thinking about this the other day.... the slums are a place where there's no sunlight, only artificial light due to the fact that theres a giant metal plate intermingling with a haze of smoke blocking away the outside world. Imagine living there. Can you? It's strange, foreign, and really makes you feel helpless and melancholy. I'd like a remake of FF7 to make you feel those things. Really immerse you in the world of FFVII. That's not something the original game could do due to technological limitations. Hell, it's not something we could do either without making a new game ourselves from scratch (which would make Halkun and the omniscient Square-Enix lawyers very upset), but a remake of FF7 with modern graphics/modern technology could really make you feel what it's like to be there.

Of course, it IS wishful thinking, but it calms the soul to discuss.

I think that Square did an admirable job of capturing the atmosphere of Midgar in the original, given the tools they had; the wonderful soundtrack more than makes up for the poor graphics most of the time. Then again, how brilliant would the game be if the songs were all fully orchestrated (with Uematsu composing, of course), and they were in addition to the graphics rather than compensating for them? :-D I'd be much happier if Square announced that the FF7 soundtrack was to be fully orchestrated by Nobuo Uematsu than if they announced a remake.

And I think it might be more a case of the lawyers seeing a chance to make more money for themselves or to justify their jobs by making silly claims (I'm not sure how they're paid), than a case of them getting upset  :roll:


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #56 on: 2009-08-01 17:48:49 »
I'm happy I've only ever watched the Japanese version of AC.

日本語万歳! :-D

I can't watch the English dub. I always watch it with English subs.

me neither....its just so damn poor.  Esp sephiroth and I agree on VII remake mostly.  The things I would like to see are:

Updated graphics
Same story, NO modifications to core story
Translation fix
Things they did not add, sorting out, such as 1:35 soldier collectables which were abandoned really...
More minigames and squares at gold saucer (there is room there in that main hall)
Choice of music, including orchestral pieces and pieces from Black mages

Unfortunately, what we would end up getting is a bloated graphic fest where we have sephiroth and cloud engaged in 20 minute matrix battles where you sit there wondering where it all went wrong (like I did with Twin Snakes remake of MGS1).

If they don't intend to remake it BETTER by making sure they don't ruin it by changing things that aren't broken, they should not remake it at all....

« Last Edit: 2009-08-01 17:54:46 by seifertemp »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #57 on: 2009-08-01 18:21:46 »

Unfortunately, what we would end up getting is a bloated graphic fest where we have sephiroth and cloud engaged in 20 minute matrix battles where you sit there wondering where it all went wrong (like I did with Twin Snakes remake of MGS1).

If they don't intend to remake it BETTER by making sure they don't ruin it by changing things that aren't broken, they should not remake it at all....

Agreed fully.  Though I found Crisis Core to be a great game, Dirge of Cerberus was terrible as a story.  I wouldn't mind them touching up the original's story to ..slightly.. barely.. almost unnoticeably.. include Genesis.

But as you said, it would most likely be a "bloated graphic fest" like every other game to come out this generation

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #58 on: 2009-08-01 18:44:36 »
Though I found Crisis Core to be a great game, Dirge of Cerberus was terrible as a story.  I wouldn't mind them touching up the original's story to ..slightly.. barely.. almost unnoticeably.. include Genesis.


Unless they include Genesis to have him dying in a fire, they should pretend he never existed; the FF7 universe would be better off without him. In fact, for this reason I think that CC would have been better if it had been a stand-alone game without any references to FF7. It's a great game, I agree, and one of the few things that Squeenix have done right, but it messes up the FF7 storyline.

I've always felt that Genesis and Hollander demean Sephiroth and Hojo somewhat; the original villains suddenly become a lot less special now that we see that there's another apocalypse-causing villain and another mad scientist of similar skill. And this is before we talk about Genesis going around in the reactor and completely undermining Sephiroth; suddenly, Sephiroth seems like nothing more than a pawn in Genesis' great plan, and Genesis becomes the real bad guy of the FF7 series.

Personally, I think that the game would have been a lot better off if Genesis had been killed for good in Modeoheim and had no further part in the story; that way there would be no real deviance from the main FF7 story and it would also have shown that Sephiroth was a step up. It would be as if the game were saying "OK, you've dealt with Genesis; now it's time for the real crisis". Not only that, but it would fit in well with the FF tradition of having a small-time bad guy early on in the game who gets replaced by someone much more dangerous later on (like Gestahl and Kefka, Shinra and Sephiroth, Edea/Galbadia and Ultimecia or Brahne and Kuja).

But yeah, it will be a bloated graphics fest full of androgynous men (the girlishness of Cloud and Sephiroth in the compilation has given the oldskool FF fanboys no end of trolling material).


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #59 on: 2009-08-01 18:54:57 »
A graphics update would be amazing. But yeah, If they "Dirge of Cerberus"d it with cutscenes for walking down a hallway (or cutscene, walk down a hallway, cutscene...) i wouldn't be to happy. though with the progress we're making we might not need one haha

With Seifer getting a good translation and dialog fixes.
Timu, Hoomer, and APZ with models
APZ and Millenia with textures.
FF7Music (although needs a good rewrite/replacement)
All the people who made the tools (sorry gents don't know all of ya haha)
and last (but certainly not least) Aali with his Graphics Driver, new LGP tools, and Palmer.

Who needs a remake at this point? All we need is something to work on camera controls, and make the backgrounds 3D (i drool at the thought) and we'd be good as gold! :D

EDIT: Oh i forgot! Also someone to painstakingly remake every cutscene. though i think i am dreaming there haha
« Last Edit: 2009-08-01 18:56:45 by hellbringer616 »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #60 on: 2009-08-01 18:57:55 »
I've always felt that Genesis and Hollander demean Sephiroth and Hojo somewhat; the original villains suddenly become a lot less special now that we see that there's another apocalypse-causing villain and another mad scientist of similar skill. And this is before we talk about Genesis going around in the reactor and completely undermining Sephiroth; suddenly, Sephiroth seems like nothing more than a pawn in Genesis' great plan, and Genesis becomes the real bad guy of the FF7 series.

Personally, I think that the game would have been a lot better off if Genesis had been killed for good in Modeoheim and had no further part in the story; that way there would be no real deviance from the main FF7 story and it would also have shown that Sephiroth was a step up. It would be as if the game were saying "OK, you've dealt with Genesis; now it's time for the real crisis". Not only that, but it would fit in well with the FF tradition of having a small-time bad guy early on in the game who gets replaced by someone much more dangerous later on (like Gestahl and Kefka, Shinra and Sephiroth, Edea/Galbadia and Ultimecia or Brahne and Kuja).

Actually, I agree. I would have liked it more had Genesis been a big deal and you kill him just before the events at Nibelheim.   But that wouldn't have left an opening for a Dirge of Cerberus sequel where
Spoiler: show

Genesis is the ultimate good guy!!!! and has to defeat Sephiroth once and for all!!!!!!!

which of course I will also play... because I can't help myself  :-(

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #61 on: 2009-08-01 19:06:14 »
a Dirge of Cerberus sequel where
Spoiler: show

Genesis is the ultimate good guy!!!! and has to defeat Sephiroth once and for all!!!!!!!

which of course I will also play... because I can't help myself  :-(

Bloody hell, don't give Squeenix ideas!  :-D

They aren't very good at sequels (we knew this already; FFX-2), so imagine what a sequel to a bad spin-off would be like? :-o

It would be the worst game evar; worse than Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the NES, even worse than Dark Castle for the Megadrive.  :cry:

And we'd still buy it  :roll:


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #62 on: 2009-08-01 21:18:38 »
I mentioned this to someone it always irritates me when they think more graphics and more spectacular fight scenes are for the better.  Graphics should never be a substitute for plot or intelligent design.

When you see something which is realistic given the physics of the world, like say sephiroth struggling with tifa before slashing her, that has much more dramatic effect than a 5 minute battle and then a slash.

Sometimes , more is not better and I fear as I said, that this is what a remake would end up being....  which is a pity.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #63 on: 2009-08-01 22:00:44 »
Exactly Seifer. KH and KH2 were such stupidly popular successes because they were beautiful *while* you played. I remember at that scene towards the end of KH2 when you team up with all the FF characters to fight off legions of heartless. I was literally *mesmerized* watching Cloud hack and slash 20 heartless per second. I didn't even do anything. I just watched him do all the work in a far cooler manner than Sora could ever perform.

I also fought Sephiroth 5 times in each game (even after beating him) just because his fighting style was so magnificently done in either game and loyal to his original movelist. (although I admit fighting a Lance Bass voiced Sephiroth kind of pissed me off, Sephi is the ultimate villain of all time, not the gay member of NSync)


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #64 on: 2009-08-01 22:36:04 »
lance was the one who voiced him in kh1 right?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #65 on: 2009-08-01 23:08:10 »
Yeah, In KH2 he had his proper AC voice actor.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #66 on: 2009-08-02 00:24:16 »
Graphics should never be a substitute for plot or intelligent design.
Unfortunately, a lot of people take this to mean that a game SHOULDN'T have good graphics. There's no reason why a game can't have both, like Metal Gear Solid 4.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #67 on: 2009-08-02 00:53:12 »
MGS4.....I won't even get started on that game....I will just say that I would use that as an absolute example of how graphics got in the way.  Cut scenes lasting over 40 minutes is not intelligent game design and the plot was god awful imho.

But you are right, a game can have both if it is done properly.  But there should never be a subsititute.  The first thing that made me wary about a remake was Advent Children.  It is a decent movie overall but there is WAY too much fighting in place of plot.... and then we have cloud performing feats he could never ever do in the actual game such as near flying and being smacked into walls at 100 mph.  I understand some leniency has to be taken to make it entertaining but AC was a typical example of what not to do.  One doesn't need 1 hour battles and ridiculous far fetched (fantasy or not there are limits in a given world) feats which go against the set out laws to make a film interesting.    I have been watching the old twlight zone episodes recently, and I would take some of that acting and scripting over anything that has been made since.

Most people seem to enjoy all the excess violence....but i don't.  I think it is crummy excuse for proper intelligent writing.
« Last Edit: 2009-08-02 01:03:34 by seifertemp »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #68 on: 2009-08-02 02:19:57 »
At the risk of sounding immature, i loved Advent children. the fight scenes were amazing imo. but yes i agree there could have been more plot.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #69 on: 2009-08-02 02:57:29 »
They were amazing graphically, but they were overdone, totally unrealistic even for the world which was originally set out and they were too long.  It could never rank as anything other than a fan flick and that is because its plot is wafer thin.  They try to please graphic whores at same time as pleasing die hards of the series that they leave out the reason for a film.  The story.

I personally feel a film should be about plot and that fight scenes and the like should remain true to the original vision and at least have a sense of realism.  I don't think being smacked into walls and surviving it like you are Wile E. Coyote is good for any fantasy like VII.   It immediately breaks the most fundamental law of story telling, to be able to suspend disbelief.

On VII, tifa struggles with Sephiroth , she is slashed and wounded severely.  Almost dies.  The action is realistic and is over in a matter of seconds.

On AC the fight lasts all year (hyperbole) and has cloud being smacked into walls and flying here and there defying the Gravity, the same gravity which appears identical on Gaia in VII to our planet Earth.  It has boulders flying it at him.....  it is a giant mess imho.  Although a small edit job would do a lot to change that and I may do :)
« Last Edit: 2009-08-02 03:18:07 by seifertemp »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #70 on: 2009-08-02 13:26:50 »
Just for the info:

Genesis is a good guy in the end of FF7:DoC


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #71 on: 2009-08-02 15:09:48 »
MGS4.....I won't even get started on that game....I will just say that I would use that as an absolute example of how graphics got in the way.  Cut scenes lasting over 40 minutes is not intelligent game design and the plot was god awful imho.
While I agree that the cutscenes were too long, that wasn't graphics getting in the way, that was Kojima's storytelling getting in the way. Looking at the actual gameplay segments, they played well AND had remarkable graphics.

Advent Children Complete didn't shrink any of the overly long battles that I noticed, but it did fix the plot to make more sense and be much more engaging. I'm impressed that they managed to do the opposite of a George Lucas, by fixing the movie instead of just adding a bunch of robots in the background or changing characters' motivations and the sequence of events to break things.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #72 on: 2009-08-02 16:12:43 »
I bought my PS3 for MGS4, guess where my PS3 is now?

No longer in my possession anyway, I was very disappointed in MGS4, the controls didn't feel like an MGS game any more, the Octocamo made the game too easy in all honesty.

They spent too much time on making it cinematic and instead could have refined gameplay a bit more, did we really need the huge weapon list, and the weapon buying system was a bit silly.

Even MGO was dull, full of campers, buggy, laggy and had a couple of exploits here and there.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #73 on: 2009-08-02 20:54:27 »
I wrote a huge review on MGS4 but it is very....aggressive.  I would have to tone down my anger of the time to show it to you.

Controls:  Not MGS. and very awkward
3D: Ended up shoot em up rather than clever game play
Graphics:  Took over story and over game play.  Cut scenes were ridiculous and the fight scenes went on forever in Matrix style.
Plot:  Out of the window.  Total retcon City and other fanciful elements and deus ex machina.  Totally an dutterly ruined the series imho
Gameplay: Sub standard.  100 guns to get and yet they all do the same.   Shoot em up rather than clever.  AI was poor.
Side quests:  As dull as "get 20 game overs and win a medal"  wow.

All in all, I can't find anything aside from graphics that I could praise about MGS4 (not even its music)....and that is the point.  They blew a 50 GB blu-ray disc so much that they couldn't even have many codec people.  And 40 minute cut scenes is a joke.

MGS1 was a masterpiece and imho MGS4 isn't fit to clean its arse.

Maybe I will dig out a link to my review on it sometime.

Getting back ontopic, MGS4 is pretty much the example I would use for what not to do.  That and advent children are examples of what I would avoid.
« Last Edit: 2009-08-05 01:55:50 by seifertemp »

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Re: Final Fantasy VII downloaded 100,000 times in two weeks
« Reply #74 on: 2009-08-02 23:28:46 »
Is this available on the UK PSN for PSP or has to be done via a PS3.