Author Topic: No FFXPC (maybe) ....  (Read 50352 times)


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No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« Reply #125 on: 2002-01-13 04:20:00 »

They all work in different ways? Well, that's strange; obviously when Quake3 works with any OpenGL card, it's just my imagination. That's what OpenGL and DirectX are for: all the cards conform to their specs, so you don't have to worry about many differences, if any.

Yeah, that's why you will get different peformance between those 2 cards. It's because they are different.

You know, this Console vs. PC discussion is really a waste of time.

I think this discusiion is not about PC vs. console. It much more on whether SquareSoft should port FFX to PC or not.

FFX International will come out later this month (the 2-disc version) and still no words whether they will port to PC or not. I guess they didn't want to.....


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« Reply #126 on: 2002-01-13 06:28:00 »
 :x   :cry:   :cry:MORON!!!


So what if I share my account with my friends? Sometimes (most of the time) they will pose as me and post stupid things here. So what? Why am I called a moron? I'm really pissed off with you guys. I'm not visiting this board anymore. So there!!!!!!!  :x   :x   :x   :x   :x   :x


[edited] 39 2002-01-13 07:31


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« Reply #127 on: 2002-01-13 07:04:00 »
joey it's proabaly a joke. don't leave you do have good ideas and start a lot of conversations. if your friends want post they need to register then we can tell if it's you being stupid or them. :) i hope everyone feels this way.


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« Reply #128 on: 2002-01-13 08:19:00 »
Actually, I cried just now. I really did. I was just changing my password and I saw these. My friends who were beside me were also very shocked. They were very angry at Qhimm. Well, like what I said in many earlier posts, I've changed. As you have noticed, the most recent posts are not as stupid as the previous ones. Are the admins blind? Well, can't blame them. Many people in this world can't handle change. The reason why I posted spam was because I got bad test results, and so I did that. Now, I'm out of that. In previous years also, I was naive and I thought I know everything so I posted. But now, I'm a diffrent person and I've thrashed my life at school(A couple of girls hate me because they thought that I kicked up their friends skirt on purpose which I accidently did) and home(my dad even threatened to leave the house when I pissed him off)
My dad forgave me and the girls, of course did not gave me even a tiny chance. I'm a real loser, right?  

Now, it seems that I've thrashed my life in this board too. Looks like I'm not sharing my account with anyone else and my friends will NOT be posting here anymore. Nathan really works for Square, so he can't post here using his own account in case someone tells his boss. I share my account with another two, Larry and Wei-Xiang, meaning that there is 4 people using Joey. The other two, well, their dad(they are brothers) forbids them to use the messageboard because of the previous posts. So, they come to my house to post messages here. They saw what happened to my account as I phoned them and they said sorry and promised not to use my account.

Just now, Nathan and Elise was by my side when I burst into tears as I really didin't imagine that I was such a gigantic loser. This is most probally my last post, I've removed it from the favourites menu.

I loved this board a lot and of course, it pains me a lot when I see the moron and the delete button on my posts. Well, I'll be blocking emails from everyone from this board next as I'm really broken-hearted and sad, reminding me of all of my failures. Joke? I don't think so.

Right now, this is most probally what everyone think:

YAHOO!!! That SOAB Joey is finally leaving this board!!!!! Let's uncork the champange and throw a party!!!!

If they can do this to me, that's most probally what is in their minds.

Other posters, like Alhexx, Saint and Darkness also post almost the same content. But, why am I being treated like this?

Maybe I'll use the computer less. Maybe if they remove all those nasty things that follow up with my posts, maybe I'll be back. Maybe....maybe.....

Mod? Admin? Yes, I confess that I'd like to be those last year or two. But no longer. I've learned my mistakes, I've seen myself, and decided that I'm a nobody, a jerk and a loser.

Maybe, when I was young, I was ridiclued by my classmates and I did all kinds of stupid things to get their attention. Maybe, I'm doing it here too.

I was sucidal as no one would forgive for what I did. I need pysicatric treatment. But I didin't. Maybe you all might finally understand why am I like that. Elise and Nathan left about half an hour ago, as I'm OK. About 2 years ago, I lost my best friend. He suddenly hate me. I didin't know why because I always thought I was perfect.

Why must this happen only to me? Why must I be the scapegoat for the other bad posters here? Why? I always get the blame for the things that I didin't do, why?

Sometimes that I just wish that I was in somewhere else, where there are nicer people, rather that being imprisoned in this hell in disguise, in this filthy and diseased body, in this cruel world. I don't belong here.

I thought that Qhimm was nice, but now I know that I was wrong.

Lastly, I'd like to say sorry If I made anyone mad, especially to Qhimm for thrashing this message board. I've decided to die.

I won't post here anymore. Goodbye.

Eventually, or right after this post, someone will post something like "finally, that f***er is out forever, good!!!" or something like that.


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« Reply #129 on: 2002-01-13 08:56:00 »
Well, Joey, it's heart-breakin' to see what this word 'Moron' has done with you, but is this a reason to post a novell in here ?

 - Alhexx

The SaiNt

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« Reply #130 on: 2002-01-13 09:09:00 »
Uhm, I think Qhimm really did mean the temp rank as a joke.
I'll remove the temp rank for you but you have to behave yourself from now on.

As for the delete button appearing on your posts, it's the same for everyone else. All users see a delete button on their posts to make it more convenient for them to delete their own posts. Moderators and admins see them on every post. That's just to make this clear.

Joey, you have to also understand that even if you friends needed an account to post from, they could have just registered an account. Even if they didn't want to register they could have just posted anonymously.

That's all I have to say. At least for this moment.
EDIT (There is a user Joey2 and I hope it isn't you Joey.)
[edited] 1 2002-01-13 10:15

Sephiroth 3D

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« Reply #131 on: 2002-01-13 10:27:00 »
I don't want to dissapoint Joey, so: finally, that f***er is out forever, good!!!

... I don't know... my heart just wasn't in it... :(

Joey, we all make fun of you, I don't deny that. In fact, I personally have gotten on that band-wagon a few times myself, both in-front-of and behind your back, but I'm sorry.

Your "reputation" on this board may or may not have been justly aquired. But by allowing your friends access to your account (jumping on yet another bandwagon), you ARE leaving yourself open to attacks, such as the temporary "Moron" rank and all the little jabs we tend to make at you. You have an account, and a PERSONAL password for a reason: so we can only know you. If we suddenly have 4 people posting as Joey, we have to naturally assume they're all really you, and not your father's brother's best friend's second-cousin's former roommate posting. That is where the confusion comes in and that's why we may have unjustly mis-labeled you.

Even though your intentions to help your friends by letting them post with your account are admirable, they can also post from their own accounts, using your computer.

You might of noticed by now that so far, no one has said anything you've expected. (And mean it.) Mostly, we are expressing our concerns for your feelings.

Halfway through your post, I started to tear up, and I was thinking: If this is truly his last post, we should honor him or something. Something incredibilly nice and nobel. Believe it or not, we are human, and we do have feelings. We aren't heartless enough to say "Thank GOD that stupid bastard of a Joey is gone!" and mean it. (Well, I'm not. There might be someone who is.) You are a part of this messageboard. As much as Qhimm, Saint, Alhexx or even myself.

We will hold nothing against you if you still choose to leave, but do not take such uncompassionate thoughts of us as you go. You will be missed by all of us. :cry:

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

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« Reply #132 on: 2002-01-13 11:19:00 »
In light of recent events, Joe: get over yourself man, who cares why do we want to know about your cr*ppy live and strange problems.

M0T would like to thank Qhimm and Jari for speaking their minds first and therefore giving me the courage to change this post  :)
[edited] 122 2002-01-13 21:23


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« Reply #133 on: 2002-01-13 11:21:00 »
Here what you do: Ask yourself, is FFX coming out for the PC? If you think yes, it is, if you think no, it's not. It's a psyche thing. If we all stood outside a Square, Inc. building with pure thoughts and puppy dog eyes, I think we would invoke something in the CEO's hearts.

There are many posts like this, especially at PlayOnline (FYI Official forums). No one can predict Square, FFVII had the "Exclusively for Playstation" imprinted but look what happenned. The FFIXPC story was because FFVIIIPC didn't sell too good as we all know. Square has enough money (They would have had more if they didn't waste it on putting 'u' 's in Armor in the UKPAL version).

In the nd, think happy thoughts. And Joey, cheer up, have a drink or something.


J*** H*******

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« Reply #134 on: 2002-01-13 11:47:00 »
I'm painfully aware that I absolutely shouldn't get into this... However... temptation... too great...


On 2002-01-13 04:19, Joey wrote:
Actually, I cried just now. I really did.

Too bad. Life's a b*tch and then you die. Big deal.


My friends who were beside me were also very shocked. They were very angry at Qhimm.

How are the feelings your friends have towards Qhimm related to this matter?


Well, like what I said in many earlier posts, I've changed.

Oh? It would be even better if you would actually change, and not just talk about it. Strangely I haven't noticed any major difference between your old and new posts.


As you have noticed, the most recent posts are not as stupid as the previous ones. Are the admins blind? Well, can't blame them.

Actually, no, I haven't noticed that. But it might be because mods are probably just as blind as admins, as _you_ have noticed.


The reason why I posted spam was because I got bad test results, and so I did that.

So, there should be different rules for Joey who didn't too well in exams. Would you mind explaining me why?


Now, I'm out of that.

Seeing is believing, and I haven't seen nothing yet.


But now, I'm a diffrent person and I've thrashed my life at school(A couple of girls hate me because they thought that I kicked up their friends skirt on purpose which I accidently did) and home(my dad even threatened to leave the house when I pissed him off)
My dad forgave me and the girls, of course did not gave me even a tiny chance. I'm a real loser, right?

This is related to this messageboard exactly how?


Nathan really works for Square, so he can't post here using his own account in case someone tells his boss.

ROFLMAO! How stupid do you think we are? Really.


I share my account with another two, Larry and Wei-Xiang, meaning that there is 4 people using Joey. The other two, well, their dad(they are brothers) forbids them to use the messageboard because of the previous posts. So, they come to my house to post messages here.

WTF?! They can't get their own accounts because of... ? You are aware that some boards would ban you just for letting other people use your account?


Other posters, like Alhexx, Saint and Darkness also post almost the same content. But, why am I being treated like this?

Says you. Somehow I doubt that you should be the judge of the content of your own posts. And by 'you' I mean everyone who posts, including me. It's not always easy to see your own flaws, but it's really easy to see flaws, real or imagined, in other people.


I was sucidal as no one would forgive for what I did. I need pysicatric treatment. But I didin't. Maybe you all might finally understand why am I like that. Elise and Nathan left about half an hour ago, as I'm OK. About 2 years ago, I lost my best friend. He suddenly hate me. I didin't know why because I always thought I was perfect.

Trying to put us on guilt trip, are you? Too bad it's not working, at least for me.


Why must this happen only to me? Why must I be the scapegoat for the other bad posters here? Why? I always get the blame for the things that I didin't do, why?

Why is the world round, oh why?! Actually, I think that you don't get blamed enough for your own stunts.

Sometimes that I just wish that I was in somewhere else, where there are nicer people, rather that being imprisoned in this hell in disguise, in this filthy and diseased body, in this cruel world. I don't belong here.

Yes yes, go write another Hamlet, God knows that you at least have enough angst to do that. Or is it rather acting skills? You know what... I'm not really buying into this act of yours.


I thought that Qhimm was nice, but now I know that I was wrong.

How much nicer do you think he could have been? He has tolerated you for... what, two years? I can't think of any other person that would have been able to put up with you that long. Actually I think that the dude is too nice for his own good.

Summa summarum: Grow up.This is not your personal daycare center.


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« Reply #135 on: 2002-01-13 13:13:00 »
As I've said before, I'm really satisfied with my choice of moderators. Way too many people are getting "emotional" at this, I'm glad at least Jari and some of the senior members can see things for what they really are.

In case you've forgotten, I decide who lives or dies. It is most certainly my right as owner of the board. And regardless of what Joey might think at the moment (not that I really care right now), I've always exercised that power fairly.

My views on this.

MORON!!! WHY????

No sense in hiding the truth. And the truth is you've been behaving like one.


As SaiNt explained, everyone has this button since people complained it was too much work to delete posts. A bit egocentrical of you to think everything's all about yourself.

So what if I share my account with my friends? Sometimes (most of the time) they will pose as me and post stupid things here. So what? Why am I called a moron?

Two case scenario: 1) You share your accound with stupid friends and still expect credibility from us, which makes you a moron. 2) You made up yet another story about friends borrowing your account to explain your own stupid actions, which also makes you a moron. Catch my drift?

I'm really pissed off with you guys. I'm not visiting this board anymore. So there!!!!!!!

I see. And this would be a punishment for whom?


As suggested in the previous note, you seem to need this board a hell of a lot more than it needs you. I don't care what anyone else here says, having someone continuously posting stupid sh*t does not improve the board in any way.

Actually, I cried just now. I really did. I was just changing my password and I saw these.

I can't even begin to tell you how sad that is. And I don't mean it in the emotional way.

My friends who were beside me were also very shocked. They were very angry at Qhimm.

Why would I care about that? You've continuously abused your membership of this board since you arrived. It's not like it's unwarranted.

Well, like what I said in many earlier posts, I've changed. As you have noticed, the most recent posts are not as stupid as the previous ones. Are the admins blind?

No you haven't. The only thing that's changed is that you don't claim to work at Square anymore.

Well, can't blame them. Many people in this world can't handle change. The reason why I posted spam was because I got bad test results, and so I did that. Now, I'm out of that. In previous years also, I was naive and I thought I know everything so I posted.

Oh my, that's enough manure to sustain a medium-sized farm for a whole year.

But now, I'm a diffrent person and I've thrashed my life at school(A couple of girls hate me because they thought that I kicked up their friends skirt on purpose which I accidently did) and home(my dad even threatened to leave the house when I pissed him off)
My dad forgave me and the girls, of course did not gave me even a tiny chance. I'm a real loser, right?

In here you are a loser, by your own hand. In real life I have no idea, because quite frankly I don't believe a word of what you're saying. It may or may not be true, but it doesn't excuse any behaviour in here. Does this board's title say "support group for personal problems"? I thought not.

Now, it seems that I've thrashed my life in this board too. Looks like I'm not sharing my account with anyone else and my friends will NOT be posting here anymore.


Nathan really works for Square, so he can't post here using his own account in case someone tells his boss. I share my account with another two, Larry and Wei-Xiang, meaning that there is 4 people using Joey. The other two, well, their dad(they are brothers) forbids them to use the messageboard because of the previous posts. So, they come to my house to post messages here. They saw what happened to my account as I phoned them and they said sorry and promised not to use my account.

As Jari said, just how stupid do you think we are? Or rather, is your perception of reality vastly different from ours? You should be happy I didn't ban your ass long ago.

Just now, Nathan and Elise was by my side when I burst into tears as I really didin't imagine that I was such a gigantic loser. This is most probally my last post, I've removed it from the favourites menu.

I have no objections.

I loved this board a lot and of course, it pains me a lot when I see the moron and the delete button on my posts. Well, I'll be blocking emails from everyone from this board next as I'm really broken-hearted and sad, reminding me of all of my failures. Joke? I don't think so.

Get a life. Preferably as far away from this board as possible.

Right now, this is most probally what everyone think:

YAHOO!!! That SOAB Joey is finally leaving this board!!!!! Let's uncork the champange and throw a party!!!!

If they can do this to me, that's most probally what is in their minds.

Well, not really. More like "there's something very wrong with that boy". But no, I won't be sorry to see you go.

Other posters, like Alhexx, Saint and Darkness also post almost the same content. But, why am I being treated like this?

Uh-huh. What was the name of that reality you lived in again? I take actions against those who've done enough to annoy me, and trolls annoy me. Which reminds me, Darkness has been collecting a lot of those points lately...

Maybe I'll use the computer less. Maybe if they remove all those nasty things that follow up with my posts, maybe I'll be back. Maybe....maybe.....

What did I tell you? You're hopelessly dependant on this board! You've left before and returned, why should this time be any different? For your own sake, find a purpose in your life before thinking about going back.

Mod? Admin? Yes, I confess that I'd like to be those last year or two. But no longer. I've learned my mistakes, I've seen myself, and decided that I'm a nobody, a jerk and a loser.

You do realize that mods & admins needs lots of qualities? So far, you lack every single one of them. For example, responsibility, honesty, sense of fair play, and most important, trust by the admin (me). You will never be moderator of this board.

Maybe, when I was young, I was ridiclued by my classmates and I did all kinds of stupid things to get their attention. Maybe, I'm doing it here too.

I'm glad you've noticed it yourself. The first step of cure is realizing the problem.

I was sucidal as no one would forgive for what I did. I need pysicatric treatment. But I didin't. Maybe you all might finally understand why am I like that. Elise and Nathan left about half an hour ago, as I'm OK. About 2 years ago, I lost my best friend. He suddenly hate me. I didin't know why because I always thought I was perfect.

I believe the process is 1) redeem yourself, 2) be forgiven. Not the other way around.

Why must this happen only to me? Why must I be the scapegoat for the other bad posters here? Why? I always get the blame for the things that I didin't do, why?

This might be a good time to point out that the bad posters get banned. You've been balancing on that line for quite some time, now. And face it, I've been way too nice in letting you stay this long.

Sometimes that I just wish that I was in somewhere else, where there are nicer people, rather that being imprisoned in this hell in disguise, in this filthy and diseased body, in this cruel world. I don't belong here.

Again, that's not our problem.

I thought that Qhimm was nice, but now I know that I was wrong.

Ask the others if they agree. I've always thought it was a bad idea to talk about yourself in that sense.

Lastly, I'd like to say sorry If I made anyone mad, especially to Qhimm for thrashing this message board. I've decided to die.

Why would you apologize to a horrible person like me? At least be consistent.

I won't post here anymore. Goodbye.

Eventually, or right after this post, someone will post something like "finally, that f***er is out forever, good!!!" or something like that.

Bye bye, we know you'll be back soon!

And if I'm wrong, I win anyway. I've run out of patience for Joey.


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« Reply #136 on: 2002-01-13 15:14:00 »
LOL :lol: Brilliant..
I'm just seriously puuzled that you can become so upset over a messageboard Joey, I mean Jesus! get a grip.
And Qhimm's correct, you as well as everyone else knows you'll be back.


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« Reply #137 on: 2002-01-13 15:18:00 »
im sorry to see you go joey. you are a large part of this board, and things will be different without you.

qhimm and others: i wouldve preferred it had you told my privately, but I'll take that as a warning. I've been making fewer and fewer posts by the day, and i think im reaching an equalibrium. But, as Jari says, I cannot see my flaws, and one relies on others for assistance correcting them. I cannot tell what I am doing wrong, nor will I ever, if you people do not point things out.  


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« Reply #138 on: 2002-01-13 19:37:00 »
um does this little section bother anyone else?

Lastly, I'd like to say sorry If I made anyone mad, especially to Qhimm for thrashing this message board. I've decided to die.


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« Reply #139 on: 2002-01-13 20:15:00 »
Thank God for Jari and Qhimm, I would have made a post like that but thought I might have been called heartless or something. But I agree with Jari, the entire post seemed to be seeking attention and trying to lay on the guilt trip.

Sephiroth 3D

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« Reply #140 on: 2002-01-13 21:43:00 »
Well... Now that it's not 3am, and I'm actually awake, I'll post my follow up to Joey's post.

First of all, a lot of what I said, I meant. We have to remember that Joey's a human being too, but he must also remember that as the other members of this board, we have limits to how much crap we can take.


On 2002-01-13 15:37, PurpleSmurf wrote:
um does this little section bother anyone else?

Lastly, I'd like to say sorry If I made anyone mad, especially to Qhimm for thrashing this message board. I've decided to die.

Yeah, I was a little concerned about that... But I figure that if Joey was to really kill himself, we'd see "Nathen", "Elise", or his two other friends come onto the board and say something like: "You f*cking sh|ts! Thanks to you, Joey killed himself! God Damn you f*cking ass-rapers!"

I personally think that Qhimm and Jari were a bit too harsh on Joey, although, they've also had to put up with him the longest, so I can see why they'd lash out at him like they did. I'm not condeming what they did, but I won't support it either.

Qhimm: Darkness HAS been getting better... He's not nearly as annoying was he was say, a month ago.

What do you guys think are my flaws? :-? I'd like to know...

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

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« Reply #141 on: 2002-01-13 22:10:00 »
yea and what are my flaws?
i'm not a "spammer" am i?


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« Reply #142 on: 2002-01-13 22:12:00 »
i doubt joey will actually kill himself. and if he does, it would be horrible. I mean, he is pretty nice on the board, and I bet hes a good guy in person.

seph> ummmmmm..........   :D

*Looks at purplesmurf's post count* < sarcasm> no, not at all < /sarcasm>
[edited] 249 2002-01-13 23:13


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« Reply #143 on: 2002-01-13 22:34:00 »
wow this is really off topic now

J*** H*******

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« Reply #144 on: 2002-01-13 22:39:00 »
Guys, are you sure that you want to get into this discussion about flaws?

Remember, it's a public forum, meaning that everyone can see it and _comment_ on it. I can think of couple of reasons why it could very quickly turn into a disaster.


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« Reply #145 on: 2002-01-13 22:39:00 »
cause this could be important


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« Reply #146 on: 2002-01-13 22:49:00 »
In *theory*, it's always good to find out what other people don't like about you, so you know better what to do when visiting the board in the future.

In *practice* you get a couple of response types:

1) People criticising a spammer/flamer (or somebody *they* think is spamming/flaming)
2) A spammer criticising other people for what they've said about him or her
3) Genuine advice about how to improve the level of comments

The problem is that (1) and (2) are faaaaaaaar more common by the nature of them. Look at the sort of people who get involved in them.

Personal discussions ("You post too much!", "Your posts are worthless!") tend to result in problems like that.

A more effective way of getting the message across without degenerating the whole discussion is to work some kind of "rules" for the board, either formal or informal. To a limited extent we already have this, in the form of Qhimm telling us the sort of things he won't accept on his boards.
We (that is, the mods and admins) *were* discussing making the rules more formal (ie. explicit and enforcable) recently, though nothing's yet come of it. We'll see.
The advantage to this is that it doesn't specifically single out users for criticism ... we tell you the rules, and *you* think about whether you're likely to be breaking them or not. Then, anybody who truly didn't realise they were causing problems gets the message without anyone publically flaming them.

Anyone who blatently ignores the rules ... well, then they deserve what they get.

(Whoa, long post!)

ANYWAY ... getting back to my original point (I had a point?!) what Jari said is quite true: good idea except that it's almost certainly *going* to develop into a flamewar.

Incidentally, I don't mean to imply that more fixed rules are the solution to every problem. They aren't. Just that in this circumstance, it *might* be useful, and it was something the mods were considering.


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« Reply #147 on: 2002-01-13 22:49:00 »
jari..... maybe if we told people our problems and realized that flames may have some merit, we could form a utopian message board.

edit: posted same time as fice :)
[edited] 249 2002-01-13 23:51

J*** H*******

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« Reply #148 on: 2002-01-13 23:07:00 »
Darkness & PurpleSmurf: Exactly what Fice said. The idea itself does have some undeniable merit, but in real world it's just way too likely to be more trouble than it's worth.

PS. Show me Utopian society that really exists and works and I promise to reconsider my views about discussing these things openly. :)


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« Reply #149 on: 2002-01-14 00:35:00 »
Umm... wow. That degenerated.

All I can say is that what I read of Joey in this thread alone started to rub me the wrong way.... I can't imagine the rest of your problems. A sort of that air of bravado? One who talks the talk w/out walking the walk? A similar air that an annoying little cousin gives? Hard to describe....

Anyway... In a long shot to pull back to topic.... All I have to say is that "Hello, Mr. Anonymous with the One Game Emu idea is me, now, with an account" and I still am going to rent a PS2 and play w/ that until the cost of buying one goes down to about the same price as buying a decent modern graphics card, IE, somewhere around $200 give or take $25-30. When that happens, yeah, I'll get one. But not before. And that may be within a year or so... if not, emus and stuff will come out, things will be made right, etc, etc. Patience, people, patience. Play the game now, however possible, and get it out of your system.

In all honesty, have you actually restarted a Final Fantasy game in the month or two following your first run-through? I haven't. And if you have, well... patience.


EDIT: Darn, forgot my sig. Oh well. Next time. For now, my name'll do...
[edited] 293 2002-01-14 01:38