Author Topic: Final Fantasy VII Remix - A compilation of FF7 Mods [1.0-2.5.1]  (Read 1304308 times)


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iv run ff7 from the start menu and i get the same graphics problem, i have music now but it dosnt really sound any different.

« Last Edit: 2010-02-21 06:31:01 by dolphingunblade »


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iv run ff7 from the start menu and i get the same graphics problem, i have music now but it dosnt really sound any different.
That's really interesing, I've never seen a problem like that before...
Try changing the resolution in the FF7 Config File (there should be a shortcut to it in your start menu), turning on "fancy_transparency", and turning off shaders. It's wierd that it's only the top part of the screen...
« Last Edit: 2010-02-21 17:09:17 by titeguy3 »


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i tryed the transparency earlier but it just made the whole screen go black the whole time.

ill try switching resolutions.

also it may be that I'm using and Intel intergrated and not a dedicated gpu so that may to screwing with it.


it seems to be working fine now but very slow. i had to turn off full screen, but i think ill try making it a lower resolution so it isnt so slow.
« Last Edit: 2010-02-21 07:26:54 by dolphingunblade »


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Hi there. I'm experiencing some game hangs after the air buster battle.
With recommended ogl settings it hangs after the fmv where cloud falls (ctrl+s does the same thing) with a black screen (ctrl+q is still reactive). With opposite ogl setting it hangs before the fmv when cloud is hanging the pipes before falling.


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Hi there. I'm experiencing some game hangs after the air buster battle.
With recommended ogl settings it hangs after the fmv where cloud falls (ctrl+s does the same thing) with a black screen (ctrl+q is still reactive). With opposite ogl setting it hangs before the fmv when cloud is hanging the pipes before falling.

Hello person-who's-name-sounds-an-awful-lot-like-a-penis-enhancement-drug! (sorry, I found that amusing and I just had to point that out) Well at that point in the game, there's supposed to be a pause with a blank screen, then some text is supposed to appear after a while. It could be that you're either not waiting long enough, or text where Cloud is conversing with his inner self isn't displaying on the screen properly. I remember this being an issue with the OpenGL driver at some point.

As a workaround, you can just try to spam the [OK] button to skip past the dialogue and see if the church scene eventually appears... that'll at least let you know that that's your problem.

If that works try tinkering with your OpenGL settings to fix the problem (try toggling fancy_transparency and shaders). If that doesn't work, then roll back your driver (swap out ff7_opengl.fgd for ff7_opengl.fgd.bak).

I'll see if I can remember what caused this last time I heard about it...


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Fancy transparency needs to be off to see cloud's inner monologue.


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Banging X did not work at that time. However randomly changing the ogl setting did (not sure which exact combination, but transparencies were off).

BTW. Did anyone notice that hardcore mode is somewhat unbalanced? The first boss was impossible to me without some cheating insertion, but from then on it was rather easier.


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Banging X did not work at that time. However randomly changing the ogl setting did (not sure which exact combination, but transparencies were off).

BTW. Did anyone notice that hardcore mode is somewhat unbalanced? The first boss was impossible to me without some cheating insertion, but from then on it was rather easier.

Haha, the first boss is easy, but you have to grind a little bit, since you start out at lv1 instead of lv7 like you should. With enough items, however, you can beat Guard Scorpion at lv1. Air buster's actually a little bit harder, but by that point you should have enough resources to beat him without grinding.
It isn't called "Hardcore" mode for nothing.  ;)


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First of all, thank you for the effort you all put to make this game better and better.  :D

Then, regarding this patch, I've got two problems that I'd like to ask about:
1) I'm Spanish (greetings from Spain!), so I'd like to play it again in my language. Is there a way of changing the language after applying the patch? That includes menu, battle, dialogues.. all of it.

2) The game looks superb after patching and everything works fine (postprocessing included), but I've noticed that, even with post processing and fancy transparencies on, the ground and background in battles isn't smooth, but pixelated (it improves a little bit with post processing, but pixels are clearly there). I remember having played this game with 3D settings that made pixels smooth, and I was wondering if there was a way to do so here again.

Looking forward to your reply!  ;D


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First of all, thank you for the effort you all put to make this game better and better.  :D

Then, regarding this patch, I've got two problems that I'd like to ask about:
1) I'm Spanish (greetings from Spain!), so I'd like to play it again in my language. Is there a way of changing the language after applying the patch? That includes menu, battle, dialogues.. all of it.

2) The game looks superb after patching and everything works fine (postprocessing included), but I've noticed that, even with post processing and fancy transparencies on, the ground and background in battles isn't smooth, but pixelated (it improves a little bit with post processing, but pixels are clearly there). I remember having played this game with 3D settings that made pixels smooth, and I was wondering if there was a way to do so here again.

Looking forward to your reply!  ;D
1) Hola, que tal! Replace data\kernel\Kernel.bin, data\kernel\Kernel2.bin, data\battle\Scene.bin, and data\field\flevel.lgp with the ones off your install CD (assuming your original game was in Spanish). Note that if the last game you played was in hardcore mode, these files will be prefaced with "n_" like "data\field\n_flevel.lgp". There's no (easy) way to translate the hardcore mode, so you'll have to deal with the game being in English in Hardcore mode.

2) When you played the game before, you probably played it at the native 640x480 resolution. When you put the resolution that low, the models aren't pixelated, but when you run it at a higher resolution, the updated components of the game look a ton better while the non updated parts stretch and look pixelated. Until the 3D backgrounds get redone, the post-processing is the best we can do.


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« Last Edit: 2010-02-22 13:20:09 by Sk-F »


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Strange, I cannot reply without having my message cut down! I've tried to give you some feedback about my situation but my message doesn't appear correctly written in the forum. ¿Why is that?
« Last Edit: 2010-02-22 13:23:28 by Sk-F »


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I'll post it again anyway: The thing about changing language to Spanish in the game didn't work so well: Now, dialogues and items are in Spanish, but the main menu (with settings, stats..) is still in English. How can I change it?
Also, in Spanish we have stressed vowels (that is, vowels with an accent above them), but it seems they're not supported by the current font that has been included in the patch: whenever one appears in a dialogue or item name it is omitted, leaving a strange empty space in the word that contained it. For that reason, is there a way to change the current font to another that supports vowels with accents?


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And, regarding the issue about pixelation, I believe you thought I was referring to the pseudo-3d backgrounds of the game (pre-rendered), but actually I was talking about the 3D environment of battles. Look at these examples:
1) Here you have how ground and backgrounds in battles used to look (I played like this both with standard resolution and with high resolution when the HR patch came out, so it's not a matter of resolution, as you mentioned in your reply):

2) And here you have how it looks now on my computer (I borrowed this image from dolphingunblade above, since it's similar to mine).

See how pixelated is the background? As I said, I don't think it's because of the higher resolution, since I played with HR before and it was smooth.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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And, regarding the issue about pixelation, I believe you thought I was referring to the pseudo-3d backgrounds of the game (pre-rendered), but actually I was talking about the 3D environment of battles. Look at these examples:
1) Here you have how ground and backgrounds in battles used to look (I played like this both with standard resolution and with high resolution when the HR patch came out, so it's not a matter of resolution, as you mentioned in your reply):

2) And here you have how it looks now on my computer (I borrowed this image from dolphingunblade above, since it's similar to mine).

See how pixelated is the background? As I said, I don't think it's because of the higher resolution, since I played with HR before and it was smooth.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

There's a "modify post" button that makes it so that you don't have to post three times in a row, not that I mind all too much.

apparently the forums don't support those characters either!

EDIT: SL1982 has corrected me, follow his guideline for getting the spanish fonts.

Secondly, I was aware that you were talking about the 3D environments in the battle sequence but, now that I think about it, the feature you want is called "Linear filtering" and yes, it makes the low-res textures look better, but it also causes the high res textures to lose their detail. You can turn it on in the OpenGL settings and it *should* have the effect that you're looking for.
« Last Edit: 2010-02-22 15:29:44 by titeguy3 »


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Download the avalanche installer and install the spanish fonts.


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 :( :( :(
Just got owned by the new bosses at shinra building after the midgar parts puzzle... 3 berserks straight and I watched my chars go down slowly.

Anyway this pack seems to be really nice.
Ogl plugin is not very friendly, but I guess it's better that previous options. Fancy_Transparency and Linear filtering need some fixing done.
It somehow lacks NPC hi-detail textures like cloud and barret (tifa looks so bad between them).
Ficedula is awsome as always.

But what really makes this a new experience is the hardcore mode. It actually makes you use some tactics instead of attack + cool magic + attack + cool magic. Oh... And some heavy grinding. I got 5 game overs in 3 hours of gameplay.


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Finally I discovered I had to write 3 times in a row because of the lack of support for international fonts in the forum (I wanted to exemplify some vowels with accents and apparently that was what caused so much trouble when posting). When I stopped writing examples everything went fine. I also tried to delete the previous posts but there wasn't a button for it.  ::)

Anyway, big thanks for your support! You were right, and linear filter was what I needed to get rid of those pixels in the battle backgrounds. As you said you lose some detail on higher quality textures but it's worth the change in my opinion.  :D
Also, titeguy3 I got the chance to read your post before you edited it to show agreement with sl1982; so I modified the file you suggested. It solved the problem with accents but still shows the main menu in English; therefore I'd like to try the Avalanche installer mentioned by sl1982. Does it have another purpose or was it mainly developed to change ingame fonts? And, could you provide a link for it? I don't want to download an older version and screw it up.  :-D


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There is a whole subforum dedicated to team avalanche's overhaul. Check it out, its at the bottom of the screen on the main page.


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Thanks sl1982, but as I said, I'm a litte confused. Is this what I have to download to change fonts? I'm on 1360x768.

High Res (works best with higher resolution gaming) Beta 9 (High Res)

It's in:

And this is an .exe, could you please tell me if there are instructions for it?


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It is an installer. Its all pretty self explanatory. Or you can just dowload these font sheets, and put them in the textures folder where the same named files are.


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Thank you once again sl1982. I've installed the Spanish fonts, but I believe I've found a problem with files USBHxx.PNG and USBLxx.PNG (where xx are all the numbers included in them).

The problem is nothing serious, but I'd like to tell you in case you could fix it (or at least tell me how I could fix it myself). It's related to the height of two capital letters with accents that are included in those files (A and E). More specifically, how their height including accents affect two other letters that are right above them in the chart: "l" and "n". Check these pictures taken from the chart, so that you can see it clearly:


As a result, every single time letters "l" or "n" appear on screen they include annoying dots below (which are, in fact, remains of the accents of the capital letters below them in the chart):

You see? So, is there a way to adjust those letters in the charts to avoid this?  :?
Sorry for all the trouble I'm causing you all.

« Last Edit: 2010-02-22 19:25:09 by Sk-F »


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Sk-F, the charts are just PNG files, so opening them with a decent editor like Photoshop or paint, and changing them should work fine. Try cutting a pixel off the top of the text, or moving the letters down a pixel, and see if that fixes the issue.

I'm sure SL1982 will address the issue in the next version of Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul, though.


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I will probably not get around to fixing them so i would do as titeguy suggested and try to fix them yourself. I don't really support any other languages at this time, those were just made as a favor for someone. Feel free to fix them and submit them to me for addition to the next release.


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Thanks to both. BTW just two more questions  :-D isn't there a way to get rid of the black part of the screen that's ALWAYS down there? I remember screenshots from Gamespot that didn't have it.
Like this one:

And, titeguy3 are you planning to release a similar patch for FFVIII? I miss playing that game too! I know your patch is made of many, but it's really easy to apply and many of us would be really thankful for that.
« Last Edit: 2010-02-23 23:18:29 by Sk-F »