Author Topic: Final Fantasy VII Remix - A compilation of FF7 Mods [1.0-2.5.1]  (Read 1252603 times)


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The games works fine un-modded and I haven't tried installing the v1.02 separately since it is included in the patch. I don't really know enough about this to be able to even identify what might be the problem. All I know is that I installed the patch and whenever I try to run the game it just goes to a black screen. Any help from anyone who knows what might be the problem would be greatly appreciated.

Silent Warrior

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Ok, then it's something this mod changes. Good (?). Look for a file called APP.LOG or CRASH.LOG (should be in the main FF7-directory) and post its contents.


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Well before I read your last response I had decided to try re-installing the game itself. I just downloaded the v1.02 patch and the driver separately. I'm not sure if this is the right file because it was just called APP but here are it's contents.

INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.8b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 320M/PCI/SSE2 3.2.0
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 640x480, output resolution 640x480, internal resolution 640x480
ERROR: failed to stat file C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\/shaders/main.vert
ERROR: failed to load shaders, reverting to fixed function
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r21874, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: No shaders, codecs with YUV output will be slow.
ERROR: could not open file C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\ff7input.cfg
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, mid=1, pid=102,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: ffffffff
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: E:\FF7\Movies\eidoslogo.avi; truemotion2/pcm_u8 320x240, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 10.133333, frames: 152
INFO: E:\FF7\Movies\sqlogo.avi; truemotion2/pcm_u8 320x224, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 14.533333, frames: 218
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
MIDI play: 95
reading midi file: PRE.mid
current volume: 127
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
MIDI set volume trans: 127->0; step=60
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
Exiting MAIN
ERROR: COULD NOT CHANGE TO DIRECTORY C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save
Field Quit
MIDI stop - OK
resetting MIDI driver volume - OK

Silent Warrior

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That looks like the right file - though next step might be to tell Explorer not to hide known file-extensions. *Swears enough to make Barret blink over the dumbing-down of operating systems of today*
I don't know how to progress from here, unfortunately. I think I saw a post where someone was having similar problems, though. See if you can find it and follow any suggestions posted there (search for that error-line about not being able to open ff7input.cfg).
Two more things you can do:
1. Look around for Aali's OpenGL-stuff. Somewhere there's a link to a different set of shaders in case of problems. Back up your current shaders, and try the other pack.
2. See if your ff7input.cfg is write-protected, or hidden, or whatever. If necessary, change the attributes so it can be written to.


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Going to start work on this guide tonight, and ill make a new thread for it when im finished.


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Going to start work on this guide tonight, and ill make a new thread for it when im finished.
Like a Walkthrough guide?

Anyway, I'm getting mixed names for Holy/Shield Materia. I picked up the Materia with "Holy" but the prompt on the screen said it was "Shield" Materia that I had picked up. Then, I looked at it in the menu and it was called "Holy" Materia with "Shield" as the spell name. Also note that earlier in the game I picked up the Barrier Materia and the last spell is called "Holy". I'm not sure if it's just a glitch in my computer or if it's another problem (I confess to not reading all the pages of this thread if it was brought up before).

I haven't gone out of my way to check the spell effects yet but I know the Holy Materia (with "Shield" for a spell name) wasn't usable on first level (like Ultima, as I'm sure was the intention).


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So, I did a fresh FF7 install, then put the addons in the exact order you mentioned, and... nothing. Avalanche installed okay. But Game sticks int he black screen. This time though, there's no APP file. At all.


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my new walkthrough guide to installing ff7 properly with mods, is at this link >>>

Let me know what you think :D peace


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Hey all,

I had to reinstall as I am moving all my games to a new drive. After I did a fresh install of FF7 and reran this install, I'm having all kinds of issues.

I've updated FF7RemixShortcuts and OpenGLconfig to the proper locations. Am I missing anything else?


Hoping to catch someone's attention that has already done this.



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Probably best just to follow my walkthrough, move your save file in your Save folder to somewhere safe.

Install FF7 onto the new drive, then move the save file back into the folder again, thats how i would do it.


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i install but the high avalanche patch dosent di anitihng in my openGL
and when i run the game apears  a message like
GL invalid operation 

wath means ?
« Last Edit: 2011-01-12 23:47:50 by maximaster »


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i got a little problem i got the game working just fine when i start the game, the intro comes just fine but when i press new game i cant see the video there is yellow text saying video laggin behind skipping frames, im running windows 7 and i used kylos walkthrough to do it so could any1 tell me what i need to change from the settings to make the videos runs normally otherways the game works fine :) EDIT: hm... it seems to be for all cut scenes even the small ones like cloud jumping on the train after mako reactor it says GITCH:viode feedback is laggin behind skipping frames, the screen stays black until the scene is over is there any fix for it? also is there anyway to make either scropios or icecold sephiroth patch to work with remix so it would still have high ress and not revert it back to the low ress
« Last Edit: 2011-01-14 02:13:09 by Lokisama »


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Sounds like something may be wrong with your graphics card, or your FF7 files.

Or it could be a simple error in the movies, try this:

-Go into your FF7 folder, and find the movies folder
-Inside there, look for a ff7movkeyC.reg file, double click it and allow the registry values to be added, this will simply reinstall those values like new again, maybe a registry cleaner had damaged them or something else, cant hurt to try though.

If that does not work, send a copy of your opengl settings, and put them into a code box.

Also try upgrading your graphics drivers, also you could possibly download gamebooster(totally free and easy to install), as it can find websites to upgrade your graphics, sound and other drivers to do with gaming.
« Last Edit: 2011-01-14 18:14:15 by Kylos »


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didnt work with the registry thing its weird sometimes the opening with aeris and train works but after that it starts laggin again
here is the opengl config let me know if something is wrong in there

Code: [Select]
# ff7_opengl config file

# use shaders, if available and supported
# turn shaders off to use the OpenGL 1.1 backend
use_shaders = yes
# mod_path = avalanche
# plugins
# a movie plugin is required, the music plugin is optional, but required to make FF7Music work
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp
#music_plugin = plugins/ff7music.fgp

# vertex and fragment shaders
vert_source = shaders/main.vert
frag_source = shaders/main.frag

# YUV fast path shader
yuv_source = shaders/yuv.frag

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/
enable_postprocessing = no

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = no

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = no

# set the window size (and fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution (whatever ff7.exe provides)
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 1600
window_size_y = 1200
preserve_aspect = yes
fullscreen = yes

# prevent glitches due to rounding errors by rendering in the nearest (larger, if supported)
# multiple of the original resolution and up/down-scaling
prevent_rounding_errors = yes

# check your driver settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = yes

# limit snowboard, coaster and highway minigames to refresh rate / 2, i.e. 30fps for a 60hz display mode
# vsync must be enabled and working for this to have any effect
minigame_framelimiter = on

# same thing, but for the battle swirl
battleswirl_framelimiter = on

# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes

# use a more stable (but less accurate) timer to control FF7's framelimiter
# this option has no effect unless the use_new_timer option is on
use_stable_timer = no

# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
linear_filter = off

# make all dialog boxes transparent, same effect as the transparent dialog boxes YAMP patch
transparent_dialogs = off

# expand battle viewport to cover entire screen and make the battle menu transparent
new_battle_interface = on

# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = off

# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = yes

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# this option requires you to have all your LGP archives unpacked in direct/, with one folder for each archive
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd instead
# this option should be used for testing only, performance will take a hit
direct_mode = off


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change use_stable_timer to yes, see if that does anything, everything else in there looks fine to me


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Probably best just to follow my walkthrough, move your save file in your Save folder to somewhere safe.

Install FF7 onto the new drive, then move the save file back into the folder again, thats how i would do it.

Hi Kylos, as we've already discussed, your walkthrough doesn't cover this topic.

Has anyone installed this with FF7 being installed in a nonstandard directory/drive?



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i reinstalled the whole remix pack and this time it worked but i still got few minor problems firstly i cant seem to get the ficedula music to play ingame i got no idea whats wrong it says to mute the midi manually but from where? and i still cant figure out how to get sephiroth patch to work with the high detail models i saw video in youtube here is the link as you can see the field sephiroth is high model and same goes for the battle right now only way for me to get the sephiroth switch to work is to replace the battle.lpg and the others with the original files from the normal final fantasy installation and then apply either scorpicus or icecold patch but that makes all of the models low ress like barret tifa and the others
« Last Edit: 2011-01-15 08:06:55 by Lokisama »


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Fancy_Transparency and Semi-Transparent Dialog boxes are two different things. if you want to return your dialog boxes to normal, an easy way to do this is to replace your ff7.exe file with the original 1.02 one. You can find a link to it on the qhimm wiki.
Keep in mind, though, that this *can* cause issues, although none come to mind atm.

i reinstalled the whole remix pack and this time it worked but i still got few minor problems firstly i cant seem to get the ficedula music to play ingame i got no idea whats wrong it says to mute the midi manually but from where? and i still cant figure out how to get sephiroth patch to work with the high detail models i saw video in youtube here is the link as you can see the field sephiroth is high model and same goes for the battle right now only way for me to get the sephiroth switch to work is to replace the battle.lpg and the others with the original files from the normal final fantasy installation and then apply either scorpicus or icecold patch but that makes all of the models low ress like barret tifa and the others
The midi should be muted automatically when you install the remix patch. Re-installing Aali's driver will undo this, however, and you'll have to re-mute it by deleting the "#" in the specified location in the OpenGL config file.
If you aren't hearing the music, 9 times out of 10 it's because you aren't using the shortcuts that are made by the installer. the shortcuts run ff7 along with ff7music. they both need to run simultaneously to get the music to work properly.

@whomever it was who had the issues with holy/Shield...
that sounds like an issue with kernel2.bin to me. This is the first I've heard of that happening. Try using my Wallmarket/Proud Clod patches. You can find them at the bottom of the first post.


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thx got the ficedula to work :)


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Heya just DL'd this and made it outta Midgar... and my worldmap is entirely black... can anyone help?


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I had this before, your mods aint installed properly.

Use my guide to install ff7 properly:


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hello titeguy,

You said in the first post :
" If you have ff7 in a language other than English, you're going to need to install one of my multi-language compatibility packs found right under the download link. Currently, Spanish, German, and French are supported, but I'm afraid that the AI/Kernel/Flevel mods are currently English only."

but i don't find the packs ..... am i blind????

 i have a non english version and  i have the same error message like this guy :  but my message is in french language :)

then a black screen when i launch the game.
can you help me??

« Last Edit: 2011-01-23 09:05:09 by Dansy »


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What are the requirements for this patch?

I get 15 fps when i run the game. And when it reaches the mais screen(for new game or continue) the fps is 1!
I can't even start the game!

When I installed FFVII it ran perfectly. But after this mod it's really slow.

My PC isn't THAT bad:

-Pentium 4 HT 3.00Ghz
-Radeon 9600 pro (Dx 8.1)
-2gb 400mhz RAM.

There is someone with similar specs that are running the game fine?

I can play CS:Source at 1440x900 at 30fps. But I am getting this game very very low fps even when I set the resolution to 320x240.

Edit: When I launch the game, appears a message saying that it failed to load shaders. After that in the bottom part of the game, appears a error saying that could not open ff7input.cfg

Ignore what I said.

The game actually runs fine...

BUT the initial Screen is still VERY VERY SLOW (1 fps). The video runs fine, but the "New Game/ Continue" lasts 1 minute or more to load and another minute to be able to recognize the pressing key. After that(the process to load a save, and the game itself) the speed is normal.
« Last Edit: 2011-01-24 21:14:25 by Onibaka »


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BUT the initial Screen is still VERY VERY SLOW (1 fps). The video runs fine, but the "New Game/ Continue" lasts 1 minute or more to load and another minute to be able to recognize the pressing key. After that(the process to load a save, and the game itself) the speed is normal.

Find \textures\WMRP\menu\buster_00.png and delete it


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ok everytime I start up the mod it quits on me this didn't happen before the mod so i no i must be doing something wrong. my os is windows 7 64 bit