I've never played this game, and to be honest, I don't really want to. But I do have a question about it, and it's one I think nobody will be able to answer.
So, Let me tell you all a pretty long story I don't think anyone will bother to read. Back about a year ago, Some guy added me on MSN. Clueless, I added him, and we talked about how he knew me for a few minutes. He said it was "some kingdom hearts website", which I assumed to be
here. Anyway, long story slightly shortened, turned out he hacked my MSN and he proceeded to change the passwords to all my accounts, this one included. Before I was logged out, and my passwords were all changed to impossible to guess, random letters, he said something along the lines of "Go and be a Hero". Then he proceeded to spam each of my contacts with insults, and forwarded multiple racist emails to all my contacts.
As you can probably tell, I wasn't too happy with this at all. How I regained my accounts was a miracle that not even I really understand. I obviously immediately apologised to all my contacts, and blocked and deleted the person in question and cut myself off from ever hearing from him again, but I never forgot his name.
So, the other day, I was reminded of this person, and decided to go and speak with him.
If you're still following this, Let's see if you can come to the same conclusion I did.
I posted this on your youtube page, but it seems to have been deleted twice. Anyway, here we are.
Hello there, M0rtanius. Remember me?
...No, can't recall? Well, here's a little hint;
I'm a Hero.
Just remembered you earlier, and thought I'd pop in to express my disgust towards you.
That is all.
Perhaps you'll ignore this, too. To be honest, I don't even want a reply. Just know that I haven't forgotten what you tried to do to me. You make me sick.
Oh yea, you're the msn guy! Whats up?
Well, at least it seems I'm the only one you did it to, thank f***.
Are you proud of what you did? Seriously, that was really, really harsh.
No problem!
Thank god you remember me, I was under the impression that the whole internet is a bunch of soulless apathetic robots. Anyway, whats up?
Wow, you are a complete dick, I hope for your sake you aren't this way to friends or family.
But yeah, I didn't decide to message you for a friendly chat. But if you really want to chat, perhaps we could discuss the reasons behind why you felt the need to do what you did to me?
Granted, my password at the time was laughable at best, but that doesn't make your actions right.
Yea, I'm like Sephiroth. I ruin people's lives for seemingly no reason.
Right, Cut there. Now examine
His youtube account for a few seconds, and then note my "Cloud Strife" alias, then see if you come to the same conclusion as me as to his real reasons behind this malicious attack. (Think Hermoor)
So my point is, and am I or am I not right in saying this, that
any amount of Obsession with the game Final Fantasy VI dislike for fanboys has a strong positive correlation to
Complete and utter Insanity? Personally, I don't even get what's wrong with being a fan of something.
At least, in my experience, I deem this to be the case. Is it just me, or am I right? I mean seriously. Completely insane, both of 'em. Yeah, It's only 2, but still...