It would make sense if his strength grew at a faster rate than that of anyone else in the party as he starts to heal and becomes able to realise his potential, but maybe the developers thought that having Cloud significantly stronger than everyone else would make the game unbalanced.
I don't see why that would be the can never take Cloud out of your party unless the story demands it.
Perhaps I worded it badly. Having Cloud significantly stronger than everyone else would make the rest of the party seem useless by comparison; it would feel as if Cloud were "carrying" the party. Actually, it might have actual repercussions on gameplay, since having one party member stronger than the others would call for a different strategy, and enemy attacks would have to be almost lethal to other party members in order to bother Cloud or have to be so weak as to hardly bother Cloud if they are to do reasonable damage to everyone else. I suppose that this might not break the game, but it probably wouldn't be what the developers wanted.
Speaking of which, I wonder if there's a way to undo the inability to swap Cloud out using [PHS]....
Moreover, I wonder what kinds of repercussions this would have on the gameplay...I can't think of any major problems except when Cloud has dialogue in the middle of a battle, which he doesn't except in the Guard Scorpion battle, at which point you don't even have the [PHS]...
I can see it causing more problems on the field screen than in battle; a lot of events depend on having Cloud in the party.
I was mainly more taking this anyway as a why would he be level 1 at the beginning of the game if he has had the combat experiences and what not (or at least thinks he has) not saying he has to be level 50 from the get go. However, were it not for the Mako poisoning and whatnot, I think he really should have been stronger than one "alive" on the planet....
Yeah, but he does have Mako poisoning, so isn't stronger than anyone else
Also, my reasons as to why it would be bad for one party member to be stronger than everyone else apply even more for the start of the game. If Cloud were, say, five levels higher than Barret and Tifa, they'd feel really useless when they joined the party. One of the interesting things about the start of the game is that the way you fight your battles really changes depending on how many people are in your party. If Cloud were much stronger, adding Barret to the party wouldn't make much of a difference to how you fight. Furthermore, since the enemies would be targeting Barret, Tifa and Aeris as much as Cloud, then either they'd be dying all the time or Cloud would barely get touched because, as I said, enemy attacks would have a much bigger effect on the weaker party members than on Cloud.