Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Shop Editor - White Chocobo (v0.7b)  (Read 92133 times)


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #75 on: 2010-04-01 18:29:43 »
did my kernel2.bin reading code help at all?

Colonel Ramsay

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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #76 on: 2010-04-01 18:33:17 »
Very nice indeed :) and I have only just spotted this!


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #77 on: 2010-04-01 18:49:33 »
did my kernel2.bin reading code help at all?
Yes I've got the conversion from FFText to ASCII, and the handling of the F9 operator down, however I still need to implement LZS decryption before I can make things work properly. I think I'll do it the legit way and implement a Circular linked list to make things more elegant...


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #78 on: 2010-04-01 21:13:44 »
did my kernel2.bin reading code help at all?
Yes I've got the conversion from FFText to ASCII, and the handling of the F9 operator down, however I still need to implement LZS decryption before I can make things work properly. I think I'll do it the legit way and implement a Circular linked list to make things more elegant...

That definitely works better in C and variants. There are no pointers in BASIC (at least, not simple pointers) so linked lists are very difficult to make.


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #79 on: 2010-04-09 00:27:57 »
  • Added PSX SHOPMENU.MNU support! (WhiteChoco no longer prompts you for ff7.exe at startup)
Why was I not informed of this sooner!?


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #80 on: 2010-04-17 20:11:31 »
Be possible that you did it compatible with the PSX version of FF7 PAL Spanish? I can spend the file SHOPMEN.MNU this version if you want hehe


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #81 on: 2010-06-02 23:41:34 »
Yo, you reckon you can make a translation tool for the ff7.exe (not sure if I asked this before)?  For the other text that is in there?  Not for me....but just as a retranslation tool.  The exe is one of the only things which is missing, and there are  a lot of text in there.

Just a thought.  This is a good tool btw.

Limit manual dialogue
Battle arena menu
All other menu's

Some of the stuff in there...

I edited with a hex editor.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-02 23:44:06 by seif »


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #82 on: 2010-06-03 00:36:20 »
Yo, you reckon you can make a translation tool for the ff7.exe (not sure if I asked this before)?  For the other text that is in there?  Not for me....but just as a retranslation tool.  The exe is one of the only things which is missing, and there are  a lot of text in there.

Just a thought.  This is a good tool btw.

Limit manual dialogue
Battle arena menu
All other menu's

Some of the stuff in there...

I edited with a hex editor.

This is purely academic at this point but is the world map dialog (cid's dialog, cloud's buggy lines) in the exe ?

That's the only text missing from my full script of the game for FF7Voice.


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #83 on: 2010-06-03 01:54:37 »
See my retranslation thread in general.  It is in "mes" a file inside World_us.lgp, and inside that are also the world map place names.  They all have pointers at the start, so you will need to change those too.

Here is the dialogue I extracted (if you use it, then just give me a little credit as DLPB for getting it for you.  The bottom line is our retranslation):

World Map Dialogue

I decoded these from the game files. Special thanks to JYT, who placed the Japanese with the English for me and checked through them.

Cloud: “We're moving!?”
Cloud: 「な、流される!?」
Cloud: “W...We're being swept away!?"

Cloud: “This is bad!”
Cloud: 「まずい!」
Cloud: “This is bad!”

Cloud: “Hoo boy…There's no way we can walk across now.”
Cloud: 「やれやれ…これじゃ歩いて渡れないな」
Cloud: “Hoo boy…There's no way we can walk across now.”

Cloud: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Isn't there a more powerful vehicle?”
Cloud: 「ここはチョコボでも渡れないか… もっとパワーのある乗り物なら…?」
Cloud: “Even a Chocobo might not make it…Maybe if I had a more powerful vehicle…?”

Tifa: “Huh? What!?”
Tifa: 「え?えぇ!?」
Tifa: “Huh? Huuuh!?”

Tifa: “W, wait a minute!”
Tifa: 「ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ!」
Tifa: “W, wait a minute!”

Tifa: “Whew…The sand flows almost like a river…I guess we can't get in.”
Tifa: 「ふう…砂がまるで{X}のようね… これじゃ、ここには入れないわね」
Tifa: “Oh…The sand's like a river…We're not getting in like this.”

Tifa: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Let's not go in this way.”
Tifa: 「チョコボでもここを渡るのはムリよね… 入らないようにしよっと」
Tifa: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Better not go in this way.”

Cid: “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”
Cid: 「おいおいおいおい!」
Cid: “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

Cid: “Damn…This's a problem!”
Cid: 「ヤバイじゃねえかこりゃあ!」
Cid: “Damn…This is NOT good!”

Cid: “You gotta be kidding.”
Cid: 「ジョウダンじゃねえ、まったくぉ」
Cid: “You have gotta to be kidding!”

Cid: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across.”
Cid: 「チョコボでも渡れねえな、これじゃ」
Cid: “Even a Chocobo couldn't cross this.”


“Wark! Waaaark!!”
“Kweh! Kweeeh!!”


Cloud: “Oh man…a breakdown? Now?”
Cloud: 「やれやれ…こんな時に故障か?」
Cloud: “Oh man…a breakdown? Now?”

Tifa: “Hey…Why did it quit!?”
Tifa: 「どうして動かなくなっちゃうのよ!」
Tifa: “Heeey…Why did it stop!?”

Cid: “What energy! Damn! You think I'm just gonna give up!?”
Cid: 「ちくしょう、なんてエネルギーだ! クソッ!あきらめてたまるかってんだ!」
Cid: “Son of a b*tch! What energy! You think I'm just gonna give up!?”

Cloud: “…I got the feeling I'm forgetting something…”
Cloud: 「…何か忘れているような気がするな…」
Cloud: “…I feel like I'm forgetting something…”

Cloud: “Hey, would you stay there just a minute?”
Cloud: 「おい、少しの間でいいから そこにいてくれよ!」
Cloud: “Hey, could you just stay there a minute?”

Tifa: “…Let's see…where was I going…?”
Tifa: 「…うーん…どこに行くんだっけ…」
Tifa: “…Let's see…where was I going…?”

Tifa: “Please, Chocobo, would you wait just a minute?”
Tifa: 「おねがい、チョコボちゃん ちょっとだけそこで待っててね」
Tifa: “Please, Chocobo, would you wait just there?”

Cloud: “…Snow…as far as you can see…Better watch where I walk.”
Cloud: 「…見渡す限りの大雪原か… これはヘタに歩けないな」
Cloud: “…Snowfields as far as the eye can see…Better watch where I walk.”

Cloud: “Now for the Chocobo…”
Cloud: 「さて、チョコボを…」
Cloud: “Now for the Chocobo…”

Send it back to the stables
Send it back to the stables

Turn it loose
Turn it loose

Cloud: “Watch out.”
Cloud: 「無事についてくれよ」
Cloud: “Get home safely.”

Tifa: “Let's see…should I:”
Tifa: 「えーと、チョコボを…」
Tifa: “Let's see, should I…”

Send the Chocobo back to the stables
Send the Chocobo back to the stables

Turn it loose
Turn it loose

Tifa: “Bye. Take care.”
Tifa: 「じゃ、気をつけてね」
Tifa: “Well then, take care.”

Cid: “Ok, Chocobo, I'm gonna…”
Cid: 「さあて、チョコボを…」
Cid: “Ok, Chocobo, I'm gonna…”

Send ya back to the stables
Send ya back to the stables

Turn ya loose
Turn ya loose

Cid: “Take care, kid.”
Cid: 「ま、がんばって行きな」
Cid: “Right, off with ya!”

Cloud: “…First, I gotta do something about her.”
Cloud: 「…まずアイツを何とかしなけりゃな」
Cloud: “…First, I gotta do something about HER.”

Tifa: “I can't just leave it there…”
Tifa: 「このまま放っておくわけには いかないわよね…」
Tifa: “I can't just leave like this…”

Cid: “Damn kid! I'll get her no matter what!”
Cid: 「…あのくそガキをつかまえんことには 』の虫がおさまらねえ!!」
Cid: “I'm not lettin' that damn brat get away!"

Cloud: “…I'll place a landmark, and start walking. (Place a landmark by pushing OK button)”
Cloud: 「…目印をつけながら、歩くとしよう」 (で目印をつけることができます)
Cloud: “…I'll place a landmark, and start walking. (Place a landmark by pushing OK button)”

Saving on the World Map
Saving on the World Map

On the World Map, access the menu anytime and select
ワールドマップでは、いつでも メニューを開いて{K}「セーブ」{K}を選ぶと
On the World Map, access the menu anytime and select

SAVE to save your game.
SAVE to save your game.

Cid: “Wh, what the hell was that!? That came buzzin' past here like a powerhouse!”
Cid: 「な、なんだ今のは!? スゲェ勢いではじかれたぜ!」
Cid: “Wh, what the HELL was that!? It came buzzin' past like a power station!”

Cloud: “…………?”
Cloud: 「………?」
Cloud: 「………?」

Cloud: “Wh, what the…!?”
Cloud: 「な、なんだ!?」
Cloud: “Wh, what the…!?”

How to drive the buggy
How to drive the buggy

Press the OK button to get on.
【決定ボタン】 ずる
Press the OK button to get on.

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Buggy's can cross shallow rivers and deserts.
バギーは、{K}{X}のあさい部分{K}や{K}サバク{K}を 移動することができます。
Buggy's can cross shallow rivers and deserts.

You can even enter Costa del Sol and Junon by buggy, by hitching a ride on the 'Cargo Ship'.
コスタ・デル・ソルやジュノンには バギーに乗ったまま入ることができ、 『運搬船』で運ぶことができます。
You can even enter Costa del Sol and Junon in buggy, by taking a ride on the 'Cargo Ship'.

How to fly the Tiny Bronco
How to fly the Tiny Bronco

Press the OK button to get on.
【決定ボタン】 乗る
Press the OK button to get on.

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Tiny Bronco can cross shallow waters and rivers.Players can get on and off it on the beach.
タイニー・ブロンコは、{K}あさせ{K}や{K}{X}{K}を 移動することができます。 {K}海岸{K}でプレイヤーの乗り降りができます。
The Tiny Bronco can cross shallow waters and rivers. You can get on and off it at beaches.

How to ride a Chocobo
How to ride a Chocobo

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Chocobos will escape whenever a player dismounts.
Chocobos will run off when a player dismounts.

Cid: “Hey, HEY! What're ya tryin'to do? Break the Highwind? Let's fight on the ground!”
Cid: 「お、おい!ハイウインドを壊す気か? 地上で迎え撃とうぜ!!」
Cid: “H, HEY! What're ya tryin'to do? Break the Highwind? We'll fight on the ground!!”

How to drive a Submarine
How to drive the Submarine

Press the OK button to get on/ move forward.
【決定ボタン】 乗る/前進
Press the OK button to get on/ move forward.

Press the CANCEL button to get off/ submerge
& float.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる/潜行&浮上
Press the CANCEL button to get off/ submerge
& float.

Players can get on and off in bays like this one.
You can get on and off in bays like this one.

Menu Dialogue

It isn't me.
This isn't mine!

Not quite ready yet.
Looks like it won't work for now.

This should be okay.
I think this should work.

Got nuthin' to do with me!
なんだこりゃ? 関係ねぇぜ!
What the hell is this? Nothin' to do with me!

D-d-d-damn! My head hurts!
Owwwww! My head hurts!

Heh! No sweat!
Heh! No sweat!

Not me! Give it to someone else!
Ha! You think this is for me? Give it to someone else!

Hmph. Don't quite get it but...
Hmph. I don't get it...

Hey I like this! Lemme use it!
おぅ、気に入った! 使わせてもらうぜ!
Hey I like it! I'll be taking this!

Don't really care.
I'm not interested.

I'm not sure but...
I don't really get it.

OK! I've got it!
そうか! わかったぞ。
Right! Got it.

It has nothing to do with me.
This has nothing to do with me.

I don't get it.
I don't get it!

Right, I've got it!
I've got it!

I've got the wrong person.
Hmm, this is for someone else.

I'm not too sure but...
I can't quite understand......

Hmm, so that's it.
Ahh, so that's how it is.

It has nothing to do with me.
This has nothing to do with me.

I'm still not ready.
It seems as though I am not ready.

I'm getting less human...
With this, I become still less of a human……

Oh wow, I'm totally clueless!
What's this crap!? I don't need it!

Nope! I don't get it!
う、う~ん! わけわかんないよぉ!
U, um! I don't get this AT ALL!

Cool! This should do it!
ラッキー! これでバッチリ!
Cooool! This is perfect!

Cait Sith
It has nothing to do with me.
It is not for me. < spoken with polite scottish accent.

« Last Edit: 2010-06-03 02:00:32 by seif »


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #84 on: 2010-06-03 10:35:08 »
See my retranslation thread in general.  It is in "mes" a file inside World_us.lgp, and inside that are also the world map place names.  They all have pointers at the start, so you will need to change those too.

Here is the dialogue I extracted (if you use it, then just give me a little credit as DLPB for getting it for you.  The bottom line is our retranslation):

World Map Dialogue

I decoded these from the game files. Special thanks to JYT, who placed the Japanese with the English for me and checked through them.

Cloud: “We're moving!?”
Cloud: 「な、流される!?」
Cloud: “W...We're being swept away!?"

Cloud: “This is bad!”
Cloud: 「まずい!」
Cloud: “This is bad!”

Cloud: “Hoo boy…There's no way we can walk across now.”
Cloud: 「やれやれ…これじゃ歩いて渡れないな」
Cloud: “Hoo boy…There's no way we can walk across now.”

Cloud: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Isn't there a more powerful vehicle?”
Cloud: 「ここはチョコボでも渡れないか… もっとパワーのある乗り物なら…?」
Cloud: “Even a Chocobo might not make it…Maybe if I had a more powerful vehicle…?”

Tifa: “Huh? What!?”
Tifa: 「え?えぇ!?」
Tifa: “Huh? Huuuh!?”

Tifa: “W, wait a minute!”
Tifa: 「ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ!」
Tifa: “W, wait a minute!”

Tifa: “Whew…The sand flows almost like a river…I guess we can't get in.”
Tifa: 「ふう…砂がまるで{X}のようね… これじゃ、ここには入れないわね」
Tifa: “Oh…The sand's like a river…We're not getting in like this.”

Tifa: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Let's not go in this way.”
Tifa: 「チョコボでもここを渡るのはムリよね… 入らないようにしよっと」
Tifa: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across…Better not go in this way.”

Cid: “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”
Cid: 「おいおいおいおい!」
Cid: “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

Cid: “Damn…This's a problem!”
Cid: 「ヤバイじゃねえかこりゃあ!」
Cid: “Damn…This is NOT good!”

Cid: “You gotta be kidding.”
Cid: 「ジョウダンじゃねえ、まったくぉ」
Cid: “You have gotta to be kidding!”

Cid: “Not even a Chocobo could make it across.”
Cid: 「チョコボでも渡れねえな、これじゃ」
Cid: “Even a Chocobo couldn't cross this.”


“Wark! Waaaark!!”
“Kweh! Kweeeh!!”


Cloud: “Oh man…a breakdown? Now?”
Cloud: 「やれやれ…こんな時に故障か?」
Cloud: “Oh man…a breakdown? Now?”

Tifa: “Hey…Why did it quit!?”
Tifa: 「どうして動かなくなっちゃうのよ!」
Tifa: “Heeey…Why did it stop!?”

Cid: “What energy! Damn! You think I'm just gonna give up!?”
Cid: 「ちくしょう、なんてエネルギーだ! クソッ!あきらめてたまるかってんだ!」
Cid: “Son of a b*tch! What energy! You think I'm just gonna give up!?”

Cloud: “…I got the feeling I'm forgetting something…”
Cloud: 「…何か忘れているような気がするな…」
Cloud: “…I feel like I'm forgetting something…”

Cloud: “Hey, would you stay there just a minute?”
Cloud: 「おい、少しの間でいいから そこにいてくれよ!」
Cloud: “Hey, could you just stay there a minute?”

Tifa: “…Let's see…where was I going…?”
Tifa: 「…うーん…どこに行くんだっけ…」
Tifa: “…Let's see…where was I going…?”

Tifa: “Please, Chocobo, would you wait just a minute?”
Tifa: 「おねがい、チョコボちゃん ちょっとだけそこで待っててね」
Tifa: “Please, Chocobo, would you wait just there?”

Cloud: “…Snow…as far as you can see…Better watch where I walk.”
Cloud: 「…見渡す限りの大雪原か… これはヘタに歩けないな」
Cloud: “…Snowfields as far as the eye can see…Better watch where I walk.”

Cloud: “Now for the Chocobo…”
Cloud: 「さて、チョコボを…」
Cloud: “Now for the Chocobo…”

Send it back to the stables
Send it back to the stables

Turn it loose
Turn it loose

Cloud: “Watch out.”
Cloud: 「無事についてくれよ」
Cloud: “Get home safely.”

Tifa: “Let's see…should I:”
Tifa: 「えーと、チョコボを…」
Tifa: “Let's see, should I…”

Send the Chocobo back to the stables
Send the Chocobo back to the stables

Turn it loose
Turn it loose

Tifa: “Bye. Take care.”
Tifa: 「じゃ、気をつけてね」
Tifa: “Well then, take care.”

Cid: “Ok, Chocobo, I'm gonna…”
Cid: 「さあて、チョコボを…」
Cid: “Ok, Chocobo, I'm gonna…”

Send ya back to the stables
Send ya back to the stables

Turn ya loose
Turn ya loose

Cid: “Take care, kid.”
Cid: 「ま、がんばって行きな」
Cid: “Right, off with ya!”

Cloud: “…First, I gotta do something about her.”
Cloud: 「…まずアイツを何とかしなけりゃな」
Cloud: “…First, I gotta do something about HER.”

Tifa: “I can't just leave it there…”
Tifa: 「このまま放っておくわけには いかないわよね…」
Tifa: “I can't just leave like this…”

Cid: “Damn kid! I'll get her no matter what!”
Cid: 「…あのくそガキをつかまえんことには 』の虫がおさまらねえ!!」
Cid: “I'm not lettin' that damn brat get away!"

Cloud: “…I'll place a landmark, and start walking. (Place a landmark by pushing OK button)”
Cloud: 「…目印をつけながら、歩くとしよう」 (で目印をつけることができます)
Cloud: “…I'll place a landmark, and start walking. (Place a landmark by pushing OK button)”

Saving on the World Map
Saving on the World Map

On the World Map, access the menu anytime and select
ワールドマップでは、いつでも メニューを開いて{K}「セーブ」{K}を選ぶと
On the World Map, access the menu anytime and select

SAVE to save your game.
SAVE to save your game.

Cid: “Wh, what the hell was that!? That came buzzin' past here like a powerhouse!”
Cid: 「な、なんだ今のは!? スゲェ勢いではじかれたぜ!」
Cid: “Wh, what the HELL was that!? It came buzzin' past like a power station!”

Cloud: “…………?”
Cloud: 「………?」
Cloud: 「………?」

Cloud: “Wh, what the…!?”
Cloud: 「な、なんだ!?」
Cloud: “Wh, what the…!?”

How to drive the buggy
How to drive the buggy

Press the OK button to get on.
【決定ボタン】 ずる
Press the OK button to get on.

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Buggy's can cross shallow rivers and deserts.
バギーは、{K}{X}のあさい部分{K}や{K}サバク{K}を 移動することができます。
Buggy's can cross shallow rivers and deserts.

You can even enter Costa del Sol and Junon by buggy, by hitching a ride on the 'Cargo Ship'.
コスタ・デル・ソルやジュノンには バギーに乗ったまま入ることができ、 『運搬船』で運ぶことができます。
You can even enter Costa del Sol and Junon in buggy, by taking a ride on the 'Cargo Ship'.

How to fly the Tiny Bronco
How to fly the Tiny Bronco

Press the OK button to get on.
【決定ボタン】 乗る
Press the OK button to get on.

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Tiny Bronco can cross shallow waters and rivers.Players can get on and off it on the beach.
タイニー・ブロンコは、{K}あさせ{K}や{K}{X}{K}を 移動することができます。 {K}海岸{K}でプレイヤーの乗り降りができます。
The Tiny Bronco can cross shallow waters and rivers. You can get on and off it at beaches.

How to ride a Chocobo
How to ride a Chocobo

Press the CANCEL button to get off.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる
Press the CANCEL button to get off.

Chocobos will escape whenever a player dismounts.
Chocobos will run off when a player dismounts.

Cid: “Hey, HEY! What're ya tryin'to do? Break the Highwind? Let's fight on the ground!”
Cid: 「お、おい!ハイウインドを壊す気か? 地上で迎え撃とうぜ!!」
Cid: “H, HEY! What're ya tryin'to do? Break the Highwind? We'll fight on the ground!!”

How to drive a Submarine
How to drive the Submarine

Press the OK button to get on/ move forward.
【決定ボタン】 乗る/前進
Press the OK button to get on/ move forward.

Press the CANCEL button to get off/ submerge
& float.
【キャンセルボタン】 降りる/潜行&浮上
Press the CANCEL button to get off/ submerge
& float.

Players can get on and off in bays like this one.
You can get on and off in bays like this one.

Menu Dialogue

It isn't me.
This isn't mine!

Not quite ready yet.
Looks like it won't work for now.

This should be okay.
I think this should work.

Got nuthin' to do with me!
なんだこりゃ? 関係ねぇぜ!
What the hell is this? Nothin' to do with me!

D-d-d-damn! My head hurts!
Owwwww! My head hurts!

Heh! No sweat!
Heh! No sweat!

Not me! Give it to someone else!
Ha! You think this is for me? Give it to someone else!

Hmph. Don't quite get it but...
Hmph. I don't get it...

Hey I like this! Lemme use it!
おぅ、気に入った! 使わせてもらうぜ!
Hey I like it! I'll be taking this!

Don't really care.
I'm not interested.

I'm not sure but...
I don't really get it.

OK! I've got it!
そうか! わかったぞ。
Right! Got it.

It has nothing to do with me.
This has nothing to do with me.

I don't get it.
I don't get it!

Right, I've got it!
I've got it!

I've got the wrong person.
Hmm, this is for someone else.

I'm not too sure but...
I can't quite understand......

Hmm, so that's it.
Ahh, so that's how it is.

It has nothing to do with me.
This has nothing to do with me.

I'm still not ready.
It seems as though I am not ready.

I'm getting less human...
With this, I become still less of a human……

Oh wow, I'm totally clueless!
What's this crap!? I don't need it!

Nope! I don't get it!
う、う~ん! わけわかんないよぉ!
U, um! I don't get this AT ALL!

Cool! This should do it!
ラッキー! これでバッチリ!
Cooool! This is perfect!

Cait Sith
It has nothing to do with me.
It is not for me. < spoken with polite scottish accent.

I haven't tried it yet but can Makou Reactor change the text in the world map??


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #85 on: 2010-06-03 10:41:42 »
no, simce those changes occur in a completely different file, one which I have already edited.


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #86 on: 2010-06-03 10:46:37 »
How did you edit the mes file in the world_us.lgp then?? Hex editing??


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #87 on: 2010-06-03 11:37:48 »
yes, a tedious process.  It took most time to get the pointers back correct.  All manually....


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #88 on: 2010-06-04 01:14:39 »
yes, a tedious process.  It took most time to get the pointers back correct.  All manually....


Do you still have a list of the pointers and to what text they refer to ?  It'd make the process of putting together that part of the program much easier.


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #89 on: 2010-06-04 01:18:28 »
No, sadly, but it is a very small and simple wouldn't take very long at all for someone to create a program for it.  I may start looking into programming hex values in delphi...


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[v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #90 on: 2010-06-04 01:21:25 »
don't worry about it then.

we'll cross that birdge when we get to it.

i wouldn't want someone to invest time in the project with the state its in now (aka not moving forward).


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #91 on: 2010-11-16 21:10:29 »
I'm in the process of modifying all the shops throughout the game, so I'll be sure to send you my whitechoco.cfg when I'm done ;)

By the way, I have a little request, if I may. There is currently no way of extracting the changes I make inside White Choco, to easily patch a new ff7.exe with my changes. Same thing if I want to turn my mod into a psx-compatible one : I'd have to open shopmenu.mnu, and select the right articles for each shop again, and re-enter the new prices for all items. Needless to say, this is a huge pain (that I had to go through yesterday when I made the patch for my demo, since I had to create a patch from a clean ff7.exe, without the battle menu reconstruction mod etc).

Could an option (that would work the same as "save names", for example) be added, that would save the prices and the shop data in a separate file ? That would help a bunch in duplicating the data from one exe / mnu to another ^^
Whatever the response, I thank and congratulate you for such an awesome tool, anyway :D


You can download here a whitechoco.cfg referencing all shops if you like.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-17 17:29:22 by Armorvil »


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titeguy3's White Choco isn't working [WORKAROUND FOUND]
« Reply #92 on: 2011-01-30 15:46:45 »
For a little mod I am doing, I would like to edit shops, but White Choco doesn't want to open any file. In fact, when I select "Open", White Choco shut itself down and a new file was created, WhiteChoco.exe.stackdump. Openend it with notepad and here's what I saw :

eax=00000001 ebx=006F29A0 ecx=00000004 edx=00000000 esi=00746580 edi=00180C3C
ebp=0028B7B8 esp=0028B788 program=D:\Émanuel\Final Fantasy\WhiteChoco.exe, pid 9740, thread main
cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0028B7B8  75E6F7CC  (000004E4, 00000000, 00180C3C, 00000001)
0028B7F0  7585AFC9  (00000000, 00180C3C, 00746580, 00000004)
0028B808  7585AF5C  (00180C3C, 00746580, 00000004, A17C667D)
0028C8E4  7602B06B  (0028C91C, 7602AAAF, 0028C984, 00402182)
0028C8F4  7602B41C  (0028C91C, 7608A45A, 00000000, 00000001)
0028C984  00402182  (00180C3C, 00000001, 00000005, 00030000)
0028C9C4  00403ED4  (00180C3C, 00000111, 0000232F, 00000000)
0028C9F0  76086238  (00403860, 00180C3C, 00000111, 0000232F)
0028CA68  760868EA  (00000000, 00403860, 00180C3C, 00000111)
0028CAC8  76087D31  (00403860, 00000001, 0028CBE8, 00404A7E)
0028CAD8  76088112  (0028CB70, 00000000, 00000001, 00000000)
0028CBE8  00404A7E  (00400000, 00000000, 006F2511, 00000001)
0028CC78  00404E3F  (00000001, 00FE01A8, 00FE0090, 60030000)
0028CD68  61006198  (00000000, 0028CDA0, 61005510, 0028CDA0)
61005510  61004416  (0000009C, A02404C7, E8611001, FFFFFF48)
 279436 [main] WhiteChoco 9740 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
 282018 [main] WhiteChoco 9740 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)

Any ideas?

EDIT : Found a workaround that works *sometimes* :

- You can try loading constantly and it would work, but boring.

- Open White Choco, then click File > Save Changes, go in Prices and go see some things like some items; now try to open a file, it should work. Anyways this worked for me.

Edit: I'm merging this into the general WhiteChoco thread. - Bosola
« Last Edit: 2011-07-16 14:13:29 by Bosola »

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Re: titeguy3's White Choco isn't working [WORKAROUND FOUND]
« Reply #93 on: 2011-07-08 03:02:58 »
I'm having this exact problem. Has anyone figured out a permanent fix for this yet? Right now I can't get the editor to load up my file at all.

Immortal Damyn

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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #94 on: 2011-07-22 05:34:30 »
So... I read somewhere there's a workaround for this for Win7 Machines, but I can't make it work, and I can't find any other solution. This Would be a nice program to run, but my Win7 Ultimate won't run it :(. Anyone got any ideas?


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #95 on: 2012-01-17 20:27:46 »
hmmm, Whitechoco doesn't seem to pick up on the new items and materia etc. that is created in a mod like LostWings. Is this because the kernel2 compatibility or whatever hasn't been integrated?


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #96 on: 2012-01-18 07:46:03 »
hmmm, Whitechoco doesn't seem to pick up on the new items and materia etc. that is created in a mod like LostWings. Is this because the kernel2 compatibility or whatever hasn't been integrated?

Seeing that his last update imdicates he's still struggling with LZS I'd have to say it never got implemented. Since he also wants comparability with PSX he'd have to add KERNEL.BIN support as well for PSX names and such.

Come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I saw titeguy...


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #97 on: 2012-01-18 14:58:58 »
Ah gotchaa. Well that's a shame because he made a really interesting tool here!


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #98 on: 2013-03-27 10:48:54 »
Is it possible to make this program for the PSX PAL English version? or advise me, how it can be done?
« Last Edit: 2014-05-10 09:33:21 by Raziel80 »


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Re: [Release v0.7b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« Reply #99 on: 2013-06-06 16:44:12 »
 the download link its broken  :-(. Can someone put the shop editor for download? thx
« Last Edit: 2013-06-06 16:46:19 by kukuta »