Author Topic: About Herbie and the forum truncating posts if they contain extended characters  (Read 3544 times)


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Extended characters should now work. If they do not, notify me.

Herbie is banned from posting - but not from reading - for now. Reasons being that his "arguments" (failguments?) were starting to get so repetitive and his reasoning so circular (as if it had ever been anything but) that the LULZ to noise ratio was dropping too low.

We can of course unban him for LULZ, if and when enough people want it. ;)

On that note; last night probably broke a record or two; never before have I seen two threads getting a new post every two minutes, or so much EPIC LULZ. ;D Also, the forum handled the never before seen loads of 15 to 20 users - many of them actively posting - and 20 to 50 guests - most of those Baidu's spiders; indexing the EPIC for the LULZ of Chinese - quite well. :)

I certainly had fun watching it, and chatting on IRC. We practically had our own play-by-play going on in there, and much LULZ were had. :-D

HUEG thanks to everyone for the LULZ and participating in the load testing of the forum software. Have a nice day. :)


  • Covarr-Let
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So extended characters are working again? I know my sig before used an extended charactér, so it's nice to see them working again.


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Glad I could be of some service.  I'd rather he not be able to post for another 3 days.  It really did start to get old and repetitive.


  • Guest
So extended characters are working again? I know my sig before used an extended charactér, so it's nice to see them working again.

They should be. It seems that Kudistos has already tested it.

Glad I could be of some service.  I'd rather he not be able to post for another 3 days.  It really did start to get old and repetitive.


Just let me know - and I mean you people in general - when you want him unbanninated for moar LULZ. He seems to be logged in right now, for that matter. Poor thing went straight to his giant thread after I poasted - methinks he's about to find out that he can't post. :D

Immortal Damyn

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Personally... if he posts again and it gets to the point it was at last time... I don't think he should be allowed to post again.. ever. Simply because it actually got boring and tiresome and not so lulzy anymore...

Actually I take that back.... reading over the MY NAME IS TROLLZORZ post, I miss herm. Maybe not enough to bring him back right away, but I had fun fucking with him XD
« Last Edit: 2010-03-13 19:41:14 by Immortal Damyn »


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last night probably broke a record or two; never before have I seen two threads getting a new post every two minutes, or so much EPIC LULZ. ;D Also, the forum handled the never before seen loads of 15 to 20 users - many of them actively posting - and 20 to 50 guests - most of those Baidu's spiders; indexing the EPIC for the LULZ of Chinese - quite well. :)

Aw man, I went away for the weekend and missed the party :(
Oh well, I'll have fun catching up on the posts.