Author Topic: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.  (Read 12570 times)


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Due to my above-average knowledge of computer management and OS design, I've managed to optimize vista to eliminate the problems with it that the majority of people complain about.

I'm beginning to realize, however, that getting vista to be a "good" operating system is more complicated a procedure than doing a well-executed remake of FFVII.

[vista rant]
  • Just a few weeks ago, either HP or Vista (or both) automatically installed an update that caused my built in webcam to stop working. I'm still working on getting it back.
  • I've noticed that the start menu is full of glitches. When moving and merging folders, sometimes the folder will copy but the files won't merge, and sometimes the files will transfer over, but leave an empty folder in the source path. Also, when the start menu refreshes after such an operation, sometimes the Icons for the folders won't appear, and sometimes the menu will linger on the screen even though the start menu has been closed.
  • Just today I've started experiencing issues with the explorer.exe not accepting mouse input consistently. Just the start menu and the toolbar. what the hell?
  • I ran a search for the file "RealUpgrade.exe" in my C: drive so that I could delete it, and it was taking forever. Inexplicably long. As a matter of fact, I found the file myself manually and started writing this thread in frustration, and it's STILL searching for it. Seriously, what the hell is the point of indexing the file system if you don't even index the important areas. If I ran an "indexed only" search, it'd finish in a heartbeat, but the odds of finding my file will be one in a hundred. Moreover, apparently while searching for all files, vista doesn't have the common sense to do a quick indexed search first. Seriously, Microsoft? You can't get sorting/search algorithms right? Aren't you supposed to learn that crap in freshmen year of college?
  • I turned off User Account Control the day I got my laptop, and it's still the most annoying thing about vista. Not because it slows down my computer, but because I can't count how many times I've had to tell people to turn it of, not to mention how many times I've had to convince people that UAC DOES NOTHING GOOD FOR YOUR f***ING COMPUTER! TURN IT OFF, TITS, OR GTFO!
  • I've learned that if you dual-boot with XP and Vista. XP on a 10GB drive, and Vista on a 70GB drive, XP is noticeably faster.
  • It still hasn't found that damned file.
  • Why is it so damn hard to get to the disk management console? It's a fairly common system tool, you'd think that it'd be in the start menu under, oh i dunno...SYSTEM TOOLS?? Didn't they at least put the "Administrative tools" folder in the system tools folder in previous versions of windows? I shouldn't have to go through 5 screens to get to it. I know I can just make my own damn shortcut, and I have, but still...
  • Oh, it finally found it! I'd tell you how long the search took, but Vista doesn't seem to think it's important to give search statistics, like search time. I wish I could use google to search my system files somehow. It'd be super sweet to always see that "Results 1 - 10 of about 176,000,000 for some system file. (0.32 seconds)".
  • This has nothing to do with vista, but if anybody knows what quickplay is, it's even sh*ttier than vista. By like tenfold. If you have this. delete it. and delete every trace of it...if you can. (or go into the registry and reassign the quickplay keyboard buttons to useful things like winamp like I did).
  • Every now and again, some application will leak and all of my icons will scramble themselves. Really? My Operating System isn't smart enough to protect itself against memory leaks? What have we been "innovating", exactly? All I see is a shinier version of DOS with more bells n' whistles.
  • Skype just crashed.
  • What's with the file associations? Why is there no easy way to browse through and modify them? I can "set default programs", but that only gives me a list of like 10 or so programs, whereas I've probably got something more like 1000 executables that can take other files as an argument, why just those?? Because those are the ones I've manually specified in the "Open with..." menu context?? Moreover, why does "Windows Photo Gallery"s icon appear as a system file icon in this window? I can also assign default programs by filetype, but I have a LOT more filetypes than executables, and it would be a sh*t ton more efficient to just see a list of all of my executables, but alas, no such luck without all too much effort.
  • What the hell is "Zoom Player"? What the hell is "Sling Jukebox"? Why did my computer come with all this software that doesn't work and that I don't use??
  • Why can't I modify the options in the "Search" menu option in my classic start menu? Apparently certain programs can do it since this happens:

  • Windows Movie Maker sucks ass. Really hard. I know that video editing is fairly complex and all, but seriously, the video doesn't ever even sync up with the audio. You have any idea how hard that makes video editing?? If you're gonna include software with your Operating system, make sure it works. Otherwise, I'd rather not have all that clutter and sh*t on my computer. I can find a better freeware video editor on the intarwebz.
  • Why do I need GSpot? Shouldn't windows keep track of all the codecs installed on it's own? Seriously, you'd think there'd be some kind of built-in tool for that. If there is, then I don't know about it.
  • Notepad...I love the simplicity, but really, \n is a newline character. When you see it, you should draw a NEW LINE. At the very least have an option to replace "\n"s with "\r\n"s and/or viceversa or an option to only look for "\n" or SOMETHING! I can't tell you how frustrated I was the first time I encountered this inconsistency...f*** carriage returns...why you need two characters to depict a new line is beyond me.
[/vista rant]

phew. that felt good. I think I'm going to look around for a free version of Win7 somewhere. I'm sure I can find one for college students somewhere. It's just gonna be a b*tch to reinstall all the applications I've got, though. I should also wait until my subscription to Norton 360 expires, reinstalling it might cause some issues and I wanna get my money's worth.

At least I don't have a mac. They irritate me so immeasurably much more.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-17 02:39:55 by titeguy3 »


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #1 on: 2010-03-17 02:54:33 »

/useless post


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #2 on: 2010-03-17 02:58:42 »

/useless post
WHOA, SL I'm going to alert you now that the next post you make will be your 1337'th. Make it an epic one!


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #3 on: 2010-03-17 03:13:46 »
If movie maker isn't syncing up, you might need to check what codecs it's working with, tools > options > compatibility I has some issues with that, disable a few via the process of elimination until the audio syncs properly.

I use Sony Vegas though, works a treat unless you want to deal in HD sizes then you need the "Pro" version... I already own Vegas but I may end up just Yah Harr-ing the Pro version.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #4 on: 2010-03-17 03:17:40 »
If movie maker isn't syncing up, you might need to check what codecs it's working with, tools > options > compatibility I has some issues with that, disable a few via the process of elimination until the audio syncs properly.

I use Sony Vegas though, works a treat unless you want to deal in HD sizes then you need the "Pro" version... I already own Vegas but I may end up just Yah Harr-ing the Pro version.
hahaha nice. It syncs up as it should when you publish it, but it never syncs up properly in the preview. I'll look into that though... next time I decide to use Movie maker... if that happens. that's just the tip of the iceberg with movie maker's problems. It doesn't support multiple video channels or PiP, which is a big downer.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-17 03:19:27 by titeguy3 »


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #5 on: 2010-03-17 03:28:49 »
It was only really built for simple editing though, family holiday vids and such, budding Michael Bays George Lucas' would need something a bit more expensive than bundled software.


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Good Video Editor for Windows?
« Reply #6 on: 2010-03-17 03:35:28 »
It was only really built for simple editing though, family holiday vids and such, budding Michael Bays George Lucas' would need something a bit more expensive than bundled software.

Haha you've got a point, but what are broke YouTubers in between like me to do??

BTW, anybody got any good recommendations for a powerful video editor for windows? It doesn't have to be free...


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #7 on: 2010-03-17 03:36:48 »
I hear adobe premiere is pretty good. But i have not used it before.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #8 on: 2010-03-17 03:48:35 »
Sony Vegas.  Unfree


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #9 on: 2010-03-17 03:55:38 »
I hear adobe premiere is pretty good. But i have not used it before.

I've got Adobe Premiere. Earlier version were able to make DVDs, but it's still a great way to make videos. I made the Vader Cookies video on my YouTube channel with it.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #10 on: 2010-03-17 04:01:30 »
Hahaha, I just watched episode III yesterday. That "NOOooo" is some of the worst voice acting ever. I take it they didn't have James Earl Jones to do Vader's voice in that movie...


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #11 on: 2010-03-17 04:07:59 »
Movie maker, no original sound as it didn't like my capture card no matter what I did.

Vegas, original sound from the same capture card as used above and higher bit rate options.

Not the greatest of examples but still.

When using Fraps to record the same source and then running through each editor.


Movie Maker

Movie Maker is a bit jumpy and not quite as crisp even at the same bit rates settings as above.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-17 04:11:47 by DragonNinja »


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #12 on: 2010-03-17 19:38:05 »
Hahaha, I just watched episode III yesterday. That "NOOooo" is some of the worst voice acting ever. I take it they didn't have James Earl Jones to do Vader's voice in that movie...

the best part about it is that they did have James Earl Jones do the voice!

i couldn't agree more vista = fail, win7 = fail
and on a side note i really wish m$ would stop stealing stuff from other people claming its there like that thing they call aero snap.. (i've had it in kde4 for a long time..) come to think of it win7 and vista really look A LOT  like kde4..

Timu Sumisu

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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #13 on: 2010-03-18 00:58:59 »
At least I don't have a mac. They irritate me so immeasurably much more.

I dont want a flamewar or nething, but what bugs you about them? Although i use macs near exclusively, i'm curious to know what beefs ppl have with em.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #14 on: 2010-03-18 01:07:47 »
I have no real beef with Macs as such, they can be a bit too expensive though(that's Apple for you), I just wouldn't buy one mainly because I'm a gamer and 90% of games do not work on a Mac, a number that is very very slowly getting smaller now that Valve have announced most of their games are making the jump along with Steam which could lead the way for other games.

Now iPods and similar Apple products on the other hand are for people with more money than sense, as there are way better mp3 players and Smart Phones out there for half the price.

The iPad is a bit of a joke too, it's mostly just a bigger iPhone minus the actual phone and without flash support, dunno if they'll ever add it in, but that's a major downer as far as web usage is concerned.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #15 on: 2010-03-18 01:33:05 »
At least I don't have a mac. They irritate me so immeasurably much more.

I dont want a flamewar or nething, but what bugs you about them? Although i use macs near exclusively, i'm curious to know what beefs ppl have with em.

Well look at certain things I pointed out that I don't like about vista:

  • Why is it so damn hard to get to the disk management console? It's a fairly common system tool, you'd think that it'd be in the start menu under, oh i dunno...SYSTEM TOOLS?? Didn't they at least put the "Administrative tools" folder in the system tools folder in previous versions of windows? I shouldn't have to go through 5 screens to get to it. I know I can just make my own damn shortcut, and I have, but still...
  • What's with the file associations? Why is there no easy way to browse through and modify them? I can "set default programs", but that only gives me a list of like 10 or so programs, whereas I've probably got something more like 1000 executables that can take other files as an argument, why just those?? Because those are the ones I've manually specified in the "Open with..." menu context?? Moreover, why does "Windows Photo Gallery"s icon appear as a system file icon in this window? I can also assign default programs by filetype, but I have a LOT more filetypes than executables, and it would be a sh*t ton more efficient to just see a list of all of my executables, but alas, no such luck without all too much effort.
  • Why can't I modify the options in the "Search" menu option in my classic start menu? Apparently certain programs can do it since this happens:

  • Why do I need GSpot? Shouldn't windows keep track of all the codecs installed on it's own? Seriously, you'd think there'd be some kind of built-in tool for that. If there is, then I don't know about it.

All of these are complaints about how I don't have enough access into it's inner workings, and Macs take the opposite approach and provide very little access to things like this. AFAIK, there's no Mac equivalent to anything like a registry editor, and Macs just typically give you much less operating system configurability. At least most of the time with windows, if I encounter a feature that pisses me off, there's a way to turn it off or forcibly disable it, but the Mac OS is full of features and hotkeys that annoy me (some of which are even hardware issues, like the usage of the applelogo button and the lack of an eject button on some Mac CD-drives). It just irks me to not have control over my own computer.

Of course, that's just what was going through my head when I wrote that... Other reasons why I don't like to use macs ever are because of the lack of support for a lot of games and homebrew software (which most of the time also pertain to games), the difficulty involved in upgrading the hardware, and the sheer cost of owning and maintaining apple products. A friend of mine just bought a brand new laptop with Windows 7, 4 gigs of ram and an Intel i3(or was it i4?) processor and an Nvidia graphics card for 600 bucks ('twas a Dell). I'm either fairly certain or sorely mistaken that it's damn near physically impossible to buy a new MacBook for under $1000 (especially not a decent one).

I actually think that OS X is a decent operating system that's just not suited for users like me. My main beef is with the way Apple treats it's users and it's software. Why anybody pays money for broken locked mp3's with iTunes will forever be beyond me. No other mp3 downloading client does that, and programs like Winamp can transfer mp3's to and from iPods no problem.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #16 on: 2010-03-18 05:44:25 »
this be the reason i switched to windows 7, i hate vista with the utmost passion


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #17 on: 2010-03-18 20:11:37 »
there's no Mac equivalent to anything like a registry editor,
thats because the registry is F***ing retarded, its a windows only beast.
some of which are even hardware issues, like the usage of the applelogo button
i don't get how the apple buttons is any different then the windows key.. just another modifier

It just irks me to not have control over my own computer.
it also really bothers my thats why i run linux. in windows you only have the illusion of control of you machine.


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #18 on: 2010-03-18 20:23:29 »
The registry editor might not be the most well implemented tool in the world but it works. You're right though that Windows doesn't *actually* give you absolute control over itself, it just provides you with some tools that can be used to customize certain settings.

And the applelogo bothers me because A) it pretty much deprecates the ctrl key and B) it's positioned closest to your ring finger...which is awkward as hell, that's like the least dexterous finger. It's funny because either of those things wouldn't be so bad on their own, but combined it gets pretty annoying.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-18 20:25:06 by titeguy3 »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #19 on: 2010-03-18 20:28:00 »
i always hit the apple key with my thumb o.o, being near the space bar its pretty convinient for htat


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #20 on: 2010-03-18 23:55:49 »
i think the whole idea of the apple key is to make it the main modifier key. that is why is so close to your thumb and replaces crtl for most everything. the whole idea of mac OS is to make the computer a easy to use and powerful tool for people.inow don't get me wrong i'm not all for mac os. i liked os < X , what is now called "classic". to me OS X will always = fail.



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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #21 on: 2010-03-19 20:15:02 »
I've always viewed it as a bit of a spectrum in terms of computing knowledge:

But although I'm a programmer *and* a technician, I choose windows for the familiarity and the fact that I don't ever have to worry about software compatibility. If my first computer had been a linux machine, I'd probably have gotten used to and stuck with it.

EDIT: I made that graph as a graphic for a supplemental powerpoint to a speech that I gave once.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-19 20:19:20 by titeguy3 »


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #22 on: 2010-03-19 23:40:46 »
Quote from: titeguy3
*Computer Literacy Graph*
thats basicly what i was trying to get at about mac os. thats basicly apples market, people who think that their computer is another appliance , a tool to be used, an end to a means and nothing more of course some of them don't stay that way. and may then learn quite a bit about that mac they use.

i learned alot of what i know about computers and computer repair from macs. i didn't have a choice my school had all macs. its funny there was over 400 macs , and about 15 wintel boxes. i learned how to use,repair,hack and quite a few other things, since everyone else had windows machines out side of school i learned about them (well i had some classes w/ the windoze comps). a friend of mine had ordered a copy of red had for his pII computer. and it was my first linux exp, ever since then i had always check in w/ a current distro, seeing how they were progressing the whole time running windows , and eventually i found my self using windows less and less, and now i run linux on just about everything, its nice when the same stuff works on almost any hw platform :).


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #23 on: 2010-03-20 00:10:05 »
Well, I'd just like to point out that Mac OS X, can be both for the low end users, and high end users.  This is thanks to the unix base.  For the high end user, you can do whatever you need to through a terminal.  The low end user never needs to know that even exists.  That to me, right there, is good UI design.  The only thing that a Mac OS X user misses out on, in my opinion, is UI customization, such as what you get with a patched uxtheme.dll or GNOME/KDE/XFCE/e17/e16/Blackbox/Fluxbox/etc.

I've said this an exhausting amount of times by now, but my main computer is an Asus EeePC 1005HA-B, running Microsoft Windows XP Home SP3.  Not my optimal choice of OS, but for what I need, it does the job BEAUTIFULLY.  Linux, unfortunately, has a few issues which bug me on this machine, and for OS X, I'd need to replace the wifi card =(

I can honestly say, that I don't think Windows should be the main OS for most people, as it currently is.  So many things can go wrong at any given moment.  As I have things set up with family and friends, they're all using OS X or Linux, and not a single one of them has an issue...usually.  The ones with Linux, I lend my horribly out of date O'reilly Linux Pocket Guide, which still has a lot of useful information.  This is usually for the people who are closer to my age and have an easier time grasping some of the concepts behind Linux, and can retain the information on how to use it.  The others on OS X... well, things just seem to work for them and I need to do very few things.  Except in the case of my father, he can't remember jack sh*t, he can't even remember "+Set UI_Console 1 +Set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1" for Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault when he just wants to kill Nazis and not worry about dying.

To each their own, I guess

EDIT: Also, quick note on Vista, regarding this netbook.  Windows XP, can recognize my monitor by default and set the resolution to 1024x600, like it should be.  So can Windows 7...  Windows Vista, however...  Vista sees 2 possible resolutions, 640x480, and 1024x768; neither of which looks good on this screen.

EDIT2: Damnit, I just keep coming up with more to add to this post.  Once again on the subject of Macs.  I got my first mac back when OS 9 JUST came out.  We dropped Windows like a sack of shit, and switched over 100%, and back then, I loved it.  Nowadays, I can't stand a Mac OS that isn't OS X.  Now, back then, I may have liked it because of the games (I really dig classic gaming, and there was a good deal of old-school games on OS X, and RockNES existed, so that was even better), but nowadays, I can't stand it for one, simple, little, feature.  It doesn't have a command line.  If it wasn't for that little, I guess you could say, oversight, I may actually consider it a decent operating system, but it doesn't; and I think a lot of the anti-mac crowd is...  Well, I wouldn't say traumatized, but definitely influenced, by some of those major flaws in pre OS X Mac Operating Systems.  Due to the shittiness of those OS's, they refuse to look at OS X for what it really is, a complete rewrite, which actually works VERY well.  I also think that's a large part of why Macs are gaining market share.  Most average computer users of today, don't remember those Operating Systems, and therefore, don't see that stigma.  Therefore they look at OS X in a much less biased way than all of us do.  I'll admit it, just due to my having an OS 9 machine when I was younger (MUCH younger), I have that small bias within me.  Now, I love Macs to death, but OS 9 still has an impact on how I think of computers.

Alright, I think that'll be the last edit for a while
« Last Edit: 2010-03-20 00:24:26 by cactusjack901 »


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Re: I'm beginning to realize why Vista is full of FAIL.
« Reply #24 on: 2010-03-20 01:01:25 »

Well, I'd just like to point out that Mac OS X, can be both for the low end users, and high end users.  This is thanks to the unix base.  For the high end user, you can do whatever you need to through a terminal.  The low end user never needs to know that even exists.  That to me, right there, is good UI design.  The only thing that a Mac OS X user misses out on, in my opinion, is UI customization, such as what you get with a patched uxtheme.dll or GNOME/KDE/XFCE/e17/e16/Blackbox/Fluxbox/etc.
It's not just the bash prompt (that's what it's called, right?) that makes Linux an optimal OS platform for high end users. In that sense, you can do everything on windows through a command prompt. Now I'm not a linux user, so I'm sure that sithlord48 can articulate it better, but let me just say that if you're going to load an entire User Interface, then use a bash prompt to do everything on your comptuter, you're wasting a sh*tload of resources for naught. Moreover, if you're going to buy OS X just to make it work like linux, you're wasting a sh*tload of money.

I can honestly say, that I don't think Windows should be the main OS for most people, as it currently is. 
I don't agree or disagree. That's just the way things ended up. I *will* say, however, that the fact that Windows is the main OS for most people is the reason why it is the way it is. You've got half of people saying "make it simpler" and half of people saying "make it more sophisticated" and what you end up with Apple doesn't really have that problem to the same extent in designing it's OS's, and, well, Linux is open source.

Also, quick note on Vista, regarding this netbook.  Windows XP, can recognize my monitor by default and set the resolution to 1024x600, like it should be.  So can Windows 7...  Windows Vista, however...  Vista sees 2 possible resolutions, 640x480, and 1024x768; neither of which looks good on this screen.
Driver issue..?

Now, back then, I may have liked it because of the games (I really dig classic gaming, and there was a good deal of old-school games on OS X, and RockNES existed, so that was even better), but nowadays, I can't stand it for one, simple, little, feature.  It doesn't have a command line.
Can't you a terminal or something? Isn't that what cygwin is?