Well, I have made a decision. That working on this project no longer suits me. MXster, we haven't even really spoken on this project, much. Team work is lacking. And your style, obviously, differs greatly from mine. All you have done actually is replaced the arms. I thought this was a "chibi reconstruction project." Not an arm replacement project, that has already been done.
I am going to do personal mods for the time being. And I don't mean to start a flame war, or anything, its just its quite frustrating, when I replaced the entire bodies (save the head), and he only replaces the arms, and "tweaks" my models.
Well I am off. I hope you all enjoy what ever MXster can conjure up on his own.
Good Luck!
This statement was centered at a single person... I just generalized it cause i didn't want to center him out.
This person kept putting my work down, even after I had repeatedly said this is "a rough draft, it isn't the best"
And he kept putting it down, saying he could do better, and never went to go do it. Well that is the vibe i got. I don't even remember his name. XD.
This was a stressful time for me. Due to family issues. But yeah... I regretted making that post.
whoops... i forgot I edited it... taking out the part you folks you are referring to. xDD.. my bad