Author Topic: haha  (Read 33073 times)


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Re: haha
« Reply #50 on: 2010-03-31 05:29:44 »
The biggest thing I dislike about it is the unwillingness to stick to things that are now staples in Final Fantasy.  It's been over 10 years since this game came out, so if SE is still using (Cure instead of Care.. just kidding guys  :-P) I personally think it should remain.   Soft use to be and is once again Golden Needle, so changing it makes sense.  Religious and Cultural references that the translators missed also makes sense.  But like Qhimm said, I think keeping the FEELING of the game is paramount (see Tina vs Terra)

Anyways, I think a lot of us just got a bad taste in our mouths when all the drama about this happened months ago.

I do genuinely look forward to thoroughly reviewing every last change ya'll made before installing it  :D


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Re: haha
« Reply #51 on: 2010-03-31 05:49:41 »
Well to be fair the English versions of Square games aren't exactly a bastion of consistency, some things seem to change name with each FF.

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #52 on: 2010-03-31 13:50:53 »
Luksy has pretty much covered it.  We aren't intending to do a literal mess up of the dialogue.  In fact, the world map dialogue was virtually unaltered.  There will be a lot of the game that is left alone simply because it works and works well.  I am already thinking about things Sephiroth said in PSX version which were taken away in PC "Without giving one whit in return"  I think these things sounded good. Some of the dialogue is completely fine.

It has never been our intention to paste over the cracks, we have to fill in the holes and this means that yes, some of it will be different, but at least it will still sound better and be as it was intended.  I understand that Tina does not sound as good to a westerner as Terra, but if people start deciding names of characters on a whim, we lead ourselves down a slippery slope.

I don't think anyone here would be happy if Cloud was "Claude" in France, or "Klauss" in Germany or any other name....  His name was chosen from english...and when you get rid of that, you degrade the purity of the game.  Well imho it does.

Som of the references that are kept are extremely cool and when you look them up you get it.  Same way that the first time you looked up Odin you understood why he was on a deformed horse.  There are so many mythologies incorporated into FF7 from Japanese through to Scottish myths.  

The full list of changes are already available at my forum, although there are a few holding us up from releasing it at this moment.  One of them is what to use for

Mako Reactor No.1


Mako Reactor No.1
Mako Reactor 1
Mako Reactor #1


District No.1
District 1
District #1

Small things like that I have asked people which they prefer.  When we do release this mod part 1 it will be given a release number, because I am sure more things will crop up and small mistakes will need correcting.  I want you to know that we respect the original text and do not plan to butcher it all.  We respect the game and the storyline and I respect the fact some people will simply not touch this mod with a barge pole :)

The release will never be perfect.  I knew going into this that the best we could hope for with non dialogue was around 95% (We mark things in fuchsia when we simply haven't got a clue what they are) and that dialogue is subjective.  I didn't realise just how much japanese leaves to the translator dialogue wise and it will be a different kind of problem to what the non dialogue has been.

In fact the process we had with Buster Sword here on the forum is exactly the same as the ones me and the translators (especially Luksy) have.  We go over these things again and again, and then see if there is anything else it could be, and see which is more likely given logic, common sense and evidence.

Have a look:

« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 14:09:27 by Colonel Ramsay »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: haha
« Reply #53 on: 2010-03-31 14:42:20 »
AFAIK, Cloud is Clad in french :P

Also, as cool as some of the references can be, why should we have to look up every other word in a game? wouldnt that heavily detract from the gameplay experience, porting over to wikipedia or google or whatnot whenever we dont get something?

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #54 on: 2010-03-31 14:57:46 »
Well not all references are foreign....given that they mixed them, a lot are english, take knights of round :P  It doesn't really detract and of course the description is the most important thing.  When you look at Uchide Mallet, you see what it does, then if you want to know what it means you open google.  The original was no better.  Some of the names they made in place of the actual ones are just as baffling, and in fact, some seem to be complete nonsense.

Cornucopia > うちでのこづち > Uchide Mallet ]

And on Cloud, if they did change to Clad, that is my just loses all its meaning and background.  I think it is a poor way to operate, I am sure there are those that disagree.  I understand Enix will want to localise a lot of things because they want a game to sell, but when has the sales had anything to do with what is more correct?  I understand their point of view but it is based on a need to sell more and to get the game more popular and not preserving the essence of what the game is.

It is the same with the easy battles....maybe what Square need to do with a remake of VII is have 2 translations and 2 difficulty modes...I don't like being dumbed down and dragged down just because of mass market appeal.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 14:59:35 by Colonel Ramsay »


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Re: haha
« Reply #55 on: 2010-03-31 15:04:06 »
AFAIK, Cloud is Clad in french :P

Also, as cool as some of the references can be, why should we have to look up every other word in a game? wouldnt that heavily detract from the gameplay experience, porting over to wikipedia or google or whatnot whenever we dont get something?
The purpose of an effective translation is to make the native speakers of the receiving language have to do *less* looking up in order to understand the essentials, although I've convinced myself that Seifer's project prioritizes staying true to the original Japanese references. I.e. not sacrificing original concept for cultural coherence; effectively an English "port" of the Japanese names and dialogue.

In a normal translation, you'd take the things that are obvious to native japanese speakers, and change them so that they'd be obvious to English speakers, even if that changes the original concept of the name.

Seifer is trying to (as I've gathered) maintain every reference and name concept from the original, even if that means that English speakers will have to do more googlizing.

@Seifer, if that's a correct reference, then i believe the Uchide no Kozuchi is referenced twice in the game--counting the enemy skill "Magic Hammer". Unless that was also different in the Japanese version.
BTW, if Square did a remake, I'd rather have an option for Japanese dialogue then a second English translation.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 15:11:22 by titeguy3 »

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: haha
« Reply #56 on: 2010-03-31 15:56:09 »
Shouldn't the name of this topic be changed or something?

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #57 on: 2010-03-31 16:07:29 »
Magic hammer is in english


Uchide mallet is japanese and references that myth.

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #58 on: 2010-03-31 16:11:38 »
Seifer is trying to (as I've gathered) maintain every reference and name concept from the original, even if that means that English speakers will have to do more googlizing.
Aka he is preserving and protecting the original culture instead of turning it into English/American bullshit. I know that both Seifer and I are tired of Americans and Englishmen raping other cultures, you loose so much information if you change what doesn't sound cool in english into something that sounds cool but degrades the story or the characters.

I think all of you fanboys and girls should look at your game, and find what square has taken from other cultures and look more into the source material. When they made Final Fantasy VII or came up with it. They were picking parts from every great work of fiction or religion that exists. Midgard for example is a direct ripoff of the world of humans in norse mythology. If you break down Midgard you get Middle garden. Garden could be translated to world. So it's the world in the middle. The world between Asgard, (the world of gods) and hell.

And that is what they call the big city. The midgard zolom is something that the translators just dumbed down. Because the audience (Americans and Canadians) wouldn't see the connection between midgard and the midgardsorm. Midgardsorm is Midgards orm...orm is the word for snake or serpent in swedish. Making the literal english translation Midgard's serpent. Midgards zolom which may sound cool isn't the right translation.

Also If we break down Midgard, midgardsorm. Becomes the serpent of the world. That is the great snake Thor couldn't lift because it circled around the entire world. You should not dumb something down because the target audience can't understand it. Final Fantasy VII is a perfect example of raping cultures and mythology to cash in money fast. Hardly a work of art, it's a good game. Fun to play etc, but if you are not a 12 year old american. And a part of one of these other cultures that the japanese in this case raped. It's very offending.

What the japanese basically did, they toook the great stories from norse...hindu...christian and nature religions. Made a drama out of it, featuring villains dressed as goths and heroes being emos. Put in the average schoolgirl into it, made a cute puffy little marhmellow. Dressed the characters so they would appeal to the target audience...12-17 year olds...probably a bit higher. This is something you can't see, Final Fantasy VII isn't a original piece of art. It's a money sucker...

What makes the game great is what it rips off. The whole lifestream idea is a direct ripoff of some tribes religion living in the fillipines. I don't remember exactly, Sephiroth is a direct rip off of the angel Lucifer that was banished from Paradise by god. And wants to overthrow god and become a god himself. (Now you all know where they got the angel wings from.) Many many names has been taken directly from norse religion. For example Alfred, who I read in Seifers list of changed names. Isn't really a english name at all. I think Seifer already know this.

Alfred is a viking name. That could be broken down into All fred. Meaning all peace, maybe not what Square was looking at when they made the character. But still it's a example of something the english culture has indeed taken from the norse culture. The whole idea about Jenova, the name itself is taken from christianity. The alien idea isn't very original but it's something the american culture has spewn out. And it's not such a big deal maybe...Allien comes to my mind. And it makes sense as well, I think 2-3 of the alien movies were made just before they made Final Fantasy VII.

A coincidence, no it's not. They were movies popular at the time, and Square stole it. With sephiroth they have ripped of Frankensteins monster as well. And Dracula with Vincent. It's amazing how in every part of the game you can see traces from about every religion and culture in the world. Nanakati and the little mountain village they took from the Native american indians. The pyramid that the black materia is stored in. Again something they stole from Mayan/Egyptian culture.

If you look at the big cratar, which is suppose to represent hell. And lucifer on the last plane, Cloud IS VERY SIMILAR TO Dante. Dante too lost his wife because of his sins, and he wanted revenge on lucifer and traveled through hell to reach and kill lucifer and free his wife. Exactly what Cloud is trying to do. Sephiroth is not a original creation, or villain. No american created work of fiction is very original at all.

I can go on forever, so many things they ripped of making this game. I want all fanboys/girls to understand this. Final Fantasy VII is a game that has ripped of most of the epic stories of the world. Combined it with fashion and cute emo boys and school girls. To make it appeal to the target audience....btw why do you think Final Fantasy VIII takes place on a school?

When Seifer is translating or correcting the games original creation. He doesn't just make the game better. He also is giving better credit to the cultures the original creators of the game ripped of. Making it possible for maybe some fanboy or girls out there to discover some work of fiction that is even greater than the abomination that is Final Fantasy VII.

Yes personally I think Final Fantasy VII is a mess. But I give credit for Seifer for continuing on the translation. And fixing the errors that is in it. So at least what the original creators made makes sense not only sounds cool. You should stop talking shit on Seifer because he is changing what your bible sais. Your bad as it is. Is in need of some fixing. You should be grateful for him fixing it. If I would be Seifer I would not even post it here.

I encourage you to go out and find better art or create art yourself. Religion is a waste of time as is Final Fantasy VII. Maybe I should not be too harsh on you, I mean Final Fantasy VII contains so much religious and mythological references that it's probably very easy to become a believer...but remember you won't live forever. And any illusion what so ever is a waste of life. Even your lifes to some extent are illusions...but I won't completely slay you.

Just do me a favor and thank Seifer for making this translation ok??

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #59 on: 2010-03-31 16:16:59 »
This is where I fundamentally disagree with Hermoor's criticism about FF7.  I feel that yes it uses other stories and ideas and it references many mythologies but so do most stories.  It is very very hard to be completely original and FF7 is pretty dam n original on its own even if certain stories may have been done before or slightly familiar.  Every single story can be made to look as though it is copied, when that isn't the case.  Every pit could be called hell, every sky heaven, every idea can be said to be something else when in reality it isn't.

I also disagree with the emo goth issue. I think anyone who likes this game for those reasons needs a slap, because the game is supposed to be dark and supposed to be a new story, it is not supposed to conform to some awful sterotype, even if it has been hijacked as such.

I do agree with Hermoor that the original cultures should be preserved.  The midgar Zolom however was not deliberately changed, it was a mistake by a translator who simply did not have a clue what the romaji meant or what the katakana was referencing.  It was corrected in future instalments.

And alfred was actually probably referencing this >

I notice the katakana looks more like Ælfrēd so it probably is intended to be written in the old way.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 16:21:04 by Colonel Ramsay »


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Re: haha
« Reply #60 on: 2010-03-31 16:25:52 »
Dressed the characters so they would appeal to the target audience...12-17 year olds...probably a bit higher.

I dunno, I pretty much enjoyed the game a lot when I was 7. :)

Just do me a favor and thank Seifer for making this translation ok??

No. ;D

PS: Seifer, I've heard that you could be a decent guy when you're not trolling forums. Really, if you don't want people thinking even lower of you, I would definitely suggest you don't team up with an idiot that everyone makes fun of. For your own sake, take my friendly advice. :)

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #61 on: 2010-03-31 16:34:40 »
This is where I fundamentally disagree with Hermoor's criticism about FF7.  I feel that yes it uses other stories and ideas and it references many mythologies but so do most stories.
Yeah many modern works rips off the stories from the past. And sure they can be great...The lord of the rings is a book that has indeed ripped of A LOT of norse mythology and especialy finnish folklore. But at least it has many original parts in it. Final Fantasy VII rips off every culture out there...combining it with stuff that is cool for teens. And I'm not a fan of that at all. Especially since square is now milking it...everyone should be aware of the brainwashing and money milking that is going on. And that much of what holywood and games today are spewing out is a complete ripoff of other cultures stories.
PS: Seifer, I've heard that you could be a decent guy when you're not trolling forums. Really, if you don't want people thinking even lower of you, I would definitely suggest you don't team up with an idiot that everyone makes fun of. For your own sake, take my friendly advice. Smiley
Seifer is a good friend of mine, he would never backstab me, because I'm pointing out the obvious. American culture is ripping of other cultures around the world. And most people aren't even aware of it.
I dunno, I pretty much enjoyed the game a lot when I was 7. Smiley
We are all kids sweetheart...;)

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #62 on: 2010-03-31 16:48:23 »
I am not teaming up with him but nor am I trolling and nor was he that abusive just then...I don't take such Exception to his views on FF7 even though I disagree with many.  I have some respect for Hermoor because he is a good modeller who stuck his neck out to help me with another project.  Hermoor did not used to go round being as bad as he has recently, and I am sure that eventually he will outgrow it.  He certainly won't outgrow it or go away if he is being baited or having his own playpen.

I have told hermoor 100 times to move on and stop the silliness, at the end of the day that is his decision.  I have moved on from all that nonsense, and I am busy with life on and off computer.,

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #63 on: 2010-03-31 17:38:21 »
I think Seifer and I have some different  views on art in general. I'm not such a big fan of Final Fantasy VII, the only reason I got here in the first place was because of Final Fantasy IX. Which I'm slowly growing away from, even though it's a great game! Seifer is a big fan of Final Fantasy VII, even makes a huge translation project on it. And he is a smart good guy, unlike some of you. He isn't a fanboy my understanding....since he is willing to rewrite the "bible". I suspect the reason he disses me...>_> Is because he wants to advertist his translation project. Well...with ammo gone. And since this forum is only about Final Fantasy VII modding, I don't really have any purpose to linger here any longer. I would like to clarify, that all the trolling I have been doing to you guys...have been just as much fun as it has been for you as it has been for me. Many of my opinions on life that I have posted here has been true. And I really don't like emos and cosplayers...many of you I really have a grudge on. a real freak of nature. We all know it...but some of what I have said has been exaggerated for the lulz...hope you all grow out of it.

Btw...Timusumisu, give me credit for that Red XIII model you little....and Seifer I hope you are still helping me translate the video? ;)


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Re: haha
« Reply #64 on: 2010-03-31 17:47:57 »
lol @ Hermaphrodite. Always worth a chuckle. I'll read that 7-page poast sometime when I need a lift.

Just because the katakana reads "magic hammer" doesn't mean the reference isn't there. Of course, there's no need to re-translate it as "Uchide Mallet" since that's not even what it was called in the Japanese version, I just find it funny that it's referenced twice. Even funnier that it was written differently. Unless the resemblance is utterly coincidental, the odds of which are slim.

My guess is that different people came up with the names for the attacks and items.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #65 on: 2010-03-31 17:55:37 »
Hee hee, Hermie-kun can be quite the brown-nose when he thinks someone might take his side. :lol:

Oh, and on your dubious knowledge of etymology, Alfred is an old English name dumbkopf. Alf = elf, red = plan/idea/counsel (it's a cognate with read). Therefore, Alfred = he who is counselled by elves. Or who is as wise as the elves. Or something like that.

As for Midgardsormr, didn't we have an argument about that a long time ago? And didn't you say the complete opposite? Nice backtracking Hermie-kun; this means that you agree with me :-D

And since this forum is only about Final Fantasy VII modding, I don't really have any purpose to linger here any longer

Oh lol! You haven't had any reason to come here since you decided that we were all emo fanboys, but you've stayed here and you've come back every time you've been banned. You do need to stay here. Dunno why; maybe you just like being humiliated? Anyway, we all know that you can't function without these forums and the trolling opportunities they give to you. Oh, and the attention, we all know that you like the attention. Presumably you don't get enough of it IRL. Maybe your strict mother prefers your siblings because they do better in school (after all, she wants a son who'll do well in life, and you've failed at that already)? Maybe the other kids don't play with you? Who knows?

And finally, for how long are you going to take credit for Jari leaving? It's obvious that it had nothing to do with you, so why pretend it has? I hate to tell you, but we can all see through your lies very easily, just like we can see through your lie that you're not going to troll any more and that your previous trolling didn't reflect how you really feel. I've got news for you: we've seen your accounts on other forums and we've seen the way you act there. Clearly, your trolling wasn't just to get rid of Jari. If it were, why do you act the same way on other forums, getting banned and having your threads locked?

It seems to me that your just one of those trolls who like to pretend that things you did in the past didn't happen so that you can get away with them. That's why you delete and edit your posts and why Jari took those privileges away from you.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 17:59:01 by Kudistos Megistos »

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #66 on: 2010-03-31 18:12:44 »
What forums exactly? This is the only place where I have done some serious trolling....not any other place. If you are thinking about the lord of the rings forum. That admin was crazy...everyone who gives opinions to him. That isn't in his favor he bans...Blender artist I have never trolled on. This is the only place that really is worth trolling since most people who stay on this forum either are freaks or just weird. Internet is a place to have fun, and trolling believe it or not is fun! You were all lolling...and me too. Probably more than any of you, since it was I who was trolling. All this time you have believed I was that crazy hermoor guy lol lol lol. I'm not as mental as you believe I am, I just love to f*** with weird people. And you are indeed a weird man Kudistos...hahah, all of you people are weirdos. :D :D

Just look at the thread titles...

My Apology
Girl Gamers Paid to Play?
naruto (and the like) roleplaying
Battle with the Four Fiends
More PSP Hacking. FF7 PC on the PSP. *maybe more legality issues*
OC Remix and Others... Your Favourite Tracks?
Your favorite Final Fantasy game and why.
Is it just me or did the modify option just disappear?

I'm not trolling now, just pointing at the obvious. Either you people got no life, or you are just weird...this is not normal...
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 18:15:47 by Hermoor IV »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #67 on: 2010-03-31 18:19:56 »
I'd say you were definitely trolling on those forums, unless you really did believe what you were saying (which wouldn't be a surprise). You acted like an arsehole there just like you do here, and you spouted the same idiotic beliefs about how the world works.

Oh, and you're backtracking again

You're the weird person, and you were the one who was getting trolled. I don't think anyone is going to believe that you were pretending to be stupid because there's no reason for anyone to do that; we were all laughing at you. We kept you around because you were so funny. If you were trolling you'd have annoyed us and we'd have got rid of you, but instead you gave us a lot of lulz ;D

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #68 on: 2010-03-31 18:37:31 »
Alf = elf, red = plan/idea/counsel (it's a cognate with read). Therefore, Alfred = he who is counselled by elves. Or who is as wise as the elves. Or something like that.

As for Midgardsormr, didn't we have an argument about that a long time ago? And didn't you say the complete opposite? Nice backtracking Hermie-kun; this means that you agree with me grin
Btw that is not correct, and I was wrong on the breakdown of the word. It is orginally a viking name. You are correct on Alf red..but alf is elf in swedish. The original norse name is Ælfræd...AElf means elf. æd means råd. Council in english, Alfred is indeed english. But it comes from the norse name Ælfræd. Meaning it's not orginally english...and it means Elf Council. So you are are so full of it.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #69 on: 2010-03-31 18:44:04 »
Alf = elf, red = plan/idea/counsel (it's a cognate with read). Therefore, Alfred = he who is counselled by elves. Or who is as wise as the elves. Or something like that.

As for Midgardsormr, didn't we have an argument about that a long time ago? And didn't you say the complete opposite? Nice backtracking Hermie-kun; this means that you agree with me grin
Btw that is not correct, and I was wrong on the breakdown of the word. It is orginally a viking name. You are correct on Alf red..but alf is elf in swedish. The original norse name is Ælfræd...AElf means elf. æd means råd. Council in english, Alfred is indeed english. But it comes from the norse name Ælfræd. Meaning it's not orginally english...and it means Elf Council. So you are are so full of it.

Looks like these people are full of it as well ;D

Tell me, why do you think that any English word that has a Norse cognate must have been stolen? You do know that English is closely related to the Scandinavian languages and that the Anglo-Saxons and mediaeval Scandinavians shared a common mythology, don't you? That means they share a lot of things; one didn't steal from the other. Sowwy, but Ælfræd is in Old English as well as Old Norse. Sounds like you're the one who is full of it, always accusing everyone else of "stealing" your culture.

They're not. Either Alfred is a very ancient name that pre-dates the spilt between the North Germanic and West Germanic languages, or is is a name that developed in both cultures independently. Both are very real possibilities.

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #70 on: 2010-03-31 18:54:41 »
The name is orginally from scandinavia. The king you are talking about got the name from the vikings. It's nothing the englishmen invented or has been with them since the beginning. Alfred and many other words/names you englishmen have. Orginally came from scandinavia...Alfred is a name your king took yes. Not orginally a scandinavian name, but the names origin is still from scandinavia. England isn't famous for being vikings, you have never been vikings. Some of you came from scandinavia and denmark. But you are not indeed took a lot from the vikings. Since england was under viking control for a couple of hundred years. Then you developed your own culture and stories/myths. Alfred is a version of the scandinavian name Ælfræd...that you got from the vikings so you are once again wrong Kudistos. Anyway, why am I still arguing with a fool. I'm gonna keep working on my masterpiece model...see ya weirdos!

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #71 on: 2010-03-31 19:07:19 »
How many times do you have to be told? :-D FFS, Anglo-Saxon and Norse language and culture had a common origin :roll:

Christ, you really are a great big jingoist. The name isn't Scandinavian. It's an English word with a Scandinavian counterpart.

Tell me, when you hear a Dane using a word that's used in Swedish, do you say that the Danes took that word from the Swedes? Well, you probably do, but I'm sure most Swedes wouldn't. Why do I make this comparison? Because Old English and Old Norse had as much in common with each other as modern Swedish and Danish. I'm trying to make this as simple to understand as I can, because you're a simple person. Only an idiot would assume that a word can't exist in both languages without having been taken by one of them. And there's no reason why an Anglo-Saxon king would have a Scandinavian name, especially as he was king of Wessex, which was never conquered.

Oh, wikipedia agrees with me as well:

The name Alfred is of English origin

(history page, so you can't accuse me of editing it).

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #72 on: 2010-03-31 19:09:47 »
Pity no mod here so we could split the good stuff from this nonsense....and I am not dissing anyone.  I have my own views on things and I would much rather come into this thread to see some good translation discussion to all what has been going on around here day after day times 10000.

It has gone too far and it is seriously boring.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 19:13:23 by Colonel Ramsay »

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #73 on: 2010-03-31 19:22:01 »
The name Alfred is of English origin
Of course it is, no one is saying it isn't. It's a english name, that derived from the norse original name of it. English is a new language that wasn't around when norse existed. Alfred is a version of the original norse name. Now stop it kudistos, you have lost this argument. Alfred is english name, but without the norse Alfread it would not have existed in the english language. Just as you would not have been able to build boats. The entire western civilization ows the norse vikings a lot and the greek civilization. In the end, everything the western civilization has got came from greece and scandinavia.

In asia, it's europe it's scandinavia and greece. America is just a dumb version of england. I would say america is what Final Fantasy VII is. A mess...since it has so many different cultures in it. And that you compare with final fantasy VII that has taken so much from other great works of fiction and mythology. You should study the original works...they are the greatest. You should study the original languages because they are the greatest. But wtf am I doing...hahaha SOOOOOOO FUNNNNNNY...

And are a fanboy too. It's pretty Well you should thank me for making you that skoll model. And you never gave back the favor. Shows what kind of people the englishmen really are, they take but never give back. Also they are very arrogant people...

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #74 on: 2010-03-31 19:37:10 »
The name Alfred is of English origin
Of course it is, no one is saying it isn't. It's a english name, that derived from the norse original name of it. English is a new language that wasn't around when norse existed. Alfred is a version of the original norse name. Now stop it kudistos, you have lost this argument. Alfred is english name, but without the norse Alfread it would not have existed in the english language. Just as you would not have been able to build boats. The entire western civilization ows the norse vikings a lot and the greek civilization. In the end, everything the western civilization has got came from greece and scandinavia.

No, you really don't get it do you? it is not derived from anything that could be called "Norse". It's either from a common ancestor or independent developments in both languages.

You should study the original languages because they are the greatest.

As it happens, I'm quite well-versed in Ancient Greek and I know a fair bit of Latin as well. Hell, I've even dabbled in Old Norse, and my Hermóðr thread shows that I know more about it than you do. Sowwy Hermoor, but ancient languages are a strong point of mine. You're not going to win.

Of course, I'm under no illusion that I can convince you of anything because your religious belief in Swedish superiority is too strong for you to accept anything other than Sweden being the greatest country in the world and the inventor of everything. However, I like showing off and I like humiliating you, so I'll continue to argue ;D

Shows what kind of people the englishmen really are, they take but never give back. Also they are very arrogant people...

We're arrogant? You're the one claiming your people are the sole reason for the advancement of Northern Europe. No, it's generally the people from the smaller countries that are more arrogant because they feel the need to replace their inferiority complex with a superiority complex. You're making up a fake history to make yourself feel better.

Also, we should be arrogant. The English did more to create the modern world than any other nation. Certainly more than Sweden did.