Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.16)  (Read 1134128 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1300 on: 2018-06-08 04:42:30 »
Sithlord98 you have done a great job with Black Chocobo. Your post from March seemed to indicate that you were going to have Windows binaries available in continuous. But, there are no Windows binaries on github only Linux and Mac.

Been using 1.9.90 and one problem I have is trying to add Enemy Skills to the materia. When I select a character that has the enemy skills materia installed and then select the command materia and then select the enemy skills, all of the enemy skills show up with no way to tell which ones have already been learned. There is also no way to learn new enemy skills with 1.9.90. Also in the materia edit screen, there is no way to select the number of the materia you are going to edit. I have 3 Enemy Skills Materia right now, so it makes a difference which of the 3 I am editing. Unless there is something I am missing. :'(
« Last Edit: 2018-06-08 05:07:04 by guynoirnpr »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1301 on: 2018-06-10 20:21:46 »
Haven't had the time to make the required files.
When I select a character that has the enemy skills materia installed and then select the command materia and then select the enemy skills, all of the enemy skills show up with no way to tell which ones have already been learned. There is also no way to learn new enemy skills with 1.9.90. Also in the materia edit screen, there is no way to select the number of the materia you are going to edit. I have 3 Enemy Skills Materia right now, so it makes a difference which of the 3 I am editing. Unless there is something I am missing. :'(.
Yes you are doing that completely wrong. Select the materia from the equipment or from the list to edit it. If you use the Combo boxes your making new materia in that slot.

check the user guide for how it works

Yes I am aware i need screen shot updates.

EDIT:: Windows continuous build should be working again
« Last Edit: 2018-06-12 13:54:21 by sithlord48 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1302 on: 2018-06-25 16:33:53 »
is there anyway you guys could add in ps4 saves support on this ff7 save editor please


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1303 on: 2018-06-26 14:41:57 »
is there anyway you guys could add in ps4 saves support on this ff7 save editor please
On the playstation 4 version there is alot of encryption that needs to be stripped away before you can edit the save. Since unlike the ps3 release this uses the standard ps4 save format there is much higher hope that this will one day be possible.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1304 on: 2018-07-12 16:15:04 »
A lot of things have happened. I was careless. I think it's not a good idea to decribe in detail, so I'll go simple.
I've just known that save files on Cloud CAN NOT be deleted, but I want to "clean" it. I'm sure this problem is server side, can not be done by end user. So, is there still a way to manipulate and make the server confused so it'll decide to "clean" my account? Or can you hack into their server and erase all of my save files for me  ;D LOL
Haha, actually 100% people would recommend not to use Cloud Saving, and I've also decided to do that too. I'm just curious.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1305 on: 2018-07-12 23:53:53 »
I think the best you could do it upload a save(s) of nothing. Use the "Clear Slot" option (Alt+Delete). Do this to all the slots and you will have a blank savefile.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1306 on: 2018-07-13 00:38:20 »
Yeah, I've already done that, just to make it look as not having any save files as possible. Whatever, cloud saving sucks, I won't use it for sure.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1307 on: 2018-09-28 12:39:00 »
Someone was having an issue with opening PS3 saves in BlackChocobo where the program just crashes after opening.  You replied below...
Please check that you have the newest version of black chocobo. Your saves work here correctly and i was able to import the all into one file with out issue. I cna't make you a steam folder you ahve to do that yoru self.

first open black chocobo then use file->import to current slot . and pick your first psv file.
then hit alt + right (move slot #2) and import your next psv
do the same for how ever many psv files your have
Save as PC format. save it whereever
then use file-> create cloud save folder . select your save path . it should pick out your id for you (its the numbers after user_ in your save path) then for file 1 select the pc file you just made.

I'm having the same issue but following your steps does not stop the program from crashing.  I've uploaded my saves to DropBox

The particular one I'm trying to modify is the SAVE06, which is the one ending in 6 I believe.

My goal is not to convert to Steam like the last person.  I'm trying to modify a PS3 save file and move it back to the PS3.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1308 on: 2018-09-29 12:20:38 »
Please make sure you are using the "Continuous" build
Ive tested and all your files (including the Spryo save) and they open just fine and do not crash the program.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1309 on: 2018-09-29 17:13:02 »
Hmm, that was odd, I did use the Continuous build yesterday along with a few other versions, it must've not all exported from the zip correctly.  But I have successfully opened my save file, so thank you very much.  However, upon making the necessary modifications, I am attempting to save the changes to overwrite the PSV file and there was a mention of a PS3 key and seed.  I did notice this in the options yesterday when I was playing around with the program.  I'm guessing it needs this to compute some sort of checksum in the PSV structure header.  I determined that when I made hex changes directly with another hex editor but my PS3 then recognizes the modified save file as corrupted data.  My question is, how do I know what the key and seed should be?  And is this possible to save off a valid "uncorrupted" modified save file that I can transfer back to my PS3?

As for the PS3 key and seed: I clicked the links on the program and they led to pages that didn't make any sense to me.  Seems like a reference sheet for something, but not much description as to what it should mean to me.

I also found this topic, but the links on lead all seem to redirect me to or

Also, my PS3 is version 4.82
« Last Edit: 2018-09-30 03:59:33 by codemann8 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.90)
« Reply #1310 on: 2018-09-30 17:12:29 »
No one knows the keys or seed used to generate the keys.. go try seeds and keys on that page . if you find a working combo let me know.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1311 on: 2018-12-22 12:45:03 »
I have released a new version of Black Chocobo. (see first page)This Version includes several fixes from 1.9.90. It changes up the release a bit also. There is no longer an windows install for this release, The only linux is a 64-bit appimage or disto packages. More importantly is provides me with a clean break to make a much better 2.0 version.
Any requests for 2.0 features?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1312 on: 2019-01-19 20:30:26 »
Hey Sithlord, I've read your previous posts about what's needed to get a .psv back into the ps3 and I get that you can't simply tell us what the key/seed combo is (even if you knew it you'd probably get in trouble for sharing it, so I understand) Therefore, I'll try to ask the right series of questions… I'm aware that there's other methods for achieving what I want but I don't own anything required to do so, such as a ps2. Black Chocobo is my last resort other than taking someone else's heavily edited saves, which I don't really want. I honestly just want that stupid Umbrella/Parasol and the Flayer weapon because I hate that stupid minigame with a passion... I know that's a small issue but I see that people have been wondering how to do this for almost a decade now. So I'll start with the questions: What does the key actually LOOK like?  What about the seed, too? Like, how many characters long is each one? How is each one spaced out? Better yet, can we just have an ideal example of both - key and seed - that would work for this purpose? I see "keys" that are long, some shorter, some say "key", some say other things, like "iv" and I get confused. Which ones can I ignore? I just want to know that I'm looking for the right thing. Plus, am I supposed to look for this key and seed IN hex or do I TURN them into that? I see "Input in HEX" so I have to ask.  No idea how you'd turn one into hex but I'm just trying to get a clue about what I need to do to figure it out myself. WTH are scrambled keys?! PLEASE enlighten me - what's with "algorithm aes-128-cbc" or "aes-cbc-128"? Is this even useful info? I notice it's been mentioned in multiple sites (shendo's blog first, probably)... What's "SHA"? Will this program called HashTab help me find anything I wanna know? It says it "provides OS extensions to calculate file hashes and supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RipeMD, HAVAL, and Whirlpool." Is that EVEN related to this? I know I probably sound like a total dummy, but I'm trying to get more familiar with the dev/programmer language! I'm familiar with code but certainly not this kind, just plain old html... You can probably guess how lost I am. Would it be illegal or something if you made a key generator for this? If not, then that's something I'd DEFINITELY want in the next version. I'd probably even pay you if it got me what I wanted. Like if you took all the keys and seeds known to be at least half-way related and put them in a program so maybe one day we'll get the right combo... Also, when attempting to have BC sign a .psv, should I overwrite a save I KNOW works or should I save as a new file everytime? Also, do I HAVE to have a BASCUS xxxxxxx whatever file or can it be named whatever I want? AND... Is THIS info getting me any closer? -> "This key is also used for signing content of the ISO.BIN.EDAT (decrypted form). The signature is located at the tail of the decrypted ISO.BIN.EDAT, its length is 0x28 bytes." <--  ???.. That confused me even more.. UGH, are the key / seed in their natural state or do we have to decrypt them? Oh and I do NOT understand the bit language, so if you would enlighten me about that as well, I'd appreciate it. Do you have any youtube videos where maybe you teach this stuff and it's not all in word form? Last but not least, are you Shendo too? lol


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1313 on: 2019-01-20 07:45:56 »
I basically had the same questions you did. And basically wanted to accomplish the same thing you are, see above.  I landed on buying a PSP for cheap on eBay and using the method described in the FAQ here. It doesn't involve a modding method that is permanent, so you can sell your PSP or safely do it on someone's PSP that you know.  It's the best known way to mod a save file and continue playing on the PS3 without too much hassle.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1314 on: 2019-01-21 12:26:45 »
@Trix I The format of your post makes it hard to read.
Hey Sithlord, I've read your previous posts about what's needed to get a .psv back into the ps3 and I get that you can't simply tell us what the key/seed combo is (even if you knew it you'd probably get in trouble for sharing it, so I understand)

If I knew them I wouldn't be asking users to enter them in the application. You have maybe missed the many times I've said here If you discover a working pair let me know so i can embed them.
Known Ps3 Keys:
Known Ps3 Seeds:
Psv files need to be named correctly its <gamename><hex for description> (i know the ps3 wiki says its a time code but that is not correct).
Scrambled keys are keys that are encrypted and need to be decrypted before they can be used.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1315 on: 2019-01-22 02:06:47 »
Dude, trust me, I've seen you post that multiple times lol. That's why I was asking in a different manner, so maybe I wouldn't get the same answer as everybody else ;) … I find it hard to believe that nobody's ever found a/the working combo... See, I don't even know if it's more than one that actually works!... Anyway, I thought you had mentioned before (probably years ago) getting the correct combo in a certain version of BC... so, somebody's gotta have it, right? I did a little bit of research so I answered a couple of my own questions, no worries about the algorithm thing at least.... I've already fooled with both sites, that's how I got so confused about keys... I've already tried to decrypt some, but then you need some other secret passwords, keys or whatever besides the IV thing and the algorithm...who knows what else, maybe money and your soul... Honestly I can't even tell if a damn key needs to be decrypted or if it already is... WILL the algorithm aes-128-cbc work to decrypt this like many people have said or is it possible it's something else? Which keys should I be trying to decrypt anyway, the 128 bit ones, I guess? Again, will you help me narrow it down somehow? Which ones can I definitely ignore?... That's about all I can stand to ask because this is getting pretty ridiculous for me.. I need to get back to my real responsibilities lol... Other than that, I could ask if anyone knows of a .psv save at the start of disc 2 or after the highwind - hopefully not much further - with everything you can possibly have by that time of the game including omnislash (if not, I can still get it myself) and the enemy skills I can't get thereafter? NOT with the chocobo stuff done.... Like I said, I'm just after the Umbrella and Flayer from the speed square. I'm exactly at the start of disc 2 but I think the Flayer is only available after the highwind, so if someone edited their game to have it before then, that's fine too as long as it's not extremely edited. My characters aren't super beefed up but they're around levels 45-50 and I also have every limit break you can get by this time of the game... I'd like Aerith to have learned her last limit if nothing else. Oh and I already did the Yuffie / stolen materia thing... but that's not as important as some of the other things. Any kind soul out there with a save like that?  I've read about the PSP method as well, Codemann... Is there a special version or generation of psp I would need? I'm not too familiar with them.  Will the file that it creates play on PS3? If nothing else works, I'll definitely try this :S


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1316 on: 2019-01-24 13:46:05 »
It's not about not sharing or protecting himself, dude. The reason the key and seed aren't included is because sithlord48 literally doesn't know what key and seed are needed. See he posted those lists of keys and seeds? Literally all we need is one from each list... but there are thousands of combinations between the two, and testing them is too slow for one person to realistically find the right one without a TON of luck, and there's no way at this point to automate trying those combinations.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1317 on: 2019-01-24 13:59:31 »
You will have better luck just playing the game until you have what you want


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1318 on: 2019-01-24 17:49:26 »
Well, look at it this way... I'm one of those just crazy enough to even try to understand this so then I can fool with a million keys to drive myself even crazier - I just wanted a bit of guidance. Sure, I could have been like "will someone here just please turn my crap into a .psv" but I wanted to answer the over-a-decade-long question... I guess I'm better off asking for the .psv though... But you're right, I can definitely get the 5000 points twice at the speed square someday. I just didn't really want to memorize the track after a hundred tries or so... Specially when I've already achieved this on my phone by slowing down the framerate lol.. I'm thinking of saying screw all this and play it all over on PS4 so I can cheat with the propeller glitch.... And Sithlord, I definitely think Black Chocobo is pretty genius. I just wish it worked for exporting .psv so I, as well as others, could appreciate all the work that's been put into it... I wasted like 2 hours of my life giving myself items on there, then just "corrupted" my copy so.. yeah, good thing it was just a copy! I didn't wanna be ungrateful and say it sucks because it doesn't, I wanted to help make it better... but it seems like everyone's kinda sleeping on this subject now since there are ways around.
« Last Edit: 2019-01-24 22:31:46 by Trix »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1319 on: 2019-01-24 17:55:57 »
Oh and btw, that's why I mentioned making sort of a keygen, Covarr. Only now Idk if things would have to be decrypted before using on a keygen.. idk if I make sense lol.
« Last Edit: 2019-01-24 22:23:46 by Trix »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1320 on: 2019-01-25 03:46:01 »
I've read about the PSP method as well, Codemann... Is there a special version or generation of psp I would need? I'm not too familiar with them.  Will the file that it creates play on PS3? If nothing else works, I'll definitely try this :S
I just bought the cheapest one I could find, all of them operate on the same firmware so it'll work on all.  A little research into the comparison of specs will help you figure out which one you like better.  And yes, how it works, you play primarily on the PS3, transfer the save onto the PSP, following the steps on the guide, then open the save file with the game on the PSP, save the file into the other slot but in the same spot (as it will overwrite the save in that spot, thinking ahead to when you move it to the PS3), then transfer it to the PS3, you can then resume playing.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1321 on: 2019-01-25 17:37:28 »
save the file into the other slot but in the same spot (as it will overwrite the save in that spot, thinking ahead to when you move it to the PS3)

I seriously thank you for the extra little details. I tend to overthink and I get hung up on these little issues sometimes. You've definitely been helpful to me, Codemann.

Trix... This isn't Star Trek - where decryption by a computer system takes one hour for the purposes of advancing the plot in the biased way a bad writer wants.

The real world doesn't work like that.

I must have missed that Star Trek episode. Oh yeah, I never watched any of them lol. More of a CLASSIC Star Wars fan here... Back in the day, that was like confusing me for an N'Sync fan when I was a Backstreet Boys fan... No I'm not gay, I'm a woman.. and yeah, yeah... I get you're joking - if there was an episode like that Star Trek would hate itself. Quite honestly though, your post confused me.

I'll just say that you're ALL making something that already seems impossible actually BE impossible by not helping someone like me (who has the time and patience) help you!!!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1322 on: 2019-01-25 19:37:46 »
Oh and btw, that's why I mentioned making sort of a keygen, Covarr. Only now Idk if things would have to be decrypted before using on a keygen.. idk if I make sense lol.
The issue isn't generating the save files with each different possible signature. That could be easily automated. The issue is actually testing them. Thus far, the only way we have of actually testing them is to generate a save file with a key/seed combination, pop it onto a USB stick, and try it. But with the public lists of keys and seeds, and no idea which combinations even need tested, we're literally looking at tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of possibilities. All of which need to be manually tested on a real PS3, one at a time. If you were to dedicate yourself to this like a fulltime job, you could still be at it for months if not years.

And that's assuming that the key and seed we need are even on those lists. It's quite possible that the numbers we need weren't among the dumped lists of keys and seeds, in which case we've just gone from months to centuries of manual human testing.

When it comes right down to it, it's just not feasible to find the answer with the information any of us currently have available. It's going to take someone with deeper familiarity with the PS3 itself and PS3 hacking that can examine the system software and particularly the system's built-in PS1 emulator and find the key in there. Unfortunately, that doesn't include any of us.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1323 on: 2019-01-25 20:47:39 »
The issue isn't generating the save files with each different possible signature. That could be easily automated. The issue is actually testing them.
Considering all you need to test them is to try and copy them, it wouldn't take THAT long...  maybe?.. With some luck?...If you had all the combos in one USB, even better, yeah?... but... IF I EVER found a file that wasn't "corrupted" and it worked, then how do I even know what key/seed I used for that particular save? Would I have to take special notes about every save or is there a way I could find out afterwards with BC or some other program?

And that's assuming that the key and seed we need are even on those lists.

I guess that serves as a good reason not to waste my time. I was pretty fearful of that already, so thank you for that. Not sure if I'll attempt this so idk why I keep asking questions, but maybe it'll serve as a spark to somebody :|
« Last Edit: 2019-01-25 20:49:17 by Trix »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.9.91)
« Reply #1324 on: 2019-02-01 12:29:48 »
That is the main issue Its a niche format on the ps3 that is only used for one thing that has nothing todo with ps3 games. Most people working on the PS3 want to learn PS3 related things for making homebrew (the PSV format is of no use here). If you hack your ps3 you can then copy the internal memory card files (vm1s ) to a usb stick and edit and place them back into the memory card folder on the ps3. Psv is just a transport format for ps2 and ps1 virtual memory card to ensure no one messes with the data inside. Honestly be happy we can read the saves and they didn't so some massive crypto bullshit like they do with the ps4 copy.. Honestly we will mosty likey see ps4 save support before psv writing has the keys / seed discovered. Since they copy process takes at least 1 minute per attempt and there a lot of keys.

If I had to guess what keys i would think it would be one of the Ps2 Keys but then you just have to match them with all the seeds .. maybe the Ps2 emulation specific Since those are used to generate ps2 cards this could be wrong since ps2 cards use magic gate and that uses encryption methods and needs seeds and keys to work . So that could just be specific to generating internal ps2 memory card files. Now the next set of seeds are the Syscon ones and it could be one of those too.. Honestly if you are really really into this you could try the ps2 keys with all the seeds. it shouldn't take to long. If you do any section and try all the seeds Let me know we will track it somewhere.