Hey Sithlord, I've read your previous posts about what's needed to get a .psv back into the ps3 and I get that you can't simply tell us what the key/seed combo is (even if you knew it you'd probably get in trouble for sharing it, so I understand) Therefore, I'll try to ask the right series of questions… I'm aware that there's other methods for achieving what I want but I don't own anything required to do so, such as a ps2. Black Chocobo is my last resort other than taking someone else's heavily edited saves, which I don't really want. I honestly just want that stupid Umbrella/Parasol and the Flayer weapon because I hate that stupid minigame with a passion... I know that's a small issue but I see that people have been wondering how to do this for almost a decade now. So I'll start with the questions:
What does the key actually LOOK like? What about the seed, too? Like, how many characters long is each one? How is each one spaced out? Better yet, can we just have an ideal example of both - key and seed - that would work for this purpose? I see "keys" that are long, some shorter, some say "key", some say other things, like "iv" and I get confused.
Which ones can I ignore? I just want to know that I'm looking for the right thing.
Plus, am I supposed to look for this key and seed IN hex or do I TURN them into that? I see "Input in HEX" so I have to ask. No idea how you'd turn one into hex but I'm just trying to get a clue about what I need to do to figure it out myself.
WTH are scrambled keys?! PLEASE enlighten me - what's with "algorithm aes-128-cbc" or "aes-cbc-128"? Is this even useful info? I notice it's been mentioned in multiple sites (shendo's blog first, probably)...
What's "SHA"? Will this program called HashTab help me find anything I wanna know? It says it "provides OS extensions to calculate file hashes and supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RipeMD, HAVAL, and Whirlpool." Is that EVEN related to this? I know I probably sound like a total dummy, but I'm trying to get more familiar with the dev/programmer language! I'm familiar with code but certainly not this kind, just plain old html... You can probably guess how lost I am.
Would it be illegal or something if you made a key generator for this? If not, then that's something I'd DEFINITELY want in the next version. I'd probably even pay you if it got me what I wanted. Like if you took all the keys and seeds known to be at least half-way related and put them in a program so maybe one day we'll get the right combo... Also, when attempting to have BC sign a .psv,
should I overwrite a save I KNOW works or should I save as a new file everytime? Also,
do I HAVE to have a BASCUS xxxxxxx whatever file or can it be named whatever I want? AND...
Is THIS info getting me any closer? -> "This key is also used for signing content of the ISO.BIN.EDAT (decrypted form). The signature is located at the tail of the decrypted ISO.BIN.EDAT, its length is 0x28 bytes." <-- 
.. That confused me even more.. UGH,
are the key / seed in their natural state or do we have to decrypt them? Oh and I do NOT understand the bit language, so if you would enlighten me about that as well, I'd appreciate it.
Do you have any youtube videos where maybe you teach this stuff and it's not all in word form? Last but not least, are you Shendo too? lol